Engaging Men in Women's Economic Empowerment in Butiama District, Mara Region, Tanzania

2019 ◽  
pp. 371-387
A. N. Sikira ◽  
T. Matekere ◽  
J. K. Urassa

The chapter addresses women's income poverty using men as active participants in empowering women economically. Butiama district was used as a study area, using 120 women and their husbands who were beneficiaries of the programme dealing with loan provision. As an outcome of the study, men had little participation in women's economic activities, hence, women's economic empowerment was at medium level. Unlike men, women's income was used for fulfilling basic needs of the family, therefore, had little impact on their economic empowerment. By conclusion, men as decision makers have high impact on women's economic empowerment. It is recommended that, awareness creation among men would enhance their participation in empowering women. Improvement of women's access to and control over production resources would improve their income. It is recommended that lobbying and advocacy approaches should be applied to enable women's control over the production resources.

A. N. Sikira ◽  
T. Matekere ◽  
J. K. Urassa

The chapter addresses women's income poverty using men as active participants in empowering women economically. Butiama district was used as a study area, using 120 women and their husbands who were beneficiaries of the programme dealing with loan provision. As an outcome of the study, men had little participation in women's economic activities, hence, women's economic empowerment was at medium level. Unlike men, women's income was used for fulfilling basic needs of the family, therefore, had little impact on their economic empowerment. By conclusion, men as decision makers have high impact on women's economic empowerment. It is recommended that, awareness creation among men would enhance their participation in empowering women. Improvement of women's access to and control over production resources would improve their income. It is recommended that lobbying and advocacy approaches should be applied to enable women's control over the production resources.

2018 ◽  
pp. 593-609
A. N. Sikira ◽  
T. Matekere ◽  
J. K. Urassa

The chapter addresses women's income poverty using men as active participants in empowering women economically. Butiama district was used as a study area, using 120 women and their husbands who were beneficiaries of the programme dealing with loan provision. As an outcome of the study, men had little participation in women's economic activities, hence, women's economic empowerment was at medium level. Unlike men, women's income was used for fulfilling basic needs of the family, therefore, had little impact on their economic empowerment. By conclusion, men as decision makers have high impact on women's economic empowerment. It is recommended that, awareness creation among men would enhance their participation in empowering women. Improvement of women's access to and control over production resources would improve their income. It is recommended that lobbying and advocacy approaches should be applied to enable women's control over the production resources.

Fahmi Taufiqurrahman ◽  
Titik Sumarti ◽  
Sriwulan Ferindian Falatehan

World Bank Survey shows that 42,8% of formal SMEs are owned by women and 43% of formal SMEs in Indonesia also belong to women with a contribution of 9,1% to Indonesia’s GDP in 2013. Looking at the facts, the improvement of women’s economic empowerment becomes important in order to strengthen women’s bargaining position in the public sector. Although the program is aimed for women, in practice required the participation of men in supporting women’s economic empowerment in order to run balanced development. The purposes of this research are: (1) to identify factors affecting the level of men’s participation in supporting the economic activities of women, (2) to analyze the level of men’s participation, (3) to analyze the correlation between factors affecting the level of men’s participation with the level of men’s participation, (4) to analyze the economic empowerment level of women, (5) to analyze the correlation between the level of men’s participation with the economic empowerment level of women. The method used in this research is a survey method using a questionnaire to 35 respondents who are husbands of women Kharisma cooperative members who have a business. The results from this research shows: (1) the factors that affecting men’s participation are type of work, the income level, the education level, and the age of marriage, (2) the level of men’s participation at medium level (tokenism), (3) there isn’t significant correlation between factors that affecting level of participation with the level of men’s participation, (4) the level of women’s economic empowerment at the high level and, (5) there is a significant correlation between the level of men’s participation with the level of women’s economic empowerment.Keywords: Gender, participation, women’s empowerment ABSTRAK Survei yang dilakukan oleh Bank Dunia menunjukan sebanyak 42,8% UKM formal dimiliki oleh perempuan dan sebanyak 43% UKM formal di Indonesia juga milik perempuan dengan kontribusi sebesar 9,1% terhadap PDB Indonesia pada tahun 2013. Melihat fakta tersebut, peningkatan pemberdayaan ekonomi perempuan menjadi penting demi memperkuat bargaining position perempuan di sektor publik. Meskipun ditujukan untuk perempuan, dalam pelaksanaannya dibutuhkan partisipasi laki-laki dalam mendukung keberdayaan ekonomi perempuan agar pembangunan berjalan seimbang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat partisipasi laki-laki, (2) mengidentifikasi tingkat partisipasi laki-laki, (3) menganalisis hubungan antara faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi partisipasi laki-laki dengan tingkat partisipasi laki-laki, (4) mengidentifikasi tingkat keberdayaan ekonomi perempuan, (5) menganalisis hubungan antara tingkat partisipasi laki-laki dengan tingkat keberdayaan ekonomi perempuan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survei dengan menggunakan kuesioner kepada 35 responden yang merupakan suami dari perempuan anggota koperasi Kharisma yang memiliki usaha. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan (1) faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat partisipasi laki-laki antara lain umur, jenis pekerjaan, tingkat pendapatan, tingkat pendidikan, dan lama perkawinan, (2) tingkat partisipasi laki-laki di Desa Sudajaya Girang termasuk ke dalam tingkat partisipasi sedang (tokenisme), (3) terdapat hubungan yang tidak signifikan antara faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi partisipasi dengan tingkat partisipasi laki-laki, (4) tingkat keberdayaan ekonomi perempuan anggota koperasi tergolong tinggi, dan (5) terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara tingkat partisipasi laki-laki dengan tingkat keberdayaan ekonomi perempuan.Kata Kunci : Gender, partisipasi, pemberdayaan perempuan

