2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 68-78
A. Ardiansyah Akbar ◽  
Zulkifli Makkawaru ◽  
Baso Madiong

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dan menganalisis dan memahami mengenai Pelaksanaan Kerjasama kemitraan antara Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Sulawesi Selatan dengan Organisasi Bantuan Hukum dalam pemberian bantuan hukum bagi masyarakat miskin atau tidak mampu  di wilayah provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Untuk mengetahui kendala yang dihadapi Organisasi Bantuan Hukum dalam Pelaksanaan bantuan hukum bagi masyarakat miskin atau tidak mampu. Penelitian hukum ini adalah penelitian hukum empiris, yang mengkaji mengenai bantuan hukum bagi masyarakat miskin demi terselenggaranya proses hukum yang adil di Makassar. Untuk mendapatkan hasil penelitian yang dapat dipertanggung jawabkan maka penelitian ini mengambil data dari Kantor Kanwil Wilayah Kementerian Hukum dan HAM Sulawesi Selatan, Rutan Kelas I Makassar dan LBH Makassar merupakan lokasi penelitian yang akan digunakan peneliti untuk mandapatkan bebrapa data terkait bantuan hukum di makassar pada khususnya. Pelaksanaan Program Kerjasama antara Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Sulawesi Selatan dengan Organisasi Bantuan Hukum dalam pemberian bantuan hukum bagi masyarakat miskin di wilayah Sulawesi Selatan sudah berjalan dengan baik namun masih kurang efektif karena dalam pelaksanaannya masih ditemukan Organisasi Bantuan Hukum yang melaksanakan tugasnya namun tidak sesuai standar pemberian bantuan hukum. This research aims to study, analyze, and understand the implementation of partnership cooperation between the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of South Sulawesi and the Legal Aid Organization in providing legal assistance for the poor or underprivileged in the province of South Sulawesi. This is to find out the obstacles faced by legal aid organizations in implementing legal aid for the poor or underprivileged. This legal research is an empirical legal research, which examines legal assistance for the poor for the sake of implementing a fair legal process in Makassar. To obtain accountable research results, this study collects data from the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of South Sulawesi, Prison Class I Makassar and LBH Makassar as research locations to obtain some data related to legal aid in Makassar particularly. The implementation of the Cooperation Program between the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of South Sulawesi and the Legal Aid Organization in providing legal assistance to the poor in the South Sulawesi region has been running well but this is still ineffective because in its implementation there are still legal aid organizations that do not comply with the standards of legal assistance when carrying out their duties.

Anton Aulawi ◽  
Ratu Mimi Darniasih

The purpose of this research was to determine the role of Legal Counselors in the Regional Office of the Banten Ministry of Law and Human Rights in the socialization of free legal aid for the poor. In this research the authors use a methodology with a qualitative approach. In the research to be conducted, researchers will use three data collection techniques, by interview, observation, and documentation. The results of this research are that legal aid regulated by Rule Number 16 of 2011 years concerning Legal Aid, is the state's obligation to provide the rights of every citizen to get legal protection and human rights, especially for the poor. The provision of legal aid as a state obligation to implement the constitutional rights of the poor is to provide funding to legal aid organizations with the State Budget. The state is present to provide legal assistance, one of which is by means of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Banten. The method of socialization about free legal assistance to the poor is done by legal counseling activities with direct and indirect methods; firstly, legal counseling is carried out solely by law enforcement officers from the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Banten. Secondly, legal counseling is carried out by accredited legal aid organizations but with budgets derived from legal aid funds from the state  with the authority of budget users from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.

Chairani Azifah

The implementation of legal aid is a manifestation of Indonesia as a legal state that guarantees the human rights of citizens to equality before the law which is guaranteed in the 1945 Constitution. Within the framework of implementing this citizen's human rights, the provision of free legal aid is, among other things, obligated to advocates based on Article 22 Law on advocates and their implementing regulations. From this, two problem formulations were made as follows: What is the juridical review of the provision of pro bono legal aid? And what is the role of advocates in providing pro bono legal aid? This research is based on normative legal research, which is a research conducted by reviewing and analyzing legal materials and legal issues related to the problems studied. The results of the author's discussion found that free legal aid is the right of the poor to obtain the same justice as other communities, so that the protection of their rights is well fulfilled and the principle of equality before the law. Advocates are obliged to provide free legal aid to justice seekers, and to obtain free legal assistance, justice seekers must submit a written application to an advocate organization or legal aid institution.

