Вадим Манцурович Бикбаев

В статье рассматриваются особенности, проблемы, противоречия и перспективные направления совершенствования иноязычной коммуникации в рамках профессионального становления офицера. Отмечается, что формирование иноязычной коммуникации офицера главным образом определяется внутренней мотивацией, связанной с осознанием необходимости изучения и применения иностранного языка в рамках профессиональной деятельности, а также с учетом взаимосвязанных между собой педагогических, личностных, профессионально-деятельностных и психологического факторов, характерных для военного образования и военной службы. The article discusses the features, problems, contradictions and perspective directions for improving foreign language communication in the professional development of an officer. It is noted that the formation of foreign language communication of an officer is mainly determined by internal motivation associated with the awareness of the need to learn and use a foreign language in the framework of professional activities, as well as taking into account the interrelated pedagogical, personal, professional and psychological factors specific to military education and military service.

Вадим Манцурович Бикбаев

В статье раскрываются некоторые аспекты форсайт-проекта языковой подготовки офицера Сухопутных войск. Отмечается, что совершенствование языковой подготовки офицеров необходимо осуществлять в рамках реализации федеральных государственных образовательных стандартов с учетом специфики формирования и совершенствования коммуникативной компетенции, связанной как с профессиональным становлением офицера, так и с языковой подготовкой и проблемой иноязычной коммуникации. В рамках формирования новой модели языковой подготовки возникает тесная взаимосвязь между профессиональной задачей военнослужащего и иноязычной коммуникацией, которая является одним из основных методов решения профессиональных задач. The article reveals some aspects of the foresight project of the language training of an Army officer. It is noted that the improvement of the language training of officers should be carried out within the framework of the implementation of federal state educational standards, taking into account the specifics of the formation and improvement of communicative competence, related both to the professional development of an officer, and to language training and the problem of foreign language communication. As part of the formation of a new model of language training, there is a close relationship between the professional task of a soldier and foreign language communication, which is one of the main methods of solving professional tasks.

Tetyana Pakhomova ◽  
Olga Piddubtseva ◽  

Active European integration processes in the state, education and business determine relevance of the study. They pay special attention to the discipline «Foreign language for specific purposes» in the training of agricultural specialists. The purpose of this study is to consider the scientific and methodical aspects of formation of readiness for German-language professionally oriented communication among future agriculturists. Theoretical (analysis, systematization, generalization, modeling) and empirical methods were used to achieve this goal. They allowed to analyze the latest scientific research in the field of foreign language training, problems of readiness for foreign language communication, features of foreign language professionally oriented communication of agro-industrial enterprises` specialists. The analysis of the professional requirements for future farmers, scientific approaches to interpretation of the concept «readiness», modern concepts of foreign language teaching methods gave grounds to specify the concept of readiness for German-speaking professionally oriented communication of agriculturists, which is seen as the competence to use acquired knowledge, ability and skills for successful German-speaking professionally oriented communication. Analysis of the national experience of foreign language training of agricultural sector specialists shows that the main purpose of foreign languages studying in higher educational establishments is the training a specialist who can use the German language as a tool of professional activity and professional knowledge. In order to achieve this goal it is necessary to develop the linguistic, social-cultural, educational and professional components of German-speaking professionally oriented communicative competence. Communication is an integral part of the professional activities of specialists. It is based on general social and psychological patterns and focuses on the successful and effective implementation of professional duties, and includes the exchange of proposals, requirements, views, motives to solve specific problems, sign agreements or establish other relations between the subjects of joint activities. German-language professionally oriented communication has its linguistic features, namely: lexical (terms, scientific and technical phraseology, professionalism, jargon, abbreviations and acronyms), grammatical (nominal style, modal verbs, passive voice, sentence length) and stylistic (metaphor, comparison and epithets). According to the fundamental bases of foreign language training the model of formation of readiness for German-language professionally oriented communication among future agriculturists is proposed, based on the peculiarities of teaching foreign languages in agricultural universities and the specificity of professionally oriented communication of specialists in the agricultural sector. It consists of the following blocks: motivational-target, theoretical-methodological, content-technological and productive-estimated. The effectiveness of the model depends on such factors as: the organization of the appropriate language environment, modeling of professional situations in the classroom and increase motivation for professionally oriented communication. The results of the study are to determine the place of formation of readiness for foreign language communication in the professional education of future farmers, to determine the linguistic features of German-language communication of agronomists, to substantiate the organizational and pedagogical conditions of German-language training and create an appropriate model. The formation of readiness for professionally oriented communication in a foreign language is a systematic, long-term process that involves the development of traditional professional ideas, professional thinking and professional behavior.

