2020 ◽  
pp. 158-160
Салтанат Кошалиева

Аннотация: Бул макалада мектеп жашына чейинки балдардын ден соолугун чыңдоодо оюн технологиясын пайдалануунун өзгөчөлүктөрү талкууланат. Метепке чейинки курак баланын дене-бой жана психикалык ден соолугунун пайдубалын түптөөнүн чечүүчү этабы болуп саналат. Бул мезгилде органдардын ургаалдуу өнүгүшү жана организмдин функциялык системасынын калыптанышы жүрүүдө. Акыркы жылдары мектепке чейинки балдардын ден соолугунун начарлаганы туруктуу тенденцияга айланып, оорулуу балдардын саны көбөйүүдө. Мектеп жашына чейинки балдардын психикалык жана сүйлөө жөндөмдөрүн оюн аркылуу жакшыртып, жаңы механизмдерин иштеп чыгуу жагы каралган. Бала бакчанын негизги милдети - баланы өз алдынча жашоого даярдоо, жакшы адаттарга багыттоо менен тарбиялоо иши макалада каралган. Түйүндүү сөздөр: Ден соолук, бала бакчада, дене тарбия, элдик оюндар, тарбиялоо, ден соолукту чыңдоо, иш пландар, жаш муундар, коюлган талаптар, педагогикалык шарттар. Аннотация: В данной статье рассматриваются особенности использования игровых технологий в оздоровлении дошкольников. Дошкольный возраст является решающим этапом в формировании фундамента физического и психического здоровья ребенка. В этот период идет интенсивное развитие органов и становление функциональных систем организма. Наметившаяся в последние годы устойчивая тенденция ухудшения здоровья дошкольников, увеличение количества детей с нарушениями психического и речевого развития, диктует необходимость поиска механизмов, позволяющая изменить эту ситуацию. Основная задача детского сада - подготовить ребенка к самостоятельной жизни, дав ему для этого необходимые умения, навыки, воспитав определенные привычки. Сегодня в дошкольных учреждениях уделяется большое внимание здоровье сберегающим технологиям, которые направлены на решение самой главной задачидошкольного образования – сохранить, поддержать и обогатить здоровье детей. Ключевые слова: Здоровье, детский сад, физическое воспитание, народные подвижные игры, физические упражнения, общеобразовательная школа, учащиеся, воспитание, оздоровление, подрастающее поколение, предъявляемые требования, педагогические условия, теория и практика физического воспитания, подвижные игры. Abstract: This article discusses the features of the use of game technologies in the rehabilitation of preschoolers. Preschool age is a crucial stage in the formation of the Foundation of physical and mental health of the child. During this period there is an intensive development of organs and the formation of functional systems of the body. The steady tendency of deterioration of health of preschool children outlined in recent years, increase in number of children with violations of mental and speech development, dictates need of search of the mechanisms allowing to change this situation. The main task of the kindergarten is to prepare the child for independent life, giving him the necessary skills, bringing up certain habits. Today, preschool institutions pay great attention to health-saving technologies, which are aimed at solving the most important task of preschool education – to preserve, support and enrich the health of children. Key words: Health, kindergarten, physical education, folk outdoor games, physical exercises, secondary school, students, education, rehabilitation, the younger generation, the requirements, pedagogical conditions, theory and practice of physical education, out-door games.

Alla Zaliznyak

The article examines the means of physical education. The author analyzed the programs of physical education, where specific objectives and content of physical education of children of preschool age were determined. The research proves that the physical education of children in institutions of preschool education cannot be spontaneous or disorganized. Successful completion of the objectives of physical education depends on the following combination of different physical means: physical activities, hygienic factors and healing forces of nature. It is introduced by the author that healing forces of nature (air, the Sun, water) are widely-used to strengthen the health and body of a child.Strengthening of the health and body in everyday life is facilitated by rationally selected clothes, shoes, bedding; optimal temperature; regular aeration; use of cool water for washing hands, face, mouth and throat rinsing.The importance of hygienic factors that increase the effectiveness of the impact of exercise on the human body is outlined. All parts and systems of the body develop better when the premises where they exercise meet the standards of hygiene and proper nutrition is organized. The fact of failure to meet the requirements of cleanliness of the premises, area, sports equipment, toys, clothing and footwear can cause various diseases in children and reduce the positive impact of exercise. Moreover, the use of physical means of physical education in the lifestyle of children will not only promote their physical development but also intensify mental work in the learning process.The findings confirm that successful physical education of children depends on the quality of the use of physical education in the pedagogical process of preschool education. Keywords: physical education; physical development; means of physical education; healing forces of nature; hygienic forces of nature; physical exercises; objectives of physical education; preschool children.

