2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 82
Sofi Siti Selviyanti ◽  
Ichwanuddin Ichwanuddin ◽  
Judiono Judiono ◽  
Suparman Suparman ◽  
Dife Nur Tiara

School children are the most rapid growth period after toddlers. Knowledge of nutrition plays an important role in determining the degree of public health. So to increase knowledge, nutrition counseling is needed with interesting media, one of them is flashcard. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of nutritional counseling using flashcard media on the knowledge of the general message of balanced nutrition in fifth grade students of SDN Cikoneng 1 and SDN H. Agus Salim. The research design used was quasi experiment with a pre-test and post-test control group design. The study was conducted on fifth grade students of Cikoneng 1 Elementary School as a treatment group, amounting to 23 people and SDN H. Agus Salim as a control group of 46 people. The sampling technique is total sampling. Counseling was carried out for 30 minutes then given flashcard games in the treatment group and the control group using leaflets. Analysis of the data used is the t-Dependent test and Man Whitney test. The results of the study in the treatment and control groups showed significant differences in the value of knowledge before and after counseling with each p value (p = 0,000). Flashcard media is more effective in increasing knowledge in students (p = 0,000). Schools are expected to be able to forward the flashcard media and disseminate information about the General Message of Balanced Nutrition. Keywords: Extension, Flashcard, General Message Balanced Nutrition

Risnah . ◽  
Veni Hadju ◽  
Ida L. Maria ◽  
Werna Nontji ◽  
Imam Sofingi ◽  

Background: Malnutrition in children is a complex health problem that involves all health profession for handling it. Profession collaboration training is expected to increase the knowledge of health workers about profession collaboration on the malnutrition handling. The study aim was to assess the changing of profession collaboration knowledge on the malnutrition handling cases before and after training among health worker in Jeneponto district.Methods: We used Quasi experiment design with pre-test and post-test control group design in this study. The treatment group was given a module and training, while the control group was only given a module. Sampling technique was stratified random sampling. The knowledge measurement was conducted on baseline (pre-test), after training (post-test 1), and a month after training (post-test 2).Results: Friedman test showed that there was difference knowledge average about malnutrition before and after training in treatment group (p=0.006) and control group (p=0.006). In Wilcoxon analysis shows that there was a change of knowledge on before and after intervention (p=0.010) and knowledge on before and a month after intervention (p=0.013) in the treatment group. In Mann Whitney analysis shown that there was difference of knowledge between treatment group and control group (p=0.025) on pretest. But, there were no difference knowledge between treatment group and control group on post 1 (p=0.768) and post 2 (p = 0.206).Conclusions: Health education by training increased knowledge level about profession collaborassion on the malnutrition among health workers in Jeneponto district.

2009 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 46-61
Geoffrey K. Leigh ◽  
Cynthia Robinson ◽  
Steven Bernard Hollingsworth

Building on the increasing number of programs designed to enhance brain development, a program developed in Korea, Brain Respiration, was adapted to a school in Nevada. Classes were offered twice weekly to a class of fourth and fifth grade students with control group classes assessed in the same school. Self-report surveys, teacher observations, and standardized reading and math scores were used to determine effects of the program on the students. Some differences were found in the pretest for the survey and the observation, with control groups scoring higher. There were differences in some post-test scores, with treatment group children scoring higher when differences did occur. There also were differences in the reading and math scores, with control groups scoring higher than the overall treatment group, but not higher when compared to those actively participating in the program. Such differences are discussed as well as other issues possibly influencing the effects.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 122
Ni Komang Amelia Kartadi

This study aimed at investigating of the effect of using word family game committed by the fifth grade student in SD Negeri 1 Astina in mastering the English vocabulary. This study was True-Experimental with post-test only control group design. The population was 59 students of the fifth grade and the sample was selected by using cluster random sampling. The sample of this research study was 22 students in 5A as an Experimental Group while 22 students in 5B as a Control Group. The experimental group was taught by using Word Family Game and control group was taught without using Word Family Game. The data was analyzed descriptively and inferentially through SPSS 16.0 Program. Descriptively, the students in experimental group were achieved better than the students in control group. It was proven by the result of the mean score of the experimental group was 90.45, while the mean score of control group was 83.18. The result of the t-test also showed that the score of the (tobs) was 3.393 which the score of (tcv) was 1.682 which based on the degree of freedom was 42. It showed that the (tobs) > (tcv), where: 3.393 > 1.682. It could be concluded that the word family game had a significant effect on the students’ vocabulary mastery rather than using conventional teaching. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 139-144
Widiyanti Sarimunadi ◽  
Bunga Tiara Carolin ◽  
Rosmawaty Lubis

