Rute Adeya Saputra ◽  
Khairil Khairil ◽  
Ricky Zulfiandry

ABSTRAKInventory atau persediaan bukan merupakan hal yang asing lagi bagi setiap perusahaan. Namun masalah inventory terkadang masih menjadi salah satu kendala untuk mencapai tujuan perusahaan, karena sistem inventory yang tidak terkendali dan tidak adanya pengawasan yang benar serta metode yang dapat dijalankan dengan baik. PT. Bengkulu Mandiri mempunyai bidang yang bergerak dalam penjualan briket batu bara. Dalam menjalankan usahanya masih menggunakan sistem manual dengan cara memasukan data-data ke dalam buku. Untuk menghindari persediaan yang berlebihan maka seharusnya perusahaan ini membutuhkan sistem inventory yang berbasis komputer untuk membantu meningkatkan kualitas yang dibutuhkan oleh perusahaan dan mencegah terjadinya penumpukan persediaan. Implementasi sistem menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Visual Basic.Net dan metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode waterfall.metode waterfall mampu melakukan analisa kebutuhan yang digunakan untuk mengetahui dari kelemahan sistem yang lama, kemudian membuat desain dari rancangan tersebut dan dilanjutkan dengan pembuatan rancangan sistem baru. Hasil dari penelitian adalah aplikasi inventori ini diharapkan dapat memberikan kemudahan bagi petugas dalam melakukan kontrol serta dapat membantu proses pengelolaan transaksi pembelian, proses produksi dan transaksi penjualan melalui fungsi otomatisasi, sehingga proses pengelolaan lebih efektif dan efisien.Kata kunci :Sistem Inventori, Briket Batu Bara, Visual Basic.Net ABSTRACTInventory is not a strange thing for every company. But inventory problems are sometimes still one of the obstacles to achieving company goals, due to an uncontrolled inventory system and the lack of proper supervision and methods that can be run properly. PT. Bengkulu Mandiri has a field that is engaged in the sale of coal briquettes. In carrying out its business, it still uses a manual system by entering data into books. To avoid excessive inventory, this company should need a computer-based inventory system to help improve the quality needed by the company and prevent inventory buildup. The system implementation uses the Visual Basic.Net programming language and the research method used in this study is the waterfall method. the waterfall method is able to analyze the needs that are used to find out the weaknesses of the old system, then make the design of the design and proceed with making a new system design. The results of this research are the application of inventory is expected to provide convenience for officers in controlling and can help the process of purchasing transaction management, production processes and sales transactions through the automation function, so that the management process is more effective and efficient.Keywords: Inventory System, Coal Briquettes, Visual Basic.Net

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-42
Agus Suryadi ◽  
Mahardika Abdi Prawira Tanjung ◽  
Eka Lia Febrianti

Abstract: In this growing era of globalization, information systems are very important and important in helping business processes, in the near future that will make the competition in the business process will be more violent and strict. Therefore, the use of information technology and the design of application programming using PHP as server side programing and MySQl as its database especially regarding bus departure and bus ticket reservation at PO.NPM company of bukittinggi city. Problems faced by this company is the problem of data redundancy ticket booking is a lot of data booking tickets are not available, and not presented in sequence and repeatedly resulting in difficulties when manipulating, altering, and delete data.     In the end the authors hope with the creation of a new information system, can help the process of booking tickets and done more easily, without the passengers concerned must come directly to P0.NPM with the new system design will facilitate the company and bus visitors.Keywords: Technology, Information, PHP Programming Language And MySQL.Abstrak : Di era globalisasi yang semakin berkembang ini sistem informasi merupakan hal yang sangat penting dan utama dalam membantu proses bisnis, dalam waktu dekat yang akan membuat persaingan dalam proses bisnis akan semakin keras dan ketat. Karena itu pemakaian teknologi informasi dan rancangan pembuatan program aplikasi dengan menggunakan PHP sebagai server side programing  dan MySQl  sebagai Databasenya khususnya mengenai jadwal keberangkatan bus dan pemesanan tiket bus pada perusahaan PO.NPM kota bukittinggi. Masalah – masalah yang dihadapi perusahaan ini yaitu masalah redundansi data pemesanan tiket yaitu banyak data pemesanan tiket yang tidak tersedia,dan tidak tersaji secara berurutan dan berulang-ulang sehingga mengakibatkan kesulitan saat memanipulasi, mengubah, dan menghapus data.  Pada akhirnya penulis berharap dengan dibuatnya sistem informasi yang baru, dapat membantu Proses pemesanan tiket dan dilakukan dengan lebih mudah, tanpa penumpang yang bersangkutan harus datang langsung ke P0.NPM dengan adanya desain sistem yang baru akan mempermudah pihak perusahaan dan pengunjung bus.Kata kunci : Teknologi, Informasi, Bahasa Pemograman PHP  Dan MySQL

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Teguh Pradana ◽  
Anggit Septa Yurika

