2009 ◽  
Vol 33 (4) ◽  
pp. 195-210 ◽  
Saulius Motieka

Urban development principles of the “urban hill” on the right bank of the Neris river, which now is developing rather chaotically, have major importance for further formation of Vilnius urban identity and for formation of qualitative image of the capital. Toleration of further unregulated development would have a huge negative influence on urban identity, landscape, cultural heritage, real estate, and on interaction of these subjects. Therefore, it is necessary to define clear development principles of the modern centre in order to describe its complete urbanistic image and secure multifunctionality for public needs. This will make the area clear for investment, create conditions for preservation, accentuation and rational use of cultural and natural heritage. It will create objective possibilities for development management and establishment of regulation principles for the analysed area. Santrauka Vilniaus identiteto tęstinumui bei tolimesniam kokybiško sostinės įvaizdžio formavimui didelę svarbą turi šiuo metu stichiškai besivystančio Neries dešiniojo kranto ir „architektūrinės kalvos“ tolimesnės raidos urbanistiniai principai. Nereguliuojamos plėtros toleravimas darytų didžiausią neigiamą poveikį miesto identitetui, kraštovaizdžiui, kultūros paveldui, materialiam turtui ir šių veiksnių tarpusavio sąveikai. Todėl būtina nusistatyti aiškius metodinius moderniojo centro plėtros principus, kurie apibrėžtų vientisą urbanistinį centro įvaizdį, užtikrintų planuojamos teritorijos polifunkciškumą visuomeninių interesų atžvilgiu. Taptų aiškios investicinės erdvės galimybės, reglamentuotos sąlygos kultūriniam ir gamtiniam savitumui saugoti, ryškinti ir racionaliai naudoti, atsirastų objektyvios galimybės planuojamos teritorijos plėtrai valdyti ir svarbiausiems reglamentams nustatyti.

Adam Stankevič

The article analyses some episodes from biography and the daily life of elder of Merkinė, vogt and colonel of a petyhorcy unit of the armed forces of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania Mateusz Ogiński (1738–1786). On the basis of the documents preserved in the Ogiński foundation of the Lithuanian State history archive (F. 1177), the article argues that Mateusz Ogiński was mainly occupied with the maintenance of his properties and litigation in courts, not actually seeking any political or public career. He personally issued directions to the stewards of his properties and controlled execution of his orders. Somewhere close to the First Partition of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (1772) he was known for the detailed regulation of his economic activities. He put effort to concentrate in his hands some real estate (by buying plots and houses in Merkinė), invested and developed various businesses (renting a windmill and a pub, operating a coffee shop, building a sawmill and a brickyard, fishing, shipping timber to Konigsberg, renovating Merkinė’s town hall, etc.). Later M. Ogiński was often renting out his properties to other individuals, but that had a negative influence on his possessions. Lifestyle that disregarded the income made M. Ogiński drown in debt early, and he entered a loop of having to start borrowing to pay debts. Elder of Merkinė Ogiński would borrow and spend large sums of money to make purchases of various items of luxury abroad and in Lithuania (clothes, jewellery, alcohol, species, fruits, etc.), and to maintain his manor and even a folk music group. M. Ogiński litigated in many Lithuanian courts and, judging from his letters (and quite many of them survived), he would have inhabited these litigation processes, taking interest in legal nuances and using different opportunities to influence court processes to his advantage (making acquaintance with judges, looking for third party interceders, writing letters to judges, and personally participating in court proceedings). Most common lawsuits against him were about unpaid debts, yet his own claims were against stewards of his properties, and real estate rights. Keywords: eldership of Merkinė, the Ogiński, daily routine, economics, courts.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (5) ◽  
pp. 39
Yéssica Elizabeth Barreto Macías ◽  
Colón Avellán Velásquez