Ihdi Karim Makinara

Bantuan hukum adalah salah satu upaya mengisi hak asasi manusia (HAM) terutama bagi lapisan masyarakat termiskin rakyat Indonesia. Bantuan hukum harus dimaknai dan dilaksanakan sebagai upaya perjuangan menegakkan HAM bagi si miskin. Tujuan bantuan hukum perlu diperluas, dak saja terbatas pada bantuan hukum individual, tetapi juga struktural dan juga jangan terbelenggu dengan jalur-jalur formal semata. Dengan diundangkan Undang-Undang Nomor 16 Tahun 2011 tentang Bantuan Hukum memunculkan permasalahan bagaimana pengaruh bantuan hukum terhadap masyarakat? Dengan menggunakan metode peneli an norma f dan dengan pendekatan data secara kualita f yang dianalisis deskrip f, didapatkan kesimpulan bahwa keberadaan Undang-Undang Bantuan Hukum belum maksimal memberikan pengaruh terhadap bantuan hukum bagi masyarakat miskin, karena bantuan hukum masih dalam jalur formalis k dan masih bersifat pasif. Pendanaan penyelenggaraan bantuan hukum yang digeser dari Mahkamah Agung, Kejaksaan Agung, dan Kepolisian kepada Menteri Hukum dan HAM dan dilaksanakan oleh Lembaga Bantuan Hukum atau Organisasi Kemasyarakatan agar dapat menyentuh orang atau kelompok orang miskin, tetapi besar anggaran perlu memper mbangkan proses peradilan yang berjalan, karena dikhawa rkan dapat menghambat orang miskin dan kelompok orang miskin untuk mengakses keadilan guna mewujudkan hak-hak kons tusional mereka.<p>Legal aid is an effort to fulfill human rights, especially for Indonesian poorest society. Legal aid should be interpreted and implemented as an effort of human rights enforcement for the poor. The purpose of legal aid should be expanded, not just limited to individual legal assistance, but also structural and not fe ered by mere formal channels. By enacted the Law Number 16 Year 2011 on Legal Aid, raises the ques on of how the in fl uence of legal assistance to the society? By using norma ve research methods and approaches qualita ve data were descrip vely analyzed, was concluded that existence of legal aid has not been maximized e ff ect to legal assistance for the poor, and because of it is s ll on formalis c track and passive. Funding of legal assistance shi ed from the Supreme Court, A orney General and Police to the Ministry of Jus ce and implemented by a Legal Aid Ins tu on or civil society organiza on in order to reach people or the poor community, but the magnitude of budget needs to consider the judicial process, because it feared could hinder the poor to access of jus ce to realize their constuonal rights.</p>

Nofrizal Nofrizal

The emergence of Law No. 16 of 2011 on legal aid is expected to realizethe right society in obtaining justice. Empirically, it is known that thelaw is enjoyed by many people who has the ability to pay a lawyer oradvocate only. While the poor or who are not able to tend to resignwith the circumstances, so that the term appears that we often hear, theblunt law upward, sharp down. In Rokan Hulu district of Riau Provincethe district government together with the DPRD welcomed The lawimmediately drew up local regulations on legal aid for the poor. It isstated in the rules of the Regional Regulation Rokan Hulu No. 6 onlegal aid for the poor, but which became constraint is that in the areastill minimal LBH (Legal Aid Institutions) are eligible to give advocacyfor the poor in accordance with the requirements requested by thegovernment, the Legal Aid Institute who has been accredited by theMinistry of Law and Human Rights, and accredited by the Ministry ofJustice and Human Rights many conditions must be met so that whenthere is a credible Legal Aid Institution in the area want provide legalassistance to the poor, but cannot be done because of being knockedby requirements required by the government. The hope is that theaspirations of our country in realizing the rights of society in obtainingthis justice can be achieved, it needs further arrangements that lead toit the implementation of legal aid programs for these poorcommunities by taking into account the quantity of legal institutionsthere are and many conflicts that need to be given advocacy assistancefor these incapable people.

