2017 ◽  
Vol 37 (2) ◽  
pp. 268 ◽  
Ratna C. Rares ◽  
Meity Sompie ◽  
Arie Dp. Mirah ◽  
Jerry A.D. Kalele

ABSTRACTTHE EFFECT OF SOAKING TIME IN ACETIC ACID SOLUTION ON PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF CHICKEN CLAW GELATIN. This study was conducted to determine the effect of soaking time in acetic acid solution(CH3COOH) on physical and chemical characteristics of chicken claw gelatin. This study used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) the reatments were soaking time (12, 24, 36 and 48 hours) and four replicates of treatment. The result showed that the curing time  had no significant  effect (P> 0,05) to the gel strength and viscositas of gelatin, but it had significant effect (P<0,05) on rendemen and water content of gelatin. It was concluded that the chicken claw gelatin produced from soaking time 36 hours had the best physical and chemical characteristics. Key words: Acetic acid,  Gelatin, Chicken  claw

2020 ◽  
Vol 40 (2) ◽  
pp. 593
Indriani Wewengkang ◽  
M. Sompie ◽  
S.E. Siswosubroto ◽  
J.H.W. Pontoh

THE EFFECT OF DIFFERENT CONCENTRATION OF ACETIC ACID SOLUTION ON THE GEL STRENGTH, VISCOSITY, PROTEIN CONTENT AND RENDEMEN VALUEThis research conducted to determine the effect of different concentration of acetic acid solution on the gel strength, viscocity, protein content and rendemen of cow skin gelatin. The material used cowskin and acetic acid solution. This study used Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The treatments were concentration of acetic acid solution (1%, 3%, 5% and 7%) and  four replicates of treatment. The result showed that the different concetration of acetic acid solution  had no significant  effect (P>0.05) to the gel strength and rendemen value of gelatin, but it had significant effect (P<0.05) on viscosity and protein content of cow skin gelatin. It was concluded that  acetic acid solution 3% had  the best gel strength, viscosity, protein content  and rendemen value of cow skin gelatin.Keywords: Acetic acid, Cow skin, Gelatin

2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 149 ◽  
Danielle Fabíola Pereira da Silva ◽  
Rosana Gonçalves Pires Matias ◽  
José Osmar Da Costa e Silva ◽  
Alejandro Hurtado Salazar ◽  
Claudio Horst Bruckner

There are few information on the physical and chemical characteristics of peach fruit in subtropical climate regions and the majority of the studies were developed in the southern region of Brazil. In this study, physical and chemical characteristics of 12 white-fleshed peach cultivars (Cristal, Cristal Tacoari, Colibri, Delicioso Precoce, Jóia 1, Jóia 2, Jóia 4, Marli, Okinawa, Pérola de Itaquera, Premier and Tropical) were evaluated. The cultivars were planted in the experimental orchard of the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV), Viçosa – MG, Brazil. The experiment was conducted during the 2011 harvest season, in a completely randomized design with 12 treatments (cultivars), three replications and 10 fruits per plot. The cultivars Delicioso Precoce and Marli showed, in general, higher mass and fruit diameter. Fruits of cultivars Jóia 2 and Tropical presented higher firmness. Cultivar Tropical stood out with better balance between acidity and soluble solids and higher vitamin C and carotenoids contents.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 146
Retno Widyastuti ◽  
Afriyanti Afriyanti ◽  
Novian Wely Asmoro ◽  
Sri Hartati

Processing figs into food and beverage products will increase the attractiveness to consume this nutrient-rich fruit. One of them is by processing it into syrup. The purpose of this study is to (1) Knowing the effect of the stevia sugar concentration on the physical and chemical characteristics of fig syrup; (2) Knowing the effect of the carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) concentration on the physical and chemical characteristics of fig syrup. The experimental design used in this study was a completely randomized design (CRD) factorial pattern with two treatment factors, namely the concentration of stevia sugar (A) with four types of treatment levels, A1 = 0% (100% sucrose); A2 = 1%; A3 = 2%; A4 = 3%. Concentration of CMC (B) with three types of treatment, B1 = CMC 0%; B2 = CMC 0.25%; B3 = CMC 0.5%. Each treatment was repeated twice to obtain  4 x 3 x 2 = 24 experimental units. The results show the brightest color produced by 100% sucrose with CMC 0% which is equal to 36.24 (L). The highest sugar content was produced in syrup with the addition of stevia 3% and CMC 0% which amounted to 34.46%. The highest viscosity is produced in syrup with the addition of 100% sucrose and CMC 0.5% which is equal to 365.2 cP.)

