2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (12) ◽  
pp. 109-113

The article analyzes the problems that arise in the process of formation and development of personnel policy in modern Russian conditions on the basis of data from a sociological study on topical problems of public administration development in the Russian Federation. The article is devoted to the substantiation of the sociological analysis of the professionalization of the individual, the process of becoming a professional.

N. G. Osipova ◽  
S. O. Elishev ◽  
G. B. Pronchev

The paper deals with the knowledge of Moscow students about the processes, institutions of socialization and the subjects of youth policy in Russia. The basis of the empirical base is the sociological study conducted by the authors in April–May 2019 in Moscow. It is noted that students adequately and critically assess the state of modern Russian society and the state, understand the causes of the crisis. The greatest impact on the formation of value orientations of modern Russian youth is provided by the media, family and education institutions. Moreover, the media form both positive and negative benchmarks for young people. Students are aware of the presence of various negative phenomena in the youth environment and show a critical attitude towards them. Comparative analysis with 2013–2017 studies shows that in 2019 the levels of patriotic sentiments among Moscow students and their approval of the activities of political figures, socio-political institutions decreased. The trends of prevalence in the values of young people of consumer orientations, approval of traditionally negative phenomena intensified. This contributes to the desocialization of youth, the manifestation of asocial and unlawful forms of their self-realization, the development of various countercultures, increased conflict tension and aggressiveness of young people, and the growth of extremism in the youth environment. Measures are proposed that increase the social efficiency of the state youth policy of the Russian Federation. The research materials are of interest to specialists involved in the problems of youth socialization and the implementation of state youth policy.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 4-8
Гарнов ◽  
Andrey Garnov ◽  
Топчий ◽  
V. Topchiy

In the context of globalization, the efficient use of intellectual and human resource capacity takes one of the key positions, as the quality of the performed functions depends on it. The creation of an effective system of public administration is the foundation of dynamic and all-round development of the state. Personnel policy plays a great role in the process of public administration, since it sets a general course on the formation of the requirements to public servants.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 42-46
Dania A. Khayrullina ◽  

The article analyzes the significance of the personnel policy of the civil service as one of the most important links in the chain of public administration. The concept of personnel policy of civil servants, its main goals and objectives, which determine the specifics of the considered institution of law, is revealed. Modern problems that hinder the development of the state personnel policy are presented. The author touches upon the issue of digitalization, changes due to this large-scale phenomenon that should be implemented in the field of personnel policy of the public service, as well as possible difficulties associated with such a transformation. It is concluded that the main function of the personnel policy of the civil service at present should be the search for the most competent specialists with a high level of professional training, since this directly affects the quality of public administration. The features of the state personnel policy in the United States of America are considered, the concept of “positive recruitment” is revealed. The possibility of introducing some elements developed by the American personnel policy of the civil service into the current personnel system of the Russian Federation is evaluated.

T.M. Yarkova ◽  

This article presents an analysis of the changes that have occurred in one of the most important state documents - the Food Security Doctrine of the Russian Federation. Criticism of this document can be traced in many scientific works: some experts attribute the Doctrine only to a program document, while others expect it to be implement and control, i.e. much more in practice. An assessment of the significance and essence of such a document as the doctrine as a whole made it possible to determine its place both in the system of public administration and the degree of its significance in the regulatory field. Based on the findings, an attempt was made to analyze changes in the new Doctrine of Food Security of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the President of Russia No. 20 of 01.21.2020. Structural changes in the new Doctrine are highlighted, as well as a critical assessment of the features of all its main sections. The greatest changes were revealed in the state food security assessment system, and it was also determined that the new version of the Doctrine has a greater social bias. If there are positive changes, some omissions of the most important areas of agri-food policy have been identified, which, despite their absence or insufficient reflection in the Doctrine, can be presented and decided at the level of subsequent documents, but only if the Doctrine in practice will be a fundamental document of public administration and regulatory framework.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (10(79)) ◽  
pp. 12-18
G. Bubyreva

The existing legislation determines the education as "an integral and focused process of teaching and upbringing, which represents a socially important value and shall be implemented so as to meet the interests of the individual, the family, the society and the state". However, even in this part, the meaning of the notion ‘socially significant benefit is not specified and allows for a wide range of interpretation [2]. Yet the more inconcrete is the answer to the question – "who and how should determine the interests of the individual, the family and even the state?" The national doctrine of education in the Russian Federation, which determined the goals of teaching and upbringing, the ways to attain them by means of the state policy regulating the field of education, the target achievements of the development of the educational system for the period up to 2025, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 4, 2000 #751, was abrogated by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 29, 2014 #245 [7]. The new doctrine has not been developed so far. The RAE Academician A.B. Khutorsky believes that the absence of the national doctrine of education presents a threat to national security and a violation of the right of citizens to quality education. Accordingly, the teacher has to solve the problem of achieving the harmony of interests of the individual, the family, the society and the government on their own, which, however, judging by the officially published results, is the task that exceeds the abilities of the participants of the educational process.  The particular concern about the results of the patriotic upbringing served as a basis for the legislative initiative of the RF President V. V. Putin, who introduced the project of an amendment to the Law of RF "About Education of the Russian Federation" to the State Duma in 2020, regarding the quality of patriotic upbringing [3]. Patriotism, considered by the President of RF V. V. Putin as the only possible idea to unite the nation is "THE FEELING OF LOVE OF THE MOTHERLAND" and the readiness for every sacrifice and heroic deed for the sake of the interests of your Motherland. However, the practicing educators experience shortfalls in efficient methodologies of patriotic upbringing, which should let them bring up citizens, loving their Motherland more than themselves. The article is dedicated to solution to this problem based on the Value-sense paradigm of upbringing educational dynasty of the Kurbatovs [15].

