scholarly journals PKM Kelompok Kerajinan Pengolahan Sampah Plastik Di Kecamatan Kota Tengah Kota Gorontalo

Syamsul Syamsul ◽  
Syaiful Pakaya ◽  
Moh. Muhrim

The plastic waste processing handicraft group is a group consisting of housewives who process waste or plastic waste into a handicraft product that has economic added value for group members. During its formation the group only produced handicraft products from used plastic bottles such as flower pots and wall hangings. The problems experienced by this group start from the production process, business management, and marketing. The results of the implementation through the community partnership program (CPM) the companion team provided solutions related to problems faced by partners, namely providing materials and training partners who have started using plastic plastic waste bags as handicraft products in the form of handbags, flower garlands, and flower fitting, as well as the availability of partners raw material providers that support production. Providing material as well as how to make financial reports, the result is that partners already have production and sales records, and know turnover. Partners are also given organizational training, as a result group members have already done work based on the given job. Providing material and training on how to market products, the result is that partners already have online marketing media in the form of Facebook and Instagram fanpages. Marketing partner networking, where partners already have product marketing partners, namely in stalls and stalls in the market.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Zainul Arifin ◽  
Istutik Istutik ◽  
Amir Kusnanto

Candy is a snack that is loved by children and adolescents, because it tastes sweet, has a distinctive aroma and is affordable. Many types of candy both made from artificial ingredients and from natural ingredients. Specially soft and chewy jelly candy is much loved by young people.A businessman partner named Dian Falah Fitriyana, ST is located at Jl. Ikan Hiu II / 19 Tunjungsekar Village, Lowokwaru District, Malang City innovates by producing jelly candy from fruit raw materials (apple jelly candy and dragon fruit jelly candy) and made from vegetable raw materials (Moringa jelly candy and carrot jelly candy). As it is known that apples, dragon fruit and vegetable Moringa and carrots have many health benefits. Raw material for jelly candy is only taken from the juice and not added with preservatives.The purpose of the PKM program is to increase the production capacity of partner entrepreneurs and provide online marketing training, training and accounting assistance, so that partner entrepreneurs can make financial reports needed for a productive business.The problem of micro entrepreneurs in general is not being able to increase their production because of limited capital, which has the effect of not being able to add or replace their more modern production facilities. Marketing limitations and not doing financial records properly. The Community Partnership Program (PKM), which provides production support equipment and management improvements, will certainly increase production outputThe solutions offered by the PKM program to increase the production capacity of partner entrepreneurs are to provide juicers, sterilitators, sealers, digital scales, LPG ovens, containers, trays, containers. Meanwhile, to improve financial management and product marketing, the Team provides training and mentoring in accounting and marketing training. It is expected that partner entrepreneurs are able to make financial records (cash flow) and market their products through internet marketing.Partner entrepreneurs with the help of new equipment from the PKM program are targeting production to increase by 50% to 100%. This optimistic target is achieved due to juice, sterilitators, chopper machines, large ovens and more modern production facilities, entrepreneurs will be able to serve the demands of more consumers.The progress of PKM program activities has reached 70% of the target, but there are still activities to assist in making financial reporting and online marketing.

Novyandri Taufik Bahtera ◽  
Hanifiyah Yuliatul Hijriah ◽  
Himmatul Kholidah

Background: Strengthening of economic added value in overcoming the problem of poverty in Sidoarjo Regency through the participation of community organizations, one of which is the Muhammadiyah organization through fostering micro-businesses. But apparently there are still problems faced by most members of micro entrepreneurs who are incorporated in the form of inadequate abilities from the aspect of insight and skills. Purpose: This activity aims to increase the capacity of these micro entrepreneurs through a training in the field of financial administration records and product marketing Methods: The method used contains active training, discussion, and practice by organizing workshops and training in financial administration and tax development, and also implementation of practicing online marketing development training with the latest technology such as the use of e-commerce. Results: Micro entrepreneurs have gained insights and abilities in managing business financial administration, taxation for micro entrepreneurs and digital marketing. Conclusion: Partners can improve business competitiveness through increased skills related to the preparation of financial administration, micro business tax literacy and increased marketing through digital marketing.