2015 ◽  
Vol 35 (1) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  
Andre R.Y. Wowor ◽  
B. Bagau ◽  
I Untu ◽  
H Liwe

THE EFFECT OF UTILIZATION OF ACETIC ACID (CH3COOH) SOLUTION IN SHRIMP WASTE MEAL PROCESSING AS A FEED ON CRUDE PROTEIN, CALCIUM AND PHOSPHORUS CONTENT.An experiment was conducted to determine the effect of different level of acetic acid solution in the processing of shrimp waste meal. Shrimp waste material was in the form of leftover meat, skin, head, and other unutilized parts of shrimp. Research was arranged using Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 treatments: A0 = distilled water without acetic acid solution, A1 = 5% acetic acid solution, A2 = 10% acetic acid solution, and A3 = 15% acetic acid solution. Each treatment was replicated 4 times. Tukey’s test was employed to analyze treatment differences. Variable measured were: crude protein, calcium, and phosphorus content of shrimp waste. Research result showed that acetic acid solution level significantly affect protein, calcium, and phosphorus content of shrimp waste. Crude protein content of A2 was significantly (P < 0.05) higher compared with A0, A1, and A3, but significantly (P < 0.05) reduced calcium and phosphorus content of shrimp waste meal at the higher level. It can be concluded that utilization of 10% acetic acid solution in shrimp waste meal processing gave the best result with protein content of 56,37%, calcium 2,98%, and phosphorus 0,98%. Keywords :Shrimp waste meal, Acetic acid solution, Protein, Calcium, Phosphorus    

C. A. Paiva ◽  
E. M. M. Aroucha ◽  
R. M. A. Ferreira ◽  
N. O. Araújo ◽  
P. S. L. Silva

<p>O processamento de polpa e a fabricação de geleias são produtos de interesse para a região nordeste do Brasil. A baixa precipitação e os altos índices de luminosidade anuais, associado ao desenvolvimento da irrigação localizada na região, atraíram grandes empresas nacionais e internacionais para a produção de variados tipos de frutos, incluindo a acerola e o melão. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar as características físico-químicas de geleia simples e mista (50% de melão e 50% de acerola) de melão e acerola, por ocasião do preparo e após o armazenamento por 30 dias. Utilizou-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado. O tempo de armazenamento aumentou o teor de sólidos solúveis (SS) e o pH, mas reduziu a acidez titulável e o teor de ácido ascórbico das geleias. A geleia de melão apresentou o maior teor de SS após o armazenamento. E a geleia de acerola obteve valores superiores de pH, acidez titulável e vitamina C, nas duas épocas de análise. Já a geleia mista apresentou pH igual à geleia de melão, mas quanto às demais características situou-se entre às geleias simples.</p><p align="center"><strong><em>Physical and chemical characteristics of acerola and melon jellies during storage</em></strong></p><p><strong>Abstract: </strong>The pulp processing and the manufacture of jellies are products of interest to the northeastern region of Brazil. The low rainfall and high rates of annual luminosity associated with the development of drip irrigation in the region, attracted large national and international companies for the production of various kinds of fruits, including acerola and melon. The objective of this study was to evaluate the physico-chemical characteristics of single and mixed jelly (50% of melon and 50% acerola) of melon and acerola, on the occasion of preparation and after storage for 30 days. We used a completely randomized design. The storage time increased the soluble solids (SS) and pH, but reduced titratable acidity and ascorbic acid content from jelly. The melon jelly had the highest SS content after storage. And acerola jelly obtained higher values of pH, titratable acidity and vitamin C, in two periods of analysis. However the mixed jelly showed pH seems to jelly melon, but to the other features it was between the simple jelly.</p>

2015 ◽  
Vol 35 (03) ◽  
pp. 273 ◽  
Budi Santoso ◽  
Filli Pratama ◽  
Basuni Hamzah ◽  
Rindit Pambayun

