scholarly journals Inventarisasi Tanaman Berpotensi Sebagai Indikator Asam-Basa Alami Di Kota Kupang

bionature ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
Nur R. Adawiyah Mahmud ◽  
Ihwan Ihwan ◽  
Nur Jannah

Abstract.  This study investigated a natural acid-base indicator which is extracted from plants in Kupang city. There are 14 plants that potential as a source of natural indicator for acid base titration, i.e, Kol Ungu (Brassica oleracea Capitata Group), Turi Merah flower (Sesbania grandiflora L. Pers), Belimbing Wuluh flower (Averhoa bilimbi L), Kaktus Merah fruit (Opuntia vulgaris Mill), Ruelia flower (Ruellia simplex), Flamboyan flower (Delonix regia), bugenvil flower (Bougainvillea spectabilis Willd.), Bayam Merah leaves (Amaranthus tricolor L.) Jamblang fruit (Syzygium cumini L.), Murbey fruit (Morus alba L.), Pinang fruit (Areca catechu L.), Sirih fruit (Piper betle L.), Kunyit (Curcuma longa Linn), and Nanas Kerang leaves (Rhoeo discolor). Plants extract shows a sharp color change in acid and base solution. Promising results as a natural indicator also shown in acid base titration which is have similar equivalent point to synthetic indicator. We can use these natural indicators as an alternative to synthetic indicator because they are found to be simple, very useful, cheap, easy to extract, accurate, and eco-friendly. Keywords: Plant, Natural indicator, Acid-Base

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 95
Lili Darlian ◽  
D. Damhuri ◽  
Wa Ode Hasni

Tujuan dari penelitia ini adalah untuk mengetahui (1) jenis-jenis tumbuhan apa saja yang digunakan dalam upacara kehamilan (posipo) hingga upacara masa anak-anak (dole-dole), (2) organ apa saja yang dimanfaatkan dalam upacara kehamilan (posipo) hingga upacara masa anak-anak (dole-dole), (3) pemanfaatan tumbuhan yang digunakan dalam upacara adat kehamilan (posipo) hingga upacara masa anak-anak (dole-dole) oleh Masyarakat Wolio Kota Bau-Bau. Metode penelitian survey eksploratif dengan menggunakan teknik wawancara. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif dengan mendeskripsikan ciri-ciri morfologi, organ yang dimanfaatkan serta mengidentifikasi dengan mengacu buku identifikasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian bahwa terdapat 24 jenis tumbuhan yang dimanfaatkan dalam upacara adat kehamilan (posipo), kelahiran (aqiqah) dan masa anak-anak (dole-dole). Jumlah tumbuhan terdiri dari 2 kelas, 12 ordo dan 13 famili. Kelas Dicotyledoneae sebanyak 8 jenis sedangkan Monocotyledoneae sebanyak 16 jenis. Berdasarkan hasil eksplorasi, keseluruhan tumbuhan yang ditemukan berasal dari pekarangan, perkebunan dan hutan. Famili terbanyak Arecaceae dan Liliaceae masing-masing 5 jenis dan Poaceae 3 jenis. Organ yang dimanfaatkan dalam upacara kehamilan (posipo) hingga masa anak-anak (dole-dole) adalah akar, rimpang, umbi, batang, daun, bunga, buah dan biji. Cara pemanfaatan tumbuhan dalam upacara beraneka ragam setiap prosesi, tata cara serta fungsi dan makna yang berbeda. Kata Kunci : Etnobotani, Upacara Adat, Masyarakat Wolio This study investigated a natural acid-base indicator which is extracted from plants in Kupang city. There are 14 plants that potential as a source of natural indicator for acid base titration, i.e, Kol Ungu (Brassica oleracea Capitata Group), Turi Merah flower (Sesbania grandiflora L. Pers), Belimbing Wuluh flower (Averhoa bilimbi L), Kaktus Merah fruit (Opuntia vulgaris Mill), Ruelia flower (Ruellia simplex), Flamboyan flower (Delonix regia), bugenvil flower (Bougainvillea spectabilis Willd.), Bayam Merah leaves (Amaranthus tricolor L.) Jamblang fruit (Syzygium cumini L.), Murbey fruit (Morus alba L.), Pinang fruit (Areca catechu L.), Sirih fruit (Piper betle L.), Kunyit (Curcuma longa Linn), and Nanas Kerang leaves (Rhoeo discolor). Plants extract shows a sharp color change in acid and base solution. Promising results as a natural indicator also shown in acid base titration which is have similar equivalent point to synthetic indicator. We can use these natural indicators as an alternative to synthetic indicator because they are found to be simple, very useful, cheap, easy to extract, accurate, and eco-friendly.  Keywords: plant, natural indicator, acid-base. 

