I.A. Mayer ◽  
I.P. Selezneva ◽  

Statement of the problem. The article deals with the process of forming a foreign language communicative competence among master’s students through the use of the method of language animation in the educational process, designed to ensure compliance with the requirements of modern higher education for practice-oriented preparation for future professional activities within the educational organization. The need for communicative-game animation programs that prepare students for professional activities, according to the research, is only partially provided by their implementation in practice. The purpose of the article is to present the authors’ recommendations on the use of the method of language animation in the process of forming a foreign language communicative competence at the master’s level. The methodology consists in the analysis of the research results of the use of the method of language animation in process of formation of foreign language communicative competence. Research results. The authors’ recommendations on the use of the method of language animation have been developed, including a block of tasks for the development of group dynamics, aimed at overcoming the language barrier, tested in practice. Conclusion. The results of the approbation of the recommendations indicate that the use of the method of language animation allows us to solve the main problem associated with the implementation of the process of formation and development of foreign language communicative competence: removing the language barrier during the interaction of participants in foreign language communication.

Olena Kolhan ◽  
Tetiana Kolgan ◽  
Ruslana Padalka

The article reveals the problems that appear in linguistics of the 21st century, in particular, in terminology in direction of forming foreign language competent specialists. The works focus on the issue of the modern state of Ukrainian terminology in the mining industry. In the study, it is analysed the original material, it is monitored the present thesauruses of the mining industry of different types as well as translated ones. The authors present in brief the short description of the basic achievement of Ukrainian terminography in the mining industry starting with the middle of the 19th century till the present.The scientists have clearly stated the dependence of the development of terminography in the field of Ukrainian mining on the lingual and extra-lingual factors. Particular attention is paid to the problem of the absence of mining dictionaries (both monolingual and multilingual) in modern linguistics, which undoubtedly negatively affects the process of formation of foreign language communicative competence of the specialists of the future mining industry. The relevance of the article isdue to the urgent need to provide students of institutions of higher education with new innovative technologies for the formation of foreign language communicative competence and the search for modern approaches during the educational process in the educational institutions of both mining and humanities profiles. After all, the 21st century requires specialists in any field of human activities (as well as the mining one) to expand opportunities for intercultural communication, to deepen their knowledge of achievements in a particular field (including the mining one) by means of language communication, etc. All this becomes possible only under the condition of the formation of the number of competences, in particular, communicative. Creating and developing the e-dictionarywill enable free communication between representatives of different countries for the purpose of taking on the experience gained during the professional activity, as well as in the field of the mining industry, and will be worth representing the achievements of the domestic industry at the world stage. The high level of foreign language proficiency of graduates of Ukrainian universities will contribute to affirming the positive educational and scientific image of our country.

R. V. Drazhan ◽  
A. S. Pazonova ◽  
E. S. Gluhih

This article is devoted to the issues of foreign language training of future marine transport engineers and the topicality of their possession of foreign language professional communicative competence at the level needed to resolve professional problems in the process of employment. This work proves the necessity of improving the quality of foreign language training by means of additional educational programs and advanced courses on Marine, Business, Professional English, the purpose of which is to apply oral and written communicative skills in situations of business and professional communication in arranging and carrying out an international transportation, operation and management of water transport, as well as forwarding and agency services for ships. Following a competencybased approach, the goals, objectives and results of the development of programs of additional and professional foreign language education are clearly defined in accordance with the requirements of international, professional and educational standards and the results of training are given on examples of specific courses. The research results presented in the article can be used in development and implementation into the educational process the professional foreign language communication programs using e-learning and distance learning educational technologies. The authors emphasize the importance of social partnership with the employer in order to continuously monitor his requests and requirements for the graduate.

2021 ◽  
pp. 74-80
Kudrynska K.V.