James J. Chrisman ◽  
Daniel T. Holt

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explain how the concept of socioemotional wealth can be combined with other important concepts in the family firm literature to develop a theory of the family firm. Design/methodology/approach This is a conceptual paper based on a review of the paper of Martin and Gómez-Mejía in this issue as well as the family business literature in general. Findings Martin and Gómez-Mejía (this issue) present a theoretical model and propositions on the relationship between socioemotional and financial wealth that advances understanding of family firm decision-making. That paper provides an initial step toward a theory of the family firm that can explain why firms select the family form of organization to conduct economic activities, what determines their scale and scope and why heterogeneity is observed among family firms. This commentary takes another step toward such a theory by discussing how the combined consideration of goals, governance and resources could be used to address the above three questions. Originality/value The precepts of a new theory of the family firm is presented that incorporates the concepts of goals (socioemotional wealth), governance (family ownership and control) and resources (familiness) of family firms to explain why family firms exist and potentially thrive as well as to explain the heterogeneity among family firms.

Fahmi Taufiqurrahman ◽  
Titik Sumarti ◽  
Sriwulan Ferindian Falatehan

ABSTRACTWorld Bank Survey shows that 42,8% of formal SMEs are owned by women and 43% of formal SMEs in Indonesia also belong to women with a contribution of 9,1% to Indonesia’s GDP in 2013. Looking at the facts, the improvement of women’s economic empowerment becomes important in order to strengthen women’s bargaining position in the public sector. Although the program is aimed for women, in practice required the participation of men in supporting women’s economic empowerment in order to run balanced development. The purposes of this research are: (1) to identify factors affecting the level of men’s participation in supporting the economic activities of women, (2) to analyze the level of men’s participation, (3) to analyze the correlation between factors affecting the level of men’s participation with the level of men’s participation, (4) to analyze the economic empowerment level of women, (5) to analyze the correlation between the level of men’s participation with the economic empowerment level of women. The method used in this research is a survey method using a questionnaire to 35 respondents who are husbands of women Kharisma cooperative members who have business. The results from this research shows: (1) the factors that affecting men’s participation are type of work, the income level, the education level, and the age of marriage, (2) the level of men’s participation at medium level (tokenism), (3) there isn’t significant correlation between factors that affecting level of participation with the level of men’s participation, (4) the level of women’s economic empowerment at the high level and, (5) there is a significant correlation between the level of men’s participation with the level of women’s economic empowerment.Keywords : Gender, participation, women’s empowerment---------------------------- ABSTRAKSurvei yang dilakukan oleh Bank Dunia menunjukan sebanyak 42,8% UKM formal dimiliki oleh perempuan dan sebanyak 43% UKM formal di Indonesia juga milik perempuan dengan kontribusi sebesar 9,1% terhadap PDB Indonesia pada tahun 2013. Melihat fakta tersebut, peningkatan pemberdayaan ekonomi perempuan menjadi penting demi memperkuat bargaining position perempuan di sektor publik. Meskipun ditujukan untuk perempuan, dalam pelaksanaannya dibutuhkan partisipasi laki-laki dalam mendukung keberdayaan ekonomi perempuan agar pembangunan berjalan seimbang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat partisipasi laki-laki, (2) mengidentifikasi tingkat partisipasi laki-laki, (3) menganalisis hubungan antara faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi partisipasi laki-laki dengan tingkat partisipasi laki-laki, (4) mengidentifikasi tingkat keberdayaan ekonomi perempuan, (5) menganalisis hubungan antara tingkat partisipasi laki-laki dengan tingkat keberdayaan ekonomi perempuan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survei dengan menggunakan kuesioner kepada 35 responden yang merupakan suami dari perempuan anggota koperasi Kharisma yang memiliki usaha. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan (1) faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat partisipasi laki-laki antara lain umur, jenis pekerjaan, tingkat pendapatan, tingkat pendidikan, dan lama perkawinan, (2) tingkat partisipasi laki-laki di Desa Sudajaya Girang termasuk ke dalam tingkat partisipasi sedang (tokenisme), (3) terdapat hubungan yang tidak signifikan antara faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi partisipasi dengan tingkat partisipasi laki-laki, (4) tingkat keberdayaan ekonomi perempuan anggota koperasi tergolong tinggi, dan (5) terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara tingkat partisipasi laki-laki dengan tingkat keberdayaan ekonomi perempuan.Kata Kunci : Gender, partisipasi, pemberdayaan perempuan

HortScience ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 51 (12) ◽  
pp. 1547-1554
Robin G. Brumfield ◽  
Burhan Ozkan

The aim of this study was to identify existing gender roles in greenhouse vegetable production in the Antalya Province of Turkey. For this purpose, we conducted face-to-face interviews with the owners of 50 vegetable-producing greenhouses to understand the dominant household structures, activity profiles, information sources, training needs, access to resources, control over resources, and intrahousehold income stream. Activity profiles reflected the hours per day men and women spent on specific greenhouse production and household tasks. We observed access to and control of production resources as well as intrahousehold income streams for the two genders. Compared with men, women had higher illiteracy rates and lower levels of education. They also had overall heavier workloads despite having similar workloads in the greenhouse (productive activities), the difference resulting from household (reproductive activities) which were carried out mainly by women. Women received most agricultural information from neighbors, while men obtained most information from chemical salespeople. Notably, men received some information from the agricultural extension service, but women did not. Women also had less access to and control over productive resources. Furthermore, the intrahousehold income streams in the selected households benefited men more than women. In this study, we compared differences among three independent demographic variables: the age of producers, the level of education of the producers, and years of experience farming against women’s ability to prepare the family budget, spend money without asking her spouse, purchase of agricultural inputs, and select which vegetables to produce. Statistically significant links were found between women’s age and ability to manage the family budget, education level and ability to make purchase decisions, and years of production experience and ability to select which vegetables to purchase. The results of this study provide evidence for an unequal social structure and show that efforts should be made to increase women’s access to and control of production resources, including information from the extension service.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (17) ◽  
pp. 17374-17379
W.G.D. Chathuranga ◽  
K. Kariyawasam ◽  
Anslem De Silva ◽  
W.A.Priyanka P. De Silva

We investigated the impact of dipteran predators on eggs in foam nests of the Common Hour-glass Tree Frog Polypedates cruciger Blyth, 1852 (Anura: Rhacophoridae) in central Sri Lanka.  Foam nests (n=24) of P. cruciger were examined at their natural breeding habitats and infected (n=8) and uninfected spawns (n=16) were identified.  Emerging tadpoles were collected in a water container hung under each spawn and the average number of tadpoles (N) hatched from infected spawns (N=0) was compared with that of uninfected spawns (N=354 ± 67).  Three severely infected spawns were brought to the laboratory and the fly larvae were reared until they metamorphosed to adults.  Morphological and molecular identification of the flies confirmed them as belonging to Caiusa testacea Senior-White, 1923 of the family Calliphoridae.  The infected spawns were completely destroyed and an estimated average of 400 P. cruciger eggs per spawn were lost.  The results revealed a high impact of Caiusa testacea on egg and embryo mortality of P. cruciger.

