2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 110-126
Subairi Subairi

The study of insurance in Islamic law is a new thing, and has never been found in classical fiqh literature. The discussion of insurance in the area of ​​Islamic sciences only appeared at the stage of the birth of contemporary scholars. Included in relation to the application of hybrid contracts in insurance. Along with the development of life insurance products, insurance companies not only provide traditional insurance services that are purely protection, but also provide various supporting services for financial planning in the future, according to their needs and financial capabilities, whether they are personal, family or group. one service offered is a combination of insurance and investment, known as Unit Link. The application of a hybrid contract on the unit link in Prudential Pamekasan life insurance is a contract between a participant and a sharia insurance company using a tijarah contract called wakalah bil ujrah, and an easyarabah / musyarakah contract on its investment. and covenants among participants using the tabarru contract 'in the form of a grant, and Qard. The advantages and disadvantages of implementing Unit Link hybrid contracts at PT Prudential Pamekasan syariah and conventional can be seen from the reasons customers choose insurance and the most influential is the rate of premium returns and the investment returns, in this case PRUsyariah is relatively smaller than conventional. 3). The implementation of the Prudential PRUlink Pamekasan hybrid contrac Unit Link in the perspective of Islamic economics can produce multiple legal interpretations between those who allow and those who do not.

1994 ◽  
Vol 121 (2) ◽  
pp. 441-458 ◽  
M. B. Adams ◽  
C. N. W. Scott

AbstractThis paper examines international developments in life insurance generally accepted accounting practice (GAAP) for policy valuation and profit recognition in four major Anglo-American markets—the U.K., Australia, the U.S.A. and Canada. Each valuation method examined has its advantages and disadvantages with respect to the needs of preparers and users of the annual corporate reports of life insurance companies. The paper documents that the statutory basis and U.S. GAAP are considered to have substantive deficiencies. In contrast, the U.K. accruals method, the Australian margin on services method and Canadian GAAP have much to commend them, particularly with regard to their flexibility to accommodate valuation adjustments for unexpected events. Nevertheless, from the preparers' point of view, the systems which would have to be developed to facilitate the U.K. accruals and Australian margin on services methods would be difficult and costly to implement. Profit reporting under Canadian GAAP is also sensitive to changes in actuarial reserving assumptions. The authors conclude that, since national preferences in actuarial and accounting practices are inevitable and because the product-market structures of life insurance markets are so distinctive, international harmonisation of life office GAAP is unlikely to occur for a very long time.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (10) ◽  
pp. 802
Risma Kartika Mulya Wardhani ◽  
Dina Fitrisia Septiarini

The aims of this study is to determine the effect of operating costs, investment and claims partially and simultaneously against the contribution to the shariah life insurance companies in Indonesia during 2013-2015. This study uses quantitative approach. The sampling technique is purposive sampling and there were 19 shariah life insurance company as subjects. The technique used is regression analysis using fixed effect model (FEM) panel data. The results study indicate that the operating expenses, investment returns and claims partially and simultaneously are significant and have positive impact on the contribution to the KP equation=67051.80+0,578102BO+2,605768HI+1,427397KLM. The results illustrate that the number of contributions have important influence in the operations of the companies. The amount of contributions received is expected to cover the costs incurred for the company's operations, they can be invested so as to achieve the company's expected return, and to pay claims.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-31
Anthony Dio Wijaya