The research aimed to know physical and chemical characteristics of Canna edulis Kerr and Dioscorea hispida Dennst unmodified and modified starch with cross-linking method. This research was divided into two stages. The first stage of the research was characterization of starch from Canna edulis Kerr and Dioscorea hispida Dennst and the second stage of the research was processing of modified starch from Canna edulis Kerr and Dioscorea hispida Dennst through crosslinking by using POCl at the concentration of 0.04%(v/v), 0.08%(v/v), dan 0.12%(v/v). There was no specific researchdesign for the first stage of the research.  The collected data was tabulated. The research design for the second stage was non factorial completely randomized design with five replications. The results showed that C. edulis contained starch content (41.35%) and D. hispida (38.80%). C. edulis starch had amylose content (17.59%) and D. hispida starch 8.92%. The modification of C. edulis starch contained of phosphate (15.74 ppm) and D. hispida 9.54 ppm. The starch granule was found in C. edulis (20-50 μm) and starch granule was in D. hispida (4.23 to 4.52 μm). The physical and chemical characteristics of modified C. edulis and D. hispida starch were not similar to the unmodified starch. The amylose andstarch contents in the modified starch was reduced, on the other hand, the phosphate content was increased, whereas the granule size was unchanged.3Keywords: Canna edulis Kerr, cross-linking, Dioscorea hispida Dennst, phosphate, starch ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik fisik dan kimia pati ganyong dan gadung sebelum dan setelah dimodifikasi dengan menggunakan metode ikatan silang (cross linking). Penelitian ini terdiri atas dua tahap. Tahap pertama adalah karakterisasi pati dari umbi ganyong dan umbi gadung. Tahap kedua pembuatan pati termodifikasidari pati ganyong dan gadung melalui ikatan silang dengan menggunakan POCl pada konsentrasi 0,04% (v/v);0,08% (vv); dan 0,12% (v/v). Rancangan penelitian tahap pertama menggunakan tabulasi dan tahap kedua rancangan acak lengkap non faktorial dengan lima kali ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kadar pati umbi ganyongsebesar 41,35% dan 38,80% untuk pati umbi gadung. Kadar amilosa pati ganyong 17,59% dan pati gadung 8,92%. Pati ganyong modifikasi mengandung fosfat sebesar 15,74 ppm sedangkan pati gadung 9,54 ppm. Ukuran granula pati ganyong berkisar 20-50 μm dan pati gadung 4,32-4,25 μm. Kadar pati dan amilosa umbi ganyong dan gadung setelahdimodifikasi mengalami penurunan secara signifikan dengan semakin tinggi konsentrasi POCl 3 sedangkan kadar fosfat, derajat substitusi, dan kadar HCN untuk pati gadung mengalami penurunan.Kata kunci: Fosfat, ganyong, gadung, ikatan silang, pati 3,  

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 214-224
Yudo Winarso ◽  
Bambang Subardjo ◽  
Selardi Sastrosayono

Soaking oil palm seeds in a solution of sulfuric acid and gibberellic acid is one way to shorten the dormancy period of oil palm seeds. This study aimed to find out the optimum soaking time of oil palm seeds in sulfuric acid solution to accelerate germination, the optimum concentration of gibberellic acid for oil palm seed germination, the interaction between using sulfuric acid and gibberellic acid in accelerating the germination of oil palm seeds and the best treatment combination in all the tried treatments. The experimental design used was a completely randomized design (CRD), with a complete factorial combination with a total of 16 treatments. Each treatment was repeated 4 times, so there were 64 experimental units and each unit was planted with 5 seeds. The results of statistical analysis showed that soaking oil palm seeds in a solution of sulfuric acid and gibberellic acid had an effect on the germination of these seeds. The duration of soaking oil palm seeds for 48 hours in sulfuric acid solution constituted the optimum time for increasing the speed of germination and giving gibberellic acid at a concentration of 300 ppm still accelerated the germination of oil palm seeds and there was no interaction between the length of soaking the seeds in sulfuric acid solution and the concentration of gibberellic acid.  Soaking the seeds in a solution of sulfuric acid for 48 hours and gibberellate 300 ppm was the best combination treatment to accelerate the germination of oil palm seeds.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
Sepideh Sohrabpour ◽  
Mozhgan Yadegari ◽  
Reza Esmaeilzade Kenari

Several methods are employed to remove the moisture from organic or non-organic materials, in a variety of industrial applications. Among all, dehydration of fruits is an alternative to decline post-harvest loss of fruits and also a process to produce dried fruits, which can be directly consumed or become part of foodstuffs like cakes, and many others. In particular, drying provokes a series of changes in materials, such as oxidation, browning, or loss of nutritional-functional properties. Ultrasound is famous to have a significant effect on the rate of various processes. Quince is a fruit which is rich in polyphenols, organic acids, and amino acids with important health benefits. The present study examined the effect of ultrasound and blanching pre- treatments prior to convective drying on quality  properties  of dehydrated quince slices. A completely randomized design was used to address the effect of time of sonication (10−30 min), temperature (40−60°C), and anti-browning agents including acetic, citric, and ascorbic acids as well as distilled water on quality properties of dehydrated quince slices. The obtained results revealed that the shortest drying time (270.33±35.59 min) and the highest total phenolic content (57.29±12.72 mg GAE/ml) were recorded for samples exposed to the ascorbic acid solution. Comparison of the pre-treated and control samples indicated that the highest rehydration ratio (2.75±0.29 %) was achieved by blanched samples in acetic acid solution. The use of citric acid solution led to the highest score in the taste (3.45±1.1), color (3.84±0.9), and texture (3.47±1.02) of quince slices on the basis of a 5- point hedonic scale. The obtained results depended on both ultrasound and the type of blanching solution. Citric and acetic acid samples indicated the highest values of the sensory evaluation and water loss, respectively.

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