Alexandra Ugryumova ◽  
Mikhail Zamakhovski ◽  
Lyudmila Pautova ◽  
Denis Olgarenko

Scientifically substantiated personnel industry policy contributes to the implementation of an innovative development scenario, provides better results with reduced production costs, which determines the relevance of the studying. The main goal of the work was identified factors and indicators which have regulatory influence on the state and development of the personnel potential of the industry. Diagnostics of the labor potential of land reclamation by federal districts revealed leaders and outsiders of sectoral development. The studying made it possible to justify the steady trend of the shortage of reclamation personnel in comparison with the calculated indicators. Objective and subjective reasons and factors that hinder the effective using of the industry’s personnel potential are distinguished. The concept of industry’s labor potential is clarified. The studying of changes in labor productivity in agriculture has confirmed a twofold increasing in this indicator for the period from 2014 to 2018. Methodological approaches to the indicators of assessing the labor potential of the reclamation industry are substantiated. The groups of socio-economic indicators of the reclamation industry’s effectiveness are identified. The methodology for determining the quantitative characteristics of labor potential on irrigated lands is specified, which is depended on the area of irrigated lands. The labor potential of the reclamation industry in terms of staffing the industry is studied. The main positive and negative trends of the personnel policy and the labor potential’s formation of the agro-industrial complex’s reclamation sector of the Russian Federation are specified, the industry personnel policy is assessed as passive, which does not allow predicting the needs for industry personnel, evaluate staff activities and analyze personnel problems. Highlighted characteristic trends in personnel potential in the federal district and regions of the Russian Federation allow: to develop unified approaches to manage this industry development factor; to develop recommendations to improve the efficiency of advanced training and retraining of personnel in irrigated agriculture. The implementation of the recommendations will contribute to increase the efficiency of the managing the human potential’s process of irrigated agriculture at the level of federal, regional and municipal authorities of the reclamation sector of the agro-industrial complex of Russia.

2020 ◽  
pp. 113-118
M. G. Shishkin

The article considers the reasons for the formation of asymmetry in the subjects of the Russian Federation. The research is focused on the relations between the Russian Federation and its subjects during the formation of the modern Russian state. This period, according to the author, covers the period from the introduction of the “perestroika” policy in the USSR to the beginning of the 2000s. The author studies the works of domestic and foreign experts on the stated issues. The author believes that the asymmetry of the subjects of the Russian Federation is based on an uneven distribution of economic benefits. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the author’s conclusions are a synthesis of not only formal legal, but also applied and analytical economic research.

2019 ◽  
pp. 60-66
R. A. Lugovskoy ◽  
E. V. Mikhaylov

The presented study analyzes the proposal of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev to switch to a four-day working week. In the context of the topic, the experience of dealing with this issue is examined, including international practices. A similar proposal was discussed by I.V. Stalin as far back as Soviet times, although in the context of switching to five- or six-hour working days, but only in 2019 did this issue become the subject of debate. In light of the pension reform, which has led to an increase in the retirement age in Russia, a number of experts believe that such proposals may entail potential changes that could have a negative effect on the situation of workers. This study examines the mechanisms of public administration in coordination with enterprises relating to changes in the working hours.Aim. The authors aim to analyze potential directions for the improvement of public administration in the field of labor legislation, which has a significant impact on the development of the economy, business, and the situation of workers.Tasks. This study determines the historical background of Russia’s switch to a four-day working week; examines the legal mechanisms and specific features of labor legislation in Russia in the context of the planned switch to a four-day working week; explores international practices in the field of regulation of working hours; analyzes the benefits and drawbacks of switching to a four-day working week in Russia; develops proposals associated with Russia’s switch to a four-day working week.Methods. The methodological basis for the consideration of the problems includes general scientific methods, systems, structural, functional, and institutional analysis.Results. The ongoing processes in the field of improvement of labor legislation and its impact on the economy, business, and the situation of workers are comprehensively analyzed. The historical background of Russia’s switch to a four-day working week is determined; fundamentals of Russian labor legislation are examined; benefits and drawbacks of the potential innovations in the field of regulation of working hours are identified with allowance for international practices. The authors formulate proposals, the implementation of which will bring Russia closer to the switch to a four-day working week.Conclusions. The proposals of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation to switch to a four-day working week has raised a lot of questions. For instance, it is unclear whether the current wages will be maintained. It is also questionable whether it is a step towards artificially reducing unemployment, in which fields this idea is likely to manifest itself first, and so on. These questions need to be thoroughly discussed by the representatives of the Government of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, trade unions, and the scientific community. It is necessary to conduct a sociological survey to determine and prevent concerns among citizens about the upcoming changes. That said, the authors believe that the idea itself is conceptually correct, but it still valid to doubt whether it can be successfully implemented at the time of capitalism, when entrepreneurs focus on profit and are not interested in reducing the working time of their employees. According to the authors, the plans of I.V. Stalin to reduce working time could faster come into fruition with the socialist economic model, which facilitated innovations in the machine tool industry that would boost GDP growth and significantly reduce production costs. Assessing the prospects of development of this idea at the present stage is difficult.

A.V. Korchemnaya

Competitiveness of Russia economy under modern conditions demands systemacy of public administration. As a result of creation of national strategic planning system a number of govern-ment programs aimed at the economy development of the Russian Federation and perspective en-trance of the country to the world market is carried out. One of the main tasks of the economy de-velopment is creation of favorable investment climate in the country, investment activity, attraction of investments into the economy of the country’s regions.

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