scholarly journals Identitas Diri dan Makna Guru Profesional sebagai Komunikator Pendidikan (Perspektif Fenomenologis)

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-20
Nur Ainiyah

In communications education, teaching and learning process is a process of communication that puts the teacher as a communicator or message source education. A communicator of education is required to have professional skills review which is known with academic competence. So the teacher said as a professional teacher if have pedagogic competence, competence personality, social competence and professional competence. Besides the social reality a teacher could must maintain status and role of social by a good attitude and action, teaching profession because in different employees generally. Employees other than teachers, when it had been completed the responsibilities of work in the office can home without Having to act and act like in the office when you're hearts social environment. A teacher with identity he always keeping good temperament in the social environment of the school and environment place he worked. Of course this is a long process in the construction of identity a teacher, teaching experience, time and the decade has passed an externalization process of internalization and its importance on identity that brought. Thus meaning the identity of the teacher to make as a source of Inspiration in school life and social life. And this certainly is correlated with him self as a communicator from the education to make him self not only as a communicator from the education not only as the Source of message but someone (a teacher) that has credibility communicator namely traffic rhetoric, listeners which is good, persuasive, performance keeping, audience analysis, language keeping the body language and use media right so that the process of communication education he becoming the credible communicator.

Via Latgalica ◽  
2013 ◽  
pp. 63
Valda Čakša

The aim of the article is to describe the attitude of Latgalians towards the components of natural objects of their nearby residence space (micro environment) – mežs (forest) and prūds (pond), as well as the objects created by humans – ceļš (road), which to a certain extent confi rm the understanding of the objects close to the place of residence in daily life of the preceding generations of Latgalians, as well as allow to compare these insights to the manifestations of Latgalianness discovered in the discourses of today. Researchers of the geographical environment and identity defi ne space as a geometrical, topological, three-dimensional structure, in which the objects and their relationships interact with a subject (human). In the social and cultural background of each populated area and the structures typical to them maintain the carriers of the micro-environmental identity, interaction of which with the priorities of a human activity facilitates and maintains the comprehension of values. Within the process of interaction of several groups of factors are forming the spatial and - in a wider meaning - environmental identity of micro environmental objects, which is defined as a significant sub-structure of personal self-identity. The environmental psychologists are emphasising the importance of functional knowledge, which is developed by using ‘bad’ and ‘good’ experiences regarding some objects, places and spaces according to their capability to satisfy the biological, psychological, social and cultural needs. Thus the value systems within a framework of a specific community are influenced by the experience of application of environmental objects, while multiform functions of micro environmental objects are reflected in the ethic, aesthetic, cognitive, educative and other notions about themselves and society in general. The attitude towards the micro-environment reveals also the body of macro-environmental factors – social and economic, ecological, as well as geographical and spatial, which a person faces in his/her daily activity. Various studies on the Latgalian mentality, as well as language and culture carried out in the previous century, are highlighting that exactly the rural environment is the basis of a Latgalian person’s interest in the individual’s place in nature, and in great things – such as individual’s mission, identity, Latgalianness, responsibility for its preservation, etc. This identity is not separable from the recognition of belonging to some social unit. In its turn the closest surrounding or micro environment of a contemporary Latgalian consists of several segments, with which s/he is tightly linked: family members and their occupation, house, natural objects of the closest surrounding, neighbours and their occupation, objects of the social life and traditions, etc. New modern aspects are introduced in these segments by the involvement of regional population in political, cultural and scientific processes of the state. Since the first condition for formation and development of a personality is the entirety of action and personal relationship, ensuring the orientation in various community systems of relations and viewpoints, then through language joining of the system of values is taking place, recognized not only in the regional community, but also in the national country. Involvement on the state level circulations nowadays confirms not only possibilities of the Latgalians, but also creates new tendencies and opportunities in the understanding of Latgalianness and also in the position against the attitude of inhabitants of other counties and the national state towards all the Latgalic matters. Thus the personalities popular in the Latgalian society, by confirming the link among the historical and contemporary Latgalian identity tendencies, significance of micro-environmental phenomena in the daily communication of regional population, Latgalian identity and psychology, as well as culture maintenance and preservation topicality, facilitate the orientation of regional society socialization, maintain the power of intellect, civic position and through the kinds of public consciousness manifestations activate the issues of equal rights and perseverance of their own native language. Active involvement in the process of solving of the present economic, political, cultural, ecological, administrative, scientific, etc. national issues of Latvia makes modern society to consider the factors of Latgalianness and contemporary tendencies of the identity manifestations. If the insights that a personality of an individual is mainly formed by the inborn characterizers have dominated in the description of former generations then the present social advancement and contribution of an individual him/herself in the personal development (his/ her self-performance and socialization experience), his/her patriotism, feeling of the micro- environment of Latgale region as a component of the system of values comprehension is based mainly on the attitude towards four interrelated elements: 1) nature environment maintaining a certain order and equilibrium in the geographical space of Latgale and, by meeting the needs of a human economic activities and social life, simultaneously facilitates also the formation of a certain attitude towards the objects created by nature; 2) the environment created by human – houses, household buildings, towns, etc., that as places for concentration of the people make the corresponding infrastructure of the specific society’s standard of living to develop and to be maintained, by serving to meet the social, economical and cultural needs of the community members; 3) social environment formed by mutual relationship of the people in a community, region, country. Social environment reflects also the relationship with other communities (at the regional, state, international level), as well as the influence of scientific and technical achievements on the geographical environment of Latgale and the entire Latvia in general, meeting the political, social, economical, cultural, communication and other needs of a person; 4) internal environment is formed by the body of personal viewpoints of separate individuals – attitude towards cultural, economic, political, etc. ideas typical to the epoch and their implementation patterns (historical consciousness), making to revaluate their opportunities and making of a decision regarding an active or observing position. Thus the interaction of Latgalian micro-environment with the internal environment of a contemporary Latgalian person confirms not only him/her personality order at a physical, mental, emotional and intellectual level, but also forms the basis of social equilibrium and the most significant factor of the identity or the awareness of place belonging and choice of activity direction.

