In 1950, 75% of the total population of the country was living in rural areas, whereas this ratio has declined to 8.2% in 2014 due to migration to urban areas. Particularly in the mountain villages, where health, communication and transportation services have not been sufficiently utilized, the inclination to migrate has been continuing at an escalating rate for individuals in the working age, leading to the collapse of socio-cultural and economical structure. In the mountain villages, there is a need for new sustainable fields of business operable within the four seasons of the year that do not require costly investments and an educated workforce; provide business opportunities to local women; contribute to preservation of the socio-cultural structural, natural and cultural heritage;cause no concretion and land consumption. In this study, development of proposals is aimed to conduct rural tourism in Ulukışla-Madenköy, a location possessing the qualities to provide an ideal four seasons accommodation and logistic support to any kind of activity made by the domestic and foreign visitors of Bolkar mountains during their arrivals and departures.As a research method "SWOT" and "Resources and Physical Condition" analysis techniques were used. Studies were mostly conducted through site researches. Proposals were developed for development of Madenköy through implementation of sustainable rural tourism in this area. The results clearly demonstrate that Madenköy possesses the qualities to create a high level demand in four seasons from the viewpoint of the tourists. As a means to sustain the rural tourism activities, "Conservation plan" and ―The rural tourism management and development plan," must be prepared and ―Sustainable carrying capacity of region" must be continuously monitored.

Katarzyna Zatońska ◽  
Piotr Psikus ◽  
Alicja Basiak-Rasała ◽  
Zuzanna Stępnicka ◽  
Maria Wołyniec ◽  

(1) Background: Alcohol is a leading risk factor of premature morbidity and mortality. The objective of this study was to investigate the patterns of alcohol consumption in the PURE Poland cohort study baseline. (2) Methods: A Polish cohort was enrolled in the baseline study in 2007–2010. The study group consisted of 2021 adult participants of urban and rural areas from the Lower Silesia voivodeship in Poland (747 men and 1274 women). (3) Results: In the overall study population, 67.3% were current drinkers, 10.3% were former drinkers, and 22.4% were abstainers. Current use of alcohol products was more prevalent in men (77.2%), people living in urban areas (73.0%), and people with a higher level of education (78.0%). The percentage of current drinkers decreased with increasing age (from 73.4% in 30- to 44-year-olds to 48.8% in participants aged 64 and more). The majority of participants (89.2%) declared a low level of alcohol intake. The chance of high level of intake of alcohol was four times higher in men than in women (OR 4.17; CI 1.64–10.6). The majority of participants (54.6%) declared most frequent consumption of low-alcohol drinks (beer, wine) and 21% declared most frequent consumption of spirits. Current drinkers had almost 1.5-fold higher odds of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases (CVD) than never drinkers (OR 1.49, CI 1.03–2.17; OR 1.66, CI 1.27–2.18, respectively). Former drinkers had higher odds for hypertension and CVD than never drinkers (1.73, CI 1.05–2.85; OR 1.76, CI 1.22–2.53, respectively). (4) Conclusions: In our cohort study, we observed several socio-demographic factors differentiating the patterns of alcohol consumption. The preventive programs should focus predominantly on men, people aged <45 years, and those with a higher level of education.

2007 ◽  
Vol 35 (69_suppl) ◽  
pp. 35-44 ◽  
Samuel J. Clark ◽  
Mark A. Collinson ◽  
Kathleen Kahn ◽  
Kyle Drullinger ◽  
Stephen M. Tollman

Aim: To examine the hypothesis that circular labour migrants who become seriously ill while living away from home return to their rural homes to convalesce and possibly to die. Methods: Drawing on longitudinal data collected by the Agincourt health and demographic surveillance system in rural northeastern South Africa between 1995 and 2004, discrete time event history analysis is used to estimate the likelihood of dying for residents, short-term returning migrants, and long-term returning migrants controlling for sex, age, and historical period. Results: The annual odds of dying for short-term returning migrants are generally 1.1 to 1.9 times (depending on period, sex, and age) higher than those of residents and long-term returning migrants, and these differences are generally highly statistically significant. Further supporting the hypothesis is the fact that the proportion of HIV/TB deaths among short-term returning migrants increases dramatically as time progresses, and short-term returning migrants account for an increasing proportion of all HIV/TB deaths. Conclusions: This evidence strongly suggests that increasing numbers of circular labour migrants of prime working age are becoming ill in the urban areas where they work and coming home to be cared for and eventually to die in the rural areas where their families live. This shifts the burden of caring for them in their terminal illness to their families and the rural healthcare system with significant consequences for the distribution and allocation of health care resources.