Gede Agung Wirawan Nusantara

The provision of legal aid is based on the principle of equality before the law. Access to legal aid is seen as a human right. One legal aid according to the Act No. 16 of 2011 concerning Legal Aid is a paralegal, but the laws are not set on the definition and duties of paralegals in providing legal aid. This study examines two issues namely juridical legitimacy of paralegal in the national legal order and the authority of paralegals in providing legal aid to the poor. This research is a normative legal research that examine the vagueness of the norms regarding the provision of paralegal. Primary legal materials in the form of legislation, while secondary legal material in the form of books related to this issue. Legal materials collected through library research. Paralegal juridical legitimacy in the national legal order contained in Article 9 and Article 10 of the Act No. 16 of 2011 on Legal Aid. Paralegal be one of relief. Paralegal only authorized to provide legal assistance to cases settled by non-litigation. Paralegals can also provide legal counseling and perform the preparation of the report. Pemberian bantuan hukum didasarkan pada prinsip persamaan di depan hukum. Akses bantuan hukum dipandang sebagai hak asasi manusia. Bantuan hukum sesuai dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 16 Tahun 2011 tentang Bantuan Hukum merumuskan tentang peran paralegal, tapi undang-undang tersebut tidak mengatur mengenai definisi dan tugas paralegal dalam memberikan bantuan hukum. Paralegal diartikan secara legitimasi yuridis dalam tatanan hukum nasional yang tercantum dalam Pasal 9 dan Pasal 10 Undang-Undang Nomor 16 Tahun 2011 tentang Bantuan Hukum. Perumusan Undang-undang memposisikan Paralegal hanya berwenang untuk memberikan bantuan hukum dalam proses kasus yang diselesaikan dengan metode non-litigasi dan juga Paralegal juga dapat memberikan penyuluhan hukum dan melakukan persiapan laporan. Penelitian ini menguji dua isu yaitu legitimasi yuridis dari paralegal dalam tatanan hukum nasional dan otoritas paralegal dalam memberikan bantuan hukum kepada orang miskin. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif yang meneliti ketidakjelasan norma-norma tentang pemberian bantuan hukum oleh paralegal. Bahan hukum primer berupa undang-undang, sedangkan bahan hukum sekunder dalam bentuk buku yang terkait dengan masalah ini. Bahan hukum dikumpulkan melalui studi kepustakaan.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 74
Roni Ismail ◽  
Endeh Suhartini

Legal aid is a constitutional right for Indonesian citizens to obtain legal protection and equality. The existence of Law Number 16 of 2011 is a manifestation of that constitutional right. Fulfillment of legal aid for the poor in Bogor City has been partially implemented using APBD funds in accordance with Regional Regulation No. 3 of 2015 concerning Legal Aid for the Poor and Mayor Regulation Number 39 of 2015 as the Implementing Regulation. The provision of legal aid to the poor in Bogor which refers to the Bogor City Regulation No. 3 of 2015 concerning Legal Aid for the Poor has not yet been realized specifically for the people of Bogor City. This is due to obstacles from external and internal factors in its implementation, namely in the form of a Legal Assistance Organization  which is only one accredited at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights and limited funds for absorption of legal aid implementation activities. Therefore, the  Government needs to involve Legal Aids (LKBH-LKBH) in private university institutions in Bogor and its surroundings to be able to realize the plan for establishing Legal Consultation innovations (legal clinics) in 68 urban office Bogor City

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 61
Zairin Harahap ◽  
Retno Wulansari

Research on administrative management of case handling and cadre forming on legal aid organization is related to access to justice in Yogyakarta Special Region aimed to know the system of cadre forming, management and inhibiting factor of free legal aid funding for the poor. This type of research is empirical juridical with qualitative descriptive analysis method The result of this research is pattern of cadre forming in legal aid organization in using system designed independently by each legal aid organization. The management of case handling in the legal aid organization uses internal rules that are prepared independently in each OBH. The inhibiting factor in the provision and legal aid services of legal aid organization is the inability of justice seekers in completing the administrative requirements that is required by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights and the lack of socialization to the community regarding free legal aid services. The formulated suggestion is the formation of cadre pattern standardization on legal aid organization. Case handling management of legal aid organization should be developed using standard operational procedure. In overcoming the inhibiting factors in the provision and legal assistance services of legal aid organization. The Ministry of Justice and Human Rights Regional Office should undertake more massive efforts in the socialization of legal aid and simplify the rules on administrative files of free legal aid services for the poor.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 70
Eka N.A.M. Sihombing