bionature ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 109
Asmawati Munir ◽  
Lili Darlian ◽  
Sri Nurjaya

Abstract. This study investigated a natural acid-base indicator which is extracted from plants in Kupang city. There are 14 plants that potential as a source of natural indicator for acid base titration, i.e, KolUngu (Brassica oleracea Capitata Group), Turi Merah flower (Sesbania grandiflora L. Pers), BelimbingWuluh flower (Averhoa bilimbi L), Kaktus Merah fruit (Opuntia vulgaris Mill), Ruelia flower (Ruellia simplex), Flamboyan flower (Delonix regia), bugenvil flower (Bougainvillea spectabilisWilld.), Bayam Merah leaves (Amaranthus tricolor L.) Jamblang fruit (Syzygiumcumini L.), Murbey fruit (Morus alba L.), Pinang fruit (Areca catechu L.), Sirih fruit (Piper betle L.), Kunyit (Curcuma longa Linn), and Nanas Kerang leaves (Rhoeo discolor). Plants extract shows a sharp color change in acid and base solution. Promising results as a natural indicator also shown in acid base titration which is have similar equivalent point to synthetic indicator. We can use these natural indicators as an alternative to synthetic indicator because they are found to be simple, very useful, cheap, easy to extract, accurate, and eco-friendly. Keywords: plant, natural indicator, acidbase.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 148-157
Bayu Riswanto ◽  
Sitti Aminah

Kalpataru flower (Hura crepitans Linn) is an anthocyanin-containing plant. This study aims to utilize extract from the kalpataru flower as an alternative acid base indicator and determine the type of acid-base titration suitable for extracting the kalpataru flower indicator. Kalpataru flowers are macerated with methanol solvent for around 2 hours. Kalpataru flower extract was tested as an indicator in acid-base solution, buffer, and compared with phenolphthalein and methyl orange for acid-base titration, namely: strong acids with strong bases, weak acids with strong bases, and weak bases with strong acids. The results obtained in this study were: indicator extract of brownish yellow kalpataru flowers, in strong red acids, in strong bases of dark green, in weak pink acids, and in weak bases in light green. In the buffer, the indicator extract of the kalpataru flower has a range of pH pH 4-5 (pink-colorless) and pH 9-11 (yellowish green-dark green). The indicator of kalpataru flower extract can be used on strong acid titration with strong bases, weak acids with strong bases and weak bases with strong acids. Kalpataru flower extract can be used as an acid-base indicator.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 340-352
Camalin Bela Sukmaning Fitri* ◽  
Retno Aliyatul Fikroh

Experiments are an important part of the chemistry curriculum. An indicator in the form of a synthesis indicator is commonly used in acid-base materials experiments. The usage of synthetic indicators can result in waste that is both environmentally harmful and costly. The butterfly pea flower is one of the plants that contains anthocyanins, which have the potential to be used as an alternative indication of natural acids and bases. The study aims to determine the acid and base material curriculum and competency indicators, as well as the potential of butterfly pea flower extract as a substitute for synthesis indicators and the practicality of butterfly pea flower extract as a chemical experimental design in SMA/MA. This study employs a descriptive qualitative research method that includes literature review, observation, experimentation, and interviewing. The results showed that the relationship between acid-base materials and experiments was the determination of natural materials as acid-base indicators, the pH of the solution, the identification of acid-base properties, and acid-base titration. The butterfly pea flower indicator was produced from maceration extraction using 96% ethanol as the solvent. The butterfly pea flower indicator gives pink color at pH 1-2, reddish purple at pH 3, light purple at pH 4-5, turquoise at pH 6, bluish green at pH 7, light blue at pH 8-9, green at pH 10, yellowish green at pH 11, greenish yellow at pH 12-13, and yellow at pH 14. The titration step showed that butterfly pea flower indicators could replace synthetic indicators, namely phenolphthalein and methyl orange. Based on the analysis, the butterfly pea flower indicator can be used as an alternative indicator in acid base titration and an alternative experimental design in schools.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 1446
Lilis Tuslinah ◽  
Anna Yuliana ◽  
Dian Arisnawati ◽  
Lina Rahmawati Rizkuloh

