scholarly journals Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan dan Kompensasi terhadap Kepuasan Kerja

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 79-88
Sinollah ◽  
Muhammad Ubaitulloh

This study aims to determine and analyze the influence of leadership style and compensation on job satisfaction at the Employment of Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial Ketenagakerjaan in Malang Raya. To achieve this goal, this study uses quantitative methods using multiple linear regression analysis. This study uses the dependent variable, namely Leadership Style and Compensation. While the independent variable is satisfaction. The sample used in this study is 44 which is the entire population. The results showed that leadership style and compensation did not have a significant effect either partially or simultaneously on job satisfaction at Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial Ketenagakerjaan di Malang Raya in Malang Raya

Anggreta Queen Lorena ◽  
Misti Hariasih

The purpose of this studyawas to determine the effect of laisse faire leadershipAstyle, work discipline and communication on the performance of the employees of PT. Trans Retail Sidoarjoapartially and simultaneously and to find out the most significant influence among variables laissez faire leadership style, workadiscipline andacommunication. This study took 86 samples with non-probability samplingatechniques, especially saturated samplingausing multiple linear regression analysis and classic assumption tests withaSPSS version 18. Thissstudy uses quantitative methods, surveysaand explanatoryaresearch. The results of thisastudy indicateathat there is an influenceaof laissez faire leadershipastyle, work discipline andaacommunication simultaneouslyaand partially on employee performanceaand the laissez faire leadership styleavariable is the most influentialavariable on employeeAperformance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 254-274
Muchsin Zuhad Al'asqolaini

The purpose of this study was to determine the Impact of Leadership Style, Organizational Climate, and Compensation on the Discipline of Teachers in Mamba'ul Ihsan Ujungpangkah Gresik while partially and also simultaneously. Quantitative methods is used in this research with a 38 total population and also as sample. Saturated sampling techniques is used for method. The analysis in this research includes: validity test, reliability test, classic assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis, coefficient of determination analysis (R²), t test and F test. The results of multiple linear regression analysis obtained by the regression equation Y = 1.140 + 0.202X1 + 0.641X2 + 0.269X3 + e. To find out the strength of the relationship between variable X and Y, a statistical calculation using the correlation coefficient formula is obtained R Square = 0.627. This shows that all variable are have a strong relationship. The statistical test found that partially the influence of leadership style on teacher discipline obtained a figure of 2,078. and than organizational climate on the discipline of teachers obtained a figure of 5,191. The effect of compensation on the discipline of teachers obtained a figure of 2,857. the leadership style, organizational climate, and compensation simultaneously had a significant impact on discipline, this can be seen from the calculated F value of 19.072.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 180
Ali Muhajir

This study aims to determine : (1) The influence of motivation on job satisfaction. (2) To determine the effect of career development on job satisfaction. (3) To determine the effect of motivation on employee performance through job satisfaction. (4) To determine the effect of career development on employee performance through job satisfaction at PT. Mitra Alami Gresik. This research uses quantitative methods. The sample used was 74 respondents. By using multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that : (1) Motivation has a direct effect on job satisfaction. (2) Career development has an effect on job satisfaction. (3) Motivation affects employee performance. (4) Career development influences employee performance (5) Job satisfaction affects employee performance. (6) Motivation, career development, and job satisfaction simultaneously affect employee performance at PT. Mitra Alami Gresik.ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui : (1) Pengaruh motivasi terhadap kepuasan kerja. (2) Untuk mengetahui pengaruh pengembangan karir terhadap kepuasan kerja. (3) Untuk mengetahui pengaruh motivasi terhadap kinerja karyawan melalui  kepuasan kerja. (4) Untuk mengetahui pengaruh pengembangan karir terhadap kinerja karyawan melalui  kepuasan kerja pada PT. Mitra Alami Gresik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 74 responden. Dengan menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa : (1) Motivasi  berpengaruh langsung terhadap kepuasan kerja. (2) Pengembangan karir berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan kerja. (3) Motivasi berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan. (4) Pengembangan karir berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan. (5) Kepuasan kerja berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan. (6) Motivasi, pengembangan karir, dan kepuasan kerja secara simultan berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan pada PT. Mitra Alami Gresik. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  

