Hyperbook Features Supporting Active Reading Skills

Tom Murray

MetaLinks is a domain independent authoring tool and web server for adaptive textbooks (“hyperbooks”) that supports active reading. We show how cognitive and educational research and theory from the areas of text comprehension and active reading strategies can be applied to hyperbooks. Adaptivity and other MetaLinks features allow us to create a single hyperbook that serves multiple purposes. A MetaLinks hyperbook can serve as textbook and reference book; can be equally appropriate for novice and advanced readers, and can be coherently read from a number of thematic perspectives. “Active reading/learning” refers to a set of high level reading, searching, problem solving, and metacognitive skills. We describe the MetaLinks system and how its features support a number of behavioral, cognitive, and metacognitive active reading skills.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 149-159 ◽  
Amal Al-Shabibi

This study aimed to investigate differences in the mathematical problem-solving and metacognitive skills of the fifth-grade students in Oman as a function of gender and level of academic achievement. The participants were 90 grade five students randomly selected from one educational governorate in the Sultanate of Oman. They were evenly divided into three groups based on gender and levels of academic achievement. Four instruments were used in the study: a mathematical problemsolving test, a non-verbal metacognitive scale, Raven Coloured Progressive Matrices and a long-term memory test. The results for metacognitive and mathematical problem-solving skills indicate that students with a high level of academic achievement obtained the highest score while students enrolled in a learning disability program obtained the lowest score. In addition, possible interventions were identified that may improve the metacognitive skills of students enrolled in the learning disability program, which could lead to improvement in their mathematical problem-solving skills. Keywords: Problem-solving, metacognition, learning disability, academic achievement.  

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 77-90 ◽  
Célio Gonçalo Cardoso Marques ◽  
António Manso ◽  
Ana Paula Ferreira ◽  
Felisbela Morgado

The acquisition of reading skills is decisive for the academic achievement of students. However, learning to read is a complex process. With this in mind, several attempts have been made to find new educational approaches to enhance students' reading motivation. Considering the enormous potential of ICT for education and training, we have developed a digital repository of teaching and learning materials and a multiplatform application that runs on mobile devices: Letrinhas. This information system was designed to promote the development of reading and to provide tools for monitoring and assessing reading skills against the curricular targets set by the Ministry of Education. Letrinhas was evaluated by specialists and users and a high level of satisfaction was observed among students and teachers as time and effort spent to consolidate reading is considerably reduced with this application. This evaluation also enabled to identify features that will be available in the future.

B. Chandrasekaran

AbstractI was among those who proposed problem solving methods (PSMs) in the late 1970s and early 1980s as a knowledge-level description of strategies useful in building knowledge-based systems. This paper summarizes the evolution of my ideas in the last two decades. I start with a review of the original ideas. From an artificial intelligence (AI) point of view, it is not PSMs as such, which are essentially high-level design strategies for computation, that are interesting, but PSMs associated with tasks that have a relation to AI and cognition. They are also interesting with respect to cognitive architecture proposals such as Soar and ACT-R: PSMs are observed regularities in the use of knowledge that an exclusive focus on the architecture level might miss, the latter providing no vocabulary to talk about these regularities. PSMs in the original conception are closely connected to a specific view of knowledge: symbolic expressions represented in a repository and retrieved as needed. I join critics of this view, and maintain with them that most often knowledge is not retrieved from a base as much as constructed as needed. This criticism, however, raises the question of what is in memory that is not knowledge as traditionally conceived in AI, but can support theconstructionof knowledge in predicate–symbolic form. My recent proposal about cognition and multimodality offers a possible answer. In this view, much of memory consists of perceptual and kinesthetic images, which can be recalled during deliberation and from which internal perception can generate linguistic–symbolic knowledge. For example, from a mental image of a configuration of objects, numerous sentences can be constructed describing spatial relations between the objects. My work on diagrammatic reasoning is an implemented example of how this might work. These internal perceptions on imagistic representations are a new kind of PSM.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 212
Dian Anisa Rokhmah Wati ◽  
Tukiran Tukiran ◽  
Muslimin Ibrahim