ABSTRACT: SEFT THERAPY (SPIRITUAL EMOTIONAL FREEDOM TECHNIQUE) FOR ANXIETY IN DEALING WITH LABORBackground: If the concern and anxiety of pregnant women is not handled seriously, it will have an impact and influence on physical and psychological aspects, both on the mother and the fetus. Pregnant women who experience anxiety in the face of labor are afraid of being operated on, afraid of spending a lot of money, fear of not being able to care for their babies properly, fear of their baby dying, fear of pain during delivery. One of the techniques for dealing with anxiety is SEFT therapy.Objective: to determine the effect of Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique (SEFT) on anxiety in dealing with labor process.Methodology: this research is a quasi-experimental design with pre and post-test with control group design. The sample in this study was 25 trimester III pregnant women. The sampling technique was using purposive sampling technique. The research instrument used the DASS 42 questionnaire. The results of the data normality test were normally distributed so that the data were analyzed using the paired t-test.Results: The results showed that the average score of maternal anxiety before therapy was 13.48 (moderate) while after therapy was 7.88 (normal). The bivariate test results obtained p value 0,000.Conclusions: Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique (SEFT) can overcome the anxiety of pregnant women in facing labor.Suggestions: It is hoped that this therapy can be applied in the practice of midwifery to care for pregnant women, especially pregnant women who experience trauma or have anxiety in their pregnancy. Keywords: anxiety, pregnant women, spiritual emotional freedom technique. ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Kekhawatiran dan kecemasan pada ibu hamil apabila tidak ditangani dengan serius akan membawa dampak dan pengaruh terhadap fisik dan psikis, baik pada ibu maupun janin. Ibu hamil yang mengalami kecemasan dalam menghadapi persalinan disebabkan karena ibu takut dioperasi, takut akan mengeluarkan biaya yang banyak, takut tidak bisa merawat bayinya dengan baik, takut bayinya meninggal, takut kesakitan saat persalinan. Salah satu teknik untuk menghadapi kecemasan adalah denga terapi SEFT.Tujuan: Mengetahui pengaruh Terapi Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique (SEFT) terhadap kecemasan dalam menghadapi persalinan.Metodologi penelitian: Penelitian ini merupakan quasi-experimental dengan rancangan pre and post test with control group design. Sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 25 ibu hamil trimester III. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan kuesioner DASS 42. Hasil uji normalitas data berdistribusi normal sehingga dianalisis data menggunakan uji paired t-test.Hasil Penelitian: Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa skor rata-rata kecemasan ibu sebelum terapi 13,48 (Sedang) sedangkan sesudah terapi menjadi 7,88 (normal). Hasil uji bivariate didapatkan p value 0,000.Kesimpulan: Terapi Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique (SEFT) mampu mengatasi kecemasan ibu hamil dalam menghadapi persalinan.Saran: Diharapkan terapi ini dapat diaplikasikan dalam praktik kebidanan perawatan ibu hamil khususnya ibu hamil yang mengalami trauma atau mempunyai kecemasan dalam kehamilannya. Kata kunci: Kecemasan, ibu hamil, Terapi Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique

2018 ◽  
Vol 42 ◽  
pp. 00014
Andarini Permata Cahyaningtyas ◽  
Ali Mustadi

The purposes of this study are to find out the effect of REAP strategy on reading comprehension of the fifth grade elementary students of third cluster of Kotagede Yogyakarta. The research method in this study was quasi-experimental with Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. The population was all of fifth grade elementary students of third cluster of Kotagede Yogyakarta. The sample was fifth grade students of SD Baluwarti, SD Kotagede 1, and SD Kotagede 5 Yogyakarta that were establised by cluster random sampling technique. The data were collected using tests. The validity of the instrument was measured in terms of content and construct validity. The reliability of the instrument was stated good with the score of Cronbach’s Alpha = 0,734. The data of this study were analized by independent sample t-test and Manova with Hotteling’s Trace formula. The result showed that REAP strategy gave a positive and significant effect on reading comprehension that is proved by the score of t-test = 4,914 and 3,286 with sig = 0,000 and 0,002. Based on the result, it can be concluded that REAP strategy gives positive and significant effect on reading comprehension of the fifth grade elementary students of third cluster of Kotagede Yogyakarta.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 315
Desak Made Ari Dwi Jayanti ◽  
Ni Kadek Yuni Lestari

