scholarly journals Независимые кинотеатры Москвы: портрет зрителя

A. Ulyanova

Автор анализирует такое явление культурного ландшафта российской столицы, как независимые кинотеатры. Независимый кинотеатр может выступать одним из способов трансляции объектов современного искусства, так как отвечает задачам культурной среды города, а именно: представляет собой пространство для реализации горожанином своих интересов и свободы действий, сопровождающейся формированием в нем определенных культурных ценностей. Право на город отражает способность горожан моделировать, совершенствовать городское пространство в соответствии со своими потребностями. По мнению автора, независимый кинотеатр является именно таким необходимым объектом городской среды, посредством которого осуществляется трансляция современного искусства.The author analyzes such a phenomenon of the cultural landscape of the Russian capital as independent cinemas. Independent cinema can be one of the ways to broadcast objects of contemporary art, as it meets the goals of the cultural environment of the city. It is a space for citizens to realize their interests and freedom of action, accompanied by the formation of certain cultural values. The right to the city reflects the ability of citizens to model and improve urban space in accordance with their needs. The author believes that an independent cinema is a necessary object of the urban environment, through which modern art is broadcast.

2020 ◽  
pp. 213-229
Karina Chérrez-Rodas

El siguiente escrito es una revisión bibliográfica que se desarrolla en función de tres conceptos claves de Lefebvre: El Derecho a la Ciudad, El Control Social y el Espacio Urbano; concebidos en el marco de sus líneas de investigación y orientación marxista. La investigación pretende emplear apreciaciones del autor en mención, enmarcadas en el acontecer de la ciudad en la actualidad, y trasladar a la relectura de problemáticas puntuales en dos ciudades latinoamericanas: Cuenca-Ecuador y Córdoba-Argentina. A partir del Derecho a la Ciudad definido por Lefebvre; se realiza una crítica, al trazado de la nueva área de planificación urbanística en Cuenca, basado en principios funcionalistas, que ha jerarquizado la circulación vehicular, en detrimento del uso peatonal del espacio público. En la misma línea de la crítica de la modernidad, el control social se manifiesta en un sector de la ciudad de Córdoba, el predio de la Casa de Gobierno. Analizar problemáticas en contextos similares, pero a la vez con diferentes escalas de ciudad, permiten validar las tesis y reflexiones de Lefebvre en su época para la planificación de ciudades contemporáneas, cuyos modelos de desarrollo han tenido como consecuencia deficiencias en la vida urbana. Palabras clave: Ciudades, control social, Derecho a la ciudad, espacio urbano, vida urbana. AbstractThe following piece of writing is a bibliographic review that was developed from three key concepts of Lefebvre: Right to the City, Social Control and Urban Space. It was conceived within the framework of his lines of research and Marxist orientation. The research intends to use the author's appreciations in mention, framed in the events of the city at present, and to transfer to the re-reading of specific problems in two Latin American cities: Cuenca-Ecuador and Córdoba-Argentina. Based on the right to the city defined by Lefebvre, a critique was made of the new urban planning area in Cuenca, based on functionalist principles, which has hierarchized vehicle circulation to the detriment of the pedestrian use of public space. Under the same line of the criticism of modernity, social control was manifested in a sector of the city of Córdoba, the Government House site. Problems in similar contexts were analyzed, but at the same time with different city scales. It allowed us to validate Lefebvre's thesis and reflections in his time for the planning of contemporary cities, whose development models have resulted in deficiencies in urban life. Keywords: Cities, social control, Right to the city, urban space, urban life.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 371-398
André Viana Custódio ◽  
Cristiano Lange dos Santos

ResumoO presente trabalho examina a subcultura do graffiti e da pixação. O problema é como a falta de políticas públicas de arte urbana, que promovam a cultura de rua, recai em casos de cometimento de infrações, desconstrói o universo urbano e criminaliza os casos de graffiti – ilegal – e a pixação na cidade de Porto Alegre. O trabalho está organizado em cinco momentos: no primeiro examina-se como os jovens interagem com o espaço urbano, buscando dispor do direito à cidade; no segundo, apresenta-se alguns apontamentos sobre a cultura do graffiti na cidade; em terceiro, discute-se a distinção entre o graffiti e a pixação; em quarto, verifica-se os aspectos jurídicos do graffiti e a descriminalização trazida pela Lei n. 12.408, de 25 de maio de 2011, além das Leis Complementares municipais n. 771 de 21 de setembro de 2015 e 814 de 19 de julho de 2017; em quinto, examina-se a existência de políticas públicas no campo do graffiti e apresentam-se sugestões. O método de abordagem é dedutivo e o método de procedimento é monográfico, com técnicas de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental nos sites do governo municipal e com base na Lei de Acesso à Informação (LAI). Conclui-se que o aumento de repressão não reduz o índice de grafitagem e pixações, mas estimula o seu aumento.Palavras-chave: juventude; graffiti; pixação; direito a cidade; políticas públicas. AbstractThis work deals with tagging and graffiti as a youthful political and artistic expression to claim the right to the city. The general objective of this work is to discuss the youth subculture of tagging and graffiti in the city of Porto Alegre. The problem defined is how, the lack of public policies of urban art, which promote street culture, falls in cases of committing infractions, deconstructs the urban universe and criminalizes the cases of tagging – not allowed – and graffiti in the city of Porto Alegre? The work is organized in five moments: in the first one it examines how young people interact with urban space, seeking to have the right to the city; in the second, there are some notes about the graffiti culture in the city; third, the distinction between tagging and graffiti is discussed; fourth, there are legal aspects of graffiti and decriminalization brought by Law No. 12.408 of May 25 th , 2011, in addition to Municipal Supplementary Laws No. 771 of September 21 th , 2015 and 814 of July 19 th, 2017; fifth, the existence of public policies in the field of graffiti is examined and suggestions are presented. The method of approach is deductive and the procedure method is monographic, with bibliographic and documentary research techniques on the websites of the Municipal Government and based on the Law of Access to Information (LAI). It is concluded that the increase in repression does not reduce the index of tagging and graffiti, but stimulates its increase.Keywords: Youth; Tagging; Graffiti; Right To The City; Public Policies.

