2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 52
Ediyanto Ediyanto

This Research aims to describe the effect of an integrated marketing communication strategy consisting of variables of Direct Marketing, Sales Promotion, Public Relations, Personal Sales, and Advertising as Independent variables (X) of Domestic tourist interest as dependent variable (Y). This Research used primary data in the form of questionnaires distributed to 100 respondents using probability sampling technique with equation model Multiple Linear Regression Analysis SPSS 22.0. The results showed that Fcount was 41,672> Ftable of 2,368, so simultaneously variables of direct marketing, sales promotion, public relations, personal sales, and advertising proved to have a positive and significant effect on domestic tourist interest. Regression coefficients for direct marketing are 0.181, sales promotions 0.155, public relations 0.182, personal sales 0.148 and advertising 0.249, with a significance level of 95%, of all factors have a positive influence on the interest of domestic tourists to visit Baluran national park tourist sites, but the dominant influence is the advertising factor. The result of coefficient of determination doubled by 0,673, this mean 67,3% variation of change of tourist interest can be explained by direct marketing variable, sales promotion, public relation, personal selling, and advertisement while the rest equal to 32,7% caused by other factor.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-17
Cut Nailil Muna

ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis lebih lanjut penerapan Integrated Marketing Communication pada Festival Seni Rupa Kontemporer Internasional ARTJOG MMXIX yang diselenggarakan oleh Heri Pemad Management (selanjutnya disingkat HPM). Manfaat penelitian ini adalah memberikan kontribusi pemikiran bagi pengembangan pengelolaan manajemen seni dalam keberhasilannya meraih pasar. Untuk menjawab pokok masalah dalam penelitian ini, peneliti mengacu pada konsep komunikasi pemasaran terpadu model George dan Michael Belch (2011) yang meliputi advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, direct marketing, Public Relations and Publicity serta interactive marketing melalui tiga tahapan proses, yaitu perencanaan, implementasi, dan evaluasi. Penelitian dijalankan secara kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Pengumpulan data terbagi dua yaitu data primer melalui wawancara dan observasi; serta data sekunder melalui studi pustaka. Key informan dan informan yang dipilih berasal dari internal HPM dan pengunjung Festival ARTJOG MMXIX. Penelitian ini mampu menjelaskan bahwa HPM telah mengimplementasikan Integrated Marketing Communication melalui tahap perencanaan yang dimulai dari targeting, positioning, penetapan tujuan dan anggaran. Tahap implementasi, dilakukan perancangan pesan, pemilihan media, dan penerapan bauran komunikasi. Tahap evaluasi, dilakukan analisis untuk mengukur hasil akhir dari implementasi bauran IMC sekaligus mengambil tindakan korektif dalam penyelenggaraan festival tersebut. Kesimpulannya, HPM telah berhasil menerapkan konsep komunikasi pemasaran terpadu pada penyelenggaraan Festival Seni Rupa Kontemporer Internasional ARTJOG MMXIX. ABSTRACTThis research aims to further analyze the implementation of Integrated Marketing Communication at the International Contemporary Arts Festival of ARTJOG MMXIX organized by Heri Pemad Management (hereinafter abbreviated as HPM). The benefit of this research is to contribute to thinking for the development of art management in the success of achieving the market. To address the subject matter of this study, researchers refer to the concept of Integrated Marketing Communication George and Michael Belch (2011) model’s which include advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, direct marketing, Public Relations and Publicity and interactive marketing through three stages of the process, planning, implementation and evaluation. Research is conducted qualitatively with case study methods. Two data collection is the primary data through interviews and observations; and secondary data through library studies. Key informant and informant are selected from the internal HPM and visitors Festival ARTJOG MMXIX. The research can explain that HPM has implemented Integrated Marketing Communication through the planning phase starting from targeting, positioning, goal setting and budget. Implementation stage, message design, media selection and communication mix application. Evaluation stage analyzed to measure the outcome of the implementation of IMC mix and take corrective action in the implementation of the festival. In conclusion, HPM has successfully adopted the concept of integrated marketing communication at the International Contemporary Art Festival of ARTJOG MMXIX.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-73
Dessy Kurniawanti ◽  
Bambang Hendrawan

This study aims to analyze how the process of marketing communication strategies such as: advertising, sales promotion, public relations and publicity, personal selling, and direct marketing conducted by PT. Indonesia Villajaya. The research data was obtained through direct observation, documentation, as well as in-depth interviews with five informants. This research method using descriptive qualitative method. Analysis of the data include: data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The results showed that PT. Indonesia Villajaya conduct marketing communication strategy with reference to the integrated marketing communications strategy with process include: advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing, personal selling, and community relations & publicity. With the process of the strategy undertaken during this helps in increasing the public's brand awareness, enhance brand image and increase sales for the company

