The Changing Role of Art and Interpretations of Art in Contemporary Societies
In this chapter the changing role of art and interpretations of art in contemporary societies are discussed. Visual art works are always open to a great diversity of possible interpretations, impressions and opinions. There are also vastly differing opinions and ideas about what art is or should be. What characterizes contemporary art is the idea that it is one of the areas freedom that allow and encourage rule-breaking and visions. In short, it is the refuge of imagination in a society that otherwise is built on modern science, logic and reflexivity. For some that freedom and imagination is too much: modern art may include elements of carnival madness, sophomoric humour, cheap publicity-seeking or hoax – in addition to great art providing deep experiences and/or thoughts to people who cherish the opportunity to feed their souls with art. Viewing art can be a deeply intimate individual process or a social statement, sometimes both of these. However, this book also offers consolation to all art lovers: art itself is globally in no danger of disappearing as a result of any political or commercial pressure.