tax law
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2022 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 175-186
E. A. Ponomareva

The subject. The specifics of the functioning of tax systems and the risk of double taxation require a solution to the issue of whether tax competence can remain only at the national level. Modern cross-border tax relations operate within a multi-level system of legal regulation based on the norms of international, supranational and national lawThe difficulties of correlating these levels are rooted in the fact that, in accordance with international law, each State has the right to tax persons or transactions with which it has a sufficient connection. Different situations may occur when both countries believe that the taxpayer is their resident, or when each of them claims that the income was received in this state. States solve this problem both unilaterally with the help of national legislation, and on a bilateral basis with the help of a double tax treaty.With the adoption of the Action Plan aimed at combating the erosion of the tax base and the withdrawal of profits (hereinafter referred to as the BEPS plan) and the EU Council Directive 2016/1164 (ATAD), tax strategies for using gaps and inconsistencies in tax rules to artificially transfer profits to low-tax jurisdictions were limited.Purpose of the study. The article discusses possible scenarios arising from the interaction of tax agreements and acts of EU tax law. It is necessary to take into account the obligation of the Member States to eliminate inconsistencies between acts of national legislation and acts of EU law. Member States have committed to achieve this goal at the time of EU accession and, therefore, before the adoption of any secondary EU law.Methodology. The research was carried out with the application of the formally legal interpretation of legal acts as well as the comparative analysis of international and European legal literature. Structural and systemic methods are also the basis of the research.The main results. Due to the clear coordination between the European Union and the OECD of actions in terms of establishing common measures to combat tax evasion and focusing on the subjective element of assessing potential abuse situations, a new standard for combating tax evasion has been established.Сonclusions. The author comes to the conclusion that the priority of the EU law over DTTs has been established. However, Member States retain the right to establish their own tax regimes and enter into tax treaties, thereby creating conflicts in legal regulation. In order to be directly applicable, the norm of the treaty must be clearly and definitely formulated, as well as be unconditional and independent of any national implementation measures.National legislation provides measures to eliminate the legal multiple taxation only for its residents. On the other hand, with respect to tax agreements concluded with third countries, the predominance of one system over another depends on the specific scenario, and in some cases the result achieved is the result of interpretation of existing provisions. In particular, tax treaties should prevail only when concluded before a state joins the EU.

2021 ◽  
Vol 64 (6) ◽  
pp. 491-503
Leonard Etel ◽  
Mariusz Popławski ◽  
Tax Law ◽  

Yu. K. Tsaregradskaya

One of the most pressing issues in modern tax law is the solution of the issue of taxation in the field of electronic commerce. Currently, in the world practice of national states and economic unions of taxation, a number of methods have been formed related to the development of a tax mechanism in this area.An analysis of the scientific literature, as well as domestic and international legislation, indicates that attempts are being made to legally regulate the term “electronic commerce”, as well as to determine the types of taxes applicable to it. The most common taxes in international tax practice are VAT and the tax on goods and services. The Russian Federation also uses VAT in this area in the implementation of electronic commerce. 

E. Yu. Gracheva ◽  
L. L. Arzumanova ◽  
D. M. Moshkova ◽  
O. S. Sobol
Tax Law ◽  

The publication provides a brief overview of the main current reports and speeches of leading representatives of science and practice in the field of financial and tax law. Traditionally, the forum held two days of active work of sections on financial law and tax law. 

2021 ◽  
pp. 088636872110602
Stanley Veliotis ◽  
Balsam Steve

The issue of whether workers are independent contractors or employees has become even more relevant with recently enacted and proposed legislation and court cases in many jurisdictions seeking to impose employee status on many Gig economy workforce participants, such as ride-share drivers. This article emphasizes that the U.S. income tax rules, especially after tax reform effective in 2018, makes employee status extremely tax-inefficient for these workers. This article explains the relevant tax law changes and provides various examples of typical settings to confirm that workers with even small relative work expenses are often better off as contractors from a tax point of view.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (12) ◽  
pp. e0261342
Huwei Wen ◽  
Weifeng Deng ◽  
Quanen Guo

In 2016, China implemented an environmental protection tax (EPTL2016) to promote the transformation and upgrading of heavily polluting industries through tax leverage. Using panel data of China’s listed companies, this study assesses the treatment effects of the EPTL2016 on the transformation and upgrading of heavily polluting firms by incorporating the intermediary role of the financial market. The empirical findings show that the EPTL2016 significantly reduced the innovation investment and productivity of heavily polluting firms but had no significant effect on fixed-asset investment. Additionally, EPTL2016 reduced the supply of bank loans to heavily polluting firms and increased the value of growth options for private enterprises and the efficiency of the supply of long-term loans to heavily polluting firms. Although the environmental policy of EPTL2016 benefits the transformation and upgrading of heavily polluting industries in many aspects, it generally hinders the industrial upgrading because of the reduction of bank loans.

2021 ◽  
pp. 425-441
Paweł Szecówka

The analysis of the elements of Gustaw Radbruch’s idea of law and their transfer to the theory of taxation area unlocks the potential to formulate important postulates for the tax legislator and the tax administration. Particular attention should be paid to the purposefulness of law, which calls for an entirely new perspective on establishing tax law, which may revolutionize the state-taxpayer relationship. The other postulates can also inspire the development of better tax law. Tax law may be better for both sides of the public-law relationship, and not only for taxpayers who (as it seems), especially in the legislator’s opinion, have been a priority of the tax law doctrine in recent years.

Dr.Bambang Ali Kusumo,S.H,Mhum.

The subject of Tax Law is an individual (person) and a Legal Entity or Corporation. In the enforcement of tax law, there are often deviations from the Tax Law, both committed by individuals and corporations. Efforts to resolve these irregularities for person actors are easier to resolve in accordance with applicable law, but for corporate actors there are many obstacles. What is this obstacle, is revealed through research. The research was carried out with the type of juridical nomative research, the nature of the research was descriptive. The dominant data source is secondary data, which includes primary legal materials, secondary legal materials and tertiary legal materials. The results of the study indicate that the obstacles that arise in law enforcement against corporations are caused by weaknesses in legal substance, weaknesses in legal structures, weaknesses in legal culture and weaknesses in procedural law.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (12) ◽  
pp. 5-9
A.A. Nikiforov ◽  

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