1996 ◽  
Vol 39 (3) ◽  
pp. 341-351 ◽  
James M. Ostrow

Throughout his writings, Erving Goffman develops the principle that successful impression management requires an appearance of “spontaneous involvement” as evidence of individuals' sincerity. Goffman never articulates this principle in terms of how persons are actually—indeed, as he sometimes recognizes, necessarily involved spontaneously in the social environment. This paper asks: What does it mean for our reading of Goffman and of social situations generally if we move the proposition of the experiential necessity of spontaneous involvement to the center of sociological analysis? I discuss why it never moved to the center of Goffman's inquiries, and then argue that a theory of habit facilitates an elaborate of its sociological significance.

2019 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 88-118 ◽  
Bryan C Clift

In the context of social welfare austerity and non-state actors’ interventions into social life, an urban not-for-profit organization in the United States, Back on My Feet, uses the practice of running to engage those recovering from homelessness. Promoting messages of self-sufficiency, the organization centralizes the body as a site of investment and transformation. Doing so calls to the fore the social construction of ‘the homeless body’ and ‘the running body’. Within this ethnographic inquiry, participants in recovery who ran with the organization constructed moralized senses of self in relation to volunteers, organizers, and those who do not run, while in recovery. Their experiences compel consideration of how bodily constructions and practices reproduce morally underpinned, self-oriented associations with homeless and neoliberal discourses that obfuscate systemic causes of homelessness, pose challenges for well-intentioned voluntary or development organizations, and service the relief of the state from social responsibility.

Anna Leander

The terms habitus and field are useful heuristic devices for thinking about power relations in international studies. Habitus refers to a person’s taken-for-granted, unreflected—hence largely habitual—way of thinking and acting. The habitus is a “structuring structure” shaping understandings, attitudes, behavior, and the body. It is formed through the accumulated experience of people in different fields. Using fields to study the social world is to acknowledge that social life is highly differentiated. A field can be exceedingly varied in scope and scale. A family, a village, a market, an organization, or a profession may be conceptualized as a field provided it develops its own organizing logic around a stake at stake. Each field is marked by its own taken-for-granted understanding of the world, implicit and explicit rules of behavior, and valuation of what confers power onto someone: that is, what counts as “capital.” The analysis of power through the habitus/field makes it possible to transcend the distinctions between the material and the “ideational” as well as between the individual and the structural. Moreover, working with habitus/field in international studies problematizes the role played by central organizing divides, such as the inside/outside and the public/private; and can uncover politics not primarily structured by these divides. Developing research drawing on habitus/field in international studies will be worthwhile for international studies scholars wishing to raise and answer questions about symbolic power/violence.

Flordelis J. Ejercito

The quality of instruction depends on a large extent of the capability, the strength, and the excellence of the faculty. For the faculty to perform their roles and fulfill their responsibilities, Colleges must first show that they understand what the faculty needs and values most. The purpose of this descriptive study was to determine the professional development needs and priorities pertaining to teaching and learning of the college faculty (n=71) of La Salle University to guide the administrators and faculty in crafting enrichment activities. Sixty-three percent of the 113 teachers completed a survey instrument. Calculated means and frequency-percentage distribution describes the prioritization of in-service needs while weighted means determine the performance of the college faculty as appraised by the students. The results of this study showed one-thirds of the teacher-respondents as new to the teaching profession while 69% have more than three years of teaching experience. The study concludes that the colleges vary in their needs for professional development. However, there are areas common to almost all colleges. Their top priority need for classroom management is ending the class on time. For the evaluating students’ learning, the top priority is mastery of the subject matter. For evaluating students’ learning, the priority is constructing questions that cover topic discussed.  Keywords – Management, professional development needs and priorities, teaching profession, teaching experience, enrichment, descriptive design, Philippines

Mumuni Baba Yidana ◽  
Anti Partey P.

