scholarly journals Analysis of the fault geometry of a Cenozoic salt-related fault close to the D-1 well, Danish North Sea

1995 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
pp. 85-99
Ole R Clausen ◽  
Kenneth Petersen ◽  
John A Korstgård

A normal detaching fault in the Norwegian-Danish Basin around the D-1 well (the D-1 fault) has been mapped using seismic sections. The fault has been analysed in detail by constructing backstripped-decompacted sections across the fault, contoured displacement diagrams along the fault, and vertical displacement maps. The result shows that the listric D-1 fault follows the displacement patterns for blind normal faults. Deviations from the ideal displacement pattern is suggested to be caused by salt-movements, which is the main driving mechanism for the faulting. Zechstein salt moves primarily from the hangingwall to the footwall and is superposed by later minor lateral flow beneath the footwall. Backstripping of depth-converted and decompacted sections results in an estimation of the saltsurface and the shape of the fault through time. This procedure then enables a simple modelling of the hangingwall deformation using a Chevron model with hangingwall collapse along dipping surfaces. The modelling indicates that the fault follows the salt surface until the Middle Miocene after which the offset on the fault also may be accommodated along the Top Chalk surface.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Sukonmeth Jitmahantakul ◽  
Jirapat Phetheet ◽  
Pitsanupong Kanjanapayont

The Wichianburi Sub-basin is currently the only productive area in the southern part of the Phetchabun Basin, central Thailand. It is structurally dominated by NNW-SSE to NNE-SSW trending normal faults as a result of multistage rifting since the Late Oligocene. Half-graben and full-graben basin geometries can be observed from 2D regional seismic sections. In this study, structural restoration techniques were applied to validate the structural interpretation of the original hardcopy of the 2D seismic sections. Stratigraphic information is compiled from published papers and well reports. Our results revealed that most of the deformation was concentrated during the Late Oligocene. Main depocenters for the syn-rift sediments focused in the basin center along the west-dipping normal faults. These faults cut the prerift section and their orientations were possibly controlled by the Permo-Triassic fabrics that underlie the Phetchabun Basin. By measuring the length of the profiles before and after faulting, the restorations show that the extensions of the Wichianburi Subbasin decrease from 12.30% during the main rift phase (Late Oligocene to Early Miocene) to 2.53% during the second phase of rifting. Rifting only focused in the basin center with the development of NNW-SSE to N-S trending intrarift faults. Since the Middle Miocene, the Wichianburi Subbasin has developed under the tectonic phase of post-rift subsidence with interruption by intrusive activities.

1968 ◽  
Vol 72 (687) ◽  
pp. 245-246 ◽  
P. C. Dunne

It is generally accepted that the displacement patterns chosen to represent the deformation of a finite element should be such that there is complete compatibility with adjacent elements. Although some writers have doubted the necessity for the complete satisfaction of compatibility away from the reference nodes, provided the displacement pattern is capable of assuming certain uniform strain states, the desirability of complete compatibility is not in question. The displacement fields suggested in this note satisfy complete compatibility.

GeoArabia ◽  
2003 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-124 ◽  
Adel R Moustafa ◽  
Ati Saoudi ◽  
Alaa Moubasher ◽  
Ibrahim M Ibrahim ◽  
Hesham Molokhia ◽  

ABSTRACT An integrated surface mapping and subsurface study of the Bahariya Depression aided the regional subsurface interpretation. It indicated that four major ENE-oriented structural belts overlie deep-seated faults in this part of the ‘tectonically stable’ area of Egypt. The rocks of the Bahariya area were deformed in the Late Cretaceous, post-Middle Eocene, and Middle Miocene-and subsurface data indicated an early Mesozoic phase of normal faulting. The Late Cretaceous and post-Middle Eocene deformations reactivated the early normal faults by oblique slip and formed a large swell in the Bahariya region. The crest was continuously eroded whereas its peripheries were onlapped by Maastrichtian and Tertiary sediments. The tectonic evolution of the Bahariya region shows great similarity to the deformation of the ‘tectonically unstable’ area of the northern Western Desert where several hydrocarbon fields have been discovered. This similarity may indicate that the same phases of deformation could extend to other basins lying in the ‘tectonically stable’ area, such as the Asyut, Dakhla, Nuqura, and El Misaha basins.

2011 ◽  
Vol 462-463 ◽  
pp. 801-806 ◽  
Abreeza Manap

A mathematical model of the longitudinal flexibility of a continuously welded railway track and the methodology for the analysis of the longitudinal displacement of rails under the effects of passing trains is developed to investigate the longitudinal behavior of rails. The purpose of this analysis is to explore the changes of longitudinal stress distribution in the rails due to mechanical loading applied by a travelling train. A half track system is used to derive the equations required to obtain the magnitude of deflection and force of rails and these values are scaled to produce the displacement pattern using the method of superposition. The mathematical model is translated into MATLAB and validation of the program is verified through comparisons of displacement patterns generated by a computer software LONGIN. Analysis of a straight track due to train braking was performed over a track length of 1000 m. The longitudinal displacement obtained showed that maximum longitudinal displacement occur in the middle of the track at the distance of 570 m which is in direct agreement with the published result.

