Interaction of elements in carbon-graphite—Al—Mg—Zn—Cu melt system under combined action of temperature and pressure
Redistribution of chemically active elements is established on its inner surface of pores and at the interface with the alloy when impregnating carbon-graphite framework with Al—Mg—Zn—Cu alloy at temperature of 800 °C under pressure of up to 3 MPa. In this case, change in the solubility of melt elements in aluminum is possible as result of the combined action of temperature and pressure in the impregnation process, created due to the difference in the coefficients of thermal and thermal expansion of the matrix alloy, and the material of the impregnation device during impregnation. Titanium compounds are found in the pores filled with metal that are not added to the matrix alloy, but are formed as result of the contact of the matrix alloy melt with the walls of the impregnation device.