In running its business in the field of providing Homeownership Credit facilities by Bank Rakyat Indonesia as a banking institution, it is required to cooperate with insurance companies to bear the risks that might arise in the future for the applicant, in this case as KPR applicant customer. Therefore KPR applicant customers are required to use insurance services from Bank Rakyat Indonesia partner insurance companies for the housing for which the credit is requested. Customers should be given the freedom to choose the insurance product they will choose, rather than being required where the customer has no choice to use insurance other than a consortium between PT. Bringin Life and Heksa Eka Life Insurance, which is against Article 15 paragraph 2 of Law Number 5 of 1999 or often referred to as Business Competition Law. BRI, together with its partner insurance companies, have also conspired in determining the insurance company that will become BRI's partner, because this will benefit all three if there are no other insurance companies that become BRI partners. This certainly gives difficulties for other insurance companies that are not BRI's partners to run their business.Dalam menjalankan usahanya di bidang jasa pemberian fasilitas Kredit Pemilikan Rumah oleh Bank Rakyat Indonesia selaku lembaga perbankan diharuskan untuk bekerjasama dengan perusahaan asuransi guna menanggung resiko yang akan mungkin muncul di kemudian hari pada diri pemohon dalam hal ini selaku nasabah pemohon KPR. Oleh karena itu nasabah pemohon KPR diwajibkan untuk menggunakan jasa asuransi dari perusahaan asuransi rekan Bank Rakyat Indonesia untuk rumah yang diajukan kredit tersebut. Seharusnya nasabah diberikan kebebasan untuk memilih produk asuransi yang akan mereka pilih, bukannya diharuskan di mana nasabah tidak memiliki pilihan untuk menggunakan asuransi selain konsorsium antara PT. Bringin Life dan Heksa Eka Life Insurance, di mana hal tersebut adalah bertentangan terhadap Pasal 15 ayat (2) Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1999 atau yang sering disebut dengan Undang-Undang Persaingan Usaha. BRI bersama sama dengan perusahaan asuransi rekanannya juga telah melakukan persekongkolan dalam hal penentuan perusahaan asuransi yang akan menjadi rekanan BRI, karena hal tersebut akan memberikan keuntungkan bagi ketiganya apabila tidak ada perusahaan asuransi lain yang menjadi rekanan BRI. Hal tersebut tentu memberikan kesulitan bagi perusahaan perusahaan asuransi lain yang bukan merupakan rekan dari BRI untuk menjalankan usahanya.

1992 ◽  
Vol 43 ◽  
pp. 278-375
P. D. Needleman ◽  
G. Westall

AbstractThe paper firstly examines the way in which U.K. mutuals operate and the forces which are leading mutuals to consider demutualisation. Demutualisation is normally accomplished by a Scheme of Transfer under Section 49 of the Insurance Companies Act 1982. The role of the directors and actuaries is discussed, including the impact of the Institute's latest Guidance Note (GN15).The protection of policyholders' reasonable expectations, the value of membership rights and the basis of dealing with any orphan surplus are the central problems. The paper examines them in the context of both the open fund and closed fund situation and shows how they may be resolved.A simple model is used to project the financial position of both an open and closed fund in a demutualised company. The relative advantages and disadvantages of each indicate that different courses of action may be appropriate for mutuals in differing financial positions.

1991 ◽  
Vol 118 (3) ◽  
pp. 321-399 ◽  
P. D. Needleman ◽  
G. Westall

ABSTRACTThe paper firstly examines the way in which U.K. mutuals operate and the forces which are leading mutuals to consider demutualisation. Demutualisation is normally accomplished by a Scheme of Transfer under Section 49 of the Insurance Companies Act 1982. The role of the directors and actuaries is discussed, including the impact of the Institute's latest Guidance Note (GN15).The protection of policyholders' reasonable expectations, the value of membership rights and the basis of dealing with any orphan surplus are the central problems. The paper examines them in the context of both the open fund and closed fund situation and shows how they may be resolved.A simple model is used to project the financial position of both an open and closed fund in a demutualised company. The relative advantages and disadvantages of each indicate that different courses of action may be appropriate for mutuals in differing financial positions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (5) ◽  
pp. 955
Sulistio Purwaningrum ◽  
Dian Filianti

This study aims to examine and determine the determinants of asset growth in Sharia Life Insurance Companies in the 2013-2018 period. This study uses a quantitative approach with the data used are secondary data from the financial statement panel data of each Sharia Life insurance company. The independent variables used in this study are Participant Contributions, Investment Returns, Operating Expenses, and Claims. The dependent variable is the growth of Sharia Life Insurance Company Assets in Indonesia for the period 2013-2018.  The population in this study amounted to 30 Sharia life insurance companies registered with the Financial Services Authority. The sampling technique in this study was purposive sampling with 11 companies selected as samples. . The results of this study indicate that partially the participant contributions and claims variables have a significant negative effect. Investment returns and operating expenses have a significant positive effect on the growth of sharia life insurance company assets. Simultaneously participant contributions variables, investment returns, operating expenses, and claims show a significant influence on the growth of sharia life insurance company assets. Keywords: Participant Contributions, investment returns, operating expenses, claims, asset growth

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 87-97
Nana Diana ◽  
Tati Apriani

