2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 576-589
Lyudmila Jevgenyevna Kirillova

The article considers geographical terms for designating streets and lanes in the Udmurt language based on the study of a large corpus of godonyms. In the study of microtoponyms collected by the author and other toponymists on the territory of Udmurtia and beyond of it - in the places of residence of Udmurts - the author managed to identify a significant number of words expressing these concepts. The words ulcha and uram are used to express the concept of ‘street’ in the Udmurt language, which is confirmed by the data of Udmurt toponymy. Special attention is paid to the description of common nouns with the meaning ‘lane’ recorded in microtoponyms, since this layer of vocabulary has not yet been considered in detail by anyone. The performed review indicates that a number of lexemes can act as common words used in this meaning. Taking into account different variants, the author identified 13 units in total. The etymological analysis of the analyzed geographical terms suggests that they are heterogeneous in origin. The common nouns borrowed from the Russian language are wide spread. Geographical terms of Udmurt and pre-Permian or Finno-Permian origin have a slightly lower frequency of use. A small number of lexemes are derived from the Turkic languages. Mixed Udmurt-Russian and Udmurt-Tatar formations are represented in a single number.

2021 ◽  
pp. 181-190
A.B. Bocharov

This work is devoted to the analysis of the book by A.V. Malinov “Research and Articles on Russian Philosophy”. The main subject-content and thematic-subject lines of the book are revealed: philosophy of Slavophiles; historical, cultural and philosophical contexts of V.S. Solovyov and V.V. Rozanov; professional philosophy in Russia. Points to the variety of genres published in a collection of articles and materials of historical and philosophical articles, teaching materials (lectures and paragraphs from the textbooks), archival materials, methodological reflections. The author considers the interpretations of A.S. Khomyakov, the Slavophil ideas of O.F. Miller, the evolution of ideas about the common Slavic language, the attitude of V.S. Solovyov with N.I. Kareyev and St. Petersburg Slavophiles (including the polemic of V.S. Soloviev with the Slavophiles in the last work of the Russian philosopher – “Three Conversations”), V.V. Rozanov with the Slavophiles and V.I. Lamansky, features of V.V. Rozanov, the philosophical heritage of A.I. Vvedensky and the controversy caused by him, the place of L.P. Karsavin in the tradition of teaching the philosophy of history at St. Petersburg University, the specifics and historical path traversed by university philosophy in Russia, the modernization of the methods of modern historical and philosophical research, etc. The author notes the author's appeal to little-studied representatives of Russian philosophy, original interpretations of biographical and historical-philosophical plots, the use of the expressive possibilities of the Russian language, enriching the interpretive possibilities of the historiography of Russian philosophy. The conclusion is made about the preservation of the “Russian canon” in the research of Russian philosophy, about its heuristic possibilities. The author's intention is explained and the value of research of this kind, serving the purpose of reinterpreting the ideas of Russian philosophy, solving the problem of preserving the values and meanings of Russian culture in the modern historical and cultural context, is indicated.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 187-201
Alexander I. Sokolov ◽  
Irina A. Malysheva ◽  

The article considers Turkic borrowings in the Russian language at the beginning of the 18th century. The material of the study was a translation of the 17th century treatise “The History of the Present State of the Ottoman Empire” written by the English diplomat Paul Ricaut and translated into a number of European languages. The Russian translation was done by P.A.Tolstoy from the Italian version in 1702–1714 and published as “The Turkish Monarchy” in 1741. The study presents the methods of phonetic (orthographic) and morphological adaptation of Turkisms by comparing a typographical manuscript for typesetting with edits (made in 1725) and the printed text. The article aims at comparing the usage of borrowings with their forms in the Italian version of the treatise and in the Polish translation since the latter, apparently, was used in the process of typographical editing of the Russian text. A number ofdistorted forms of Turkisms that appeared in the Russian “Monarchy” as a result of the mechanical transfer of typos from the Italian translation were revealed. It has been established that the translation of compound nouns identified in the Turkic languages as izafet constructions was mainly a copying of their forms from the Italian translation. Most of the Turkisms in “The Turkish Monarchy” are exoticisms, but likely relevant for the Russian reader of the 18th century. Hence, the principles of including exoticisms in the “Dictionary of the Russian Language of the 18th Century” require clarification because a number of Turkisms denoting confessional concepts in modern Russian are part of active vocabulary.

