2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (10) ◽  
pp. 70-74
O. Gresko ◽  

The article is devoted to the analysis of general theoretical aspects of determining the administrative and legal status of administrative courts as subjects of interaction with public administration bodies. The basis of the study were modern scientific developments on the subject, as well as current national legislation. The article reveals the category of "status". The essence of the legal status as one of the varieties of the general status of the subject (person, authority, etc.) is analyzed. Scientific approaches to the administrative and legal status are analyzed. The current administrative and legal status of administrative courts in Ukraine is determined. It is concluded that the administrative and legal status of administrative courts is the legal status of administrative courts determined by the norms of administrative law, which consists of a set of elements, the determining factor among which is instance and territorial jurisdiction for public law disputes, one of the parties of which is a public authorities. It was found that among the features of the administrative and legal status of administrative courts as subjects of interaction with public administration authorities should be noted: 1) does not contain the traditional division of elements into rights, freedoms, responsibilities, and is answered only by the competence in the relevant jurisdiction; 2) administrative jurisdiction, according to current legislation, is differentiated into institutional and territorial; 3) is regulated not only by substantive but also by procedural rules of law; 4) consider cases of administrative jurisdiction, in which public administration authorities may act as one of the parties, and administrative courts may interact with these bodies outside the court process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (10) ◽  
pp. 74-79
D. Makharynetsʹ ◽  

Moving along the path of European integration, Ukraine is carrying out state-building and building civil society on the basis of the concept of human-centeredness, introducing modern approaches to determining the role of the state and its organs in the life of man and the average citizen. One of the directions of the introduced reforms is the sphere of ensuring human and civil rights, creating conditions for the protection of these rights in case of their violation or encroachment on them. Of particular importance in this context is the creation of conditions that guarantee the provision of citizens with their subjective rights in relations with public administration bodies. The form of realization of the right to protection from illegal actions and decisions of public authorities is administrative justice, ensuring the establishment of law and order in the field of public administration. Therefore, the need to determine the features that reveal and characterize the essence of the jurisdictional activities of administrative courts in the formation of a legal society becomes relevant. The purpose of the article is to determine the features that reveal and characterize the essence of the jurisdictional activity of administrative courts in the conditions of formation of a legal society on the basis of the theory of administrative law and process, scientific views of administrators, norms of current legislation. The article examines the legal category "jurisdiction", "administrative jurisdiction" and describes the jurisdictional activities of administrative courts as a type of law enforcement and law enforcement activities in the implementation of legal protection in public law disputes, highlights the characteristics of jurisdictional activities.

Yevgeny Victorovich Romat ◽  
Yury Volodimirovich Havrilechko

The article is devoted to research of theoretical problems of the concepts of the subject and object of public marketing. The definitions of these concepts are considered in the article, the evolution of their development is studied. The article provides an analysis of the main approaches to the notion of subjects and objects of public marketing, their relationship and role in the processes of public marketing. The authors proposes concrete approaches to their systematization. These approaches allow us to identify specific types of public marketing and their main characteristics. Relying on the analysis of the concept of “subject of public (state) management”, it is concluded that as bodies of state marketing, most often act as executive bodies of state power. In this case, the following levels of marketing subjects in the system of public administration are allocated: the highest level of executive power; Branch central bodies of executive power; Local government bodies; Separate government agencies. It is noted that the diversity of subjects of public marketing is explained, first of all, by the dependence on the tasks of the state and municipal government, the possibilities of introducing the marketing concept of these subjects and certain characteristics of the said objects of state marketing. It is noted that the concept of “subject of public marketing” is not always the identical notion of “subject of public administration”. First, not all public authorities are subjects of state marketing. In some cases, this is not appropriate, for example, in the activities of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine or the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. Secondly, state marketing is just one of many alternative management concepts, which is not always the most effective in the public administration system.

