The article examines the normative monetary valuation of agricultural land in the regions of Ukraine. The dynamics of change of sown areas of the main agricultural crops is analyzed. The directions of the development of agricultural production in the short term are determined. The main components of biomass energy potential in Ukraine are studied – agricultural residues (straw of cereals and rapeseed, by-products of corn and sunflower production) and energy crops (willow, poplar, miscanthus for solid biofuels and corn silage for production). It is determined that in the structure of energy production from biomass in Ukraine, agricultural residues and energy crops occupy the last places, as their potential is used by 0.1-3.0% depending on the type of biomass. The necessity of creating of energy cooperatives in rural areas focused on the production of solid biofuels from crop waste has been proved. The prospects for the development of bioenergy outlined in the «Roadmap for the development of bioenergy until 2050 and the Аction plan until 2025» are studied and the forecast of the development of the energy potential of biomass is made. It is determined that despite a significant number of existing regulations related to the development of biofuels, measures to support biofuel producers include only two instruments: a «green» tariff for electricity produced from renewable energy sources (including biomass / biogas), and stimulating tariff for thermal energy, produced from alternative energy sources (including biomass / biogas). Barriers to the development of biofuels production and possible ways to overcome them have been studied. The need to create bioenergy clusters to stimulate the production of biofuels has been identified. Measures to improve state regulation and support the production of biofuels are summarized. It is proved that at the state level it is necessary to constantly motivate agricultural producers to produce different types of biofuels. The main directions of the strategy of biofuel production development in the conditions of land relations reform are substantiated.