J-Dinamika ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-39
Danang SWPJ Widakdo ◽  
Sefriton Sefriton ◽  
Imam Imroni

Gombengsari Village is one of the villages in Banyuwangi that has promising coffee potential, but the potential for coffee still lacks in the innovation of processed coffee products. One change that can be done is training and making Herbal Coffee. This training and manufacturing aim to elevate local Banyuwangi coffee and add high added value to coffee products. The method used is counselling and training. Counselling aims to introduce the benefits and derivative products of herbal coffee, while the practice seeks to demonstrate how to make herbal coffee from the initial process to the packaging process. While the final stage is monitoring, which aims to evaluate and provide solutions to problems encountered in the coffee-making process.The results of community service show that the products produced from instant herbal coffee have distinctive features, including the taste and efficacy provided with affordable raw material prices, the application of instant herbal coffee production technology had a positive impact on the development of the creative, social and economic sectors In other sectors, the revenue generated by making herbal coffee was able to pay all costs incurred and be able to produce promising profits.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 216-225
Julfi Restu Amelia ◽  
Ira Mulyawati ◽  
Lisa Ratnasari

Utilization of garden area at this time is still not optimal, and the development of various innovations related to the garden area is also limited. This fact related with the garden that owned by the people in general is very narrow. Verticulture is one of technique that can be used for narrow land in urban farming. The target audience of the activity is the partners and the community of Kelurahan Tengah, East Jakarta. The problems that exist are decreasing in interest and participation of target audience in carrying out reforestation activities due to limited land, and in the development of processed food products that is related with the difficulty of raw materials and the limitations of product marketing. The aim of the activity is to increase the participation of target audiences through assistance in optimizing reforestation activities, processing food products and developing market systems through online marketing. The method used in the activity are approach, socialization, and training, such as training on greening technology packages (verticulture techniques); food processing training: drinks from spinach, carrot and pineapple (Batelnas), drinks from okra, honey and ginger (The Kraduu), dodol from ginger and sesame (Dojawi), and dodol from ginger and carrot (Dojawo); and digital marketing technique training. The results showed that activity through appropriate technology transfer and assistance to the target audience is able to increase interest and participation and better care for the environment as well as business opportunities from such activities. The products resulted from this activity are new innovation products so that they have economic added value, and if it continuously done, it will increase household income of the target audience.

2010 ◽  
pp. 111-115
Péter Jobbágy

There are an enormous amount (2-3 million t/yr) of corn surplus is available year by year in Hungary. Inland utilization is an unsolved problem, whereas export facilities of raw (unprocessed) material could not be regarded as optimal way because of logistical barriers and the very low producer’s price. There are two basic opportunities for the export of the surplus of maize with reduced transportational costs and higher value: animal production and process of bio-ethanol. In Hungarian conditions both of them demand the same raw material so they should compete with each other for maize. Both need financial aid at least for the investment in order to reach profit. Decision makers are influenced by several factors in allocating of national supports between the differential branches, one of them could be the added value developing in the given vertical change. I will introduce and analyze the expectable added values of the abovementioned competitive activities.

J-Dinamika ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-39
Danang SWPJ Widakdo ◽  
Sefriton Sefriton ◽  
Imam Imroni

Gombengsari Village is one of the villages in Banyuwangi that has promising coffee potential, but the potential for coffee still lacks in the innovation of processed coffee products. One change that can be done is training and making Herbal Coffee. This training and manufacturing aim to elevate local Banyuwangi coffee and add high added value to coffee products. The method used is counselling and training. Counselling aims to introduce the benefits and derivative products of herbal coffee, while the practice seeks to demonstrate how to make herbal coffee from the initial process to the packaging process. While the final stage is monitoring, which aims to evaluate and provide solutions to problems encountered in the coffee-making process.The results of community service show that the products produced from instant herbal coffee have distinctive features, including the taste and efficacy provided with affordable raw material prices, the application of instant herbal coffee production technology had a positive impact on the development of the creative, social and economic sectors In other sectors, the revenue generated by making herbal coffee was able to pay all costs incurred and be able to produce promising profits.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 122
Abdurrohman Abdurrohman ◽  
Valentinus Galih Vidia Putra ◽  
Akbar Hanif Dawam Abdulllah

