the mass media
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2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 (0) ◽  
pp. 1-28
Carlos Muñiz ◽  

During election campaigns the mass media favor political debate, giving relevant issues a particular framing. In this coverage the use of the conflict frame stands out, and although it usually presents politics as an exercise of confrontation and attack, it can also show it as a process of discussion and the exchange of opinions. A content analysis was conducted on television and press news during the 2018 presidential and the 2021 federal legislative elections in Mexico. The findings confirm the existence of two differentiated frames, that of “conflict” and that of “discussion and political agreement”. Furthermore, a connection between the two frames was detected in the media coverage of the campaigns.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (4) ◽  
pp. 525
Fuzi Narin Drani

The news in the mass media regarding sexual harassment against children are increasing day by day so that it is troubling not only families, but also the community. Children are soulmates, family assets, images and reflections of the future that we must take care of well. The implementation of legal protection for child sexual harassment victims in Indonesia has not been fully maximized. This research aims to find out the forms of legal protection for child victims of crime in accordance with the provisions of the laws in force in Indonesia.

Obayi, Paul Martin

This study sought to examine the influence of the mass media in mobilizing the masses for the Covid-19 vaccine. The study was anchored on Health Belief Model (HBM). The researcher adopted the survey research design. The population of this study is the population of residence of Imo state which according to the 2016 projected population is 5,408,756 (National Bureau of Statistics, 2016). The Taro Yamen’s formula was used to arrive at a sample size of 399. The questionnaire was the research instrument used for the data collection. Findings revealed that over 70% of the residents are highly aware of the covid-19 vaccine. However, the knowledge of the vaccine is low as the average mean of 2.3 indicated that residents in Imo State are not knowledgeable about the covid-19 vaccine. This is probably the reason why findings revealed that at an average mean of 1.9, residents in Imo State seem not to want to accept the intake of the covid-19 vaccine. The researchers recommended thus residents of Imo State should endeavor to get their news through reliable sources in order to have a good mental disposition towards the vaccine; and that people in Imo State should endeavor to go and take the covid-19 vaccine. This will help close the gate to the high rates of death recorded as a result of the covid-19 vaccine.

D. V. Kozlovsky

The article deals with the specifics of interaction of evidentiality with the modus categories of authorization and approximation. The central aspect of the study is to identify the types of interaction of these categories in the mass media discourse. Evidentiality, initially considered as a grammatical category associated with the characterization of the source of information, reveals additional modus semantics within the framework of the linguosynergetic approach to the analysis of discourse. The study of the discursive space indicates that evidentiality unites three communicating subject zones the author's zone, the communication subject's zone, and the addressee's / reader's zone. Taking into account these zones in the course of updating the linguosynergetic method of discourse analysis helps to identify the specifics of polymodal evidential meanings and allows to form a synergetic evidential model, within which the features of synergetic coupling of evidentiality with authorization and approximation are considered. The author comes to the conclusion that these categories implement two possible types of interaction based on the interpenetration and complementarity of modus meanings in the discursive space of mass media. During the deployment of the evidential discourse context, the author refers to these principles to provide the necessary impact on the addressee / reader. The results of the study contribute to understanding the nature of the organization of messages of the subjects of communication and can be used to study the relationship of evidentiality with other modus categories.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (Special Issue) ◽  
pp. 138-151
Farah Ayuni Mohd Husni ◽  
Rahmah Ahmad H. Osman ◽  
Nurhaziqah Fadzli ◽  
‘Aqilah Mohd Noor

As time passed, Arabic Language has become a worldwide language which it has become one of the five most spoken language in the world. Among them is Malaysia, where Arabic Language is widely taught in schools and universities. Especially we can see the widespread use of Arabic Language in the mass media of Malaysia and constantly relate with religious content especially Islamic content. This study’s aims are to highlight the contributions of Arabic Language in Islamization of mass media in Malaysia. In the end, the results showed that Arabic Language indeed is one of the main reasons for the islamisation in Malaysia with emergence of Javanese writing, and the use of Arabic Language on television for Islamic shows and so on.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (4(17)) ◽  
pp. 459-476
Mirko Jakovljević

The mass media in the sphere of work include the production of information, communication, and the creation of public opinion in all areas of social life, including the areas that belong to the social and natural sciences, where ecology also belongs. They have become the basis for initiating social action in the field of environmental protection, which is necessary for the existence of raised ecological awareness, which is also expressed through knowledge about the threat to the balance in biodiversity and nature. The protection and preservation of biodiversity, as a significant part of the human environment, deserves more attention from the mass media, but also from the members of a social community. A modern man lives in an era of information abundance. It on many occasions disorients the modern consumer. For these reasons, a person, who already lives in a kind of "new media order", is recommended to adopt fundamental knowledge about the so-called media literacy, as well as biodiversity protection. This paper considers how the mass media should influence the raising of environmental awareness in the field of biodiversity conservation, taking into account all the dynamics and drama of information technology development and emerging forms of environmental and biodiversity threats.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-34
Dedi Sahputra