2020 ◽  
pp. 205-210
А. М. Мамульчик

The relevance of the article is that the granting of special status «child divorced from the family» in the Ukrainian legislation includes three aspects: 1) identification of a person who is a child separated from the family; 2) granting the status of «child deprived of parental care»; 3) it is possible to grant the status of “refugee” or “person in need of additional protection”, as any person recognized as a child divorced from a family is recognized as a child deprived of parental care and can apply for asylum in Ukraine (and receive refugee status or a person in need of additional protection). Each of the identified aspects of the above status is the responsibility of certain public authorities, ie public administration entities, which are endowed with the appropriate powers. The purpose of the article is to identify the subjects of administrative and legal support for the identification of children separated from their families, ie the subjects of public administration, which are empowered to identify such children in Ukraine. It was found that in fact, the identification of a child separated from the family at the present stage in Ukraine does not belong to the responsibilities of public administration, but is the responsibility of the child who was forced to leave the country of origin or residence and arrived in the territory of Ukraine unaccompanied by a family member or persons determined by law/custom who are responsible for such a person, or who were left unaccompanied after arriving on the territory of Ukraine, or its legal representatives. In our opinion, the absence in the legal acts that determine the legal status of public administration entities, whose activities include the identification of children separated from their families, their obligation to identify such children is a shortcoming of administrative and legal support for child status. , separated from her family, in Ukraine. It is determined that the subjects of public administration, which have the authority to identify children separated from their families, include the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, executive authorities, local governments, the National Police of Ukraine, the Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine.

2021 ◽  
Vol I (I) ◽  
pp. 109-133
Anna Dalkowska ◽  
Karol Rzęsiewicz

Jurisprudence of administrative courts on various aspects of real property law is extensive and multi- faceted. The main bulk of cases concerns real properties which are subject to the reprivatisation process that, in the absence of final solutions to re-privatisation predicaments and the multi-faceted effects of the Decree of 26 October 1945 on the Ownership and Use of Land Within the Boundaries of the Capital City of Warszawa, hereinafter referred to as the “Warsaw Decree” (promulgated in the official journal “Dziennik Ustaw” of 21 November 1945, No 50, item 279), which remains in force for over seventy years, are often the subject of judicial review of administrative decisions. Administrative court rulings play a significant role in real property cases and set the directions for future decisions by public administration bodies. The analysis of judicial rulings in real property cases will be limited to selected problems, which, given differing interpretations, are the cause of discrepancies in judicial decisions in administrative courts. This paper, which is the first part of the study, covers jurisprudence on the premise of death of a party during administrative proceedings, which has an impact on the potential invalidity of a decision and its ex tunc effects as well as the status of a party in real property proceedings.

1990 ◽  
Vol 24 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 341-355 ◽  
David Kretzmer

It would be impossible in a short lecture to give a comprehensive survey of all the changes that have occurred in the last forty years in that branch of law known as “Israel common law”. I will not, therefore, try to do so. Instead, I wish to single out the most distinctive phenomenon in this area of law. I refer to the conceptual/intellectual revolution in the outlook of the court regarding the nature of its judicial function. The original view, according to which the sole function of the court in the area of public law is to decide disputes between citizens and public authorities, has been abandoned and replaced by an outlook that views the court as an institution responsible for the legality of public administration, or, as the court itself is accustomed to defining the matter, for the rule of law.I shall divide my discussion into two parts. In the first part I will briefly discuss the prominent changes that have occurred in the judicial decisions regarding public law in recent years, and the judicial philosophy underlying these changes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (7) ◽  
pp. 2024
Liubov M. KАSIANENKO ◽  
Nataliа I. ATAMANCHUK ◽  
Olena V. SHAKIROVA ◽  

The relevance of the subject matter is conditioned upon the fact that nowadays, both tax law theory and the current tax legislation fail to provide a single, unified definition of the concept of ‘subject of tax relations’. Furthermore, there is no clear criteria for the division of subjects of tax relations into types, which makes it impossible to establish the exact scope of participants in tax relations, and to determine the level of their tax legal personality. The purpose of this paper is to determine the scope of participants in tax relations, to analyze and clarify the legal status of established subjects and determine the functions that they perform in tax legal relations, as well as, on the basis of the results obtained, to construct a detailed classification of subjects of tax relations. The key method of scientific research is the method of scientific modelling, because in this article, on the basis of the analysis of existing scientific positions and provisions of legislation, the authors build their own theoretical model of the subject matter, formulate a conceptual apparatus and offer their practical application. This paper examines the subjects of tax relations, examines their types, outlines the limits of their legal personality in tax relations. The analysis of national legislation and various scientific approaches provides for the classification of subjects of tax relations, the legal status and the role they play in the tax mechanism are determined. The paper develops proposals for practical content to improve the provisions of the Tax Code of Ukraine on subjects of tax relations, provides author's definitions of the concept of ‘subjects of tax relations’. The provisions, conclusions, proposals and recommendations formulated in this paper can be used in: lawmaking – to improve and adopt new regulations, to amend existing legislation, to adapt them to the best European and international models; the law enforcement – to improve tax relations with the participation of public authorities; scientific research – for further study of financial and legal issues of participation of public authorities in budget relations; educational process – when teaching the subjects ‘Financial Law’, ‘Tax Law’, ‘Administrative Law’, ‘Topical Problems of Financial Law of Ukraine’ and related training courses.  