2014 ◽  
Vol 58 (3) ◽  
pp. 18-26 ◽  
Imanuel Schipper

While artistic interventions in urban space multiply continuously, there seems to be a lack of knowledge about what is really happening in and with public spaces in such processes. David Harvey’s proposition that “the right to the city” means the “right to change ourselves” begs the question: Who is producing the city, and in turn, what new ways of living together are they producing? Artistic productions in urban environments produce new modes of engaging with public spaces and initiate a process in which a city’s inhabitants and users make and remake the public sphere.

2021 ◽  
pp. 026858092096683
F Kubra Aytac

Children are important actors in the urban areas of Turkey since they make up the largest demographic group. Therefore, the reasons behind their being regarded as ‘passive’ should be re-examined, in view of the fact that they live and work in, and create and recreate the city. The purpose of this study is to elaborate the children’s right to the city concept from two different points of view using liberal and radical approaches within the theoretical framework provided by Marcuse in the right to the city discourse. The reason for choosing Marcuse is that at some points, his arguments meet with both a liberal and radical understanding of the right to the city. Therefore, these two approaches will be compared regarding children’s right to the city in Turkey in light of related literature. In the last part of the study, children’s right to the city will be discussed from these two perspectives with the particular case of street children derived from findings in the literature. It is revealed that while there are significant developments in Turkey at local and international level in terms of children’s right to the city and street children, there is still a need for a strengths-based perspective which positions children as active agents making decisions about their own lives and formation of urban space.

2021 ◽  
pp. 263-286
Pedro Malpica

The notion —clearly inspired by Lefebvre— according to which public works have per se a coercive character that curtails the inhabitants’ right to the city, should not be applied when evaluating certain infrastructures which actually improve the livability of the urban space, such as those promoting urban cycling. Considering this possible error, it is necessary to examine the repeated exceptions that Lefebvre himself enunciates throughout his work when he characterizes some types of urban intervention that, when fulfilling certain conditions, contribute to the resignification and reappropiation of urban space. We here pursue not only to enumerate these notes by Lefebvre, but to illustrate them taking as a model an urban intervention of great repercussion such as the infrastructure for the promotion of urban cycling in the city of Seville in the first decade of the 21st century, and applying such Lefebvrian contributions to its characteristics. In the confrontation of the different space-producing strategies, some infrastructures —such as the one addressed in this case study— guarantee the right to the city, instead of being, as could be argued from a superficial reading of Lefebvre’s analysis, an element that restricts that right.

2015 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 69-78
Heather Lang

Henri Lefebvre coined the phrase the ‘right to the city’ in 1968, which encapsulates a set of collective rather than individual rights. It is based on two principals for urban dwellers: the right to participate in decision-making in regard to the city and the right to appropriate or “physically access, occupy, and use urban space” (Purcell 2002, 103). This original social-philosophical discussion has recently evolved to include legal arguments in the context of a global system which espouses the supremacy of human rights. Though there is not anywhere with a functioning, Lefebvre-inspired “right to the city”, radical and incremental attempts to create its foundations are occurring in South America and common law jurisdictions.

Urban Studies ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 55 (2) ◽  
pp. 296-315 ◽  
Jennie Middleton

This paper explores the socialities of everyday urban walking. The paper begins from the starting contention that a wide range of social and cultural theory, urban planning and transport literatures position walking as a practice that unproblematically encourages ‘social mixing’, ‘community cohesion’ and ‘social interaction’. Through the analysis of in-depth interview and diary data from research on urban walking in London, this paper engages with a series of underexamined questions. What, for example, is the nature of social interactions on foot? Who are they with, what initiates them and how do they unfold? How do these interactions relate to how we understand the relationship between walking and urban space? Attention is drawn to verbal and non-verbal interactions of strangers as they walk and to the significance of the practical accomplishment of walking together. However, an examination of the discursive organisation of diary and interview data extends existing work concerning the practical organisation of everyday pedestrian mobilities by considering the significance of participants’ accounts of their walking experiences. This analytic move foregrounds a counterposition to dominant discourses surrounding everyday walking practices that is situated in the context of broader concerns with everyday urban politics and the ‘right to the city’. This approach contributes to a clearer engagement with the socialities of urban walking whilst raising important questions concerning the ways in which particular walking discourses inform urban scholarship. The paper concludes that in the promotion of walking as a form of low-carbon active travel greater account should be taken of pedestrian encounters.

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