Mariya Chertykova

Статья посвящена выявлению и описанию дифференциальных особенностей семантики периферийных глаголов со значением зрительного восприятия. В данную подгруппу мы классифицируем семь хакасских глаголов, выражающих различные стороны зрительного акта, из них четыре глагола имеют лексические соответствия в других тюркских языках. В ходе семантико-когнитивного анализа материала выявляются общие и отличительные особенности этих глаголов. Таким образом, выявлено, что лексические соответствия хакасских глаголов хара- «пристально смотреть; обозревать», пахла- «подсматривать, заглядывать» в других тюркских языках (например, в турецком, азербайджанском, татарском, башкирском, казахском) имеют обширную семантическую структуру и в результате развития многозначности они могут демонстрировать ослабление исходного перцептивного признака в последующих вторичных значениях. Глагол хара- / кара-, помимо перцептивного обозначения, указывает и на другие сферы человеческой деятельности, например, в азербайджанском, каракалпакском языках данный глагол обладает лексико-семантическим вариантом (ЛСВ) «подчиняться». В татарском, башкирском и др. языках данный глагол в силу частотности употребления, принимает на себя модальное значение «попробовать». Проанализированы также семантические составляющие глаголов, характерных (по нашим наблюдениям) для хакасского языка. В сибирских тюркских же языках эти глаголы в своих ЛСВ обычно сохраняют перцептивную сему, только тув.: каракта- и тоф.: қарақта- показывают семантический сдвиг в плане когнитивного соотношения зрительного и ментального процессов. По нашим наблюдениям, характерными для хакасского языка оказались глаголы: хылчаңна-, хайбағын-, маркированные семой «[смотреть], поворачивая голову» и глагол аңды-, актуализирующий признак целенаправленности и концентрации зрительного акта.The article is devoted to the identification and description of the differential features of the semantics of peripheral verbs with the meaning of visual perception. In this subgroup, we classify seven Khakass verbs expressing various aspects of the visual act, of which four verbs have lexical correspondences in other Turkic languages. In the course of semantic-cognitive analysis of the material, the common and distinctive features of these verbs are revealed. Thus, it has been revealed that the lexical correspondences of the Khakass verbs хара- «watch closely; observe», пахла- «peep, peep» in other Turkic languages (for example, Turkish, Azeri, Tatar, Bashkir, Kazakh) have an extensive semantic structure and as a result of the development of ambiguity, they can demonstrate a weakening of the original perceptive trait in subsequent secondary values. The verb хара- / кара-, in addition to perceptual designation, indicates other spheres of human activity, for example, in the Azerbaijani, Karakalpak languages, this verb has the LSW «to obey». In the Tatar, Bashkir and other languages, this verb, due to its frequency of use, assumes the modal meaning «try». The semantic components of the verbs characteristic (according to our observations) for the Khakass language are also analyzed. In the Siberian Turkic languages, these verbs in their lexico-semantic variants (LSV) usually retain perceptual semo, only tuv.: каракта- and tof.: қарақта- show the semantic shift in terms of the cognitive relation of the visual and mental processes. According to our observations, the characteristic verses for Khakass were: хылчаңна-, хайбағын-, marked with sema «[watch], turning the head» and verb аңды-, the actualizing sign of focus and concentration of the visual act.