Luhut Pardamean Siringoringo ◽  
Dardji Noeradi

Northern part of Masalima Trench Basin is located in the southern part of the Strait of Makassar, which includes Masalima Trough and Massalima High. The area of research is an extension of the South Makassar Basin which extends from South Makassar Basin to the Northeast part of Java Sea. Subsurface data are used such as 2D seismic sections (21 lines) and data drilling wells (2 wells) to understand the tectonic structure in the basin formation and understand the stratigraphic order of basin. Based on well data can be known that Northern part Masalima Trench Basin is aborted rift because marked by post rift phase. Northern part Masalima Trench Basin was formed by normal faults which have trend northeast-southwest with  pre rift, early syn rift, late syn rift, and post rift sediment geometry. Early syn rift sediment was Middle Eocene, late syn rift sediment was Middle Eocene till Early Oligocene and post rift sediment was Early Oligocene till Early Miocene. The Depositional environment of early syn rift phase such as beach, shallow marine, and land. The Depositional environment of late syn rift phase such as beach till deep marine, and the depositional environment of post rift is deep marine.

2017 ◽  
Vol 47 (2) ◽  
pp. 498
K.E. Bradley ◽  
E. Vassilakis ◽  
B.P. Weiss ◽  
L.H. Royden

Consistently shallow paleomagnetic inclinations measured in Early to Middle Miocene lacustrine and dacitic volcanic rocks of the Kymi-Aliveri basin have been cited as evidence for an anomalous geomagnetic field geometry or northward drift of the Aegean Sea region. We present new paleomagnetic data from the lacustrine beds that are instead not anomalously shallow and consistent with deposition near their present-day latitude as predicted by global apparent polar wander paths. Anomalously shallow inclinations and easterly declinations reported from the Oxylithos volcanics are an artifact of an inappropriate tilt correction. The excessively shallow paleomagnetic inclinations reported from the deformed Middle Miocene plutons on Mykonos and Naxos are consistent with reorientation of an original thermoremanent magnetization acquired during cooling below 580°C by subsequent ductile strain at temperatures of 400-500°C. Magnetization overprints observed in these rocks may reflect the acquisition of a stable chemical remanent magnetization lying parallel to the transposed high-temperature magnetization as the result of low-temperature (<350°C) maghemitization. We therefore find no convincing evidence for an anomalous Middle Miocene field geometry, northward drift of the Aegean, or back-tilting of the low-angle normal faults that constitute the North Cycladic Detachment System.

2018 ◽  
Vol 40 (1) ◽  
pp. 309 ◽  
G. Α. Georgiadis ◽  
M. D. Tranos ◽  
D. M. Mountrakis

The boundary between Internal Hellenides and the Hellenic hinterland is exposed in the southern part of the Athos peninsula as a NE-SW trending contact between the Serbomacedonian massif and the Circum-Rhodope Belt. The main tectonic features and deformation of the area during late- and post-alpine times have been investigated in order to understand better the late orogenic processes that led to the present arrangement of this boundary. The field study showed that the prevailing structures in the southern Athos peninsula are an asymmetric, SW-plunging, NWverging mega-scale antiform and a NE-SW striking left-lateral shear zone. These structures are the result of a transpressional deformation that initiated at least since the Eocene under ductile, syn-metamorphic (low-greenschist fades) conditions and progressively changed during the Oligocene-Early Miocene to brittle conditions with E-W striking reverse faults-thrusts and NNW-SSE striking right-lateral and NESW striking left-lateral strike-slip faults. This deformation waned in Middle Miocene changing to transtension with E- W striking, left-lateral strike-slip and NW-SE rightlateral oblique to normal faults. Since the Late Miocene an extensional regime dominates the area with the least principal stress axis (σ3) orientated NE-SW during Late Miocene - Pliocene andN-Sfrom Early Pleistocene -present