<h1>The role of paralegals is needed to handle cases of non-litigation and litigation to fulfill the need for legal aid rights for the poor in facing the law, however, the provision of the role of paralegals in providing litigation legal assistance as stated in article 11 and article 12 Minister of Law and Human Rights of Republic of Indonesia number 1 of 2018 concerning paralegals in the provision of legal assistance based on the Supreme Court decision number 22 P / HUM / 2018 was declared contrary to the higher laws and regulations, namely Law Number 18 of 2003 concerning Advocates and hence not generally accepted. Thus, after the Supreme Court's ruling, paralegals can no longer provide legal litigation aid. Advocate are the only professions who are authorized to carry out legal aid in litigation and court</h1><p class="KataKunciInggris"> </p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 48-69
Diah Ratri Oktavriana ◽  
Nasiri Nasiri

This research is a normative research. One of the fulfillment of human rights is justice in equalizing the position of every citizen before the law, as stated in Article 27 paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. The right to equality before the law or what is commonly referred to as equality before the law is a principle that provides recognition and protection of human rights for every individual regardless of one's background. Therefore, it is true that Law Number 16 of 2011 concerning Legal Aid for People Who Are Less Capable to Guarantee Constitutional Rights of Citizens for Justice and Equality before the Law emerged. Legal aid is a legal service provided by advocates to the community seeking justice In the realm of criminal cases, the provision of legal assistance is described in Article 54 of the Criminal Procedure Code which explains that in the interests of defense, a suspect or defendant has the right to receive legal assistance from one or more legal advisers during the time and at each level of examination. The provision of legal assistance must be based on the principle of equality before the law as stated in the explanation of Law Number 8 of 1981 concerning Criminal Procedure Law. From the various analyzes that have been carried out, in the perspective of Islamic criminal law it can be concluded that the principle of equality before the law as described in Article 54 of the Criminal Procedure Code is equivalent to an order to provide legal aid which in Islamic criminal law is spelled out in Surah Al-Maidah verse 2 which states that as a fellow humans are ordered to help each other as a form of horizontal worship to fellow humans (habl minan-nas). In addition there are many more both in the Al Qur'an and the hadith of the prophet regarding the application of the principle of equality before the law.

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Dede Kania

<p align="center"><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p><p><em>Historically, domestic workers has been around a long time. Their domestically roles made them often underestimated. However, the legal protection they are still very concerned, even until now Indonesia has no law regarding the protection of domestic workers, because domestic workers act of Indonesia has not been enacted. Whereas legal protection to domestic workers is urgent considering the number of cases of abuse and violence against domestic workers, particularly female domestic workers, without any handling or legal process well. Therefore, the authors are interested in examining how the application of the theory of gender equality and inquity for domestic workers act.</em></p><p><em>This research results: Firstly, the bill is needed to protect of domestic workers. Secondly, A worker of either sex is the same as other workers must be paid a fair wage and good treatment as a dignified human being. Thirdly, The aim of this act should be the process of formalizing the PRT even though the workings area of domestic workers are in domestic area.</em></p><p><strong><em>Key words</em></strong><em>: domestik workers, human rights,  legal protection</em></p><p align="center"><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Secara historis, pekerja rumah tangga telah ada sejak lama. Peran mereka di dalam ranah domestik membuat mereka sering diremehkan. Namun, perlindungan hukum mereka masih sangat kurang, bahkan sampai sekarang Indonesia tidak memiliki Undang-undang perlindungan pekerja rumah tangga. Perlindungan hukum bagi pekerja rumah tangga sangat mendesak keberadaannya mengingat jumlah kasus pelecehan dan kekerasan terhadap pekerja rumah tangga, terutama PRT perempuan, semakin bertambah. Oleh karena itu, penulis tertarik untuk meneliti bagaimana penerapan teori kesetaraan dan keadilan gender bagi pekerja rumah tangga.</p><p>Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: <em>Pertama</em>, Indonesia sangat memerlukan UU untuk melindungi atau pekerja rumah tangga, sehingga RUU PRT mendesak untuk segera diundangkan. <em>Kedua</em>, Seorang pekerja baik perempuan maupun laki-laki mempunyai kedudukan yang sama, sehingga harus mendapatkanhak- haknya dengan baik sebagai manusia yang bermartabat. <em>Ketiga</em>, harus ada Formalisasi PRT walaupun kerja bidang pekerja rumah tangga berada di wilayah domestik tetapi hak-haknya sebagai pekerja harus diakui dan disamakan dengan pekerja di wilayah publik.</p><strong><em>Kata Kunci: </em></strong><em>Pekerja Rumah tangga, hak asasi manusia, perlindungan hukum</em>

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