scholarly journals The internationalisation of higher education: a networking based conceptual framework

M.Miandy Munusamy ◽  
Azirah Hashim

Internationalisation is an important worldwide phenomenon and a major trend in higher education. It is also one of the ways nations react to the impact of globalisation. There are multiple rationales that encourage various national governments, higher education institutions, international organisations and the private sector to proactively engage in educational services across national borders. Internationalisation theories have primarily focused on the internationalisation process in the business and economic dimensions, but since 1980s, it has influenced the structure of education and higher education systems. The network approach emphasises the benefits of developing long-term interactions with foreign markets, institutions and individuals. Networking also provides an important motivation for nations and higher education institutions to enrich international activities and expand their landscape, share best practices as well as transfer knowledge and balance risks. The study explores the Uppsala and network theories of internationalisation and its feasibility for examining networking in the internationalisation of higher education. It provides new insights into how the network model of internationalisation allows the influence of external actors or organisations to impact on the process of internationalisation of higher education. A conceptual framework on networking perspectives in internationalisation, which has the potential to contribute towards achieving internationalisation goals and the enhancing quality of higher education is proposed.

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-15
Alvija Sumskaite ◽  
Inga Juknyte-Petreikiene

Abstract The article discusses the envisaged outcomes of internationalisation policy of higher education in the context of the European Higher Education Area, and the effect of internationalisation policy on quality in higher education. In Lithuania, internationalisation of higher education is supported by large amounts of public finance, in the hope that internationalisation will provide added value to the quality of higher education. However, there are no tools for collecting evidence of whether that investment is properly used. The research question of the study is how the internationalisation policy impact on quality in higher education and its influence on wider society may be measured in a particular national context. The article presents exploratory research findings based on an extensive literature review and views of policymakers, higher education administrators and academics evaluated as a set of indicators and criteria to be used in assessing the impact of internationalisation policy on quality in higher education and its influence on wider society.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (4(61)) ◽  
pp. 19-24
Victor Chentsov ◽  
Olha Hryhorash ◽  
Tetiana Hryhorash

The object of the research is the budget expenditures for the state order funding. One of the most problematic places is, on the one hand, the lack of financial resources, and on the other hand, the low efficiency of their allocation. Using the method of vertical and horizontal analysis, the expenditures of the consolidated budget for higher education are explored by the example of Ukraine. It was found that the share of the consolidated budget of Ukraine for higher education in % of GDP is one of the largest in Europe, however, the amount of funding is insignificant in monetary terms, which makes it impossible to improve the quality of higher education. The amount of the state order for training of specialists and expenditures of the consolidated budget are analyzed. On the basis of the results of the analysis of the legislation, the impact of elements of the system of formation and state order placement on its effectiveness is assessed. During 2012–2020, the consolidated budget expenditures tended to increase (except for the crisis of 2020, when there was a general economic growth disruption). At the same time, the number of budget places reduced annually until 2018. The analysis of the system of the state order allocation showed that during 2012–2020 it had been changed several times. The main advantages and disadvantages of the system of state order allocation at the stages of its transformation are identified in the paper. Until 2015 the state order allocation was carried out manually. Since 2017 a mechanism for state order addressing has been introduced. In 2020 the mechanism of cost allocation between higher education institutions was changed and indicative prices were introduced. Due to the analysis of the conditions of state order allocation and cost allocation between higher education institutions, it is possible to take into account the main factors that contribute and block the efficiency and effectiveness of funding the higher education system in Ukraine

Nidal Al-Ramahi ◽  
Mahmoud Odeh

Quality assurance consider as one of the most important concerns in higher education institutions, which may influence the overall rank of universities. Innovation technology may play an important role in improving such quality of higher education institutions. Innovation technology provides several benefits, which are seen immediately, for instant, allowing students to share information easily and to discover new experiences within the education system. This study aims to find out the key factors of innovative technology affecting the quality assurance at higher education institutions in Jordan. By adopting the diffusion of innovation theory, this study sheds light on several factors that extended from this theory. Fieldwork including five universities in Jordan was conducted to specify the actual technological factors that may influence quality assurance at higher education institutions. An interpretive paradigm using triangulation methods was applied to collect data, conducting sixteen semi-structured interviews with major stakeholders in Jordanian universities, including professors, university vice-chancellors, IT managers, heads of departments, and deans of schools. The researchers also held two focus groups and distributed 232 surveys to Jordanian students.

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 56-67
Vijayalakshmi V ◽  
Srividya M

Education plays a vital role in the development of any nation and this fact is well recognized all over the world. It is imperative for any nation now a days to focus on developing its higher education, since advanced knowledge, advanced facilities only can fulfill man’s advanced needs today. But unlike the primary education, higher education is a financially demanding one for a nation. The economic reforms, initiated since 1991 including Globalization has resulted in the higher demand for the people of India both within and abroad, Since domestic and multinational industries look for more knowledgeable and skilled man power all over the world. The Indian Government initially found it difficult to fully fund from its own the fast growing Indian higher education sector and hence allowed the private players to establish and run higher education institutions. This has led to the establishment of large number of higher education institutions in India over the last two decades. Higher education has seen tremendous growth over the past few years though it does not mean that it is free from problems. Theperformance of an educational institution is judged not only on the basis of the quality of education being provided but also on the basis of its contribution to the society. The present study has made an attempt to find whether all these developments have brought about benefits to the students in particular and to the society in general with reference to higher education especially, the impact of globalization on the scenario of higher education. The present study concentrated on areas such as quality of higher education now, problems faced by the students and the service providers, benefits attained by the society and necessary strategies for improving the quality of higher education in the era of globalization, if the present scenario is falling short of being beneficial to one and all concerned.