2021 ◽  
T. S. Selvavinayagam ◽  
Anavarathan Somasundaram ◽  
Jerard Maria Selvam ◽  
Sabareesh Ramachandran ◽  
Sampath P. ◽  

Three rounds of population-representative serological studies through India's two COVID waves (round 1, 19 October-30 November 2020; round 2, 7-30 April 2021; and round 3, 28 June-7 July, 2021) were conducted at the district-level in Tamil Nadu state (population 72 million). State-level seroprevalence in rounds 1, 2 and 3 were 31.5%, 22.9%, and 67.1%. Estimated seroprevalence implies that at least 22.6 and 48.1 million persons were infected by the 30 November 2020 and 7 July 2021. There was substantial variation across districts in the state in each round. Seroprevalence ranged from 11.1 to 49.8% (round 1), 7.9 to 50.3% (round 2), and 37.8 to 84% (round 3). Seroprevalence in urban areas was higher than in rural areas (35.7 v. 25.7% in round 1, 74.8% v. 64.1% in round 3). Females had similar seroprevalence to males (30.8 v. 30.2% in round 1, 67.5 v. 65.5% in round 3). While working age populations (age 40-49: 31.6%) had significantly higher seroprevalence than the youth (age 18-29: 30.4%) or elderly (age 70+: 26.5%) in round 1, only the gap between working age (age 40-49: 66.7%) and elderly (age 70+: 59.6%) remained significant in round 3. Seroprevalence was greater among those who were vaccinated for COVID (25.7% v. 20.9% in round 2, 80.0% v. 62.3% in round 3). While the decline in seroprevalence from rounds 1 to 2 suggests antibody decline after natural infection, we do not find a significant decline in antibodies among those receiving at least 1 dose of COVID vaccine between rounds 2 and 3.

2017 ◽  
Vol 07 (02) ◽  
pp. 024-030
Ananya Madiyal ◽  
Vidya Ajila ◽  
G. Subhas Babu ◽  
Shruthi Hegde

Abstract Aim: To assess the knowledge and attitude of South-Indian smokers towards health effects of smoking and their intentions to quit. Study design: A cross sectional questionnaire based survey was conducted among 550 smokers hailing from South India who reported to the out-patient department of the dental hospital. Results: Highest incidence of smoking in men was seen in those who received moderate level of education and those residing in rural areas. In female smokers, the highest incidence was seen in those residing in urban areas (53.8%) with a high level of education (38.4%). We found that males continued their habit mainly to destress while females used it to socialize. Majority of the participants were aware that smoking causes a host of problems in the oral cavity and 68.18% were aware that passive smoking was injurious to the body. Most of the responders admitted to having observed warnings on tobacco products and were willing to quit the habit with help from their dentists. Conclusion: Smokers are at risk for various diseases that include the cardiovascular, respiratory and reproductive systems as well as the oral cavity. This study sheds light on the level of awareness among current tobacco users and the areas of deficiency in patient education which should be addressed by clinicians.

Paweł Siemiński ◽  
Jakub Hadyński ◽  
Walenty Poczta

The aim of this paper is to estimate, as well as analyse and assess spatial diversification in human capital resources in rural and urban areas of Poland. Studies have static nature and relate to the state of the situation in 2018 year. A synthetic index of human capital resources (IHCR) was applied, based on which a hierarchy was developed for rural and urban areas, depending on the administrative division into provinces determining the degree of their diversification in terms of their human capital resources. Human capital resources were analysed in four categories, i.e. in terms of employment, education, entrepreneurship and unemployment, using data from the Local Data Bank CSO database. Research results indicate considerable regional (spatial) diversification of rural and urban areas. We may distinguish two homogeneous classes, including urban areas with a high level of human capital development, as well as rural areas with their low level. Moreover, there is a heterogeneous group of the so-called medium level of human capital, composed of both urban and rural areas. Particularly, observed polarization in human capital resources may in the future reduce the absorption of development impulses within both national and EU development policies.

Toms Skadins

Over the course of several previous decades the post-socialist countries of Central and Eastern Europe have experienced notable population disposition and composition changes in the vicinity of large cities. Despite this, age composition related studies have rarely paid attention to changes within these city regions. Thus, the aim of this paper is to shed light on age composition changes of Riga agglomeration ring. For this study official statistical data, along with population ageing index is utilized. Changes are studied for the entire ring and its structures of urban and rural areas for the years 2000, 2011 and 2020. Results indicated that, despite a decrease, the 25-44 year old age group remained the most populous. 15-24 year old group had the largest decrease. Pre-working age and the two oldest groups were the ones which had tended to increase the most in comparison to situation in 2000. However, ring and urban areas first saw a decrease of pre-working age population leading up to 2011, followed by a more notable growth. Population ageing index values showed that for all territory types population ageing had slowed after 2011. Also, urban areas of Riga agglomeration have been ageing more rapidly than rural ones. This study was supported by National Research Program Project grant number VPP-IZM-2018/1-0015. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 1113-1117
Alan C.K. Cheung