Maryna Prudnikova ◽  
Katerina Mulik

The future of Ukraine is children, the future of demographic processes largely depends on their number, their health. The main role in the child's life is played by the dynamic process of growth and biological maturation, where one of the informative indicators is the cardiovascular system. In case of severe discomfort in the body, it is necessary to stop classes and consult a doctor. All physical activity must correspond to the physical fitness and age of the children. The cycling module is designed for 24 hours, according to the schedule, two physical education lessons were paired. For an effective lesson. In the course of the lessons, they mastered theoretical information (10 %), general and special physical training (20 %), technical training (70 %). During physical culture classes using a bicycle, objective factors were taken into account, such as the availability of a sports ground for technical riding, equipment (30 bicycles), and the weather conditions of the region. Over the course of one and a half months, the conducted classes formed the necessary skills for safe cycling, technical skill in children of 10-11 years old, provided the necessary foundation for physical fitness and motivation to go in for sports. The increase in adaptive indices of the heart was 14 % in grade 5-A, 8 % in grade 5-B, and 15 % in grade 5-V of the total number of children in each grade. This indicates that muscular work took place with positive consequences for the functional state of the body of children aged 10-11 years.

2021 ◽  
Vol 67 (06) ◽  
pp. 54-57
Zülfiyyə Asim qızı Yolçiyeva ◽  

As we know, there are many fields of pedagogical science. One of the most important areas is special pedagogy. Special pedagogy studies the issues of education and upbringing of children with physical and mental disabilities. People with disabilities are those who are relatively disabled in terms of any part of the body or the brain. In our country, special attention is paid to the education of people with disabilities. Inclusive education creates conditions for the protection of social equality, education and other special needs of children with disabilities. According to the teaching methodology, inclusive education prevents discrimination against children, allows people with various diseases to get a perfect education and succeed. Its main task is to create an environment for vocational training of people with disabilities. In modern times, people with disabilities should not be seen as sick, but as people with disabilities. This shapes the social approach to disability. The social model allows these children to exercise their rights to develop their skills. The purpose of inclusive physical education is to teach students to move together, which promotes the improvement and development of human psychophysical abilities. Different exercises should be chosen for each lesson and combined in such a way as to have a comprehensive effect on the body and ensure that each student can perform. It is necessary to ensure the general requirements and their specificity when arranging lessons. Sports have a great impact on the development of the personality of children with disabilities as normal children. Sport is one of the most important conditions for everyone and is acceptable for any age group. All these procedures are more effective when performed in unison. Let's protect our child's life together for a healthy life and step into a healthy future Key words: Inclusion, inclusive education, inclusive physical education, a person with disabilities, special education

Ol’ga A. Koval’

The article is devoted to the study of emotional development in preschool age children with violations of speech development, and its relationship with emotional intelligence of the mother, the emotional interaction between mother and child, implemented a style of emotional upbringing. Topicality of the work is determined by the increasing number of children with speech pathology and, accordingly, the increasing acuteness of issues affecting their social adaptation and the formation of readiness for school. Two abnormal groups and two normative groups participated in the study. Abnormal groups included 35 pairs of "primary preschool child – mother" and 54 pairs of "middle preschool child – mother". All children of pathological groups had a verified diagnosis of mental retardation (delay of psychological and speech development). Similarly, normative groups were formed by age ranges, the first of which included 32 "child-mother" pairs, the second – 36 "child-mother" pairs. Normative group was formed of preschoolers of kindergartens of the city of Vladimir who had normative development. As a result of the research, it was found that the emotional development of children with speech pathology has distinctive features in comparison with normatively developing children. Mothers of preschool children with speech pathology differ in the level of development of components of emotional intelligence, they have characteristic features in emotional interaction with children in comparison with mothers who raise normatively developing children. There are connections between the level of development of emotional intelligence of the mother, the features of emotional interaction and the development of the emotional sphere of preschool children with speech pathology.


