An Effective Regression Test Case Selection Using Hybrid Whale Optimization Algorithm

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-67 ◽  
Arun Prakash Agrawal ◽  
Ankur Choudhary ◽  
Arvinder Kaur

Test suite optimization is an ever-demanded approach for regression test cost reduction. Regression testing is conducted to identify any adverse effects of maintenance activity on previously working versions of the software. It consumes almost seventy percent of the overall software development lifecycle budget. Regression test cost reduction is therefore of vital importance. Test suite optimization is the most explored approach to reduce the test suite size to re-execute. This article focuses on test suite optimization as a regression test case selection, which is a proven N-P hard combinatorial optimization problem. The authors have proposed an almost safe regression test case selection approach using a Hybrid Whale Optimization Algorithm and empirically evaluated the same on subject programs retrieved from the Software Artifact Infrastructure Repository with Bat Search and ACO-based regression test case selection approaches. The analyses of the obtained results indicate an improvement in the fault detection ability of the proposed approach over the compared ones with significant reduction in test suite size.

2021 ◽  
pp. 605-615
Abhishek Singh Verma ◽  
Ankur Choudhary ◽  
Shailesh Tiwari

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-14
Angelin Gladston ◽  
Niranjana Devi N.

Test case selection helps in improving quality of test suites by removing ambiguous, redundant test cases, thereby reducing the cost of software testing. Various works carried out have chosen test cases based on single parameter and optimized the test cases using single objective employing single strategies. In this article, a parameter selection technique is combined with an optimization technique for optimizing the selection of test cases. A two-step approach has been employed. In first step, the fuzzy entropy-based filtration is used for test case fitness evaluation and selection. In second step, the improvised ant colony optimization is employed to select test cases from the previously reduced test suite. The experimental evaluation using coverage parameters namely, average percentage statement coverage and average percentage decision coverage along with suite size reduction, demonstrate that by using this proposed approach, test suite size can be reduced, reducing further the computational effort incurred.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 170-189
P. K. Gupta

Software is an integration of numerous programming modules  (e.g., functions, procedures, legacy system, reusable components, etc.) tested and combined to build the entire module. However, some undesired faults may occur due to a change in modules while performing validation and verification. Retesting of entire software is a costly affair in terms of money and time. Therefore, to avoid retesting of entire software, regression testing is performed. In regression testing, an earlier created test suite is used to retest the software system's modified module. Regression Testing works in three manners; minimizing test cases, selecting test cases, and prioritizing test cases. In this paper, a two-phase algorithm has been proposed that considers test case selection and test case prioritization technique for performing regression testing on several modules ranging from a smaller line of codes to huge line codes of procedural language. A textual based differencing algorithm has been implemented for test case selection. Program statements modified between two modules are used for textual differencing and utilized to identify test cases that affect modified program statements. In the next step, test case prioritization is implemented by applying the Genetic Algorithm for code/condition coverage. Genetic operators: Crossover and Mutation have been applied over the initial population (i.e. test cases), taking code/condition coverage as fitness criterion to provide a prioritized test suite. Prioritization algorithm can be applied over both original and reduced test suite depending upon the test suite's size or the need for accuracy. In the obtained results, the efficiency of the prioritization algorithms has been analyzed by the Average Percentage of Code Coverage (APCC) and Average Percentage of Code Coverage with cost (APCCc). A comparison of the proposed approach is also done with the previously proposed methods and it is observed that APCC & APCCc values achieve higher percentage values faster in the case of the prioritized test suite in contrast to the non-prioritized test suite.

2015 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
pp. 371-396 ◽  
Daniel Di Nardo ◽  
Nadia Alshahwan ◽  
Lionel Briand ◽  
Yvan Labiche

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