Decision Support Systems (DSS) are interactive computer-based system, which helps decision-makers to use the data and models to solve unstructured problems. Decisions can be taken by right (time and objective) and can be accounted for if it is supported by a system without doing individual aspects of the decision itself as well as the context of the problems faced.Thus the authors will take advantage of the application system pengelolahan complaint of data to measure performance web-based EDI unit. This system which will bridge the gap between students and the concentration of the majors to be taken with the help of the head of the study program. Decision Support System for Determination of Concentration Programs are designed using the programming language PHP and Mysql data base. And system design using CMS as decision support in determining the concentration of the majors to be taken in studying at the Faculty of Economics, University of the Free Pasuruan. Students are no longer confused / scared wrong in taking decisions for determination majors is to be retrieved

Deswil Violla Tanjung ◽  
Fiqih Ismawan ◽  
Umar Wirantasa

 Tujuan Penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui sistem yang berjalan dalam pencatatan pengadaan barang dan penjualan di inventory Toko Latar Outdoor menggunakan Java. Untuk mengetahui proses pemesanan dan pembelian di inventory Toko Latar Outdoor berbasis Java. Aplikasi yang digunakan dapat dipahami oleh penggunanya dan membantu pengurusan dalam mengolah data administrasi. Metode pengumpulan data yang dilakukan dengan metode Waterfall yaitu metode penelitian berdasarkan observasi, wawancara, instrument penelitian, serta studi kepustakaan. Sistem ini dibuat dengan menggunakan Java Dekstop dan database MySQL. Sistem inventory ini dibuat digunakan untuk pencatatan data barang, pencatatan barang masuk, pencatatan barang keluar, pencatatan barang afkir, pencatatan pengembalian barang afkir dan pencatatan data supplier.  Kata Kunci: Inventory, Perancangan Sistem Aplikasi Java, Waterfall.  Abstract:  The purpose of this study is to determine the system that runs in recording the procurement of goods and sales in the Outdoor Background Store inventory using Java. To find out the ordering and purchasing process in a Java-based Outdoor Background Store inventory. The application used can be understood by its users and helps the administration in processing administrative data. The method of data collection is done by the Waterfall method which is a research method based on observation, interviews, research instruments, and literature studies. This system was created using Java Desktop and MySQL database. This inventory system was made used for recording data on goods, recording incoming goods, recording outgoing goods, recording rejected goods, recording returned goods and recording supplier data.  Keyword: Inventory, Application System Design Java, Waterfall..

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 79
Dahlia Widyastoety

<p>PT Graha Sarana Duta established since 1981 engaged in providing office building, building maintenance and maintenance services. At present the system is still manual which causes the company's performance to be hampered and has not been able to support all the needs of the company such as a report that is long enough to report so that management waits long to get it. This study aims to analyze and design a web-based inventory system that can present the information needed by the company. Operations that run on this system are: input data for outgoing goods, input data for incoming goods, input data for supplier, work order, incoming goods report, outgoing goods report, ready stock report,work order report and goods check. The development tools used in this research are using PHP.5.2.2 as a programming language and MySQL version 5.0.41 as the database, these were all chosen because of their reliability in making a web-based system. Design and design an inventory system for PT Graha Sarana Duta. This Inventory system is web based so it is more dynamic and can be used easily. The system is used to manage data items that occur in the warehouse with various menus available.</p>

1980 ◽  
Vol 13 (10) ◽  
pp. i-i
Joe Wilson

Outlines the problems and self-questioning facing the process control engineer when deciding to replace the computer control system which he has found difficult to justify over the last decade. Should he return to conventional analogue instrumentation or choose a microprocessor based control system? Having highlighted in his mind the problems with his computer based system, has he missed the majority of the advantages which a digital system brings? Does he realise that a major manufacturer has been acutely aware of his problems and has sought to eliminate them with the design of any new system? Can his faith be restored?

2008 ◽  
Vol 40 (1) ◽  
pp. 84-97 ◽  
Mathias M. Fischer ◽  
Federico Barnabè

The article presents the outcomes of a group model-building project at a chemical company that produces calcium carbide. The project led not only to the creation of a system dynamics model describing the production process but also to a microworld, a computer-based interactive learning environment meant to reproduce most of the features of the operating and controlling software actually used in the company. The process of organizational learning, the gaining of a better common understanding of the production process, and the development of the different mental models of the plant operators were some of the project's main goals. Moreover, the method followed during the project can be considered as general and can be used mainly in a variety of production processes in most manufacturing industrial firms both for the modeling of production processes and for teaching and training the operators who manage such systems.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-32
Sagita Utarki ◽  
Eva Argarini Pratama ◽  
Corie Mei Hellyana

