2020 ◽  
Vol 73 (5) ◽  
pp. 1041-1047
Vyacheslav K. Sokol ◽  
Vira A. Kolesnichenko ◽  
Kostyantin M. Sokol ◽  
Vladyslav A. Smiianov

The aim: The aim of this research was to study causes of the development of adverse outcomes in isolated femоral diaphyseal fractures. Materials and methods: A retrospective analysis of the protocols of clinical and radiological examination of 21 patients was performed. Based on the initial expert assessment, these patients have not been established the severity of injuries due to the development of complications in the postoperative period. Conclusions: Patient-dependent, implant-dependent, and surgery-dependent causes that caused a violation of the stability of osteosynthesis (95.2%) were identified. This led to a secondary displacement of bone fragments (71.4%), delayed fracture consolidation (61.9%), the formation of pseudarthrosis (38.1%), the development of post-traumatic osteomyelitis (14,3), migration of screws from the osseous plate (47.6%), and the development of post-traumatic contracture of the knee joint (81.0%).

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-33
V. Sokol

FORENSIC ASSESSMENT OF ADVERSE OUTCOMES OF ISOLATED DIAPHYSEAL FEMORAL FRACTURES Sokol V. Fractures of the diaphysis of the femur are one of the most frequent mechanical injuries of the skeleton, however, the frequency and causes of the development of the complicated post-traumatic period are not well understood. The aim of this research was to study the causes of the development of adverse outcomes of isolated diaphyseal femoral fractures. Object and methods of research. Retrospective analysis of the protocols of clinical and radiological examination of 21 patients with adverse outcomes of a femoral diaphysis fracture, which, according to the results of the initial expert assessment, did not establish the severity of injuries due to the development of complications in the postoperative period. Results. The main cause of fractures in this category of patients is road traffic accidents (90.4% of cases); closed fractures of the femoral diaphysis (85.7%) in the middle third (76.1%) in men (76.2%) prevailed. The following reasons for the unsatisfactory results of surgical treatment of diaphyseal fractures of the femur were revealed: 1) patient-dependent: a combination of overweight and arthrosis of adjacent (hip and knee) joints - 57.1%; violation of the motor regime in the form of physical inactivity (19.0%) and excessive axial load on the operated leg (19.0%); 2) implant-dependent: a mismatch between the dimensions of the device for immersion osteosynthesis and the anatomical sizes of the corresponding segments of the femur in all cases; 3) surgical-dependent causes: unresolved intraoperative displacement of fragments of the femur (23.8%), violation of the technology of radiation diagnostics (14.3%), violation of the terms of postoperative x-ray monitoring (23.8%) and perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis (14.3%). The consequence of this was a violation of the stability of osteosynthesis in 95.2% with a secondary displacement of bone fragments of the femur (47.6%), delayed consolidation of a hip fracture (61.9%), the formation of pseudarthrosis of the femur (38.1%), and post-traumatic femoral deformity bones (71.4%), development of post-traumatic contracture of the knee joint (81.0%), suppuration of the postoperative wound (23.8%), development of post-traumatic osteomyelitis (14.3%), migration of screws from the osseous plate (47.6% ), migration of a distal blocked nail from the intramedullary st rust (4.8%), intramedullary rod migration (4.8%). Keywords: diaphyseal femoral fracture, surgical treatment, perioperative risk factors, postoperative complications, unsatisfactory outcomes.   Резюме. СУДОВО-МЕДИЧНА ОЦІНКА НЕСПРИЯТЛИВИХ НАСЛІДКІВ ІЗОЛЬОВАНИХДІАФІЗАРНИХ ПЕРЕЛОМІВ СТЕГНОВОЇ КІСТКИ. Сокол В.К. Переломи діафіза стегнової кістки є однією з найбільш частих механічних травм скелета, проте частота і причини розвитку ускладненого посттравматичного періоду вивчені недостатньо. Метою даного дослідження стало вивчення причин розвитку несприятливих наслідків ізольованих діафізарних переломів стегнової кістки. Об'єкт і методи досліджень.Ретроспективний аналіз протоколів клініко-рентгенологічного обстеження 21 хворого з несприятливими наслідками перелому діафіза стегнової кістки, яким за підсумками первинної експертної оцінки не була встановлена ​​ступінь тяжкості тілесних ушкоджень у зв'язку з розвитком ускладнень в післяопераційному періоді. Результат досліджень. Основна причина переломів у даній категорії пацієнтів - дорожньо-транспортні пригоди (90,4% випадків); переважали закриті переломи діафіза стегнової кістки (85,7%) в середній третині (76,1%) у чоловіків (76,2%). Виявлено наступні причини незадовільних результатів хірургічного лікування діафізарних переломів стегнової кістки: 1) паціентзалежні: поєднання надмірної ваги і артрозу суміжних (кульшового і колінного) суглобів - 57,1%; порушення рухового режиму у вигляді гіподинамії (19,0%) і надлишкового осьового навантаження на оперовану ногу (19,0%); 2) імплантзалежні: невідповідність розмірів пристрою для погружного остеосинтезу і анатомічних розмірів відповідних сегментів стегнової кістки у всіх випадках; 3) хірургзалежні причини: неусунення інтраопераційно зміщення фрагментів стегнової кістки (23,8%), порушення технології променевої діагностики (14,3%), порушення термінів післяопераційного рентгенконтроля (23,8%) і періопераційної антибіотикопрофілактики (14,3%). Наслідком цього стало порушення стабільності остеосинтезу в 95,2% з вторинним зміщенням кісткових фрагментів стегнової кістки (47,6%), сповільнена консолідація перелому стегна (61,9%), формування псевдоартрозу стегнової кістки (38,1%), посттравматична деформація стегнової кістки (71,4%), розвиток посттравматичної контрактури колінного суглоба (81,0%), нагноєння післяопераційної рани (23,8%), розвиток посттравматичного остеомієліту (14,3%), міграція гвинтів з накісткової пластини (47,6% ), міграція дистального цвяха, що блокує, з інтрамедулярного стрижня (4,8%), міграція інтрамедулярного стрижня (4,8%). Ключові слова: діафізарний перелом стегна, хірургічне лікування, періопераційні фактори ризику, післяопераційні ускладнення, незадовільні наслідки діафізарних переломів стегна.   Резюме. СУДЕБНО-МЕДИЦИНСКАЯ ОЦЕНКА НЕБЛАГОПРИЯТНЫХ ИСХОДОВ ИЗОЛИРОВАННЫХ ДИАФИЗАРНЫХ ПЕРЕЛОМОВ БЕДРЕННОЙ КОСТИ. Сокол В.К. Переломы диафиза бедренной кости являются одной из наиболее частых механических травм скелета, однако частота и причины развития осложненного посттравматического периода изучены недостаточно. Целью данного исследования стало изучение причин развития неблагоприятных исходов изолированных диафизарных переломов бедренной кости. Объект и методы исследований. Ретроспективный анализ протоколов клинико-рентгенологического обследования 21 больного с неблагоприятными исходами перелома диафиза бедренной кости,которым по итогам первичной экспертной оценки не была установлена ​​степень тяжести телесных повреждений в связи с развитием осложнений в послеоперационном периоде.Результат исследований. Основная причина переломов у данной категории пациентов - дорожно-транспортные происшествия (90,4% случаев); преобладали закрытые переломы диафиза бедренной кости (85,7%) в средней трети (76,1%) у мужчин (76,2%). Выявлены следующие причины неудовлетворительных результатов хирургического лечения диафизарных переломов бедренной кости: 1) пациентзависимые: сочетание избыточного веса и артроза смежных (тазобедренного и коленного) суставов - 57,1%; нарушение двигательного режима в виде гиподинамии (19,0%) и избыточной осевой нагрузки на оперированную ногу (19,0%); 2) имплантзависимые: несоответствие размеров устройства для погружного остеосинтеза и анатомических размеров соответстующих сегментов бедренной кости во всех случаях; 3)хирургзависимые причины: неустраненное интраоперационно смещение фрагментов бедренной кости (23,8%), нарушение технологии лучевой диагностики (14,3%), нарушение сроков послеоперационного рентгенконтроля (23,8%) и периоперационной антибиотикопрофилактики (14,3%). Следствием этого явилось нарушение стабильности остеосинтеза в 95,2% с вторичным смещением костных фрагментов бедренной кости (47,6%), замедленная консолидация перелома бедра (61,9%), формирование псевдоартроза бедренной кости (38,1%), посттравматическая деформация бедренной кости (71,4%), развитие посттравматической контрактуры коленного сустава (81,0%), нагноение послеоперационной раны (23,8%), развитие посттравматического остеомиелита (14,3%), миграция винтов из накостной пластины (47,6%), миграция дистального блокируемого гвоздя из интрамедуллярного стержня (4,8%),  миграция интрамедуллярного стержня (4,8%). Ключевые слова: диафизарный перелом бедра, хирургическое лечение, периоперационные факторы риска, послеоперационные осложнения, неудовлетворительные исходы переломов диафиза бедра.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 144-151

The work is devoted to improving the effectiveness of treatment of patients with complications and consequences of fractures of the long bones of the extremities by improving and developing new surgical techniques aimed at early individual social and household rehabilitation due to the maximally complete and rapid restoration of the integrity and functions of the damaged segment. Reconstructive operations were performed in 285 patients with delayed fracture consolidation, incorrectly fused fractures, false joints, and false joints with chronic osteomyelitis. The analysis of the applied treatment methods effectiveness from the viewpoint of optimizing the treatment process allowed us to develop an algorithm for the surgical treatment of patients with complications and consequences of fractures of the long bones of the extremities. The use of the proposed algorithm in surgical treatment maximally eliminates possible errors and increases the treatment effectiveness.

