2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-87
Nila Noer Karisna

The mass media which has developed rapidly provides the opportunities for all circles in using and taking the advantage of media for specific purposes, especially for political actors. For example in JTV Jember, one of the media in Jember Regency which reports a local political actor in Jember or the Regent of Jember, positive news that is displayed on JTV Jember has an effect on society. So that the news about the Regent which is negative will not be published because of the collaboration between the Regent of Jember and the media JTV Jember.This study is qualitative with Cresswell's descriptive type of research using purposive subject selection method. The data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. In analyzing the data, the writer uses data reduction, data presentation, and verification.The results of this study reveal that the hegemony carried out by the Regent of Jember towards media JTV Jember is integral or total hegemony because it spontaneously agrees to the provisions of the MOU with the Regent. Further, media JTV Jember does not have freely in reporting the news about the Regent that contains of conflict. In addition, the editorial policy of JTV Jember after being analyzed through text which contains of news representations of JTV Jember becomes a representative in conveying the informations about the Regent of Jember, the relationship between JTV Jember news about the Regent of Jember is motivated by MOU. therefor, the identity of JTV Jember becomes a medium which is known by FaidaTV. 


LABURPENA: Lan hau komunikabideen eta ustelkeria politikoaren arteko harremanei buruzkoa da. Lanaren estrategia komunikabideek gobernatzaileen eta gobernatuen arteko harremanak hedatzeko bitarteko aktiboak bezala duten jarrera agertzea da, hau da, komunikabideek ustelkeriari buruz emandako informazioa izan ez dadin prentsaren jatorrietatik datorren ataza soila, hots, askatasun publikoen eta gobernu onaren watchdog or atari-txakur lana. Gauzak horrela, komunikabideak aktore politikoak dira, interes partikularrak dituzte eta egitateekiko elkarrekintza dute, eta egitate horiei garrantzia ematen diete (edo ez), interesen arabera. Ustelkeria politikoko eskandaluak kazetaritzako argitan, komunikabideen enpresen interesen arabera eta sistema politikoaren eta komunikabide sistemaren arteko harremanak kontuan izanda aztertu behar dira. Horrela soilik ahal izango diogu lana honen funtsari ekin, alegia: zer egin dezakete komunikabideek demokraziaren kalitatea handitzeko, hau da, ustelkeria politikoa bertatik erauzi edo, gutxienez, mugatzeko? RESUMEN: El presente trabajo es un estudio crítico sobre la relación existente entre medios de comunicación y corrupción política. La estrategia del mismo consiste en desvelar la posición de los medios de comunicación como mediatizadores activos de la relación entre gobernantes y gobernados, de manera que la información sobre corrupción producida por los medios no se vea como el mero cumplimiento de una tarea asignada desde sus orígenes ilustrados a la prensa, a saber, su labor de watchdog o perro guardián de las libertades públicas y del buen gobierno. Vistas así las cosas, los medios se configuran como actores políticos con intereses particulares que interaccionan con los hechos y a los que confieren (o no) la entidad de noticiables en grados diversos. Los escándalos de corrupción política deben estudiarse a la luz de las narrativas periodísticas, a la luz de los condicionamientos empresariales de los medios y a la luz de la configuración de las relaciones entre el sistema político y el sistema mediático. Sólo así podremos encarar la cuestión de fondo que se plantea al final de este trabajo y que pregunta qué pueden hacer los medios de comunicación para acrecentar la calidad de la democracia extirpando o al menos limitando en ella la corrupción política. ABSTRACT: This work is a critical analysis about the relationship between mass media and political corruption. Its strategy is to unveil the mass media position as an activ mediator in the relationship between governers and governeds so that information about corruption by the media cannot be seen as the simple fullfilment of an assigned task to the press since its Enlightment origins, i.e. their job of watchdog or guard dog for public liberties and good governance. As things stand, mass media are configured as political actors with particular interests that interact with facts to which the give (or not) a gradual entity of political newsworthiness. The scandals of political corruption should be studied in the light of journalistic narratives, corporate constraints of the mass media and the setting of relationships among the political and the media system. Only this way we will be able to face the underlying issue that arises at the end of this work and that questions what mass media can do in order to improve the quality of democracy by removing or at least constraining within the political corruption.