El actual trabajo afronta una de las problemáticas más apremiantes de los actuales momentos como es el alto índice de dispendio de drogas en las Instituciones Educativas, que afectan considerablemente a la sociedad ecuatoriana. Su objetivo es analizar los lineamientos que permitan mejorar la orientación familiar, y desarrollar relaciones interpersonales apropiadas que fomenten la unión familiar, practicar principios, fomentar valores morales, y que los jóvenes aprendan a decir “no” ante una eventual propuesta de consumir compuestos prohibidos, que lo único que se consigue es materializarse en un estado no idóneo ante la comunidad, considerar que las consecuencias para la salud son devastadoras, personas que a temprana edad padecen de enfermedades que en muchas ocasiones son gravísimas, causando malestar no solamente propio sino a la familia. Puedo mencionar como aporte de este artículo; y en base a resultados establecidos que resulta primordial e importante mantener la asistencia de un profesional especializado en psicología, diálogos científicos y motivadores, conjuntamente con atención médica provocarán en la persona afectada la erradicación del consumo de drogas. Constan muchos factores que causan gran influencia negativa en las familias, partiendo de que actualmente el mundo vive la tendencia del consumismo lo que influye en sobremanera que exista menos dialogo en el hogar, la aparición de la tecnología es otra de las situaciones adversas. Los profesionales encargados de brindar orientación familiar deben considerar siempre, que el comportamiento del ser humano debe ser comprendido desde el punto de vista de su forma de pensar, solo así se desarrollara una cultura que permita a las familias tomar las decisiones acertadas al momento de formar a sus hijos, lo que en un futuro se evidenciará como seres útiles a la sociedad. PALABRAS CLAVE: Consumo de drogas; orientación familiar; valores morales.  FAMILY COUNSELING, FOR THE PREVENTION OF DRUG USE IN THIRDYEAR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS  ABSTRACT  The current work addresses one of the most pressing issues of current times such as the high rate of drug use in educational institutions, which greatly affect Ecuadorian society. Its objective is to analyze the guidelines for improving family orientation, and develop appropriate interpersonal relationships that promote family unity, value the principles, and that young people learn to say "no" to a possible proposal to use prohibited drugs, that the only thing that is achieved is to materialize in an unsuitable state before the community, to consider that the consequences for health are devastating, people who at an early age suffer from diseases that in many occasions are very serious, causing discomfort not only their own but also the family. I can mention as contribution of this article; and based on established results that it is essential and important to maintain the assistance of a professional specialized in psychology, scientific and motivational dialogues, together with medical care, will cause the affected person to eradicate drug use. There are many factors that cause great negative influence on families, based on the fact that the world currently lives the trend of consumerism which greatly influences that there is less dialogue at home, the emergence of technology is another of the adverse situations. The professionals responsible for providing family counseling should always consider that the behavior of the human being should be understood from the point of view of their way of thinking, only in this way will a culture be developed that allows families to make the right decisions when forming to their children, which in the future will be evident as useful beings to society. KEYWORDS: drug use; family orientation; moral values.

Urban Studies ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 004209802110178
Frances Brill

This article argues that urban governance, and academic theorisations of it, have focused on the role and strategies of real estate developers at the expense of understanding how investors are shaped by regulatory environments. In contrast, using the case of institutional investment in London’s private rental housing (Build to Rent), in this article I argue that unpacking the private sector and the development process helps reveal different types of risk which necessitate variegated responses from within the real estate sector. In doing so, I demonstrate the complexities of the private sector in urban development, especially housing provision, and the limitations of a binary conceptualised around pro- and anti-development narratives when discussing planning decisions. Instead, I show the multiplicity of responses from within the private sector, and how these reflect particular approaches to risk management. Uncovering this helps theorise the complexities of governing housing systems and demonstrates the potential for risk-based urban governance analysis in the future.

Mario Casillo ◽  
Francesco Colace ◽  
Dajana Conte ◽  
Marco Lombardi ◽  
Domenico Santaniello ◽  

AbstractIn the Big Data era, every sector has adapted to technological development to service the vast amount of information available. In this way, each field has benefited from technological improvements over the years. The cultural and artistic field was no exception, and several studies contributed to the aim of the interaction between human beings and artistic-cultural heritage. In this scenario, systems able to analyze the current situation and recommend the right services play a crucial role. In particular, in the Recommender Systems field, Context-Awareness helps to improve the recommendations provided. This article aims to present a general overview of the introduction of Context analysis techniques in Recommender Systems and discuss some challenging applications to the Cultural Heritage field.

2021 ◽  
pp. 375-394
Aneta Suchoń

The article aimed to determine whether the legal regulations in the field of the statutory and contractual pre-emption right of a tenant of agricultural real estate provide adequate protection to dependent owners in terms of the possibility of acquiring such land and conducting business activity on it. Secondly, the paper indicated legal problems related to statutory and contractual pre-emption right of a tenant of agricultural real estate and suggested how those problems could be handled. In the beginning, the considerations focused on the statutory pre-emption right for agricultural real estate. It referred to a subjective and objective scope of the right in question, and an attempt was made to determine whether the leased land can be sold to a third party due to the obligation to run a farm in person (only the sale contract allows for exercising the pre-emptive right). Failure to perform the indicated obligations might result in the case being referred to the court by the National Center for Agricultural Support. The second part of the article discussed the contractual pre-emption right for agricultural real estate. The author pointed out the possible concurrence of the statutory pre-emption right of the National Support Centre for Agriculture and the contractual pre-emption right of the lessee. The paper also referred to the problems related to implementing this right due to the requirements that the buyer must meet. In summary, the author, among other things, pointed out the fact that the importance of the statutory pre-emption right of the tenant of agricultural real estate had been diminishing over the years. The position of the lessee of agricultural land in terms of purchasing agricultural land is weakening. Currently, in practice, tenants may rarely use the pre-emption right. The author proposed the introduction of a provision to the Act on Shaping the Agricultural System on an additional consent of the National Support Centre for Agriculture for the sale of real estate under a lease.