THE UTILIZATION OF PET WASTE AS RAW MATERIAL FOR PRODUCING MONOFILAMENT YARN : THE EFFECT OF WINDING SPEED ON THE PHYSICAL AND MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF THE YARN. Plastic waste production in Indonesia is quite high, reaching 15% to the total national waste production or 189-kilo tons/day with an average growth of 14.7% per year, the second biggest contributor after organic waste. This fact greatly affects human health and the environment since plastic is difficult to degrade, estimated to require 100 to 500 years for the plastic to decompose completely. Therefore, recycling becomes a popular solution to reduce waste or plastic waste by turning it into new products that have added value. Plastic materials, such as PET, have thermoplastic properties which become a special potential to use as recycled materials. The aim of this research was to study the ability of PET plastic waste as a raw material for making monofilament yarn by melt-spinning methods. PET plastic waste is melted at 250-260 °C, then is extruded using a prototype melt-spinning tool with a single spinneret hole which the diameter is 3 mm into a monofilament yarn using three variations of winding speed (a) 43.33 m/min, (b) 59.35 m/min and (c) 72.72 m/min The results showed that the yarn with the highest winding speed (variation C) produced yarn with the highest fineness, reaching (30.06± 4.82) denier, and the best tensile strength compared with the other, reaching (47.7±14,97) MPa with elongation of of (10± 9.65) %.

Muntasir Muntasir ◽  
Pius Weraman

Community Partnership Program in small home industry of making fish floss brand "Savitri" and "Tiaras" inKupang city in the form of application of electric centrifugation filter model has been implemented. One of the problemsin the production of Savitri and Tiaras fish floss is that there is still a lot of oil in the frying product which is only drainedon a simple sieve and then placed for some time on traditional tools of filter and paper that can cause low quality and lowquality, so it is necessary to reduce the oil yield frying fish floss product. In order to increase the added value and sellingvalue of the products, it is necessary synergy between Universities and Partners in the form of application of the results ofscience and technology to the public. The main components of the composer of the versatile filter are the cylindrical plateas the bucket of the filter, the cylinder filter, the electric dynamo as the centrifuge system rotator and the load-bearingconstruction. The method of this program is the provision of materials, design and manufacture of tools, demonstrationtools and the provision of a versatile filter cylinder system centrifuge model by the team, simulation tools, specialcounseling at the location of partners and suggestions as a follow-up in the endurance of production. The output of thisprogram can provide added value in the form of the use of this tool can improve labor efficiency, increase productivitypartners by producing 40 kg to 50 kg raw material, raw fish marlin, fish meat after cleaning, processed, fried, in andpacked into 80-100 packs of fish floss with the price of Rp. 40,000.00 per package weighing 250 grams. With estimatedpartners will earn a profit of Rp 3,200,000 - 4,000,000.00 per production or 12,800,000.00 - 16,000,000.00 per month incash and consumptions, as well as the abundance of non-greasy, clean and hybrid fish products

2021 ◽  
Bekim Samadraxha ◽  
Veton Alihajdari ◽  
Besim Mustafa ◽  
Ramë Likaj

Vocational Education Teachers are one of the main important assets for workforce development. This study of the workforce of VET teachers in selected partner countries has two main goals. The aim of this research is to evaluate the level of teacher’s development and training programs and test as well, to inform national policymakers about the situation and the needs of the VET teachers and, secondly, to help monitoring the implementation and the change of the teacher professional development. The methodology to be used is based on qualitative research methods, including interviews und surveys. A major focus of the survey is to enable policy makers to understand what is required to bring along improvements in the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) quality, effectiveness and responsiveness, as well as factors affecting teacher effectiveness in general, such as their motivation and career structure. Professional development for teachers and trainers is widely recognized as a vital tool for the educational reform (Bicaj, 2013). Research shows that the professional development can enduring improve the quality of teaching and learning, enhancing the effectiveness of education and training and providing added value to students, teachers and employers. There is no doubt about the importance of the Continuing Professional Development of VET teachers. Kosovo has for many years developed extensive policies to address this issue, and currently these policies are being implemented.

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