The article substantiates the relevance of the formation of children's creative activity with the help of folklore in the process of integration of different types of artistic activities in the theory and practice of preschool education. It is noted that the highest form of human’s activity and at the same time his characteristic is creativi-ty, at the same time creative activity is defined as human activity in a particular type of creativity, which acquires essential and specific features of creativity. As a result we can mention that creativity and activity are interrelated, interpenetrating concepts that influence each other. Different approaches of understanding the essence of the concepts "creativity", "activity" are revealed and the main interpretations of these terms in philosophy, psy-chology and pedagogy are reflected. It is determined that in the studying of creativity there are two approaches: creativity as an activity; creativity as a personality trait. Based on the research of philosophers on the prob-lems of education of social activity, artistic creativity, we consider creative activity as a complex, integral quality of personality, which is a dialectical unity of general, peculi-ar to all types of social activity, and especially specific only as a measure of personality’s activity in art, has two interconnected aspects: external and internal. The external side involves the implementation of ac-tions and deeds which have creative nature. Internal involves a conscious, meaningful attitude to the activities performed, the manifestation of volitional qualities associ-ated with achieving the result. Older preschool age is the basis for the formation of creative activity and children's creativity in general, as the developmental perception of the child is the causative agent of the child's activity and creative activity in gen-eral. One of the means that contributes to younger genera-tion personality’s formation, which carries enormous educational potential, is folk art, because it contains wis-dom, the best people’s moral and aesthetic experience. In addition, it contributes to the formation of children’s crea-tivity. Based on the analysis of research, the possibilities of such types of oral folk art as fairy tales, proverbs and sayings, riddles in the formation of creative activity, based on their nature and content.

V. Pasichnyk ◽  
M. Pityn ◽  
V. Zgoba ◽  
V. Pasichnyk ◽  
O. Kolobych ◽  

In preschool age there is a formation of the child's personality, the formation of his physical and spiritual culture - the basis of harmonious development, as the beauty of the human soul and healthy body. Today, one of the main tasks of improving preschool education is to raise a harmoniously developed, perfect, healthy child, able to fully realize their spiritual, physical, intellectual and moral capabilities. An important area of ​​physical education of preschool children is the use of various forms and tools for their harmonious development, among which an important place is given to play activities Purpose: to characterize the specific functions of the concept of play activities in the physical education of preschool children. Research methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of literature sources, induction and deduction, abstraction, comparison, classification and systematization. Results: specific functions are indicated as a certain category of system approach. It is represented by independent properties and has the purpose of describing the system of game activity within the physical education, which should be carried out to achieve the generalized goal. The group of specific functions of the concept of play activity in physical education includes the competence, interdependence, effectiveness and density, which are largely implemented by the author's concept and justified by us and implemented depending on the specifics of play in the relevant group of educational institutions. The fundamental changes taking place in the modern cultural and educational space, social demands and needs confirm the idea of the priority of childhood as the most responsible period of personality development. It is in preschool age that the formation of a child's personality takes place, the formation of his physical and spiritual culture - the basis of harmonious development, as the beauty of the human soul and a healthy body.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (9) ◽  
pp. 20-26
Pestereva T.N.

The study examines the aspect of the formation of speech in preschool children, as a unity of imitation and creativity. According to the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education: «The speech development of children includes the possession of speech as a means of communication and culture; the enrichment of an active vocabulary; the development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogical and monological speech; the development of speech creativity; the development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing; acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, understanding by ear texts of various genres of children's literature; formation of sound analytical and synthetic activity as a prerequisite for literacy training» [3]. The «Concept of Preschool education» notes that «Imagination is the basis for the active participation of a child in various types of activities. It is included in the composition of already known forms of thinking (visual-effective, visual-figurative). On the basis of imagination, children develop the first manifestations of a creative attitude to reality» [4]. The article considers the views of teachers and methodologists on the speech development of preschool children. The method of speech development of preschool children is also described: the «Binomial fantasy» method. Binomial fantasies are used in two areas of the development of imagination and logic of thinking: - To generate ideas for new objects or the transformation of an existing object; - To get ideas for writing fairy-tale or fantastic stories (speech creation). The article reveals the algorithm of work according to the method, in accordance with two directions. The prospect of the research the theoretical substantiation of the unity of imitation and creativity in the formation of speech in preschool children.