Abstract: Tourism sector in the country is one of the mainstay of foreign exchange earners for the country, especially in the non oil and gas sector, all efforts to attract tourists both archipelago and overseas continue to be done. One of the government's efforts to increase the flow of domestic and foreign tourists is to make improvements and arrangement of tourist attractions. In addition, by promoting. Therefore required a system that can facilitate the management of tourism in data processing, and facilitate members or tourists in obtaining information. Technological developments are increasing, then from the problems proposed a change in the old system into a new system with computer-based website technology. The method used in the development of this software uses Model Waterfall. Data collection methods that the authors use to collect the data needed in the writing of this research are: observation, interview method, and literature method. Through a computer connected to the internet network users can search and get various information, anywhere and anytime by accessing the website. With this system, is expected to overcome the various needs of users to obtain information and help the government to increase local revenue.Keywords: Information Systems, Tourism, Website, WaterfallAbstrak: Sektor pariwisata di tanah air merupakan salah satu andalan penghasil devisa bagi negara khususnya pada sektor non migas, segala upaya untuk menarik wisatawan baik nusantara maupun mancanegara terus dilakukan. Salah satu upaya pemerintah untuk meningkatkan arus wisatawan nusantara dan mancanegara adalah dengan melakukan pembenahan dan penataan objek wisata. Selain itu juga dengan melakukan promosi. Maka dari itu dibutuhkan sistem yang dapat mempermudah pengelola wisata dalam mengolah data, serta mempermudah anggota atau wisatawan dalam memperoleh informasi. Perkembangan teknologi yang semakin meningkat, maka dari permasalahan tersebut diusulkan adanya perubahan sistem lama kedalam sistem yang baru dengan teknologi komputer berbasis website. Metode yang digunakan pada pengembangan perangkat lunak ini menggunakan Model Waterfall. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data-data yang diperlukan dalam penelitian ini yaitu: observasi, metode wawancara, dan metode pustaka. Melalui komputer yang terkoneksi dengan jaringan internet user dapat mencari dan mendapatkan berbagai informasi, dimana saja dan kapan saja dengan mengakses website. Dengan adanya sistem ini, diharapkan mampu mengatasi berbagai kebutuhan user untuk memperoleh informasi serta membantu pemerintah meningkatkan pendapatan daerah.Kata kunci: Sistem Informasi, Pariwisata, Website, Waterfall

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 155-167
Badrudin Badrudin

This study aimed to analyze the management of ICT-based Arabic learning. This study was designed to find the management of ICT-based Arabic learning in MA Daarul Uluum Majalengka. This study proposed that the integration of various fields of studies with ICT, including Arabic language learning, is undeniably vital to be enhanced in this digital era. However, the constraints experienced by some institutions, especially the educators, have not had a clear format of the use of ICT in the integration effort of the both disciplines. This study applied a qualitative research approach. The research method was descriptive method. The data were collected by conducting observation, interview, and documentation. The data were analyzed using the techniques qualitative analysis. The results showed that the design of ICT-based Arabic learning model can be developed at MA Daarul Uluum Majalengka a communicative computer-based Arabic learning model. The materials and other learning tools are designed using a computer program. Through this kind of learning models, a teacher served as learning motivator and facilitator elaborating the materials that need clarification for the learners.

Sutono ◽  
Tri Widayanti ◽  
Bety Agustina Rahayu

Bullying is still a troubling social problem. Bullying cases that occur in high school students have caused many problems both physically and psychologically. Bullying is a phenomenon that is very much, rooted, passed down from generation to generation. The seriousness of bullying is a big problem for all of us. The level of knowledge and concern for teachers, parents, health service teams, and the Indonesian people towards bullying is still low. Information systems are needed for management in making decisions to overcome bullying problems. Researchers in this study created a system that can be used as a means of delivering information from students to schools. The creation of this system is based on a system that is easily accessible, secure, and guarantees the confidentiality of the complainants. So that this product can help schools identify cases of bullying in schools, who are the perpetrators of bullying, and victims of bullying, with the hope that schools can stop the chain of bullying events and prevent bullying at schools. The scheme in this study is to design a website that reports bullying and provides information. The system design model used in this study is a prototype model and data was collected through observation, interviews and literature study. The programming language used is PHP and software for designing interfaces using the laravel framework. Making a database using MySQL with the XAMMP application.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 446
Dyah Palupi Dwi Cahyani ◽  
Muhammad Nafik Hadi Ryandono

This study is aimed to know the mechanism of risk management in the management of unredeemed non-gold pawn in Blauran Sharia Pawnshop. Through the three phases of risk management that is risk identification, risk ranking, and risk control Blauran Sharia Pawnshop expected can be more minimize the risks, one of them is unredeemed non-gold pawn. The research method used was qualitative. Research data is obtained by doing interview techniques and documentation to the informant that was assistant deputy manager Pawnshop of Surabaya Regional Office, Head of Blauran Surabaya Sharia Pawnshop branch, and staff of Blauran Surabaya Sharia Pawnshop. The research showed that Blauran Sharia Pawnshop has run the risk management process in three ways: risk identification, risk ranking based on potency and the most influential risk, and risk control by conducting auction on non-goldpawning items that were not redeemed.Keyword: Risk Management, sharia mortgage, sharia pawnshop,unreedemed non-gold pawn

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