2020 ◽  
Vol 132 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-81
Dorota Balcerzyk ◽  
Magdalena Zapała

The social and political situation driving ongoing changes in the Polish Army is responsible for a new perspective on viewing the competences of a leader in a military organization. The article presents and discusses the issue of professional competences in the context of professional military service. It provides an analysis of selected competence models. The essence of competence is the focus, but at the same time the specificity of the organization—the army—is pointed out. Emphasis is placed on the importance of managerial competences in managerial functions as filled by officers. A characterization of the Polish Army officer training and professional development system is also provided.

I.A. Mayer ◽  
I.P. Selezneva ◽  

Statement of the problem. The article deals with the process of forming a foreign language communicative competence among master’s students through the use of the method of language animation in the educational process, designed to ensure compliance with the requirements of modern higher education for practice-oriented preparation for future professional activities within the educational organization. The need for communicative-game animation programs that prepare students for professional activities, according to the research, is only partially provided by their implementation in practice. The purpose of the article is to present the authors’ recommendations on the use of the method of language animation in the process of forming a foreign language communicative competence at the master’s level. The methodology consists in the analysis of the research results of the use of the method of language animation in process of formation of foreign language communicative competence. Research results. The authors’ recommendations on the use of the method of language animation have been developed, including a block of tasks for the development of group dynamics, aimed at overcoming the language barrier, tested in practice. Conclusion. The results of the approbation of the recommendations indicate that the use of the method of language animation allows us to solve the main problem associated with the implementation of the process of formation and development of foreign language communicative competence: removing the language barrier during the interaction of participants in foreign language communication.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Nina Аtamanchuk ◽  

The readiness of student youth for professional activity is a complex personal formation. At the initial stages of education in higher education institutions is characterized by a contradiction between the student's need for professional self-determination and the lack of necessary professional competencies to meet it. To highlight the psychological factors of professional development students in the initial stages of higher education. Most of the respondents have a formed interest in professional activity, which implies a positive attitude to the chosen profession. Unfortunately, among the respondents there are students who do not have a positive attitude to the future profession. The professional development of first-year students is hindered by frustration as a result of failures related to learning. A large number of subjects have health problems that hinder successful professional development. The vast majority of students emphasize the importance of purposefulness in professional development. Most students consider interest in the profession as a factor influencing their professional development. The attitude of students to learning is one of the important indicators of their professional development. A factor that will help to implement the professional plans of students is their own strengths and abilities. Psychological factors of professional development of students at the initial stages of education in higher education institutions are highlighted. Psychological factors of professional development of students at the initial stages of education in higher education institutions are: the formation of interest in professional activities; frustration as a result of failures; health status; own inertia; purposefulness; full dedication in any case; realistic tasks to achieve the goal; healthy lifestyle; interest in the profession; example of colleagues; ability to self-education and own development; awareness of one's own strengths and abilities; sufficient funding; great own efficiency.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 89-97
Olesia Sadovets