The relevance of the research topic consists in the fact that in the context of globalization, the proper level of foreign language proficiency of young people is an important criterion for successful self-realization and the key to a successful career, especially for prospective programmers. Purpose. The research is devoted to the analysis of the effective motivational ways of development of foreign language communicative competence of future programmers. Methods: method of theoretical analysis, comparison method; substantiation and systematization of scientific investigations on the researched subject and generalization of the obtained research results. Results. The article considers the essence of the concept of foreign language communicative competence, the term motivation and motive. The structure of foreign language communicative competence and its’ structure are reviewed and important subcompetences are singled out, particularly: linguistic, sociocultural, sociolinguistic, pragmatic, discursive and strategic. The types of motivations (external, internal, direct, indirect, causative) and the types of structural elements of motivation (cognitive and social motives) are highlighted.Founded on the analysis of the theoretical basis of scientific and methodological literature, the author proposes an integrated distribution of types of motivation and corresponding motives that are part of it into two main groups: 1) external indirect causative motivation, which is based on general socially necessary motives and student’s responsibilities; 2) internal direct motivation, which is based on cognitive personality-oriented motives of the student. Methods that stimulate students’ motivation to study, including active and interactive teaching methods, as well as methods of forming cognitive interests and methods of stimulating duty and responsibility are considered. Based on the analysis of scientific research on methodology of teaching, in particular on the topic of our investigation, effective motivational ways of developing of foreign language communicative competence of prospective programmers were selected.Thus, the author of this article, following the proposed methods of stimulating motivation, identified the subsequent five main motivational ways to improve the explorable competence: 1) the way of educational discussion method; 2) mode of modeling situations / situational method; 3) the means of motivational conversation; 4) mode of a role play / business game; 5) means of a collective / group studying. Conclusions. Each of the proposed means: will promote the development of previously acquired skills of foreign language communication; will improve students’ knowledge of a foreign language; will immerse them into a close to natural “professional world”; will ensure the development of all types of speech activities and diversify the educational process, which will maintain the student’s interest in studying.Key words: competent, foreign language communicative competence, subcompetence, motivation, motive, motivational means, prospective programmers.

Лариса Максимук ◽  
Лилия Левонюк

The article deals with the problem of the formation of foreign language professional communicative competence of future specialists of non-linguistic profiles. The process of teaching a foreign language becomes interesting and creative thanks to game technologies that expand the range of topics for communication, make the process of foreign language communication more dynamic and expressive, and also give the possibility to create models of future professional activities of students and teach them how to act in certain real life situations. Role-playing and business games, which are one of the most dynamic methods of teaching a foreign language, are widely used in foreign language classes at non-linguistic specialties of universities. In role-playing games, personal interaction not limited to professional activity takes place, while in business games situations, which are close to the real future professional activity of students, are played. The use of role-playing and business games in the process of teaching foreign languages contributes to the formation of the cognitive interests of students, their conscious and motivated mastering of the target foreign language, and also contributes to the development of such qualities as independence, initiative, the ability to work in a team, the desire for self-education and self-improvement. Thus, gaming technologies have a great developmental potential and are an effective means of improving and modernizing the educational process at universities, professionalizing foreign language teaching for students of non-linguistic specialties, and forming their foreign language professional communicative competence.

2020 ◽  
Vol 100 (4) ◽  
pp. 145-154
D Jantassova ◽  
Dorin Isoc ◽  

The article considers the role of foreign language, foreign language learning to students of non-linguistic spe-cialties is valuable for specialist development. Teaching of foreign language in non-linguistic universities has particular relevance, since foreign language communication in the professional activities of modern special-ists is characterized by increasing importance in the context of globalization and providing for the formation of students' ability to speak foreign languages in specific professional, business, scientific fields and situa-tions taking into account the features of professional thinking. Despite the development of the educational process organization, the difficulty of learning is that mastering a foreign language occurs outside the lan-guage environment with a limited number of hours. In the classroom, the task of developing students' speech skills is solved by performing a large number of language and speech exercises. In this regard, it should be noted the importance of extracurricular activities in a foreign language, which is particular relevance in achieving the subject, interdisciplinary and personal results of education. The problem of communicative skills formation of non-linguistic specialties’ students is one of the urgent problems, since graduates must have not only professional, but also experience of social, socio — cultural relations, who are able to show not only knowledge in a certain area, but also social initiative, develop performance in a team work. Teaching foreign languages for students of non-linguistic specialties has a professional-oriented basis. The students of non-linguistic specialties have a professionally-oriented basis for teaching of foreign languages, and the role of digital technologies should be noted too, what are widely used during the classes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-77
I. S. Dementeva ◽  
S. I. Osipova ◽  