<p><em>Family psychoeducation is a family therapy that combines clinical interventions to increase family understanding in order to improve the health of people with mental disorders. The purpose of this study<strong> </strong>was to determine the effect of family psychoeducation on the role of the family caring for people with mental disorders. This study used a Quasi Experiment design: pre-test and post-test Control Group Design. The sample was taken by using purposive sampling. The sample was 20 people in the control group and 20 people in the treatment group. The analysis test used was the Wilcoxon sign test (intra-group) and the Mann Whitney (inter-group) test. The  intra-group analysis test in the pre and post-test for the control group obtained p value = 0.517 which means there is no difference, while the treatment group obtained p value = 0.004 which means there is a difference. Inter-group analysis test of the treatment group and the control group obtained p value = 0.008, which means that there is an effect of family psychoeducation on the role of families in caring for people with mental disorders. Family psychoeducation can be applied to families with mentally disorders people.</em></p>

Jurnal NERS ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 66
Nyoman Sudja ◽  
Meirina Meirina

Introduction: Increasing age in pre-senile, causes a deterioration abilities and physical changes, including the cardiovascular system. Blood vessels lose their elasticity thus be increased peripheral vascular resistance that results in hypertension. This study aims to gain an idea of the effect on the ability of pre-senile people’s psychoeducation in the management of hypertension. Method: Quasi-experimental, the pre-post test with control group design, psychoeducation intervention with a sample size of 72 people . Result: The results showed signifi cant difference of pre-aged knowledge and behavior before and after getting psychoeducation intervention in the intervention group (p-value = 0.000 knowledge, and behaviors = 0.000) . Whereas in the control group there was no difference in knowledge (p-value = 0.896), but there are signifi cant differences in behavior of pre-senile people (p-value = 0.049). There are differences in knowledge and behavior after they were given psychoeducation intervention (post-test ) in the intervention group and the control group (p-value = 0.001 knowledge , behavior=0.018). Discussion: Psychoeducation had effect on the ability of pre-senile in the management of hypertension, so this program can be applied to groups of Posbindu for pre-senile people throughout the areas of the city of Bogor.Key words: psychoeducation, skills, pre-senile, hypertension

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 140
Dinda Puspita ◽  
Dwi Yati

Nyeri yang disebabkan oleh sectio caesarea pada umumnya akan terasa hingga beberapa hari. Rasa nyeri tersebut biasanya dirasakan meningkat pada hari pertama post operasi sectio caesarea dan akan semakin terasa apabila pengaruh dari analgesik hilang. Manajemen untuk mengatasi nyeri dapat dilakukan dengan cara non-farmakologi menggunakan aromaterapi. Tujuan Penelitian  mengetahui pengaruh aromaterapi lavender terhadap nyeri post partum sectio caesarea. Metode penelitian merupakan kuantitatif menggunakan desain quasi experiment dengan pendekatan pre test and post test non equivalent control group design yang dilakukan dari bulan Agustus–September 2020. Teknik pengambilan sampel secara consecutive sampling dengan jumlah 22 ibu postpartum sectio caesarea di Ruang Alamanda 3 RSUD Panembahan Senopati Bantul. Uji statistik menggunakan Chi-Square. Hasil: Sebagian besar ibu postpartum sectio caesarea memiliki tingkat nyeri sebelum diberikan aromaterapi lavender pada kategori sedang (4-6) sebanyak 12 orang (54.5%). Setelah dilakukan pemberian aromaterapi lavender memiliki tingkat nyeri ringan (1-3) sebanyak 16 orang (72.7%). Terdapat perbedaan rerata tingkat nyeri ibu postpartum sectio caesarea sebelum dan setelah pemberian aromaterapi lavender dengan nilai mean 0.121, standar deviasi 0.568 dan nilai p-value sebesar 0,000 (p value<0,05).Kesimpulan: Ada pengaruh sebelum dan setelah pemberian aromaterapi lavender terhadap nyeri postpartum sectio caesareadi Ruang Alamanda 3 RSUD Panembahan Senopati Bantul. Kata Kunci: nyeri  postpartum; sectio caesarea; aromaterapi lavender.LAVENDER AROMATERAPY EFFECT ON POSTPARTUM SECTIO CAESAREA PAIN AT PANEMBAHAN SENOPATI HOSPITAL OF BANTUL   ABSTRACT Pain caused by section caesarea are generally felt for several days. The pain is usually felt on the first day of post caesarean section surgery and will be more painful when the effect of analgesic has gone. One of the ways in pain management is non-pharmacological therapy using lavender aromatherapy. This study aim was to determine the effectiveness of lavender aromatherapy on postpartum sectio caesarea mother at  Panembahan Senopati General Hospital of  Bantul. The study used a quasi experimental design with pre test and post test approach non equivalent control group design. This research was conducted from August until September 2020. The research sampling methods used consecutive sampling with a total of 22 postpartum sectio caesarea mothers in the Alamanda 3 room of Panembahan Senopati General Hospital of Bantul. Data analysis used chi square test. Most of the postpartum sectio Caesarea mothers had a level of pain before being given aromatherapy (pre test) in a moderate category (4-6) as much as 12 people (54.5%). After being given lavender aromatherapy had a mild category (1-3) as much as 16 people (72.7%). There is an influence between the level of pain in postpartum mother with section caesarea before and after giving lavender aromatherapy with a mean value of 0.121, standard deviation of 0.568 and a p-value of 0.000 (p value< 0,05). There is an effetiveness before and after being given lavender aromatherapy on postpartum sectio caesarea pain in the Alamanda 3 room at Panembahan Senopati General Hospital of Bantul. Keyword : Postpartum pain; sectio caesarea; lavender aromatherapy