The main aim of this research are to describe (1) cognitive learning outcomes of students who were taught using the cognitive apprenticeship using reciprocal teaching (RT), scardamalia and bereiter’s F.W (SB), and schoenfeld problem solving (SPS) strategies and (2) metacognitive skill level of students who are taught using the cognitive apprenticeship with RT, SB, and SPS strategies. This type of research is experimental research using the static group pretest-posttest design consisting of three classes of experiments with different treatments. Research subjects are students of XI IPA 2 SMA Darul Ulum Unggulan BPPT Jombang by the number of each class of experiments is 22 students. Instruments used are in the form of test and questionnaire. Students' cognitive learning outcomes data obtained will be analyzed with one way ANOVA using SPSS 19 and questionnaire data will be described.The result of data analysis revealed that Ho is rejected and Hi is accepted. It means that there was differences in cognitive learning outcomes of students who were taught using the cognitive apprenticeship with RT, SB, and SPS strategies. Metacognitive skill level of individual students experiencing increased tendency for RT, SB, and SPS class, while the average grade of students' metacognitive skills is in grade 3, developing grade for RT and SB class, while grade of students' metacognitive skills is in grade 4, ok grage for SPS class. It can be concluded that the cognitive apprenticeship learning with SPS strategy can be used to teach metacognitive skills with more scaffolding and advised to use RT and SB strategies for suitable characteristics topic (reading and writing)Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan (1) Hasil belajar kognitif siswa yang diajarkan menggunakan magang kognitif dengan strategi reciprocal teaching (RT), scardamalia and bereiter’s F.W (SB), dan schoenfeld problem solving (SPS), (2) Tingkat keterampilan metakognitif siswa yang diajarkan menggunakan magang kognitif dengan strategi RT, SB, dan SPS. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan adalah experimental research menggunakan static group pretest- postest design yang terdiri dari tiga kelas eksperimen dengan perlakuan yang berbeda-beda. Subjek penelitian yaitu siswa kelas XI IPA SMA Darul Ulum 2 Unggulan BPPT Jombang dengan jumlah masing-masing kelas eksperimen adalah 22 siswa. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa soal tes dan angket. Data hasil belajar kognitif siswa yang diperoleh akan dianalisis dengan anava satu jalur menggunakan SPSS 19 dan data angket akan dideskripsikan. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar kognitif siswa yang diajar menggunakan magang kognitif dengan strategi RT, SB, dan SPS. Tingkat keterampilan metakognitif siswa secara individual mengalami kecendrungan meningkat untuk kelas RT, SB, dan SPS, sedangkan secara rata - rata kelas tingkat keterampilan metakognitif siswa berada pada tingkat 3 yaitu tingkat developing untuk kelas RT, dan SB, sedangkan untuk kelas SPS berada pada tingkat 4 yaitu tingkat ok. Disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran magang kognitif dengan strategi SPS dapat digunakan untuk mengajarkan keterampilan metakognitif, dengan pendampingan yang lebih maksimal dan disarankan untuk menerapkan strategi RT dan SB pada topik yang memiliki karakteristik yang sesuai yaitu membaca dan menulis

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 170
Nurina Kurniasari Rahmawati ◽  
S B Waluya ◽  
Rochmad Rochmad ◽  
Isti Hidayah

This study aims to describe the profile of students' metacognitive skills in solving integral calculus problems seen from the aspects of planning, monitoring and evaluation metacognitive skills. The research method used is descriptive qualitative research methods. The subjects in this study were 3rd semester students who had taken courses or were taking calculus II courses for the 2020/2021 academic year which were carried out using purposive sampling technique. In this study, the instrument used was a test to measure the ability in solving integral calculus problems in the form of essay questions, unstructured interview guidelines, documentation and observation. Data were analyzed in three stages, namely reduction, presentation, and conclusion or verification. The results in this study were students with high problem solving abilities had met the indicators of metacognitive skills, namely the planning, monitoring and evaluation stages. Students with moderate problem-solving abilities have only reached indicators of metacognitive skills, namely the planning and monitoring stages, but have not reached the evaluation stage, while students with low problem-solving abilities have not measured metacognitive skills indicators both at the planning, monitoring and evaluation stages. So that students with high problem solving abilities are more likely to have good metacognitive skills, because students with high problem solving abilities are well organized from planning, monitoring to the evaluation stage.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 51-63
L.V. Enbaeva

Translator’s professional skills development occurs in many respects due to cognitive processes development. The study of their formation within professional tasks performance caters to the needs of its effectiveness enhancement. The existing research of human perception and text processing skills can provide a framework for translation guidelines and translation-oriented text analysis guidelines, but is rarely employed for the sake of text analysis techniques development. The aim of this study is to work out a set of techniques which simultaneously addresses text processing skills and development of translator’s competencies, connected with source text comprehension. The resulting set of techniques was motivated by postmodernist approach to translation and its idea of text semantics instability. A few techniques employed the design of Münsterberg experiment on attention and Schulte tables which are used to identify the attention selectiveness, concentration and performance capacity. The succession of techniques in a set is built according to the three-step strategy of foreign language reading skills development that comprises before-reading, while-reading and after-reading phases. The paper presents an example set of tasks for one text; they include author’s communicative aims identification, anticipation, predicative structures and multilevel semantic links eliciting, textual semantic field identifying, analysis of alternative and invariant structural elements as imposed by the conventions of the genre.

2019 ◽  
A. M. Khalili

The dream of building machines that have human-level intelligence has inspired scientists for decades. Remarkable advances have been made recently; however, we are still far from achieving this goal. In this paper, I propose an alternative perspective on how these machines might be built focusing on the scientific discovery process which represents one of our highest abilities that requires a high level of reasoning and remarkable problem-solving ability. By trying to replicate the procedures followed by many scientists, the basic idea of the proposed approach is to use a set of principles to solve problems and discover new knowledge. These principles are extracted from different historical examples of scientific discoveries. Building machines that fully incorporate these principles in an automated way might open the doors for many advancements.

Rowan W. Hollingworth ◽  
Catherine McLoughlin

<span>Technology is increasingly being harnessed to improve the quality of learning in science subjects at university level. This article sets out, by incorporating notions drawn from constructivist and adult learning theory, a foundation for the design of an online environment for the acquisition of metacognitive problem solving skills. The capacity to solve problems is one of the generic skills now being promoted at tertiary level, yet for many learners problem-solving remains a difficulty. In addition, there are few instances of instructional design guidelines for developing learning environments to support the metacognitive skills for effective problem solving. In order to foster the processes of metacognitive skills explicitly in first year science students, we investigated areas where cognitive support was needed. The aim was to strengthen the metacognitive and reflective skills of students to assist them in adopting strategies and reflective processes that enabled them to define, plan and self monitor their thinking during problem solving. In tertiary science, both well-structured and ill-structured problems are encountered by students, thus a repertoire of skills must be fostered. A model for supporting metacognitive skills for problem solving is presented in the context of an online environment being developed at the University of New England.</span>

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