Introduction. The present study identifies the reasons for choosing teaching methods to prepare students majoring in engineering for professional foreign language communication and presents specific teaching methods. The scientific novelty of this paper is the selection of criteria for choosing the methods to shape the readiness of future engineers for professional foreign language communication, correlated with the readiness components. The theoretical significance lies in the expansion of the understanding of shaping the readiness for professional foreign language communication through a reasonable choice of methods correlated with the components of the studied phenomenon. The practical value of the research is in the use of the specific teaching methods in the educational process to shape the readiness of undergraduates majoring in “Mechanical Engineering: Welding Production” at the Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk). The findings can be applied in teaching a foreign language to students of various specialties. Materials and methods. General theoretical methods employed to achieve the research goal are an analysis of regulatory information; comparative analysis of teaching methods; analysis and synthesis; and reflexive-evaluative procedures, which justify the choice of teaching methods in accordance with the set goal. The research materials are psychological and pedagogical sources, including scientific papers, dissertations, monographs, etc. Research results. The requirements for the choice of teaching methods are supplemented by the requirement for the communication with a focus on the studied readiness for professional foreign language communication, the need to increase motivation and the ability to get a specific visible result. The study proves that the readiness for foreign language communication in future professional activities can be effectively achieved using active teaching methods, in particular, brainstorming, case method, and game technologies. These methods consider the communicative nature of the phenomenon shaped and the professional context in its implementation when teaching English to undergraduates majoring in “Mechanical Engineering: Welding Production” at the Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk). The practical application of the game-based method in the scenario of lessons and its expected results are presented. Conclusions. The research examines one of the pedagogical conditions related to the choice of a teaching method that allows involving students in cognitive activity in a professionally oriented educational environment. The grounds for the choice of teaching methods that shape the readiness of future engineers for professional foreign language communication are indicated. The methods for the productive preparation of students for professional foreign language communication are selected in accordance with the requirements of the competency-based and the activity-based approaches. Three active teaching methods have been identified to achieve this goal within the educational process of students specializing in “Mechanical Engineering: Welding Production.” These are brainstorming, case study method, and game methods. The practical application of the research results is relevant in the context of teaching a foreign language to students majoring in various disciplines. Keywords: readiness, foreign language communication, active teaching methods, professional activity

Вадим Манцурович Бикбаев

В статье рассматриваются особенности, проблемы, противоречия и перспективные направления совершенствования иноязычной коммуникации в рамках профессионального становления офицера. Отмечается, что формирование иноязычной коммуникации офицера главным образом определяется внутренней мотивацией, связанной с осознанием необходимости изучения и применения иностранного языка в рамках профессиональной деятельности, а также с учетом взаимосвязанных между собой педагогических, личностных, профессионально-деятельностных и психологического факторов, характерных для военного образования и военной службы. The article discusses the features, problems, contradictions and perspective directions for improving foreign language communication in the professional development of an officer. It is noted that the formation of foreign language communication of an officer is mainly determined by internal motivation associated with the awareness of the need to learn and use a foreign language in the framework of professional activities, as well as taking into account the interrelated pedagogical, personal, professional and psychological factors specific to military education and military service.

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (2) ◽  
pp. 74-83
A. Ye. Bizhkenova ◽  
D.M. Kabenova ◽  
Z.S. Takuova ◽  
M. Adilkhanuly ◽  

In the system of foreign language education in Kazakhstan,English is a priority at all levels of education. English is the language which is chosen by parents as a foreign for their children in preschool age. This article is devoted to the study of the status and current issues of teaching English in Kazakhstan. It is based on the results of a practical survey of eighth grade students of some secondary schools, as well as on observation of the educational process. During a visit to English classes and after conversations with school teachers, the problematic aspects of the learning process were identified. The article provides an overview of modern methods and principles of classes’ organization, contains recommendations for solving theidentified problems. The authors of the article also tried to find out the desire of students to learn not only English, but also other foreign languages, because according to the state regulatory documents, students at school have the right to choose a foreign language, which they want tolearn. The desire to communicate in a foreign language, readiness for foreign language communication, the role ofEnglish language in the student’s life, the main activities in foreign language lessons were some of the key issues, that were considered in this scientific work.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 100-117
N. V. Bykhtina

