Novel Algorithmic Approach to Deciphering Rovash Inscriptions
The article presents a method to decipher Rovash inscriptions made by the Szekelys in the 15th-18th centuries. The difficulty of the deciphering work is that a large portion of the Rovash inscriptions contains incomplete words, calligraphic glyphs or grapheme errors. Based on the topological parameters of the undeciphered symbols registered in the database, the presented novel algorithm estimates the meaning of the inscriptions by the matching accuracies of the recognized graphemes and gives a statistical probability for deciphering. The developed algorithm was implemented in software, which also contains a built-in dictionary. Based on the dictionary, the novel method takes into account the context in identifying the meaning of the inscription. The proposed algorithm offers one or more words in a different random values as a result, from which users can select the relevant one. The article also presents experimental results, which demonstrate the efficiency of method.