Abstract Research conducted by the British Council concerning modern continuous professional development of teachers has been analyzed. The issue concerning foreign language teachers’ professional development has been considered. Productive approach to this process that gives a teacher the opportunities to define aspects of their professional activities that are in need of improvement and introduce appropriate strategies of their own professional development has been characterized. Direct connection between continuous teachers’ professional development and the level of students’ academic achievements has been stressed. Key characteristics of effective professional development have been defined, namely: being correspondent to actual needs of teachers and students; teachers’ involvement into the decision making concerning the content and the fulfillment of professional development; provision of cooperation and teachers’ experience exchange; collegiality presupposing common work of teachers and educational establishments in general; practicality, that is the fulfillment of professional development directly in the process of teachers’ work in class; obligatory character of professional development as indispensable part of teachers’ work; constant reflection and research; prioritizing academic achievements of students as the main stimulus for professional learning of teachers; continuity of professional development and its consideration not as separate forms of work. Modern widely used forms of teacher professional development have been analyzed, namely: self-education, common lessons planning with their further analysis; professional discussions concerning new teaching techniques and the appropriateness of their application; reflexive groups for teaching experience exchange and lessons analysis (video recording of lessons or students’ works), observation/attending teachers’ lessons with their further discussion in constructive form and without formal evaluation; participation in professional learning communities to solve urgent issues concerning school work and teachers’ professional activities; common work of teachers with curricula for detailed studying of problematic issues and their elimination; common teachers’ elaboration of learning materials for definite groups of students; participation in mentoring programs; work in online educational communities It has been proved that modern professional development of foreign language teachers shifts its focus from the competency of a teacher to the level of students’ academic achievements which is the direct indicator of a teacher’s competency.

Вадим Манцурович Бикбаев

В статье с учетом наличия тесного взаимодействие составляющих иноязычной коммуникации и противоречий в рамках ее реализации рассматриваются сценарии развития иноязычной коммуникации офицеров Сухопутных войск. Отмечается, что проблемы и противоречия иноязычной коммуникации с одной стороны, полностью не выявлены и имеют в некоторой степени скрытый характер, с другой - уже в ближайшей перспективе станут очевидными и выведут ее в число наиболее актуальных проблем военного образования. In the article, taking into account the close interaction of the components of foreign language communication and contradictions in the framework of its implementation, the scenarios of the development of foreign language communication of Army officers are considered. It is noted that the problems and contradictions of foreign language communication, on the one hand, are not fully identified and have a somewhat hidden nature, on the other - in the near future they will become obvious and will lead it to the most urgent problems of military education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (391) ◽  
pp. 211-215
G.O. Rakhimbekova ◽  
O. A. Zhumadillayeva

The article discusses the issues of teaching professionally-oriented foreign languages to students of non-linguistic specialties, which are especially relevant due to the growing role of foreign language communication in the professional activities of modern professionals. The need for the formation and development of communication skills that are important for effective professional activity of students is indicated. The goals and objectives of teaching a foreign language in a professional direction are defined, attention is paid to the importance of its integration with special disciplines, ways to solve the difficulties that arise in the selection and learning process with an emphasis on the content of the necessary materials. In addition, the article analyzes the main factors of effective teaching of a professionally-oriented foreign language and describes the role of educational materials as a means of forming and developing students’ motivation to learn a professional foreign language.

Tatyana Dobrova ◽  
Svetlana Rubtsova

Foreign language communication is an essential part of the future professional activities of generation Z students. A professional-oriented approach to teaching a foreign language is therefore becoming particularly relevant. It is common knowledge that the English language varies depending on the content of the professional sphere, with ESP in some spheres sounding as a foreign language to native speakers. Therefore, there is a need to combine ESP, EAP, and GE. The language abilities of generation Z students are changing due to the increase in foreign language content of everyday life. This influences the education environment, which brings modern young people closer to the need of understanding Internet content. It explains the young generation’s interest in foreign languages (in 99% of cases it is the English language). The authors focus on fostering the vital skills of generation Z and provide some recommendations based on the experience gained during the coronavirus pandemic by the Faculty of Modern Languages at St Petersburg University.

Daria Aleksandrovna Vakhrusheva

This study is devoted to the consideration of the issues of teaching English to adult learners. It is noted that teaching English to adults today is in great demand, due to the world integration aspira-tions of our country, which cannot be realized when the majority of the population does not have foreign language speech skills and abilities for free partici-pation in international communication. However, adult education differs significantly from the specif-ics of teaching a foreign language to schoolchildren and students, which provokes a number of prob-lems. These problems impede the acquisition of English by adults, which, as a rule, they need for professional activities that involve the implementa-tion of foreign language communication. The analy-sis carried out in this study helped to identify the problems that need to be overcome to build an ef-fective system of teaching English to adults. In addi-tion, a number of psychological and pedagogical conditions that contribute to the effective teaching of the English language to adults and the formation of their foreign language communicative compe-tence were formulated.

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