This study aims to examine the influence of investment returns and Risk Based Capital (RBC) Tabarru Funds to the profit of sharia life insurance in Indonesia from 2014-2019. This study The type of this research is quantitative research with descriptive verification as a method. This research method uses descriptive verification method with quantitative approach. The data used in this study were sourced from the financial statements of Islamic life insurance companies in Indonesia for the 2014-2019 period. Then the data obtained were analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis and hypothesis testing consisting of t test and f test with the help of SPSS 21 software. The sampling technique uses non probability sampling with purposive sampling technique. Based on the results of the study it can be seen that the development of investment returns on Sharia Life Insurance in Indonesia has fluctuated and even suffered losses. While the development of Risk Based Capital (RBC) has increased and decreased but overall above 120% as determined by the government. Likewise, the profits earned in each year fluctuate. The results of statistical tests show that investment results partially have a positive effect on profit and Risk Based Capital (RBC) of Tabarru funds partially has a negative effect on profit. Simultaneously investment return and Risk Based Capital (RBC) affect on profit. In addition, the results of the coefficient of determination (R2) were obtained which obtained a value of 81%. This shows that the variable investment returns and Risk Based Capital (RBC) can affect earnings by 81% and the remaining 19% is influenced by other variables not used in this study.

Joy Chakraborty ◽  
Partha Pratim Sengupta

In the pre-reform era, Life Insurance Corporation of India (LICI) dominated the Indian life insurance market with a market share close to 100 percent. But the situation drastically changed since the enactment of the IRDA Act in 1999. At the end of the FY 2012-13, the market share of LICI stood at around 73 percent with the number of players having risen to 24 in the countrys life insurance sector. One of the reasons for such a decline in the market share of LICI during the post-reform period could be attributed to the increasing competition prevailing in the countrys life insurance sector. At the same time, the liberalization of the life insurance sector for private participation has eventually raised issues about ensuring sound financial performance and solvency of the life insurance companies besides protection of the interest of policyholders. The present study is an attempt to evaluate and compare the financial performances, solvency, and the market concentration of the four leading life insurers in India namely the Life Insurance Corporation of India (LICI), ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited (ICICI PruLife), HDFC Standard Life Insurance Company Limited (HDFC Standard), and SBI Life Insurance Company Limited (SBI Life), over a span of five successive FYs 2008-09 to 2012-13. In this regard, the CARAMELS model has been used to evaluate the performances of the selected life insurers, based on the Financial Soundness Indicators (FSIs) as published by IMF. In addition to this, the Solvency and the Market Concentration Analyses were also presented for the selected life insurers for the given period. The present study revealed the preexisting dominance of LICI even after 15 years since the privatization of the countrys life insurance sector.

1938 ◽  
Vol 12 (5) ◽  
pp. 65-75
J. Owen Stalson

Colonial America gave little thought to life insurance selling. The colonists secured protection against marine risks from private underwriters, first in London, eventually at home. It has been asserted that Philadelphia had no fire insurance until 1752; Boston none before 1795. The first corporations formed in this country for insuring lives were those of the Presbyterian Ministers Fund (1759) and a similar company organized for the benefit of Episcopal ministers (1769). Neither of these corporations offered insurance to the general public. In the last decade of the eighteenth century many insurance companies were formed in the United States. At least five were chartered to underwrite life risks, but only one, The Insurance Company of North America, appears to have accepted any. There is no basis for saying that any of these early companies tried to sell life insurance.

Himanshi Goyal ◽  
Dr. Navneet Joshi ◽  
Sanjive Saxena

This paper is covers the exploratory research study on the marketing strategies of IDBI Federal Insurance, Company. In the Indian context, Insurance companies are playing a major role in the development of Indian economy. With the entry of many private players in the insurance industry, the competition has risen manifold and hence insurance companies are coming out with innovative marketing strategies to woo the customer. This was the reason for narrowing down the scope of the research work. The present paper is an exploratory research study on the marketing strategy of IDBI Federal Insurance Company. The paper seeks to address the following objectives (a) To determine the marketing strategies of IDBI Federal Life Insurance Co. Ltd (b) To determine the means and mechanism deployed by IDBI Federal Life Insurance Co. Ltd. Applying the marketing mix and to determine the effectiveness of the strategy and (c) to understand the reasons which provide competitive advantage to IDBI Federal Life Insurance Co. Ltd. The paper is developed on the basis of elementary primary and secondary data available in the Internet and other documents and journals. The design of the paper follows a structured approach. The literature review resulted in the generation of the research objectives. The primary data was collected by means of Google Forms and MS Excel was used for data analysis. Descriptive Statistics is used to arrive at the findings and interpretation. The findings indicate that the majority of the people seek insurance cover for the purpose of having risk cover and availing several benefits associated with the life insurance policies. Further, the findings indicate that there is a need to capitalize social media platform for generating awareness to drive the market growth. KEY WORDS: IDBI, Insurance, Marketing, Policies, Strategies

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