The purpose of the study was to investigate the influence of supportive and directive leadership style on employee job satisfaction in commercial banks in Kenya. The study adopted positivism research philosophy to guide the study and limited itself to descriptive correlational research design to analyze and provide responses to the research questions. The research design was preferred because it allows description and comparison of characteristics of populations based on data collected from samples through questionnaires. The target population of the study was 15,030 employees in all the 43 commercial banks licensed to operate in Kenya as of June 2018. Using stratified sampling technique, the study drew a sample size of 386 employees reporting to middle level managers. Data was collected by means of a questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics, which included factor analysis, correlational analysis, chi-square, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), and regression analysis using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20 and Windows’ Microsoft excel programs.From the findings of multiple linear regression analysis, it was established that directive leadership style had a positive and significant relationship with employee job satisfaction, R2 = .228, F(1, 362) = 53.396, p < .05; β = .454, p < .05. The results from multiple linear regression analysis also showed that supportive leadership style positively and significantly predicted employee job satisfaction, R2 = .603, F(1, 366) = 278.269, p < .05; β = .716, p < .05. In addition, the study tested the moderating influence of environmental contingency factors and was confirmed that environmental contingency factors significantly moderated the relationship between path-goal leadership style and employee job satisfaction, R2=0.090, F(5,364) = 35.04, p < .05; β= 0.229, p<.05.The study makes a contribution to the literature of the influence of directive and supportive leadership styles from Kenyan commercial banks’ perspective and adds an impetus to employees, management and policymakers to address issues that are impeding employee job satisfaction. The future researchers should include all bank employees in their study to determine the influence of directive leadership style and supportive leadership style on employee job satisfaction.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 212-222
Kusnanto Darmawan

The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of leadership and motivation partially and simultaneously to job satisfaction employees CV. Icon Teqnologi. The research type used is descriptive with causal associative approach. This study was conducted with the number of respondents as many as 35 people. The sampling technique used is a saturated sampling technique. Hypothesis testing is done by multiple linear regression analysis for hypothesis through SPSS 16 for windows program. Based on the results obtained in the study that partially influence the leadership of employee job satisfaction, while motivation has no effect on employee job satisfaction. But simultaneously leadership and motivation affect the employee job satisfaction. The amount of influence of leadership and work motivation on employee job satisfaction is shown by the value of determination (R2) of 0.33 while the rest of 67% influenced by other variables such as discipline, compensation, organizational culture and others.  

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (12) ◽  
pp. 21683-21692
Sapta Rini Widyawati ◽  
I Dewa Made Adnyana ◽  
I Nyoman Mustika

This study aims to determine the effect of compensation and job promotions on employee job satisfaction at PT. Permata Jaga Karya, Denpasar. The number of research samples were 84 employees. Determination of the sample using saturated or census means that all employees are respondents. The analytical tool used is multiple linear regression analysis with the help of SPSS version 23.0. The results of the analysis showed that compensation had a significant positive and significant effect on employee job satisfaction at PT. Permata Jaga Karya, Denpasar, this is evidenced by the value of the coefficient B for X1 is positive and the significant value of t (X1) <0.05. Similarly, promotion has a significant positive and significant effect on employee job satisfaction at PT. Permata Jaga Karya, Denpasar, this is evidenced by the value of the coefficient B X2 is positive and the significant value of t (X2) <0.05.

