fractured medium
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2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-36
Hayat Ait inoh ◽  
Mohamed Tayebi ◽  
Rajji Abdelatif

In view of the progressive retreat of groundwater due to rarity, continuous depletion and overexploitation of water, especially in mountainous areas, which are a major source of water, there is a need for artificial recharge for better management of these resources to ensure their long-term sustainability. The approach used is a contribution of new geomatic technologies; Remote Sensing coupled with Geographic Information Systems, for the mapping of potential areas of artificial recharge in the fractured medium of the Talmakent region, which is located in the western high atlas and is characterized by the presence of impermeable rocks. This study requires the consideration of different factors influencing the recharge potential, which are the characteristics of the land surface such as geology lineaments, geomorphology and drainage system. All these criteria are grouped in a GIS prototype in which a multi-criteria overlay analysis has been done for the cartographic restitution of the potential areas for artificial groundwater recharge. The existing basins in the area revealed that only 6% of the total area was identified as having a high potential for groundwater recharge, hence suitable for the implementation of new artificial recharge structures. While 94% of the area has a low to moderate recharge potential, hence unsuitable for groundwater recharge processes.

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
Brady A. Flinchum ◽  
W. Steven Holbrook ◽  
Bradley J. Carr

Fractures in Earth's critical zone influence groundwater flow and storage and promote chemical weathering. Fractured materials are difficult to characterize on large spatial scales because they contain fractures that span a range of sizes, have complex spatial distributions, and are often inaccessible. Therefore, geophysical characterizations of the critical zone depend on the scale of measurements and on the response of the medium to impulses at that scale. Using P-wave velocities collected at two scales, we show that seismic velocities in the fractured bedrock layer of the critical zone are scale-dependent. The smaller-scale velocities, derived from sonic logs with a dominant wavelength of ~0.3 m, show substantial vertical and lateral heterogeneity in the fractured rock, with sonic velocities varying by 2,000 m/s over short lateral distances (~20 m), indicating strong spatial variations in fracture density. In contrast, the larger-scale velocities, derived from seismic refraction surveys with a dominant wavelength of ~50 m, are notably slower than the sonic velocities (a difference of ~3,000 m/s) and lack lateral heterogeneity. We show that this discrepancy is a consequence of contrasting measurement scales between the two methods; in other words, the contrast is not an artifact but rather information—the signature of a fractured medium (weathered/fractured bedrock) when probed at vastly different scales. We explore the sample volumes of each measurement and show that surface refraction velocities provide reliable estimates of critical zone thickness but are relatively insensitive to lateral changes in fracture density at scales of a few tens of meters. At depth, converging refraction and sonic velocities likely indicate the top of unweathered bedrock, indicative of material with similar fracture density across scales.

2021 ◽  
Danquigny Charles ◽  
Massonnat Gérard ◽  
Barbier Mickaël ◽  
Bouxin Pierre ◽  
Dal Soglio Lucie ◽  

Abstract Carbonate reservoirs exhibit an extreme geological heterogeneity inducing a great diversity of fluids flows. Grasping the plurality of flows and the corresponding geological features require data scarcely available from subsurface hydrocarbons fields and even rarely acquired together on outcrop analogues. Among the different sites of the ALBION R&D project, the LSBB underground research laboratory provides outstanding access to both fractured limestone and groundwater dynamics through several experimental areas, including a 3.8 km long tunnel, which penetrates the Barremian-Aptian Urgonian formation to a maximum depth of 519 m. This paper gives an overview of the data acquired and the different works carried out on the LSBB site. From this synthesis, it draws lessons on the characterization of outcrop analogues and some insights for the modeling of fractured carbonate reservoirs. The quantity and diversity of the data acquired on the LSBB site allow: (i) the construction of nested multi-scale geological models, (ii) the comparison of measurements of different physical properties to better characterize the reservoir properties of the fractured rock, (iii) a multi-scale and multi-support approach to heterogeneity. Defining a common geological framework (facies model, rock type classification, inventory of structural objects, etc.) appears to be an essential step, possibly iterative, for the coupled interpretation of the various acquisitions and the extrapolation of results. Building a common geological model as a framework for interpretation help cross-fertilisation between geoscience domains. However, despite the huge amount of data, performing relevant and parsimonious rock typing remains a delicate exercise. This reminds us of the great uncertainties that can exist in establishing rules and concepts from limited data sets, such as those classically available for operational studies. Beyond the characterization of the depositional environment, the observations emphasize the importance of understanding the structural and diagenetic history, which leads to different rock types and current reservoir properties, to successfully define such a rock classification. Furthermore, the organization of flow paths within the fractured medium and its evolution over geologic time condition the processes of diagenesis and karstification. Hydrological processes and history must therefore be taken into account in this genetic reconstruction.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Simona Petrosino ◽  
Ciro Ricco ◽  
Ida Aquino

Volcanoes are complex systems whose dynamics is the result of the interplay between endogenous and exogenous processes. External forcing on volcanic activity by seasonal hydrological variations can influence the evolution of a volcanic system; yet the underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. In the present study, we analyse ground tilt, seismicity rates and rainfall amount recorded over 6 years (2015–2021) at Vesuvius and Campi Flegrei, two volcanic areas located in the south of Italy. The results indicate that at both volcanoes the ground deformation reflects the seasonality of the hydrological cycles, whereas seismicity shows a seasonal pattern only at Campi Flegrei. A correlation analysis on shorter time scales (days) indicates that at Vesuvius rain and ground tilt are poorly correlated, whereas rain and earthquakes are almost uncorrelated. Instead, at Campi Flegrei precipitations can affect not only ground deformation but also earthquake rate, through the combined action of water loading and diffusion processes in a fractured medium, likely fostered by the interaction with the shallow hydrothermal fluids. Our observations indicate a different behavior between the two volcanic systems: at Vesuvius, rain-induced hydrological variations poorly affect the normal background activity. On the contrary, such variations play a role in modulating the dynamics of those metastable volcanoes with significant hydrothermal system experiencing unrest, like Campi Flegrei.