2020 ◽  
pp. 165-171
Danilo Božović

The article presents a retrospective analysis and focuses on the possibility of relying on a common Church Slavonic element that has been preserved in the Russian and Serbian languages. It points to the common roots of the Russian and Serbian languages, notes the great influence of All-Slavic Orthodox literary activity on Old Russian literature and language, as well as the influence of Russian intelligentsia and Russian language in general on the language and mentality of educated Serbs in the 18th and 19th centuries. At the same time, the negative impact of the West (primarily Austria) on the separation of the Serbian language from Russian through the reform of the Serbian language and alphabet, which was carried out with the participation of Vuk Karadzic, is shown. The article assesses the activities of Serbian intellectuals and pro-Western Serbian politicians of the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries in shaping the attitude of Serbian society towards the Church Slavonic language, Church Slavism in Serbian language and the Russian language. The presented analysis contributes to the formation of a position among Serbian Russian students, future teachers and translators in the field of intercultural communication, and the growth of professional competence.

2019 ◽  
Vol 70 ◽  
pp. 11006
Victor Linkin ◽  
Marina Alekseeva ◽  
Svetlana Rybak ◽  
Elena Filimonova

Based on the integrated use of comparative, statistical and hermeneutic research methods, in order to obtain a synergistic effect, the authors study the preambles of the constitutions of the newly formed states of the post-Soviet period. The authors propose an assessment of the content of the Preamble of Constitutions as the primary source of public inquiries, reflecting on the features of state policy, a concentrate of goals and objectives set by the society and the state. A variety of methodological tools will reveal the object of research from unexpected sides, to reveal the entirety of the phenomenon under consideration. In this study, comparative, statistical, and hermeneutic methods which are quite common in the humanities will be applied. The above-mentioned methods will be used in cooperation in order to obtain a synergistic effect. The results, expressed in the frequency of use of identical public queries, will be further included in the Google Books Ngram Viewer program, which analyzes the frequency of use of language units based on the Russian-language sources introduced in it from the 18th century to the present day and numbering 8 million editions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 15-20
Robert Mayer

The problem of assessing the semantic complexity of educational concepts, which is equal to the number of words needed to explain their essence, is considered. The following attributes of concepts that affect their semantic complexity are highlighted: 1) the possibility of observing the designated object in everyday life; 2) the possibility of experimental study at school; 3) the possibility of perception of the designated object by the senses; 4) the physical complexity of the object, depending on the number of constituent elements and the connections between them; 5) the degree of entry into the thesaurus of graduates of the first, fifth and eleventh grades; 6) the frequency of the word use in the Russian language. The concepts that denote objects of living and inanimate nature are selected; the category of complexity is determined for each concept by the method of pair comparison. Their attributes were evaluated on the Likert scale with 5 gradations; the correlation coefficients between the attributes and the complexity level, as well as the corresponding linear regression coefficients, are determined. A mathematical model is constructed that connects the complexity of concepts with the values of their attributes; it is shown that due to errors in attribute estimates, it does not allow us to accurately determine the semantic complexity of the concepts. An algorithm for evaluating the concepts complexity based on their division into three groups, depending on the frequency of use in the Russian language, is developed. The results of the evaluation of the semantic complexity of the selected concepts that can be used as reference points are presented.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 412-419
Serafima Sergeevna Sibatrova

The article is concerned with one of the lexical-semantic subgroups of the Mari imperative interjections, namely the interjections addressing dogs and puppies, cats and kittens. The aim of the paper is to define vocabulary of the studied interjections and the place of the Russian borrowings among them. To achieve this goal the following tasks were outlined: searching for studied lexemes in the sources, systematization of the revealed lexemes according to their semantics (calling or repelling) and territory of their use, the etymological analysis of the studied data and quantitative calculation of the lexemes according to their origin with special attention to Russian borrowings. The research was conducted on the base of materials of modern grammars, special monographs and articles on the Mari language, lexical data of dictionaries (10 volumed dictionary, dialectical, etymological). When analysing the origin of the lexemes in question etymological and lexicographical works on Russian and Turkic languages were used. In the paper the imperative interjections addressing dogs and puppies, cats and kittens were generalized and systemized for the first time, their origin was revealed. There were established the sets of words for calling and repelling, they were made according to the main dialects of the Mari language. In the sources there were found 14 interjections for calling and repelling dogs and puppies, cats and kittens, and also for hounding dogs: 11 of them address dogs and puppies, 3 of them address cats and kittens. 7 of the revealed interjections are used for calling dogs and puppies, cats and kittens, 7 for repelling, including interjection for hounding dogs. Etymology of 8 items (or 57 %) is connected with Russian language: 6 interjections (3 supposedly) address dogs and puppies, 2 interjections address cats and kittens.