2021 ◽  
pp. 089124162110569
Hakan Kalkan

“Street culture” is often considered a response to structural factors. However, the relationship between culture and structure has rarely been empirically analyzed. This article analyzes the role of three media representations of American street culture and gangsters—two films and the music of a rap artist—in the street culture of a disadvantaged part of Copenhagen. Based on years of ethnographic fieldwork, this article demonstrates that these media representations are highly valuable to and influential among young men because of their perceived similarity between their intersectional structural positions and those represented in the media. Thus, the article illuminates the interaction between structural and cultural factors in street culture. It further offers a local explanation of the scarcely studied phenomenon of the influence of mass media on street culture, and a novel, media-based, local explanation of global similarities in different street cultures.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 105-116
Harmanto Harmanto ◽  
Suyoto Suyoto ◽  
Jody Diamond

This study aimed to reveal the concept of Tumbuk in Javanese gamelan tuning, namely gamêlan agêng with Sléndro and Pélog. This study used a qualitative method with an ethical emic perspective. The data collection was done by conducting literature review, observation, interviews, and studio work, then processed with data analysis. The data analysis then was followed up through data interaction by interpreting the relationship reactions of the three elements of analysis consisting of data collection, data reduction, and data presentation. The interpretation of the data was done inductively, so that the conclusion was drawn entirely from the development of the data according to the realities of the field. The results showed that tumbuk was not only limited to a note that has the same high and low, but it is a musical concept that integrates the Sléndro and Pélog scales in the tuning of a set of gamelans. There are basically only two types of tumbuk: nêm tumbuk and lima tumbuk. Other than those, it means that they are the strut. The thing is,tumbuk has a central tone that serves as a benchmark and a supporting tone whose position strengthens the integration of each type of tumbuk. As a concept, it was found that tumbuk plays several important roles including equalizing the highs and lows of certain notes, equalizing the range of certain notes, and conditioning the range of notes or the addition of the tune.

Stefaan Walgrave ◽  
Peter Van Aelst

Recently, the number of studies examining whether media coverage has an effect on the political agenda has been growing strongly. Most studies found that preceding media coverage does exert an effect on the subsequent attention for issues by political actors. These effects are contingent, though, they depend on the type of issue and the type of political actor one is dealing with. Most extant work has drawn on aggregate time-series designs, and the field is as good as fully non-comparative. To further develop our knowledge about how and why the mass media exert influence on the political agenda, three ways forward are suggested. First, we need better theory about why political actors would adopt media issues and start devoting attention to them. The core of such a theory should be the notion of the applicability of information encapsulated in the media coverage to the goals and the task at hand of the political actors. Media information has a number of features that make it very attractive for political actors to use—it is often negative, for instance. Second, we plead for a disaggregation of the level of analysis from the institutional level (e.g., parliament) or the collective actor level (e.g., party) to the individual level (e.g., members of parliament). Since individuals process media information, and since the goals and tasks of individuals that trigger the applicability mechanism are diverse, the best way to move forward is to tackle the agenda setting puzzle at the individual level. This implies surveying individual elites or, even better, implementing experimental designs to individual elite actors. Third, the field is in dire need of comparative work comparing how political actors respond to media coverage across countries or political systems.

1970 ◽  
pp. 16-17
Randa Abul-Husn

The question of mass media as creator versus mirror of culture is one of the most debated issues in the relationship between mass media and society. Some critical media sociologists emphasize the value producing function of mass media, whereas others are foremost interested in demonstrating how social reality is reflected in the media.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 127-142
Daryna Kharuk ◽  

The process of changing the media landscape in Ukraine cannot be called simple. At the same time, these changes are very large and irreversible - as well as changes in Ukrainian society. This paper deals with the issues related to the present media landscape of Ukraine and the factors that influence it. The work describes the relationship between the media and the events of Euromaidan and the Revolution of Dignity, as well as the identity crisis that led to the events of 2013–2014 in Ukraine. The role of the mass media in the democratic revolutions in Ukraine is very important. The changing position of the media, the influence of the oligarchs, and the resistance of media workers - all of this was a part of the revolution that changed not only Ukrainian society but also the mass media for the better. Journalists, being public figures, were active participants in the revolution and stood close to its roots. Admittedly, this had an impact on the specifics of the work of journalists who had to operate in extreme conditions, first during the Revolution of Dignity, and later broadcasting events in Crimea and eastern Ukraine. The events of the Euromaidan completely changed the situation, putting an end to the crisis of national self-identification. The media not only reflected on but also created these changes while experiencing restructuration. A new type of media has emerged – are ordinary people who, using their profiles in social networks, acted to spread the information about events, commented on them, and shared their reflections.