Widya Amrita ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 86-93
Ni Putu Diana Monica Dewi ◽  
I Gusti Ayu Wimba ◽  
I.A. Sasmita Dewi

The purchase decision is the stage where consumers have evaluated the product and can form an intention to buy the most preferred product for personal consumption. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of sales promotion, personal selling, and direct marketing on food and beverage purchasing decisions at Padma Resort Legian. This research was conducted at Padma Resort Legian. The number of samples taken was 90 consumers with the nonprobability sampling method, and with the proportional random sampling technique. Data collection was carried out through observation (survey), interviews, literature study, documentation, and questionnaires. Testing research instruments using validity and reliability tests. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis, analysis of the coefficient of determination, t-test (partial), and F-test (simultaneous). From the results of data analysis, it was found that sales promotion had a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions, personal selling had a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions, and direct marketing had a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions, while simultaneously it was found that sales promoters, personal selling, and direct marketing have a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions.

2018 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-21
Sendy Ayu Mitra Uktutias ◽  
Niniek Lely Pratiwi ◽  
Windhu Purnomo

Basic Health Research Results (Riskesdas) conducted by the Ministry of Health shows that the coverage of K4 during the last 3 years in 2010–2013 is the year 2010 by 86.85% and the year 2013 of 87.48%. The lack of utilization of ANC by pregnant women is associated with many factors, one of which is the lack of awareness of pregnant women about the importance of pregnancy care. The purpose of this study analyzed the influence of awareness of the situation of pregnant women with the frequency of antenatal visits. The research method was analytic observational with cross sectional  study design. The study sample was 38 pregnant women who lived in the working are at waru public health center’s. The sampling technique using simple random sampling. Data collection using primary data by questionnaire and secondary data with the instrument KIA book. Data were processed and analyzed by using frequency distribution and inferential analyze of linier regression with a significance level of 5% (p = 0.05). The results of linear regression analysis in pregnant women showed significant value of β 0.684 (β > 0.500), that the awareness of the situation had an effect on the frequency of antenatal care. A good situation awareness is a necessary process to influence the decision to act, it is a pregnancy test and can be seen the frequency of antenatal care of a pregnant woman. This conclusion Waru public health center’s is a health clinic located in the highlands. Still less maximal antenatal care visits because of the support and access to antenatal care. It is suggested to raise awareness of pregnant women situation through family involvement, husband as reinforcement factor in support of improvement of antenatal care examination.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 7-13
Ainur Rochmaniah ◽  
Adella Eka Ridwanti ◽  
Asiyatul Ulfiyah ◽  
Rachma Sari Octaviani ◽  
Ayu Diah Oktaviana

The Covid -19 pandemic has significantly decreased the occupancy of the RedDoorz Syariah Buduran Sidoarjo Hotel rooms. The objective is to describe the marketing communication strategy used by the RedDoorz Syariah Buduran Hotel in increasing room occupancy. The study used a qualitative research method at the RedDoorz Buduran Hotel in March-August 2020. The information in this study was the hotel manager which was equipped with 3 people and 5 hotel visitors, with a purposive sampling technique which the criteria of hotel managers dan service staff. Observation data observation techniques, open interviews, and documentation. The results show that the RedDoorz Syariah Buduran hotel has carried out digital advertising through social media such as media (Instagram, website and Twitter) and TV advertising (youtube), sales promotion through the distribution of discount vouchers to visitors and holding local scale events, as well as conducting communication through the public relations division by inviting the surrounding community at the hotel anniversary event. The marketing communication strategies that are carried out are integrated with each other, so as to increase the number of visitors during a pandemic.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 532-542
Kristanto Setio Hari Purnomo ◽  
Lustono Lustono ◽  
Yuliana Tatik

This study aimed to determine the effect of role conflict, role ambiguity and job stress partially and simultaneously on performance. This research was a quantitative, and data used in this study were primary data with a questionnaire technique. The population in this research are all employees of Baperlitbang Banjarnegara regency, amounting to 51 people. The sampling technique in this research was saturated sampling technique. This study used data analysis in the form of multiple linear regression analysis with SPSS software. The results of this study indicated that role conflict partially had no effect on performance. Partial role ambiguity had a positive and significant effect on performance. Job stress had a negative and significant effect on performance. Meanwhile, role conflict, role ambiguity and job stress simultaneously had a positive effect on performance. Result the coefficient of determination in this study of 36.9% means that performance of Baperlitbang Banjarnegara employees was influenced by role conflict, role ambiuigity and job stress and the rest was influenced by other variables outside the study.