E.A. Chelak ◽  
K.R. Russu

The article is devoted to the analysis of associative reactions to the phrase-stimulus “crow’s day”, obtained in the framework of a free associative experiment conducted from 23 April to 30 April, 2020 on 133 subjects. The material for the study was 665 associative reactions from native speakers of the Russian language to the stimulus phrase “crow’s day”. Nuclear and peripheral meanings in the short and long term are presented, semantic groups ranked first and second in frequency of use among all associative reactions. The method of a free associative experiment made it possible to obtain data that led to the formulation of the conclusions: in the minds of Russian speakers familiar with the culture of the Ob Ugrians, the concept of “crow’s day” is fixed.

Leonid M. Luks ◽  

The common thread in the life history of Aleksander Wat is his skepticism to­ward absolute truths and their heralds. He was untrue to this principle for only a few years when he followed an “association” that supposedly held the truth – the communist movement. Wat regarded this relatively short “dogmatic sleep” as the biggest mistake of his life. Because of it, he contributed to spreading of one of the most inauspicious teachings of the twentieth century and burdened himself with unforgivable guilt. This disenchantment process was fueled by his longstanding confrontation with Soviet reality. Wat was outsider and an insider at the same time and could observe the Soviet experiment from both a distance and from up close. As a universally educated Central European, he also belonged to the great authorities on Russian culture and had complete command of the Russian language in all its nuances. This made it easy for him to integrate into Russian developments in a general European context, and at the same time to un­derstand the most important characteristics of Russia’s “special historical path”. In Wat’s eyes, Russia is a Janus-headed object. It has both a repulsive – as he put it – “Asiatic” face, and a charming European one. For Wat, Asia did not repres­ent the cradle of civilization, on the contrary. For him it virtually epitomized tyranny and disregard of human rights.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9.1 (85.1) ◽  
Tatyana Tukova ◽  

The aim of the article is to retrace the causes responsible for the development of denominations of psychological abuse in the Russian language, and to describe the peculiarities of their implementation into the language system. The concept of isomorphism of the fundamental structure of the world, as well as human mind and natural language, is confirmed on the basis of the material of сustomary functioning of the denominations of psychological abuse. Contemporary customary usage reflects the phenomena of psychological and emotional pressure on a person, which have lately spread in the living space. The media sphere has become one of the important sources of observation of evolutionary processes in language during recent decades. The media provide numerous examples of the functioning of new words that are not recorded even by the most modern dictionaries, including electronic ones. Emerging lexical tokens either fill in the gaps of particular area of modern Russian that serves the psychological discourse, or can be applied to clarify new or updated concepts. Social awareness of the indiscriminate character of psychological abuse has triggered new legislation aimed to protect against these forms of violence. The penetration of the borrowed terms from psychological sphere into modern language is determined both by extralinguistic and intralinguistic reasons, such as dehumanization of society, globalization; tendencies to the semantic accuracy of utterance, speech-saving efforts, etc. A steep increase in the frequency of use of the borrowed psychological terms in the media discourse accelerates the process of their adaptation in the contemporary Russian language. The removal of ideological marking of existing in the language lexical units, the clarification of semantic content of terms, various types of borrowing, naming forms of latent violence common in the globalized world, the attachment of actual lexemes to taxonomic relations innate to language system, demonstrate the aptitude of the Russian language for plasticity. The problem outlined is multifaceted, interdisciplinary and needs further elaboration.

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