Rozmina Rana ◽  
George K'Aol ◽  
Michael Kirubi

The study sought to examine the extent to which directive and achievement-oriented path-goal leadership styles influence employee performance of coffee trading companies in Kenya. The positivism philosophy was adopted and the design used was a descriptive correlational research design. The population for the study was 180 senior managers of coffee trading companies in Kenya. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data. The descriptive statistics were mean and standard deviation while the inferential statistical analysis included correlational analysis, chi-square and multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the multiple linear regression analysis revealed that directive leadership style negatively and significantly predict employee performance, R2= 0.035, F(1, 114) = 4.141,  p≤ .05, β = -0.153, p≤ .05. Multiple linear regression analysis further revealed that achievement-oriented leadership style positively and significantly predicted employee performance, R2= 0.161, F(1, 116) = 20.686, p ≤. .05, β = 0.391, p≤ .05. The study provided a unique contribution to the theory and practice of leadership by contributing to knowledge in the application of Path-goal leadership styles in coffee trading companies. The study findings led to the conclusion that the use of a directive leadership style in coffee trading companies can adversely affect performance and leaders should exercise caution if they have to use this style.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 87-91
Ni Kadek Anik Maharani ◽  
Luh Kade Datrini ◽  
Gde Deny Larasdiputra

This research raises the title "The Effect of Tax Amnesty, E-Filling, and Tax Sanctions on Individual Taxpayer Compliance in South Badung Regency". This study aims to re-test empirically the effect of the dependent variable (X₁, X₂, X₃), which consists of tax amnesty, e-filing and tax sanctions on the independent variable (Y) of WP compliance. In this study, it has a population of 125,329 WPOPs. The data collection method in this research is through distributing questionnaires. In this study, using a sample who accidentally met the WP as many as 100 respondents. In this study using multiple linear regression analysis. According to the analysis and testing that has been carried out, it can be concluded that a person's compliance in carrying out his tax obligations is influenced by tax amnesty, e-filing and tax sanctions. This study uses hypothesis testing, statistical t test. With the testing that has been done, there are research results of the three variables that have a positive effect on WPOP Compliance in South Badung Regency.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 53
Hasriati Hasriati ◽  
Awaluddin Hamzah ◽  
Salahuddin Salahuddin

This research was conducted in Moolo Village, Batukara Sub District, Muna District. This study aimed to determine the effect of farmer characteristics on the productivity of chili in Moolo Village, Batukara Sub District, Muna District. This research was conducted from February to July 2020. The population in this study was 28 farmers. Sampling in this study uses the census method, where the researcher takes the entire population of chili farmers in Moolo Village. The analysis used in this study is to use multiple linear regression analysis. Based on the multiple linear regression analysis results, it is known that the variables of land area, production, and labor have a significant effect on the agricultural productivity of chili.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 91
Rikyan Ulil Istifadah ◽  
Yayu Putri Senjani

<p class="IABSSS"><strong>Purpose</strong> - This study aims to determine the effect of each dimension of diamond fraud (pressure, opportunity, rationalization, capability) and personal ethics on the fraud tendency (assets misappropriation) and understanding of religiosity as moderating variable.</p><p class="IABSSS"><strong>Method </strong>- The study was conducted by survey method. The samples are amil zakat in Yogyakarta. Data analysis in this study applied multiple linear regression analysis with IBM SPSS version 22. The instruments were adopted from previous research.</p><p class="IABSSS"><strong>Result</strong> - The results of data analysis in this study show that there are positive influences between elements of diamond fraud (pressure, opportunity, rationalization, capability) on the fraud tendency (assets misappropriation) but personal ethics do not influence the fraud tendency. While the understanding of religiosity is able to moderate elements of diamond fraud (pressure, opportunity, rationalization, capability) and personal ethics.</p><p class="IABSSS"><strong>Implication</strong> - Future research can expand the object of research in several other provinces. In addition, fraud theory used is Fraud Diamond Theory. Whereas now there has been an increase in the cause of fraud, which is arrogance and evolved into Fraud Pentagon Theory, so that the next arrogance variable can be added as an independent variable.</p><p><strong>Originality</strong> - This reseacrh is still using samples in one province, and Amil Zakat sample was chosen as a sample because based on data submitted by BAZNAS.</p>

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