2009 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-22 ◽  
Pertti Lahdenperä

The prevailing practice in new areal real estate development is for public and private actors to perform their duties by turns. Yet, the planning process could benefit from simultaneous contributions from society and developers and their designers. That, again, requires that the municipality selects the private partner consortia prior to completion of the local detailed plan through a competition in order to find the most potential actors and the best ideas for implementation of an urban structure of high quality. Candidates will be attracted by offering them the right to implement a residential/business block as a developer. The several blocks involved in an areal development project, and the laboriousness of producing competitive solutions, require a well planned selection process. A novel multi‐target competition process was developed which is presented in this paper with special emphasis on the allocation algorithms that allow selecting the most qualified competitors for parallel follow-up competitions from among a large group of registered candidates. The approach was tested in an actual real estate development project in the municipal district of Vuores which was the original reason for launching the study. Santruka Pletojant nekilnojamaji turta naujose teritorijose, vieši ir privatūs asmenys dažniausiai savo pareigas vykdo paeiliui. Tačiau planavimo procesui būtu tik geriau, jei tuo pačiu metu prisidetu ir visuomene, ir vystytojai, ir projektuotojai. Tam velgi reikia, kad savivaldybe paskelbtu konkursa ir pasirinktu privačiu partneriu grupes prieš užbaigdama vietini detaluji plana didžiausia potenciala turintiems dalyviams aptikti ir geriausioms idejoms surinkti, kokybiškai miesto struktūrai išvystyti. Kai teritoriju pletros projektas apima kelis kvartalus, o kuriant konkurencingus sprendimus idedama daug darbo, reikia gerai suplanuoto atrankos proceso. Yra sukurtas novatoriškas daugiatikslis konkurso procesas, pristatomas šiame darbe, daugiau demesio skiriama paskirstymo algoritmams, kuriuos naudojant iš daugybes registruotu kandidatu galima atrinkti tinkamiausius tolesniems tuo pat metu vykdomiems konkursams. Toks būdas patikrintas realiame nekilnojamojo turto pletros projekte, kuris vyko Vuores savivaldybes teritorijoje, ir būtent del šios priežasties pradetas šis tyrimas.

2011 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 45
Fathi Saleh

<p>In Egypt, the Center for Documentation of Cultural and Natural Heritage (CULTNAT) is treating cultural heritage in a holistic approach whether regarding the diversity of themes of cultural heritage or in the case of museums, the presence of objects in the different museums both within the country or abroad (a sort of global virtual museum). The establishment of CULTNAT marks a unique experience in the application of the latest innovations in the world of telecommunications and information technology towards heritage issues. CULTNAT’s main mandate is to document the various aspects of Egypt's tangible and intangible cultural heritage as well as its natural heritage.</p>

2020 ◽  
pp. 7-12
Mykola Moroz

Problem setting. Leasing out property that is involved in educational, academic, training and production, scientific activities by the public institutions of higher education often leads to violation of the rights of other participants in educational activities. They are sure to be a result of violating the limits, established by the current legislation, of exercising the rights to leasing out property by the public institutions of higher educational. Analysis of recent researches and publications. The issues of state property lease have been studied by many scholars. Basic research in this area has been conducted by I. Spasibo-Fatieieva, O. Lipetsker, Ye.Kazarenko, V. Steshenko, M. Pronina, S. Puhinsky, T. Potapenkova, Yu.Basin, D. levenson, N. Khashchivska, N. Milovska and other scientists. Target of research. The aim of the paper is a comprehensive study and analysis of the limits of exercising the rights by the public institutions of higher education to leasing out their own property. To achieve this goal the following tasks should be solved: 1) to define the limits of exercising the rights by the public institutions of higher education to leasing out their own property; 2) to determine the legal consequences of concluding lease agreements by the public higher educational institutions in violation of current legislation. Article’s main body. The article conducts a general study and analysis of the right of the public institutions of higher education to lease property. The author emphasizes that public higher educational institutions have the right to lease out only real estate and other individually identified property. The legal consequences of concluding lease agreements by public higher educational institutions in violation of the current legislation have been studied. Conclusions and prospects for the development. Summarizing the results of the study we can formulate the following conclusions. The public institutions of higher education have the right to lease out real estate and other individually determined property in the manner prescribed by law and subject to statutory restrictions (without the right of redemption and sublease, when it does not worsen the social and living conditions of persons studying or working in the educational institution). While leasing the property, the public higher educational institution realizes primarily their own property interests, at the same time, indirectly realizing the property interests of the state. If the lease agreement of real estate and other individually determined property of higher educational institutions is recognized as invalid, it may be recognized as invalid only for the future.

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