Natural indicators using anthocyanin compounds can be an alternative to synthetic indicators on acid-base titration because anthocyanin is an organic compound that is unstable with changes in pH. The extraction was carried out with ethanol because the compounds of anthocyanin were polar. This study was to ensure an ethanol extract of some plants could be used as an acid-base indicator that had a pH range of color change and the value of the equality parameter was not significantly different from the phenolphthalein indicator. The research method is to collect research journals on making natural indicators from ethanol extracts of various plants compared to phenolphthalein indicators so that secondary data from these journals can be processed statistically. Research results and conclusions: Based on the results of statistical data processing using the t-test there was no difference in the average pH of the phenolphthalein indicator with the average pH of ethanol extracts of adam air leaves (Rheo discolor), white frangipani flowers and Clitoria teratea L., with a significance value > 0.05 and the equality test (precision) had the requirements of good equality. HIGHLIGHTS Natural indicators are needed as a substitute for synthetic indicators in determining acid-base titrations; one of them is anthocyanin dye Research journals on making natural indicators from ethanol extracts of various plants compared to phenolphthalein indicators so that secondary data from these journals can be processed statistically There was no significant difference between the average pH of the phenolphthalein indicator and the average pH of the ethanol extract of Adam's Eve Leaves, ethanol extracts of white Cambodia flowers and ethanol extracts of Telang flowers in producing color changes GRAPHICAL ABSTRACT

Christopher O. Oriakhi

Volumetric analysis is a chemical analytical procedure based on measurement of volumes of reaction in solutions. It uses titration to determine the concentration of a solution by carefully measuring the volume of one solution needed to react with another. In this process, a measured volume of a standard solution, the titrant, is added from a burette to the solution of unknown concentration. When the two substances are present in exact stoichiometric ratio, the reaction is said to have reached the equivalence or stoichiometric point. In order to determine when this occurs, another substance, the indicator, is also added to the reaction mixture. This is an organic dye which changes color when the reaction is complete. This color change is known as the end point; ideally, it will coincide with the equivalence point. For various reasons, there is usually some difference between the two, though if the indicator is carefully chosen, the difference will be negligible. A typical titration is based on a reaction of the general type aA+bB → products where A is the titrant, B the substance titrated, and a:b is the stoichiometric ratio between the two. Some indicators include Litmus, Methyl Orange, Methyl Red, Phenolphthalein, and Thymol Blue. Titration can be applied to any of the following chemical reactions: • Acid–base • Complexation • Oxidation–reduction • Precipitation Only acid–base and oxidation–reduction titration will be treated here, though the fundamental principles are the same in all cases. Acid–base titration involves measuring the volume of a solution of the acid (or base) that is required to completely react with a known volume of a solution of a base (or acid). The relative amounts of acid and base required to reach the equivalence point depend on their stoichiometric coefficients. It is therefore critical to have a balanced equation before attempting calculations based on acid–base reactions. Below we define some of the common terms associated with acid–base reactions. A molar solution is one that contains one mole of the substance per liter of solution. For example, a molar solution of sodium hydroxide contains 40 g (NaOH=40 g/mol) of the solute per liter of solution. As described in chapter 13, the concentration of a solution expressed in moles per liter of solution is known as the molarity of the solution.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 176-182