2018 ◽  
pp. 32-40

The study aims to analyze the legal status of the referendum in general and, in particular, of the one organized by the President under Art. 90 of the Constitution and by the local public administration authorities, according to the principle of consulting the population in solving particular problems of local interest. The central issue, which goes as a “red thread”, our approach, reffers to the issues that can be the subject of the two types of referendum and how “free” are the subjects of law that initiate them in determining the sphere of issues that are the subject of this sphere. The conclusion we have reached is that such freedom is not unlimited, that it stops where the Constitution says, and the fundamental principles it enshrines, being unable to be the subject of a referendum, national or local, issues forbidden by the Basic Law.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (4(106)) ◽  
pp. 136-145
О. Б. Піскунова

The purpose of the article is that on the basis of the analysis of positions of scientists-administrators and norms of the current legislation it is necessary: first, to find out the meaning of the term competence in activity of public administration bodies issues of prevention and detection of corruption, secondly, to clarify the basic rights and responsibilities exercised by the authorized units (authorized persons) on the prevention and detection of corruption as part of the administrative and legal status of the latter. The relevance of the article is that one of the main problems associated with the high level of corruption in the activities of public authorities is the lack of effective departmental anti-corruption programs. The annual plans to prevent corruption in public authorities are mostly formal and reproduce the provisions of the relevant higher-level acts. The detection of corruption is virtually nullified, as there are no systems for detecting and analyzing the risks of corrupt procedures, and there is a neglect of the implementation of mechanisms for reporting suspicions of corruption and protecting those who report them. The article provides a scientific review. The article provides a scientific review of the positions of scientists on understanding the competence of public authorities. The competence of the authorized unit (s) to prevent and detect corruption is considered from the standpoint of the legally established possibility of implementing the set of rights assigned to the authorized units (authorized person), which contribute to the implementation of anti-corruption legislation in terms of prevention and detection. It is proved that the competence of the authorized unit (s) to prevent and detect corruption is a component of the administrative and legal status of the authorized unit (s) and ensures the implementation of the entire functional spectrum of prevention and detection of corruption at the local level. In order to clearly regulate the competence of the authorized unit (s) to prevent and detect corruption, the article draws attention to the need to make appropriate changes to both legislative and local regulations, which will contribute to the formation of a culture of unacceptable corruption.

Anton Monaienko

The development of administrative legal proceedings in Ukraine determines the search for optimal ways to improve the system. Each country has its own strategy for the functioning of administrative justice, which depends on cultural, historical, national, integration processes, as well as the gradual formation of the legal system of a particular state. The main purpose of the study is to analyse the Italian experience of the administrative justice functioning. To achieve this goal, various theoretical methods are used. The method of legal forecasting allowed to identify areas for improvement of administrative justice in Ukraine. The author presents the concept and features of administrative justice operation in Italy in matters of protection of violated rights, freedoms and interests of individual and citizen by decisions, actions and omissions of the authorities; analyses the system and structure of administrative justice in Italy, its specialisation; features of some categories of public law disputes and delimitation of jurisdiction of administrative courts and general courts in resolving certain categories of administrative cases, features of their reading in administrative courts of Italy of first and appellate instance; powers of the Italian State Council in resolving public law disputes, and powers of quasi-judicial tribunals of Italy, which perform the functions of justice. It is revealed that the administrative courts of Italy are empowered with the rights to assess the activities of public administration. Based on the experience of other countries, including Italy, we can conclude that a well-built system of administrative justice can help protect the rights of Ukrainian citizens and the rule of law. But it is important not only to focus on foreign countries, but also to take into account the peculiarities of the legal system of Ukraine

2015 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 512-515
Alexandru Stoian ◽  
Teodora Drăghici

Abstract The principle of legality represents one of the most important principles of the state of law, which significantly contributes to defending the law order and the social balance. Established as a principle of the organization and functioning of the state public authorities at the Revolution of 1789 in France, the acknowledgement of the principle of legality in an act having a constitutional value marked the moment of foundation for the state based on law principles and represented a premise of creating a modern public administration. The principle is present at the level of each judiciary branch, which provides for its popularity due to its specificity. The paper aims at achieving a brief analysis of the role of the principle of legality in public law, presenting its importance in constitutional and administrative law.

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