Maksym Hopey

The conceptual field of our study presents the content and structure of the information-modular program "Basketball 3X3" as a component of the methodological basis of technology to improve the physical fitness of high school children with hearing impairments using elements of sports-oriented physical education. According to the results of our research, there were positive changes in improving the level of communication skills among the surveyed children (by 47% on average), motivation for a healthy lifestyle (by 38%), a positive attitude to their own health (by 56%). The results of scientific research presented in the article demonstrated a certain range of scientific developments in the direction of corrective activity by different principles in the process of adaptive physical education of children with hearing impairments, according to topic 3.23: "Health-forming technologies of children and youth in adaptive physical education". According to the latest research data in Ukraine over the past five years, there has been a rapid increase in the number of people with special needs. Among them, the number of children with hearing impairments stands out. A number of scientific studies have also confirmed that deaf and hard of hearing children differ from their healthy peers in somatic weakness, lack of mobility, lag in physical and motor development. This fact determines the strategic task of developing adaptive physical education in Ukraine at the present stage of the European integration process, which includes the development of the younger generation of basic values aimed at understanding the basics of a healthy lifestyle, strengthening physical and mental health, mental and physical performance, social adaptation and independence of the personality of children with special needs.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 132-138
L Parfenova ◽  
G Glazkova ◽  
E Gerasimov

Aim. The article deals with the evaluation of experimental methods in the physical education of students with different nosologies based on a sports-specific approach. Materials and methods. The study involved 90 secondary school students (grades 5–6) with health-related issues. In the experimental group (EG, n = 45), training sessions were conducted according to the deve­loped program that included volleyball and Russian lapta elements. In the control group (CG, n = 45), students were engaged in traditional activities for students of the special medical group (SMG). During the experiment, physical development, functional status, adaptive abilities, physical fitness, and physical education competencies were evaluated. Results. At the end of the experiment, the students of the experimental group showed a significant increase in the functional capacity of the body. The Shapovalova Index in EG improved by 8.90–21.70%, in CG – by 0.20–7.80%; the Ruffier Index in EG improved by 21.30–29.10%, in CG – by up to 7.80%. Moreover, students in EG had a more significant development of strength and coordination abi­lities than in CG. Conclusion. The experimental technique in physical education of secondary school students contributed to the development of physical abilities, health, and physical education competencies in participants.

Olha Shovkoplias

The article analyzes the current state of the study of future preschool teachers’ readiness to health-saving activity with preschoolers in domestic and foreign educational theory and practice. The article considers the relevance of the problem of healthy lifestyle in the younger generation forming, starting from preschool age. Despite the considerable interest of scientists to the issues of personality’s readiness for teaching, which reflect future specialists of preschool education preparation process and its result: readiness or professional competence (professional training of future preschool teachers for physical education of preschoolers – Yu. Kovalenko, S. Petrenko, O. Shovkoplias and other; work in families – O. Zalizniak, N. Kovalevska and other; using computer technologies – S. Diachenko, I. Mardarova, O. Chekan and other; predictive activity – N. Davkush; creative professional activity – S. Havryliuk, N. Holota, L. Zahorodnia, O. Lystopad, V. Liubyva, L. Makridina, O. Popovych, O. Semenov and other; teaching a foreign language to preschoolers – I. Mordous, T. Shkvarina and other; environmental education of preschoolers – O. Vashak, T. Naumenko, V. Nesterenko and other)), the issue of future preschool teachers’ readiness forming to health-saving activity with preschoolers both in theoretical and in practical aspect remains little studied, which is manifested in the lack of a unified understanding of this phenomenon; further development requires the issue of disclosure and justification of the content, forms and methods of future preschool teachers’ readiness’ forming to health-saving activity with preschoolers. The basic concepts are analyzed in article: «readiness», «readiness to activity», «health-saving activity», professional activity». The concept «forming future preschool teachers’ readiness to health-saving activity with preschoolers is considered as professional training in higher education, the purpose of which is to acquire future preschool teachers a certain level of special pedagogical knowledge, skills, development of their pedagogical abilities, personal professional qualities, which on the basis of sustainable pedagogical motivation will allow them to ensure the formation of preschoolers health-saving competence».

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