2015 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 56 ◽  
Dinar Anggraeni

<p>The purpose of the study is to know and depict the revitalization and socialization of Daeng dance in purbalingga, Indonesia. This study used a qualitative method. The relevant techniques of data collection to the method are observation, interview, and documentation. The data obtained are analyzedusing three ways; they are data reduction, data display, conclusion and verification. The results showed that revitalizing Daeng dance occurred in its earliest performances, by means of innovating the foregoing Daeng dance without leaving its characteristics. The revitalization was done toward the dance’s motion, accompaniment, makeup, wardrobe, stage, sounds, lighting, and floor patterns, as well as there is a change in its function; as the media of spreading Islam in the past to nowadays just being an entertainment. After the process of revitalization, Daeng dance is then socialized through two ways of deployment; they are formal and informal processes. This dance’s socialization in this study occurs through direct performance and mass media. </p>

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
Badria Abdullah

The purpose of this research is to find out : (1) the development of education inclusive in SMAN 4 Palu, and (2) reality of learning of history at SMAN 4 Palu. Research data collected through the interview, observations, and the documentation. This study in the data analysis that are induktif  and in the form of interactive  are based on the relationship between the fact one and the fact that others who have a causal through the data collection, the reduction, of the data, the presentation of  the data, verification data, or the withdrawal of the conclusion. The results of research shows that activity as well as the development of education inclusive in SMAN 4 Palu has been run since 2014, students special needs learn along with the students regular in a class. All of the school support and tried to maximize education inclusive, although in fact  still much shortcomings in the implementation of education inclusive. In the learning of history at SMAN 4 Palu is good,  according to the implementation to the lives of the day of the day learners adapted in methods, the media, and the material impertinent. Keywords: Inclusive Education, History Learning.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 177-187
Dharlinda Suri

This scientific work is the result of the analysis and study of literature that reviews the communication and information media, namely social media in the form of social networks as a very effective medium used as a medium of communication and information to convey problems or aspirations of the community, especially for regions that have not been touched by the media optimally. widely known by the general public, especially officials who are currently serving. This study has a purpose for: first, to describe the characteristics of digital age society that uses communication media. Second, describing the linkages of the media of communication with national development and Third, describing the opportunities and challenges that arise in the digital era society. And fourth, describe the efforts that must be done in the digital era.This research method is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. Researchers conduct data collection in accordance with existing events. Then the data is analyzed by means of data collection, data reduction, data presentation then drawing conclusions or verification. The results of the study show that national development will be well realized if there is a communication medium in the form of social networks that are used by the community correctly, ethically and can be accounted for. This can be reached in the wider community with the existence of cooperation between the community and the local government, namely by conducting counseling in all places evenly.

Humaniora ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 97
Lidya Wati Evelina ◽  
Mia Angeline

Data from General Election Commission (KPU) said the 2009 election abstentions level is still relatively high , ie 49,212,161 non voters (29.1%) of the 176,411,434 voters. The low political participation of Indonesian society is caused by many cases convoluting political parties, the lack of potential figure of political parties, and the decline of the party's image. Research aims to find the 2014 election socialization efforts of the General Election Commission to reduce the level of abstentions and how the media shape public opinion to reduce the abstentees. Research used qualitative method with data collection through interview and literature. Data were analyzed with data reduction and triangulation. The study found the socialization media used for 2014 election were national and regional media socializing to various schools and universities in Indonesia. KPU also recruited agents of socialization in 2014, put up posters and banners, did activities along with agents of socialization, and increased the number of polling stations (TPS). KPU disseminated the information to the mass media to be publicized. The goal is to involve the community and to contribute to the success of the election. Electronic mass media need to make a program that helps the socialization of the election, for example having an open debate of all parties participating in the election in a special slot provided by the government then they explain the program and their pro-people commitments. As conclusions, the commission and the media have not been systematically designing programs that can persuade public to participate in the election of 2014. Research recommends the media to make a program that is interactive and engaging based on local tastes and culture to provide a common understanding about the 2014 election. 

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