O. Derkach

The systematic changes in higher education institutions in Poland over the past two decades are analyzed. The classical idea of spontaneous social development and the hypothesis of interaction between formal and informal institutions, developed on the basis of a new institutional educational policy, was adopted as a methodological basis for analyzing and evaluating the transformation of Polish higher education. Transformations in Polish higher education are part of a more general shift in the role of universities - changes that can limit the independence of research and make it an instrument of dominant social, political and economic forces. The article states that the process of improving the quality of education cannot be detached from the system of financing education. The quality of education depends on the funding system not only because it is a source of resources, but also because it creates incentives for both students and teachers. The problems in the field of financing higher education in Poland are special because the rapid quantitative development of higher education occurred during a period of deep political transformation in Poland. The activities of the State Accreditation Commission of Poland are analyzed, its main competences are highlighted. The Polish Accreditation Commission (Polska Komisja Akredytacyjna) is an independent collegiate body of higher education management aimed at improving the quality of education. It is formed by the Minister of Science and Higher Education from among the candidates proposed by the Council of the Conference of Rectors of Higher Education Institutions of Poland, the Conference of Rectors of Polish Professional Educational Institutions of Poland, the Parliament of Students of the Republic of Poland, the Senates of universities and national scientific societies and the organization of employers. The powers of the Commission include providing the Minister of Science and Higher Education with opinions, feedback and conclusions regarding the establishment of the HEI or its organizational unit, permits to study studies in a particular direction at one or another level of education; program and institutional assessment, including pedagogical education. The impact of financing higher education institutions to ensure the quality of higher education is partly considered in the article.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 396-402
Maria Florentina Rumba ◽  
Margaretha P.N Rozady ◽  
Theresia W. Mado

Abstrak: Kebiasaan manusia berubah karena adanya wabah COVID-19, hal ini berpengaruh ketika manusia masuk ke dalam fase new normal. New normal diartikan sebagai keadaan yang tidak biasa dilakukan sebelumnya, yang kemudian dijadikan sebagai standar atau kebiasaan baru yang mesti dilakukan manusia untuk dirinya sendiri maupun untuk bersosialisasi dengan orang lain. Kebiasaan baru ini pun menimbulkan pro dan kontra seiring dengan dampak yang timbul. Lembaga pendidikan tinggi merupakan salah satu yang merasakan dampak penerapan new normal. Perkuliahan yang selama ini dilakukan secara online/daring, akan kembali dilakukan secara luring/tatap muka, dengan tetap menerapkan protokol COVID-19 seperti mengenakan masker, menjaga jarak, mengenakan sarung tangan, serta tidak melakukan kontak fisik seperti berjabat tangan. Masalah yang muncul bukan hanya kecemasan orang tua terhadap anak – anaknya, tetapi bagaimana lembaga pendidikan tinggi mengatur segala sumber daya yang dimiliki agar memenuhi standar penerapan new normal. penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerimaan  terhadap kondisi normal yang baru menggunakan Perspektif balance score card. Abstract: Human habits change because of the COVID-19 outbreak, this affects when humans enter the new normal phase. New normal is defined as a condition that is not normally done before, which is then used as a standard or new habits that must be done by humans for themselves or to socialize with others. This new habit also raises the pros and cons along with the impact arising with the new normal. Higher education institutions are the ones who feel the impact of implementing new normal. Lectures that have been conducted online / online will be re-done offline / face to face, while still applying the COVID-19 protocol such as wearing a mask, keeping a distance, wearing gloves, and not making physical contact such as shaking hands. The problem that arises is not only parents' anxiety about their children, but how higher education institutions regulate all available resources to meet new normal implementation standards. This study aims to determine acceptance of new normal conditions using the balance score card Perspective.

2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Alex Maritz ◽  
Quan Nguyen ◽  
Sergey Ivanov

PurposeDespite the significance, university student start-ups and student entrepreneurship ecosystems (SEEs) have been subject to little research. This study aims to apply a qualitative emergent enquiry approach to explore best practice SEEs in Australia, complimented by narratives from leading scholars in higher education institutions with the aim of delineating the integrative components of SEEs.Design/methodology/approachAdopting the entrepreneurial ecosystem framework and aligned to the social cognitive theory, this paper explores the components and dynamics of SEEs, contributing to an understanding of how such components can better support the growth, sustainability and success of student start-ups. The authors extend entrepreneurship research on social construction using narrative research.FindingsThe findings provide guidelines for researchers, entrepreneurship scholars and educators, entrepreneurship students, policymakers and practitioners to enhance the impact and success of university student start-ups by adopting a student ecosystem approach.Research limitations/implicationsThe narratives represent a limited number of universities with an opportunity for further research to empirically measure the impact and outcomes of SEEs. The research is exploratory, inherently conceptual and emergent, providing an opportunity for validation of narrative frameworks in future studies.Practical implicationsThe findings may assist university managers to be more aware of their own subconscious preferences to student entrepreneurship and start-up initiatives, which may be useful in refining their impact and offerings regarding a quest toward the entrepreneurial university.Social implicationsFrom social perspectives, the alignment of the components of SEE has the ability to enhance and shift the entrepreneurial mindset of entrepreneurship students, notwithstanding enhancement of intentionality and self-efficacy.Originality/valueThis is the first study of SEEs in Australia, highlighting the importance of the integration of entrepreneurship education programs, entrepreneurship education ecosystems, the entrepreneurial university and specific start-up initiatives such as university accelerators. Furthermore, students may enhance their entrepreneurial mindset by actively engaging in such ecosystems.

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