2015 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 238
Helman Fachri ◽  
Ida Gustina

The research goal is to know how the effect of the promotion mix, which consists of advertising, sales promotion, public relations and publicity, and personal selling to the consumer's decision to buy a motorcycle on credit at PT Adira Multi Finance Branch Pontianak. This type of research is descriptive method with Data Collection Techniques ie primary and secondary data. The samples were taken from all the consumers who buy motorcycles on credit with as many as 100 people were selected respondents using purposive sampling technique. The analysis technique used is quantitative analysis of regression. The analysis showed that the influence of either partially or simultaneously from the variable advertising, sales promotion, public relations and publicity, and personal selling to the consumer's decision to buy motorcycles on credit at PT Adira Multi Finance Branch Pontianak. The value of the coefficient of determination (R2) of 79.20%, and the remaining 20.80% is influenced by other variables outside of this research. The value of the multiple correlation coefficient (R) obtained amounted to 0.890 indicates a very strong relationship because it is in the range from 0.800 to 1.000 correlation

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 139
Ika Mulyani

<p class="s20"><span class="s14"><span class="bumpedFont15"> </span></span><span class="s19"><span class="bumpedFont15">The purpose of this paper is to identify the effect of Auditor Ethics, Auditor Experience, Audit Fees, and Auditor’s Motivation on Audit Quality.</span></span></p><p class="s22"><span class="s4"><span class="bumpedFont15">The population of this research is the Auditor at the Public Accountant Office in Semarang. The sampling technique uses Simple Random Sampling. The data used in this study are primary data taken by distributing questionnaires. The analysis model uses multiple linear regression analysis models, while the analysis technique uses the Statistical Test F, the Coefficient of Determination </span></span><span class="s21"><span class="bumpedFont15">(</span></span><span class="s21"><span class="bumpedFont15">, </span></span><span class="s4"><span class="bumpedFont15">and the Statistical test t.</span></span></p><p class="s22"><span class="s4"><span class="bumpedFont15">The results of the analysis and discussion showed that the auditor's ethical variables, auditor's experience, audit fees, and auditor's motivation simultaneously had a significant effect on audit quality. Auditor ethics, auditor experience, and Auditor Motivation on the quality of each audit partially significant effect on audit quality. </span></span><span class="s4"><span class="bumpedFont15">Whereas Audit Fee partially has no significant effect on Audit Quality.</span></span></p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Egi Dian Shintarani

Frozen food products are now much targeted by consumers because it is considered more practical. In the middle of the rampant new brand of frozen processed food products that have sprung up, PT. Fitrafood International still uses sampling promotion activities to promote Seafoofking as its main product. This promotional effort is conducted in various supermarkets and also traditional markets. This study aims to determine how the influence of promotional activities in building and forming Brand Awareness of SeafoodKing products, and also to find out how the consumer understanding of SeafoodKing products and its interest to buy SeafoodKing products. This research uses quantitative method with associative approach. This research uses primary data obtained from the questionnaire. The analysis technique used is product moment correlation formula. The results showed that the variables of direct marketing, sales promotion, public relations and personal selling significantly influence brand awareness of the product.Keywords: sampling promotion, seafoodking, brand awareness

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 215
Muhammad Sulthan

The number of tourism objects in Purbalingga that are worth to be known and to be visited by all of us. Therefore, the tourism objects are very necessary to be informed to attract as much as possible potential tourists. Spreading information of tourism objects for tourist can happen in various ways, one of them that now very popular is the usage of internet/digital media. Because it can reach audience more widely. Methodology of this research is descriptive qualitative. Determination of informants are using purposive sampling, which is representative. There are two types of data source: which are primary data source and secondary data. The techniques of collecting data are in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. The way of analyzing data are reduction, data presentation and integrated conclusion drawing. The results showed that the communication of tourism objects by using digital-based are very effective and efficient. Social media is also very helpful in disseminating tourist information in Purbalingga, and also Purbalingga tourism community that is intensively promoting Purbalingga tourism objects. Theoretically, Purbalingga tourism marketing strategy based on digital communication that is used is Kotler and Keller's theory. The elements are advertisement; sales promotion, events and experiences, public relations and publicity, direct marketing, interactive marketing, word of mouth marketing, sales personnel. Those elements of communication are supported by the internet.

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