2018 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 56-62
A. A. Shuiskiy ◽  
G. A. Kesyan ◽  
R. Z. Urazgil’deev ◽  
G. S. Karapetyan ◽  
I. G. Arsen’ev ◽  

Purpose of study: to evaluate the results of distal humeral epimetaphyseal intra-articular fractures treatment by the proposed combined osteosynthesis technique.Patients and methods. From 2014 to 2017 thirty three patients (21 male, 12 female) aged 22-68 years were treated for the distal humeral epimetaphyseal intra-articular fractures of types 13B1.2 — 13B3.3, 13C1.3 and 13C3.1t by AO/OTA classification. The technique included open reposition, transchondral osteosynthesis using titanium alloy (n=18) and biodegradable (n=15) cannulated screws followed by the application of the external fixation hinge distraction system. The results were evaluated roentgenologically and by DASH Score. Results. Follow up period made up from 3 to 12 months. Fracture consolidation was achieved in all patients. Functional treatment results were evaluated by DASH Score. In 30 patients the results were assessed as excellent, in 3 — good. No poor results were recorded.Conclusion. The advantages of the proposed technique are the early initiation of active and passive movements in the operated joint to prevent contracture and posttraumatic arthrosis development, reduction of risks of fracture fragments secondary displacement and screw migration, joint unloading owing to articular surfaces dosed distraction, ensuring of the operated joint stability. The result did not depend on the type of cannulated screw used.

2020 ◽  
Vol 208 ◽  
pp. 03049
Temirkhan Mukhambetov ◽  
Farida Yerdavletova ◽  
Karlygash Kurbanova ◽  
Zhanar Mukhametzhanova ◽  
Kamilla Sadvakassova

The authors present a methodology for using financial indicators to assess the value of companies. The article is dedicated to a comprehensive research of EBITDA. As a research objective, the authors identified an attempt to solve the problem of companies’comparability with identical proportions of financial results, the possibility of identifying the most financially stable companies. Based on the analysis of various interpretations, applying of this indicator in different directions is considered. As a component of various coefficients that characterize the company’s financial stability, it’s recommended to use the EBITDA indicator. The behooves and opportunities that open up when using it are revealed. The research shows to the need to apply this indicator, because this coefficient is able to more fully reveal the stability of the company, by increasing the amount of real profit, the amount of which is limited due to the presence of a large share of non-cash expenses in companies. In the process of research, such general scientific methods as monitoring, comparison, description, systematic and analytical approach, comparative analysis, scientific abstraction, expert assessment, analysis of reasons and consequences were used.

2021 ◽  
pp. 00818-2020
Sarah L. Finnegan ◽  
Kyle T.S. Pattinson ◽  
Josefin Sundh ◽  
Magnus Sköld ◽  
Christer Janson ◽  

IntroductionChronic breathlessness occurs across many different conditions, often independently of disease severity. Yet, despite being strongly linked to adverse outcomes, the consideration of chronic breathlessness as a stand-alone therapeutic target remains limited. Here we use data-driven techniques to identify and confirm the stability of underlying features (factors) driving breathlessness across different cardiorespiratory diseases.MethodsStudy of questionnaire data on 182 participants with main diagnoses of asthma (21.4%), COPD (24.7%), heart failure (19.2%), idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (18.7%), other interstitial lung disease (5.5%), and “other diagnoses” (8.8%) were entered into an exploratory factor analysis (EFA). Participants were stratified based on their EFA factor scores. We then examined model stability using six-month follow-up data and established the most compact set of measures describing the breathlessness experience.ResultsIn this dataset, we have identified four stable factors that underlie the experience of breathlessness. These factors were assigned the following descriptive labels: 1) body burden, 2) affect/mood, 3) breathing burden and 4) anger/frustration. Stratifying patients by their scores across the four factors revealed two groups corresponding to high and low burden. These two groups were not related to the primary disease diagnosis and remained stable after six months.DiscussionIn this work we identified and confirmed the stability of underlying features of breathlessness. Previous work in this domain has been largely limited to single-diagnosis patient groups without subsequent re-testing of model stability. This work provides further evidence supporting disease independent approaches to assess breathlessness.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 75-88
E.V. Nutskova