Assessment literacy is part of the Economics teachers’ professional competence, yet little attention in the form research has been undertaken in this area. This study therefore explored Senior High School (SHS) Economics teachers’ conceptions of the purposes for undertaking classroom assessment. In specific terms, the study investigated Economics teachers’ understanding of the various motives that inform their assessment practices. The study also examined the influence of the Economics teachers’ demographic variables such as age, gender, and teaching experience on their conceptions of classroom assessment. It further assessed the influence of formal training in assessment on the teachers’ conceptions of the construct. The study was a descriptive type which employed the survey method. Participants of this study comprised 301 Senior High School Economics teachers drawn from the Central and Ashanti regions of Ghana. The participants were made up 213 male and 88 female teachers. A 50-item version of Brown’s Teachers’ Conceptions of Assessment (TCoA) inventory scale was adopted as the questionnaire for this study. Using a test-retest procedure of two-week interval, the TCoA which also made provisions for the demographic data of respondents on a different section, was administered on 36 Economics teachers. A reliability index of .813 was obtained. The data were analyzed using mean, t-test, and one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) statistical techniques.The findings of the study showed that a majority of the Economics teachers (mean score = 3.01) consented to the idea that classroom assessment leads to improvement in teaching and learning as well as ensuring school accountability (mean score = 3.27). The study also found that gender and age did not influence teachers’ conception of assessment. The study recommends that community of learners be organized for experienced and less experienced Economics teachers to enable them exchange ideas on the various purposes of classroom assessment.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 67-74
Kiki Rahmatika

the human body is a tool that capable of understanding and then reveal various problems that exist in the social life. Body as tool means a body that has a technique or as technology that is able to express the problem. if the body has been positioned as a tool, of course the tool must have a technique that has been honed its ability. For example fall-recovery’s technique which is discovered by dorris Humphrey. then to get to the technique, the body must get treatment, conditioning and emphasis through strict discipline. ultimately the techniques that make the body into technology will be constructed through body behavior which is doing by long exercises and method from the right technique.

2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 241
Nurwahida Alimuddin

This paper argued that da’wah activities in social counseling foster adaptability of students in school as mad’u (object of da'wah). This is conducted by the teacher as a da’i or preacher (the subject of da’wah, social communicator and guide). Social counseling is a field of social life service for students, which helps students assess and build an effective and healthy social relationship with their peers or with the wider social environment. Social counseling is a field service required to help students adjust themselves in school, in this case the students’ relationships with students and teachers in school. Da’wah communication is used to deliver the kind of service appropriate to the student’s social counseling; such as the introduction of the school environment, curriculum, teacher characteristics, so that students do not have difficulties in adapting to the social environment in school.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 27
Yayan Suryana

This paper presents an analysis of the death rituals carried out by Muslims in the Priangan region known as ngajahul. Ngajahul is done on the sixth or seventh day after death. Analysis of the ritual of death illustrates that the ritual of death is not only a spiritual-fiqhiyyah aspect, but also has a role in describing social relations. The graveyard that lay in the cemetery, not only shows the grave, but also describes the relationship between the deceased, the family and the social environment. This research in a sociological perspective produces the concept that the rituals of death and society, especially Muslim societies in various aspects are referred to as containing social cohesion. This concept illustrates that death rituals are not as depicted in recitation forums that see death rituals as a tradition laden with rituals that are spiritually nuanced. Ngajahul is a tradition that produces social interaction and involvement in social life that is produced simultaneously. Key Words : Ngajahul, Ritual, Social cohesion, fiqhiyyah

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-22
Awla akbar Ilma ◽  
Puri Bakthawar

Indonesian is a multicultural plural society. Therefore, almost every ethnic group in Indonesia has varied tradition and culture, especially in responding to the phenomenon of obsequies through unique ceremonies and symbols. The research aims to examine how people in several ethnic groups responded to the death event through traditional ceremonies represented by literary works, especially short stories in the 2014-2017 Kompas Selections. Samples to be used in this study are the short story "In the Body of the Tarra, in the Womb of the Tree" by Faisal Oddang in 2014, the short story "Linuwih Aroma Jarik Baru" by Anggun Prameswari in 2015, and the short story "Kasur Tanah" by Muna Masyari in 2017. Results research shows that the three short stories elevate and interpret the tradition of obsequies in Javanese, Madura, and Toraja cultures. In Javanese society, kawung batik is a symbol of man's separation from the natural world. In Madurese society, Sortana is a "gift" of human separation from the social environment. In Toraja society, the tradition of passiliran becomes a symbol of the reuniting of humans with nature as the original.

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