In the mass media coverage of children in conflict with the law, children's rights must be protected. Therefore journalists in producing journalistic works and mass media that disseminate information about children in conflict with the law must keep the identity of the child, both the child as the perpetrator, the child as the victim, and the child as a witness, as well as all information related to the child. In the process of producing journalistic work, a press institution has a flow of copy process which is a mechanism to ensure the fulfillment of checks and balances on the information produced. In addition, there is also a right of reply mechanism in the mass media that regulates if violations occur in journalistic work as mandated in the Press Law and Journalistic Code of Ethics. This mechanism is regulated is nothing but to guarantee the freedom of the press in carrying out the functions of the press which is essential in the life of the nation and state. With this right of reply mechanism, the press that publishes journalistic works that violate the rights of children in conflict with the law, must still be responsible without having to involve aspects of criminal law in it.

2021 ◽  
Vol In Press (In Press) ◽  
Sima Eivazi ◽  
Jahangir Karami

Background: Persuasion is a method used to correct and modify the attitude and behaviors of community members to protect collective benefits, especially during crises. Objectives: The present study aimed to predict COVID-19 preventive behaviors based on persuasion techniques in five countries. Methods: This descriptive, correlational study was conducted on the population aged more than 18 years in Iran, Australia, the United Kingdom, Sweden, and Canada. The sample size determined by Morgan’s table was 498 individuals who were selected via convenience sampling in the spring of 2020. Data were collected online using a Demographic Questionnaire, a Persuasion Scale (2020), and the Questionnaire of Healthy Preventive Behaviors for COVID-19 (2020). The inclusion criteria were the age of more than 18 years and basic literacy, and the exclusion criterion was incomplete questionnaires. Data analysis was performed in SPSS version 21 using Pearson’s correlation-coefficient and multiple regression analysis. Results: A positive significant correlation was observed between persuasion techniques and healthy preventive behaviors for COVID-19 (P < 0.001). Among the components of persuasion, fear, interest in the messenger, frequency of the message, and reliability of the messenger could most significantly predict healthy behaviors (P < 0.001). Conclusions: According to the results, the mass media and authorities could enhance the effectiveness of their agenda by identifying the influential factors in the success of persuasion techniques. These findings could be beneficial to social psychiatrists, authorities, and the mass media.

2021 ◽  
pp. 69-76
Alina Gut

This article characterizes the didactic and educational potential of the mass media from the perspective of media pedagogy, serves to show the technological, cultural, social and natural features of the media. Features mentioned above reflect all dimensions of reality. The media indirectly becomes its creator and gives pedagogues and therapists a chance for preventive counteracting social pathologies.

polemica ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Ivana Barreto

Resumo: Os meios de comunicação de massa contribuem para o processo de reciclagem de estereótipos e preconceitos e, como resultado, muitos deles se tornam duradouros. Nesse sentido, a preocupação com a questão dos direitos humanos é inquestionável, bem como sua discussão e produção de pesquisas no âmbito universitário. Desse modo, alunos do Curso de Jornalismo da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ) produziram uma revista para se opor ao conteúdo predominante da mídia hegemônica, apresentando visões mais humanizadas sobre o município do Rio de Janeiro e alguns de seus personagens. O objetivo foi realizar uma cobertura reflexiva, contribuindo para o questionamento dos estereótipos mencionados. A linha editorial foi baseada nos direitos humanos e na ética. Devido à falta de patrocínio e dificuldades de impressão, o produto tornou-se disponível na internet e está sendo divulgado em congressos. A metodologia incluiu pesquisas sobre os temas elencados, trabalho de campo e entrevistas. Periodicamente, foram realizadas reuniões para avaliar a produção e sua vinculação com a linha editorial. Quanto aos resultados, há o prêmio na XXIII Expocom Sudeste e a receptividade na própria universidade. Este artigo, portanto, é um relato de experiência da Revista Contraponto.Palavras-chave: Direitos Humanos. Ética. Jornalismo. Revista. Contraponto.Abstract : The mass media contributes to the process of recycling stereotypes and prejudices and as result many of them become enduring. In this sense, the concern with the issue of Human Rights is undisputed as wellas its discussion and production of research in the university level. Thus, students from the Journalism Course of UFRRJ produced a magazine in order to oppose the prevailing contente of the hegemonic media, presenting more humanized visions about Rio de Janeiro and some of its characters. The goal was to carry out reflective coverage, contributing to the questioning of the stereotypes. The editorial line was based on the humanrights and ethics. Due to the lack of sponsorship and printing difficulties, the product became available on the internet and is being also publicized in congresses. The methodology included research on the themes listed, field work and interviews. Periodically, meetings were held to evaluate the production and its link to the editorial line. As regards the results, there are the XXIII Expocom Sudeste Award and receptivity in the university it self. This article, therefore, is an experience report of the Revista Contraponto.Keywords: Human rights. Ethics. Jornalism. Magazine. Contraponto.

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