Rural areas are the product of the development of productivity to a certain stage. Generally, rural areas are geographical areas located outside of cities and towns. The Health Resources and Services Administration of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services defines the term “rural” as “...not including all population, housing, and territory in urban areas. Anything that is not in a city is regarded as a rural area” (HRSA, 2021). From the perspective of production methods, rural areas refer to “a place where people mainly engaged in agricultural production live together” (The Dictionary Editing Office of the Institute of Languages, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, 2005). When productivity has not yet reached a high level of development, there are still essential differences between urban and rural areas. Affected by economic transformation and geographical location, rural economic growth has been restricted. According to United Nations statistics, in 2018, the rural population accounted for more than half of the global population, and the rural poor accounted for 79% of the worldwide poverty population; the poverty rate in rural areas was more than three times that of urban areas. Of the 2 billion people in the world who do not have basic health services, 70% live in rural areas; the ratio of energy access in rural areas is about 75%, while that in urban areas is 96% (United Nations General Assembly, 2018).

2014 ◽  
Vol 42 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-60 ◽  

SUMMARYA growing body of ‘people and parks’ literature examines the interactions between protected areas (PAs) and people who live around them. This study of Chobe National Park (Botswana), which has one of the largest concentrations of wildlife in Africa, highlights a PA's influence beyond its buffer zone and provides a more detailed understanding of the complex dynamics within a PA buffer. Overall net population growth in the areas adjacent to Chobe National Park (hereafter referred to as the ‘buffer’ area) does not preclude outmigration from certain Park buffer areas where declining agricultural opportunities have pushed working-age residents in search of work to urban areas around and beyond the Park. At the same time, skilled workers have moved to some of these rural Park buffer villages to take advantage of new civil service positions. The PA also influences long-time rural dwellers’ social and economic exchanges with urban kin and exacerbates dependence relations, placing economic strain upon urban migrants. In this way, the economic and social effects of PAs are neither uniform across their borders nor limited to those borders. These outcomes have important implications for biodiversity conservation in rural areas as they suggest that population growth may not be an accurate proxy for threats to biodiversity, if new and long-term residents come to rely on less resource-intensive livelihood practices.

2020 ◽  
Vol 208 ◽  
pp. 04019
Elena Petrikova ◽  
Iuliia Artamonova ◽  
Nikita Morgunov ◽  
Nikolay Tsveatcov

The task of comprehensive development of the economy of rural and urban areas in the regions of Russia to create socio-economic conditions for development in order to reduce population migration, ensure sustainable development of the territory, a high level and quality of life of the local population - is currently one of the priorities for the Russian economy. The study of international experience has shown that the comprehensive development of territories must begin with the construction of infrastructure that allows creating conditions for a high-quality standard of living of citizens. Then it is necessary to form the sectoral structure of the economy of the territory, which should be as diversified as possible in order to stimulate high growth in the level of income of citizens. The article discusses the principles of developing programs for the comprehensive development of the economy of the territory, the size and sources of funding for such events at the federal and regional levels, as well as the stages of implementation of measures, the reasons for the emergence of risks and restrictions that are advisable to take into account when creating comprehensive development programs, the effects at various levels from their implementation. The results obtained can be used in the implementation of the spatial strategy of Russia, taking into account the territorial and sectoral specifics of regional development.

2021 ◽  
Hanumant Waghmare ◽  
Jitendra Gupt ◽  
Archana Kujur

Abstract Background: This study aims to understand the relationship between dietary diversity and nutritional status through the lenses of nutritional policies among women in reproductive age and children under age five in India.Method: Demographic and Health Survey data collected in year 2015-16 is used for Analysis in the aspects of current and past efforts taken at programme and policy level to improve nutritional and anaemia status among women and children. Further we review some of the critical interventions in nutrition and draws out several issues that have bearing on these policies' future evolution. Through the study we explore the statistical associations between nutritional status and nutritional policy in India.Result: The findings show that the evolution of nutrition policies and the programme has a slow but have positive impact on anaemia among women and children under age five in India. The study finds declining trend in prevalence of anaemia among women and children from 55.4 percent and 77.1 percent in 1990 to 51.4 percent and 57.3 percent in 2016 respectively. The dietary consumption shows that 37 percent women consume milk, further result shows that diet of children increase in fourth and fifth year. Mothers education shows inverse relation with malnutrition, with education sever and stunted percentage decreases. BMI among women, shows highest prevalence of underweight in early age 15-19 (41%), of normal in age 20-24 (62%), of overweight in older age 45-49 (25%) and of obese (10%) too. The nutritional status of women and children is better in urban areas as compared to rural areas. Conclusion: To deal with the diverse culture, food practices and improve the nutritional status of women and children government has introduced multiple policies and program but high level of anaemia among the women and children still exists. This result shows that government needs to take up a more approaches to this problem for effectively improving it.

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