The article presents the results of a comprehensive psychological and psychiatric examination of 200 minors victims of sexual violence and abuse. A set of methods was used, including the methodology of life quality research, maps of disadaptation assessment, a set of techniques used in the production of cspe, methods of mathematical statistics and data analysis. Depending on the mental state of the victim, the psychological consequences of sexual violence and clinical and psychological abuse were identified. Described 4 types of consequences that vary in severity: psychogenic condition in the form of the disorder (1) and psychogenic condition in the form of reaction (2) (clinical level); adverse psychological condition (3) and minimal negative psychological condition (4) (psychological level). It is established that with the aggravation of the mental state of the victims, from the minimum unfavorable to the psychogenic state in the form of a disorder, the coverage of the spheres of mental activity, the number and severity of signs of post-traumatic reactions expands. The psychological effects demonstrated by mentally healthy victims indicate a decline in their quality of life.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 464-472
V. Olkhovskyi ◽  
P. Kaplunovskiy ◽  
M. Gubin ◽  
V. Balanovskyi

Detainees often complain about the unlawful use of force when special means and methods of detention were used, which they take as beatings and torture. Victims with such injuries commonly become the object of forensic medical examination of alive persons which is carried out during the trial and pre-trial investigation. There is a need to systematize and classify many types of mechanical and other types of injury: specific, typical or atypical for the well-known classical methods of hand-to-hand combat that law enforcement officers use. The purpose of this work was to characterize injuries in victims received during their detention by law enforcement agencies and provide their morphological and clinical analysis in order to identify ways to improve the effectiveness of these injuries’ forensic assessment in the examination of alive persons. Based on a retrospective morphological and clinical analysis of archival materials of the Kharkiv Regional Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination, the frequency and types of injuries, that were detected during the examination, of suspects injured in the course of their arrest by law enforcement agencies were determined. The features of forensic medical expert assessment in determining the mechanism, the severity of injuries associated with the detention of suspects by law enforcement agencies were defined. In the forensic medical expert practice, in the examination of alive persons when determining severity of injuries to suspects detained by law enforcement agencies, slight injuries and, in certain cases, injuries of moderate severity prevailed. The localization and the mechanism of bodily injuries formation in detained victims, in some cases, allows to qualify such injuries as specific for detention by law enforcement agencies. A further prospect of this study is the identification and justification of clear diagnostic indications for the forensic assessment of bodily injuries received by suspects when detained by law enforcement agencies that arise from the action of blunt solid, sharp objects, gunshot wounds.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (7) ◽  
pp. 430-444 ◽  
Inmaculada Moracia-Ochagavía ◽  
E. Carlos Rodríguez-Merchán

It is essential to know and understand the anatomy of the tarsometatarsal (TMT) joint (Lisfranc joint) to achieve a correct diagnosis and proper treatment of the injuries that occur at that level. Up to 20% of Lisfranc fracture-dislocations go unnoticed or are diagnosed late, especially low-energy injuries or purely ligamentous injuries. Severe sequelae such as post-traumatic osteoarthritis and foot deformities can create serious disability. We must be attentive to the clinical and radiological signs of an injury to the Lisfranc joint and expand the study with weight-bearing radiographs or computed tomography (CT) scans. Only in stable lesions and in those without displacement is conservative treatment indicated, along with immobilisation and initial avoidance of weight-bearing. Through surgical treatment we seek to achieve two objectives: optimal anatomical reduction, a factor that directly influences the results; and the stability of the first, second and third cuneiform-metatarsal joints. There are three main controversies regarding the surgical treatment of Lisfranc injuries: osteosynthesis versus primary arthrodesis; transarticular screws versus dorsal plates; and the most appropriate surgical approach. The surgical treatment we prefer is open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) with transarticular screws or with dorsal plates in cases of comminution of metatarsals or cuneiform bones. Cite this article: EFORT Open Rev 2019;4:430-444. DOI: 10.1302/2058-5241.4.180076

Omar E. Staben ◽  
Molly J. Gardner ◽  
Frank J. Infurna ◽  
Suniya S. Luthar ◽  
Kevin J. Grimm

This chapter discusses conceptual and methodological considerations for studying post-traumatic growth across adulthood and into old age. Conceptual considerations that the authors focus on include examining character strengths and virtues longitudinally across multiple age groups and also the stability of these strengths and virtues across the life span. Methodological considerations elaborated are the use of convenience sampling in scale development and the importance of measurement invariance when examining character strengths in the context of post-traumatic growth. The authors provide examples from previous research on post-traumatic growth and discuss methods of measurement that could be utilized to enhance the validity of current measures. The chapter highlights the importance of character strengths and virtues and aims to solidify their role in the scientific community. Additionally, it highlights the need for more rigorous lines of scientific inquiry in this area due to its potential to impact healthy aging outcomes for persons across the adult life span.

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