The paper raises the problem of building the communicative competence of academics. Analysis of the theoretical material of the research helps further investigate the process of learning a foreign language by postgraduates within departmental educational milieu and define the foreign-language communicative competence of a research academician. In accordance with the logic of the presented research, the author uses a complex of complementary methods. They are theoretical research (systematic and theoretical analysis, studying the references in Pedagogy and Methodology of teaching a foreign language, comparative analysis of the Russian and foreign experience, considers the peculiarities of the content of research academicians training in a foreign language), pedagogical research (discussion, supervision, interview). The author stresses the necessity to improve the substantive component of foreign language training of the researcher, taking into account the professional orientation, the use of professional terminology by those who are engaged in research activities. That makes them capable of doing interpretation, précis-writing and abstracting scientific papers in English, thus building their foreign-language communicative competence. The author concludes that in the educational process it is advisable to use a manual, an interactive dictionary and a thesaurus for the successful organization of the process of building the foreign-language communicative competence of the research academician. The content of the materials mentioned above should be aimed at forming postgraduates’ readiness to participate in Russian and international research teams and use modern scientific terminology in a foreign language in various international scientific and representative conferences.

Tetyana Pakhomova ◽  
Olga Piddubtseva ◽  

Active European integration processes in the state, education and business determine relevance of the study. They pay special attention to the discipline «Foreign language for specific purposes» in the training of agricultural specialists. The purpose of this study is to consider the scientific and methodical aspects of formation of readiness for German-language professionally oriented communication among future agriculturists. Theoretical (analysis, systematization, generalization, modeling) and empirical methods were used to achieve this goal. They allowed to analyze the latest scientific research in the field of foreign language training, problems of readiness for foreign language communication, features of foreign language professionally oriented communication of agro-industrial enterprises` specialists. The analysis of the professional requirements for future farmers, scientific approaches to interpretation of the concept «readiness», modern concepts of foreign language teaching methods gave grounds to specify the concept of readiness for German-speaking professionally oriented communication of agriculturists, which is seen as the competence to use acquired knowledge, ability and skills for successful German-speaking professionally oriented communication. Analysis of the national experience of foreign language training of agricultural sector specialists shows that the main purpose of foreign languages studying in higher educational establishments is the training a specialist who can use the German language as a tool of professional activity and professional knowledge. In order to achieve this goal it is necessary to develop the linguistic, social-cultural, educational and professional components of German-speaking professionally oriented communicative competence. Communication is an integral part of the professional activities of specialists. It is based on general social and psychological patterns and focuses on the successful and effective implementation of professional duties, and includes the exchange of proposals, requirements, views, motives to solve specific problems, sign agreements or establish other relations between the subjects of joint activities. German-language professionally oriented communication has its linguistic features, namely: lexical (terms, scientific and technical phraseology, professionalism, jargon, abbreviations and acronyms), grammatical (nominal style, modal verbs, passive voice, sentence length) and stylistic (metaphor, comparison and epithets). According to the fundamental bases of foreign language training the model of formation of readiness for German-language professionally oriented communication among future agriculturists is proposed, based on the peculiarities of teaching foreign languages in agricultural universities and the specificity of professionally oriented communication of specialists in the agricultural sector. It consists of the following blocks: motivational-target, theoretical-methodological, content-technological and productive-estimated. The effectiveness of the model depends on such factors as: the organization of the appropriate language environment, modeling of professional situations in the classroom and increase motivation for professionally oriented communication. The results of the study are to determine the place of formation of readiness for foreign language communication in the professional education of future farmers, to determine the linguistic features of German-language communication of agronomists, to substantiate the organizational and pedagogical conditions of German-language training and create an appropriate model. The formation of readiness for professionally oriented communication in a foreign language is a systematic, long-term process that involves the development of traditional professional ideas, professional thinking and professional behavior.

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