Martin Dugstad ◽  
Kundan Kumar ◽  
Øystein Pettersen

AbstractDimensional reduction strategy is an effective approach to derive reliable conceptual models to describe flow in fractured porous media. The fracture aperture is several orders of magnitude smaller than the characteristic size (e.g., the length of the fracture) of the physical problem. We identify the aperture to length ratio as the small parameter 𝜖 with the fracture permeability scaled as an exponent of 𝜖. We consider a non-Newtonian fluid described by the Carreau model type where the viscosity is dependent on the fluid velocity. Using formal asymptotic approach, we derive a catalogue of reduced models at the vanishing limit of 𝜖. Our derivation provides new models in a hybrid-dimensional setting as well as models which exhibit two-scale behaviour. Several numerical examples confirm the theoretical derivations of the upscaled models. Moreover, we have also studied the sensitivity of the upscaled models when a particular upscaled model is used beyond its range of validity to provide additional insight.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Giancarlo Neri ◽  
Barbara Orecchio ◽  
Debora Presti ◽  
Silvia Scolaro ◽  
Cristina Totaro

High-quality non-linear hypocenter locations and waveform inversion focal mechanisms of recent, shallow earthquakes of the Messina Straits have allowed us to obtain the following main results: 1) seismicity has occurred below the east-dipping north-striking fault proposed by most investigators as the source of the 1908, magnitude 7.1 Messina earthquake, while it has been substantially absent in correspondence of the fault and above it; 2) earthquake locations and related strain space distributions do not exhibit well defined trends reflecting specific faults but they mark the existence of seismogenic rock volumes below the 1908 fault representing primary weakness zones of a quite fractured medium; 3) focal mechanisms reveal normal and right-lateral faulting in the Straits, reverse faulting at the southern border of it (Ionian sea south of the Ionian fault), and normal faulting at the northern border (southeastern Tyrrhenian sea offshore southern Calabria); 4) these faulting regimes are compatible with the transitional character of the Messina Straits between the zone of rollback of the in-depth continuous Ionian subducting slab (southern Calabria) and the collisional zone where the subduction slab did already undergo detachment (southwest of the Ionian fault); 5) the whole seismicity of the study area, including also the less recent earthquakes analyzed by previous workers, is compared to patterns of geodetic horizontal strain and uplift rates available from the literature. We believe that the joint action of Africa-Europe plate convergence and rollback of the Ionian subducting slab plays a primary role as regard to the local dynamics and seismicity of the Messina Straits area. At the same time, low horizontal strain rates and large spatial variations of uplift rate observed in this area of strong normal-faulting earthquakes lead us to include a new preliminary hypothesis of deep-seated sources concurring to local vertical dynamics into the current debate on the geodynamics of the study region.

Geophysics ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-96
Tianfan Yan ◽  
Yike Liu

Both the singly and multiply scattered waves generated from interfaces of a fractured medium have strong energy and their propagation directions contain information of fracture parameters. To exploit the useful information in the scattered waves, a fracture scattering imaging method is developed based on the reverse time migration and angle decomposition. In this method, a fracture-parameter-related local image matrix is constructed in the angle domain based on the relation between the fracture parameters and the propagation angle of the scattered waves. The distribution of the scattered waves in the proposed image matrix can be used to invert for fracture parameters and identify the energy of scattered waves. The image of fractures can be obtained by summing up the energy of the scattered waves from the proposed image matrix. Synthetic and field examples are followed to demonstrate the new method is effective to migrate the fracture scattered waves at the correct spatial position and accurately extract fracture parameters.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 1888
Jinbang Cai ◽  
Yue Su ◽  
Huan Shen ◽  
Yong Huang

A coupled model has been developed to simulate groundwater flow in fractured karst systems according to the complex geological and karst hydrogeological conditions of the dam site, where a 3D mathematical model based on Boussinesq equation was used to describe the movement of groundwater flow in fractured medium, and a 1D conduit model for karst medium. The model was solved with the continuous hydraulic heads at the common boundaries. The hydraulic conductivities of karst medium were determined by geometrical parameters and flux of pipes. Furthermore, the permeability parameters for fractured medium were calibrated by the measured and calculated groundwater levels. The calibrated model was employed to predict the variation of groundwater flow field and leakage from the karst pipes and underground powerhouse during the reservoir operation. The simulated results showed that the groundwater level of the powerhouse had decreased by about 2–5 m. The water level of conveyance pipeline had risen by 10–20 m, and the water level on both banks had risen by 15–25 m. The leakage of karst conduits for impervious failure was larger than that for normal seepage control. In addition, the leakage of the powerhouse was estimated to be about 1000–3000 m3/d, and the seepage control of karst pipes had little influence on the leakage of underground powerhouse.

Ilia S. Nikitin ◽  
Vasily I. Golubev ◽  
Yulia A. Golubeva ◽  
Vladislav A. Miryakha

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