1977 ◽  
Vol 14 (6) ◽  
pp. 1374-1401 ◽  
J. Wm. Kerr

Cornwallis Fold Belt is a north-trending anticlinorium more than 650 km (400 mi) long, that extends from the Precambrian Shield to the Sverdrup Basin. It is the folded and faulted sedimentary suprastructure that overlies Precambrian crystalline basement rocks of the Boothia Horst. The horst and fold belt represent lower and intermediate levels of the Boothia Uplift. Evolution of the Cornwallis Fold Belt includes two phases, formation and modification.Formation. The basic structure of the Cornwallis Belt, a relatively simple, steep-sided, north-plunging anticlinorium, was formed in the interval from Proterozoic to Late Devonian time during several discrete phases of deformation that involved a similar stress pattern. These phases can be attributed to pulses of differential vertical uplift of the underlying Boothia Horst. The earliest phases involved periods of gentle arching of the crystalline basement and sedimentary cover in late Proterozoic and early Paleozoic times. The fold belt was formed mainly by the Cornwallis Disturbance (new name) which involved further differential vertical uplift, and comprised several pulses: (1) Early Silurian, mild, affecting only part of the belt; (2) Early Devonian, very strong, affecting the entire belt; (3) late Early Devonian, moderately strong, affecting the entire belt; (4) Late Devonian, moderately strong, affecting the entire belt. Each pulse was a cycle that began with uplift and erosion of the fold belt and shedding of detritus into the adjacent basins, and was followed by broader regional subsidence and the resumption of deposition on the belt. Between pulses of uplift there was regional subsidence, during which the fold belt subsided less than the flanking basins and received less sediments.Differential vertical displacement originated in the crystalline basement, occurring along fault zones that define the Boothia Horst, and are parallel to and controlled by a steep to vertical north-trending foliation. Faults extend into the sedimentary suprastructure comprising the overlying Cornwallis Fold Belt, and change gradually upward from vertical faults to high-angle reverse faults, overturned anticlines, and finally to asymmetric anticlines. Because the fold belt plunges north, this gradational sequence occurs from south to north in the exposed part of the fold belt. Structures formed by early pulses were rejuvenated by later pulses with the same sense of movement.Modification. The basic structure of the Cornwallis Fold Belt was modified by other types of deformation during the interval from Late Devonian to the present. Many of the preexisting faults were reactivated, but with a different sense of movement. During the Late Devonian to Middle Pennsylvanian Ellesmerian Orogeny, southward overriding of upper levels of the sedimentary succession produced folds in the rocks east and west of the Cornwallis Fold Belt which had not been previously deformed and could easily be displaced southward on an underlying décollement surface. The north-trending Cornwallis Fold Belt, however, was an obstacle to southward overriding in which the effects of overriding were reduced. Zones of interference structures developed near the margins, guided by older basement-controlled structures. Left-lateral faults were developed on the western margin and right-lateral movement is probable on the eastern margin.The Cornwallis Fold Belt extends an unknown distance northward beneath the younger rocks of the Sverdrup Basin. These younger rocks were deposited during a long period of northward downwarping that began in mid-Mississippian time. This same downwarping caused an abrupt increase in the northward plunge of the fold belt.During the Cretaceous–Tertiary Eurekan Rifting Episode the Cornwallis Fold Belt was fragmented by block faulting. The horsts form islands, and the grabens form submarine channels, some of which contain thick sections of semiconsolidated Cretaceous–Tertiary sediments. Numerous other normal faults that occur within the fold belt probably formed at this time. Cretaceous–Tertiary faults within the Cornwallis Fold Belt have a rectilinear pattern that was inherited from preexisting structures.

2021 ◽  
B. Sapiie

Based on the observations of subsurface and bathymetric maps, various structural patterns are observed in the Tarakan Basin, especially in the Tarakan and Tidung Sub-basins. One of the hypotheses put forward in this study that the gravity-driven mechanism is responsible to generate the normal faults system and folds -thrust belt in the offshore Tarakan Basin. We conducted an integrated study using palinspatic reconstructions of several seismic sections and an analogue-sandbox modeling to observe and explain this gravity-driven. The deformation modeling, which is controlled by gravity requires special conditions that can trigger the movement. The three main parameters that cause gravity deformation to occur are lithology, loading, and slope. In the case of the Tarakan Basin, modeling was carried out by referring to the results of 2D-seismic palinspatic reconstructions. Besides, the additional information as a basis for modeling is also based on the current topographic and bathymetric data. The tectonic reconstruction is used as a reference for paleo-stress data. In theory, one of the factors determining the occurrence of this mechanism is the presence of detachment. This detachment manifests the over-pressure fluid anomaly in the rock, such as over-pressure shale and salt layers. To simulate the conditions that may closely be like the behavior in this detachment, bead materials were selected in the sandbox modeling. Twenty-two experiments were conducted to test the bead as the materials in this modeling, and more than thirty experiments were carried out to model this case. From more than ten realizations, the model with the closest results to seismic interpretation and palinspastic analyses were chosen. From the results of experiments that have been conducted, the development of thrust faults related to the development of normal faults. This evidence is in line with the deformation of gravity-driven mechanism.

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