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 60
Farida Farida ◽  
Hesti Permata Sari ◽  
Afina Rachma Sulistyaning ◽  
Ibnu Zaki

<p><em>The study was aimed to analyze the effect of nutritional education on attitude changes and increased of macronutrients and water intake in scout teenagers. The study was quasi-experimental with pre- and post-test control group design. The treatment group was given nutritional education four times during one month. Pre-test was conducted a week before intervention and post-test was conducted a week after intervention. Subjects were all members of Saka Bhayangkara and Saka Wira Kartika Scout. The result showed that nutritional education was significant improved median value of attitude score and increased (p &lt;0,05). macronutrients intake in treatment group. The average of macronutrients intake in treatment group, before and after intervention were 1137,8±178,7 Kcal and 1490,4± 206,6 Kcal/day for energy; 40,4 ± 9,8 g/day and 60,8 ± 9,3g/day for protein; 38,5 ± 12,6 g/day and 59,3 ± 9,4 g/day for fat; 155,6 ± 29,5 g/day and 177,6 ± 33,5 g/day for carbohydrates; 782,4±347,7 mL and 834,6±383,2 mL for water. Nutritional education improved nutrition attitudes and increased macro-nutrient intake among scout.</em></p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 85
Kuswati Kuswati ◽  
Rohmi Handayani

Dates are a good source of nutrition for the body if consumed regularly both in the form of dried fruit, wet, as well as in the form of palm juice extracts, especially for pregnant and maternal mothers. Pregnant women who are going to give birth are in desperate need of drinks and foods that are rich in sugar, this is because of the many contractions of the uterine muscles when it comes to removing the baby, especially if it takes a long time. Dates contain potuchin hormone which functions to bind the uterus and muscles of the uterus so that it can help reduce postpartum bleeding. Besides, there is the hormone oxytocin which can help stimulate contractions in the muscles of the uterus so as to facilitate labor. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of consumption of dates on bleeding, length of labor and type of labor. This type of research is a Pre experiment with a post-test Only Control Group Design research design. The population in this study were all pregnant women in the working area of South Klaten Public Health Center with estimated deliveries from July to September 2018. While the sample size was 60 samples consisting of 30 treatment group respondents and 30 control group respondents. The sampling technique used in this study was Quota sampling. Data analysis using Fisher Exact test and Mann-Whitney U test with p-value considered significant is p = 0.05. The results of the study of bleeding showed that there were no significant differences in the estimation of blood loss and during labor and type of delivery between the treatment group and the control group (p-value = 0.5). The results of the study about the length of labor showed that there was an effect of date consumption on the length of labor, with a value of p = 0,000

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