Asha Bajpai

Custody refers to the physical care and control of a minor whereas guardianship is a wider term and includes rights and duties with respect to the care and control of minor’s person and property, and includes the right to make decisions relating to the minor. The present legal regime relating to guardianship and custody of children is discussed, including the Guardians and Wards Act, 1890, the Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act, 1956, the personal and matrimonial laws, and relevant provisions in the Family Courts Act and Protection of Women against Domestic Violence Act, 2005. The emerging concepts of shared parenting, joint custody, and the interparental child removal or abduction of child is included. There is review and analysis of some major reported judicial decisions. A comparative survey of international laws and trends has been done. Suggestions for law reform in the best interest of the child have been given.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Eileen Bogweh Nchanji ◽  
Mercy Mutua ◽  
Collins Odhiambo ◽  
Yvonne Kiki Nchanji ◽  
David Karanja

Abstract Background The notion of leisure became pronounced more than 20 years ago when women who worked on or out of the farm came home to a “second shift,” which entailed domestic work and childcare. This gap continues today not only between men and women but also among women and men. Women's challenges in terms of their leisure arise out of or are shaped by social norms and different life contexts. Method The Women's Empowerment in Agriculture Index (WEAI) was conducted to understand women's empowerment and disempowerment status in agricultural activities in five counties in Kenya in 2017. In 2019, focus group discussions were carried out in two of the five counties to understand how men and women farmers define leisure and assess the leisure gap and its effect on women's farm and household activities. We were also interested in understanding how men's and women's workload affects leisure and other productive economic activities, resulting in empowerment and how women’s unpaid work contributes to income poverty. Result The WEAI showed that 28% of disempowerment (5DE) in women farmers is due to lack of time for leisure activities and 18% from being overworked. This means that the time indicator accounts for 46% of disempowerment in Kenyan women bean farmers. Men in Bomet and Narok spent more time than women in raising large livestock and leisure. Women in Bomet spent more time than men in cooking and domestic work (fetching water and collecting fuelwood), while men in Bomet spent more time than women in managing their businesses. Conclusion Work overload is a constraining factor to women's empowerment in bean production and agricultural productivity. What is considered leisure for men and women is embedded in society’s social fabrics, and it is contextual. This paper highlights instances where leisure provides a way for women to embody and/or resist the discourses of gender roles in the bean value chain and households to enhance food security and health.

2009 ◽  
pp. 47-65
Alessandra Dino

Territorial control is one of the most important elements for the survival of the mafia. It is an obligated path to be able to obtain and control economic activities and to penetrate into all profitable sectors. Without territorial control it is impossible to control voters and without it all relationships with politics wither and die. It is within the territory where the imposition of "pizzo" (protection money) and extortion are planned against businesses and firms. This impending presence is also the cause in which citizens and families find themselves submitted to violence, the abuse of power and, if not only, to a limitation to their sphere of action. Telling the story about the scappati is to explain how, by their use of violence, Cosa Nostra has taken away from the State its lawful supremacy over large parts of the national territory. They planned the removal or deportation, under the threat of death, of entire families connected to the mafia. This story began in 1980 and is yet to be finished. The scappati migrated to the usa during the second mafia war and today they would like to come back to Palermo. However, not all agree with this possibility. The Sicilian mafia is in a critical position and if these refugees return it could produce a drastic and unexpected change in its leadership. Reading the pizzini (small notes of mafia members), analysing these sources, reconstructing scenarios makes it is easy to image what could happen if they returned: a new bloody conflict among mafia families.Key words: Cosa Nostra, territorial control, transnational crime, maxi-trial, mafia wars, the scappati.Parole chiave: Cosa nostra, controllo del territorio, crimine transnazionale, maxiprocesso, guerre di mafia, scappati.

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