Learning Natural Sciences (IPA) is not only taught by means of lectures or memorization, but by experimental or demonstration methods, so that it is more active for students. In the experiment of acid-base solutions in science class VII SMP/MTs, natural indicators were used as a test solution to replace synthetic indicators. In addition to making students active, it also minimizes practicum costs. This experiment used leaf extracts of ornamental plants such as miana, butterfly and red purslane which were made together with students and teachers. After comparing the test results between synthetic indicators (litmus paper and phenolphthalein) with homemade natural indicators, it can be concluded that the extract can be used as an alternative to the solution test. Because there are different changes when dropped into an acid and alkaline solution. When tested the pH of the solution using the extract indicator, there was a change in the pH range in an acid solution of 3.2 and a base solution of 10.8. By observing the color change, it can be concluded that ornamental plant extracts can be used as an alternative to acid-base indicators to replace synthetic indicators. For miana the color changes from orange (acidic) – brownish yellow – light green (alkaline), red purslane from pink (acidic) – dark red to dark brown (alkaline) and butterfly from red (acid) – purple - to green (base). ABSTRAKPembelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (IPA) tidak hanya diajarkan dengan cara ceramah atau menghafal saja melainkan dengan metode eksperimen atau demonstrasi, sehingga lebih mengaktifkan siswa. Pada percobaan larutan asam-basa dalam IPA kelas VII SMP/MTs digunakan indikator alamiah sebagai uji larutan menggantikan indikator sintetis. Selain membuat siswa aktif juga meminimalisir biaya praktiku=m. Percobaan ini digunakan ekstrak daun tanaman hias seperti miana, kupu-kupu dan krokot merah yang dibuat bersama-sama siswa dengan guru. Setelah membandingkan hasil uji antara indikator sintetis (kertas lakmus dan fenolftalein) dengan indikator alamiah buatan sendiri dapat disimpulkan bahwa ekstrak tersebut dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif untuk uji larutan. Karena terdapat perubahan yang berbeda saat diteteskan ke dalam larutan asam dan basa. Saat diuji pH larutan dengan menggunakan indikator ekstrak tersebut terdapat perubahan rentang pH dalam larutan asam 3,2 dan larutan basa 10,8. Dengan mengamati perubahan warna dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa ekstrak tanaman hias dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif indikator asam basa menggantikan indikator sintetis. Untuk miana perubahan warna dari oranye (asam) – kuning kecoklatan – hijau muda (basa), krokot merah dari merah muda (asam) – merah tua menjadi coklat tua (basa) dan kupu-kupu dari merah (asam) – ungu - menjadi hijau (basa).

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 292
Khairunnisa Khairunnisa ◽  
Khairuddin Khairuddin ◽  
Dwi Juli Puspitasari

The acid-base bioindicator is an alternative substitute for the synthetic indicator. The study about ethanol extract of Ketepeng Cina crown flowers as an acid-base bioindicator source has been done. The research about utilization of ethanol extract of Ketepeng Cina crown flower was aimed to study compound group, pH range and acid-base titration which is suitable as bioindicator. This research was performed with gradual extraction by maceration method with three solvents. The results showed that ethanol extract from Ketepeng Cina crown flowers contained flavonoid, polyphenol, alkaloid, and tannin. Extract of Ketepeng Cina crown flower was yellow in acid and orange in the base with the pH range of 7-9.Keywords: Ketepeng Cina, Bioindicator, Acid-Base, Titration.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 116
Andri Wahyu Wijayadi ◽  
Lina Arifah Fitriyah ◽  
Nur Hayati

Acid base properties can be easily observed based on the difference in color when using indicators. The use of indicators is very rare at the secondary school. Natural indicator are needed to support acid-base learning at the secondary school. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of local potency extract of jombang in the form of henna flowers as a natural indicator and the effectiveness of HVS paper and filter paper as indicator paper. Natural indicator paper was obtained by immersing HVS paper and filter paper in the extract of red and purple henna flowers using water solvent. The test result in acid and base solution  showed that the red and purple henna flower extract had the same effectiveness as a natural indicator, as well the red and purple henna flower extract indicator paper made from HVS paper and filter paper.

The Analyst ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 145 (13) ◽  
pp. 4457-4466
Purim Jarujamrus ◽  
Akarapong Prakobkij ◽  
Sodsai Puchum ◽  
Sawida Chaisamdaeng ◽  
Rattapol Meelapsom ◽  

This work presents a novel analytical approach for precise and quick (within 2 minutes) determination of acid and base concentrations (of very small amount) by titration using a microfluidic thread-based analytical device (μTAD).

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