Derivation and Analysis of the Amplitude Versus Incident Angle and Frequency in Fluid-bearing Fractured Medium

Y. Yang ◽  
X. Yin ◽  
D. Cao ◽  
B. Zhang
Geophysics ◽  
2000 ◽  
Vol 65 (1) ◽  
pp. 113-125 ◽  
Xiaoxian Zeng ◽  
George A. McMechan ◽  
Tong Xu

To evaluate the importance of amplitude‐versus‐offset information in the interpretation of ground‐penetrating radar (GPR) data, GPR reflections are synthesized as a function of antenna separation using a 2.5-D finite‐difference solution of Maxwell’s equations. The conductivity, the complex dielectric permittivity, and the complex magnetic permeability are varied systematically in nine suites of horizontally layered models. The source used is a horizontal transverse‐electric dipole situated at the air‐earth interface. Cole‐Cole relaxation mechanisms define the frequency dependence of the media. Reflection magnitudes and their variations with antenna separation differ substantially, depending on the contrast in electromagnetic properties that caused the reflection. The spectral character of the dielectric and magnetic relaxations produces only second‐order variations in reflection coefficients compared with those associated with contrasts in permittivity, conductivity, and permeability, so they may not be separable even when they are detected. In typical earth materials, attenuation of propagating GPR waves is influenced most strongly by conductivity, followed by dielectric relaxation, followed by magnetic relaxation. A pervasive feature of the simulated responses is a locally high amplitude associated with the critical incident angle at the air‐earth interface in the antenna radiation pattern. Full wavefield simulations of two field data sets from a fluvial/eolian environment are able to reproduce the main amplitude behaviors observed in the data.

1989 ◽  
Z. Shang ◽  
J. A. McDonald ◽  
G. H. F. Gardner

Geophysics ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 76 (3) ◽  
pp. C31-C40 ◽  
Lanfeng Liu ◽  
Siyuan Cao ◽  
Lu Wang

Using analytic equations and numerical modeling, we have investigated characteristics of the frequency-dependent amplitude versus incident angle at an interface between a nondispersive medium and a patchy-saturated dispersive medium. For acoustically hard rocks, at normal incidence and smaller incident angles, the reflection magnitude increases when frequency increases, whereas in the amplitude versus incident-angle domain, the amplitude decreases with increasing incident angle (offset). For acoustically moderate to slightly hard rocks, phase reversal may occur when frequency increases from low to high. This type of response can happen in traditional amplitude-versus-offset class I and II reservoirs, but the frequency-domain phase reversal will be in different incident-angle ranges. For acoustically soft reservoirs, in amplitude versus incident-angle domain, the reflection magnitude increases with increasing incident angle. However, in amplitude-versus-frequency domain, the reflection magnitude increases when frequency decreases, which occurs in all investigated frequencies.

S. Kimoto ◽  
H. Hashimoto ◽  
S. Takashima ◽  
R. M. Stern ◽  
T. Ichinokawa

The most well known application of the scanning microscope to the crystals is known as Coates pattern. The contrast of this image depends on the variation of the incident angle of the beam to the crystal surface. The defect in the crystal surface causes to make contrast in normal scanning image with constant incident angle. The intensity variation of the backscattered electrons in the scanning microscopy was calculated for the defect in the crystals by Clarke and Howie. Clarke also observed the defect using a scanning microscope.This paper reports the observation of lattice defects appears in thin crystals through backscattered, secondary and transmitted electron image. As a backscattered electron detector, a p-n junction detector of 0.9 π solid angle has been prepared for JSM-50A. The gain of the detector itself is 1.2 x 104 at 50 kV and the gain of additional AC amplifier using band width 100 Hz ∼ 10 kHz is 106.

Scott Lordi

Vicinal Si (001) surfaces are interesting because they are good substrates for the growth of III-V semiconductors. Spots in RHEED patterns from vicinal surfaces are split due to scattering from ordered step arrays and this splitting can be used to determine the misorientation angle, using kinematic arguments. Kinematic theory is generally regarded to be inadequate for the calculation of RHEED intensities; however, only a few dynamical RHEED simulations have been attempted for vicinal surfaces. The multislice formulation of Cowley and Moodie with a recently developed edge patching method was used to calculate RHEED patterns from vicinal Si (001) surfaces. The calculated patterns are qualitatively similar to published experimental results and the positions of the split spots quantitatively agree with kinematic calculations.RHEED patterns were calculated for unreconstructed (bulk terminated) Si (001) surfaces misoriented towards [110] ,with an energy of 15 keV, at an incident angle of 36.63 mrad ([004] bragg condition), and a beam azimuth of [110] (perpendicular to the step edges) and the incident beam pointed down the step staircase.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (4) ◽  
pp. 939-958
Indrajit Roy ◽  
D. P. Acharya ◽  
Sourav Acharya

AbstractThe present paper investigates the propagation of quasi longitudinal (qLD) and quasi transverse (qTD) waves in a magneto elastic fibre-reinforced rotating semi-infinite medium. Reflections of waves from the flat boundary with surface stress have been studied in details. The governing equations have been used to obtain the polynomial characteristic equation from which qLD and qTD wave velocities are found. It is observed that both the wave velocities depend upon the incident angle. After imposing the appropriate boundary conditions including surface stress the resultant amplitude ratios for the total displacements have been obtained. Numerically simulated results have been depicted graphically by displaying two and three dimensional graphs to highlight the influence of magnetic field, rotation, surface stress and fibre-reinforcing nature of the material medium on the propagation and reflection of plane waves.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 78-84
Metaksa G.P. ◽  
Moldabayeva G.Zh. ◽  
Alisheva Zh.N. ◽  

2020 ◽  
Gaurav Mahamuni ◽  
Jiayang He ◽  
Jay Rutherford ◽  
Byron Ockerman ◽  
Edmund Seto ◽  

<p>Exposure to combustion generated aerosols such as PM from residential woodburning, forest fires, cigarette smoke, and traffic emission have been linked to adverse health outcomes. It is important to assess the chemical composition of PM to examine personal exposure. Excitation-emission matrix (EEM) spectroscopy has been shown as a sensitive and cost-effective technique for evaluation of combustion PM composition and as a source apportionment tool. However, EEM measurements are hindered by a solvent extraction step and a need for benchtop instrumentation. Here, we present a methodology that eliminates this labor-intensive sample preparation and allows to automate and miniaturize the detection platform. A miniature electrostatic collector deposits PM sample onto transparent polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) coated substrate, where PAH components are extracted into solid-phase (SP) solvent and analyzed using EEM spectroscopy in-situ. We evaluated external and internal excitation schemes to optimized signal to noise ratio. Analysis of woodsmoke and cigarette smoke samples showed good agreement with liquid extraction EEM spectra. Internal excitation is hindered by fluorescent interference from PDMS at λ<250nm. The external excitation EEM spectra are dependent on the incident angle; ranges of 30-40⁰ and 55-65⁰ showed the best results. The proposed SP-EEM technique can be used for development of miniaturized sensors for chemical analysis of combustion generated PM. </p>

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