fuzzy rules
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Xiaoqing Gu ◽  
Kaijian Xia ◽  
Yizhang Jiang ◽  
Alireza Jolfaei

Text sentiment classification is an important technology for natural language processing. A fuzzy system is a strong tool for processing imprecise or ambiguous data, and it can be used for text sentiment analysis. This article proposes a new formulation of a multi-task Takagi-Sugeno-Kang fuzzy system (TSK FS) modeling, which can be used for text sentiment image classification. Using a novel multi-task fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm, the common (public) information among all tasks and the individual (private) information for each task are extracted. The information about clustering, for example, cluster centers, can be used to learn the antecedent parameters of multi-task TSK fuzzy systems. With the common and individual antecedent parameters obtained, a corresponding multi-task learning mechanism for learning consequent parameters is devised. Accordingly, a multi-task fuzzy clustering–based multi-task TSK fuzzy system (MTFCM-MT-TSK-FS) is proposed. When the proposed model is built, the information conveyed by the fuzzy rules formed is two-fold, including (1) common fuzzy rules representing the inter-task correlation information and (2) individual fuzzy rules depicting the independent information of each task. The experimental results on several text sentiment datasets demonstrate the validity of the proposed model.

2022 ◽  
Sang-Beom Park ◽  
Sung-Kwun Oh ◽  
Witold Pedrycz

Abstract In this study, reinforced fuzzy radial basis function neural networks (FRBFNN) classifier driven by feature extracted data completed with the aid of effectively preprocessing techniques and evolutionary optimization, and its comprehensive design methodology are introduced. An Overall structure of the reinforced FRBFNN comprises the preprocessing part, the premise part and the consequence part of fuzzy rules of the network. In the preprocessing part, four types of preprocessing algorithms such as principal component analysis (PCA), linear discriminant analysis (LDA), combination of PCA and LDA (Hybrid PCA) and fuzzy transform (FT) are considered. To extract feature data suitable to characterize signal data, the feature extraction of information data is carried out through the dimensionality reduction done by the preprocessing technique, and then the reduced data are used as the input to the FRBFNN classifier. In the premise part of fuzzy rules of the network, the number of fuzzy rules is determined according to the number of clusters by fuzzy c-means (FCM) clustering. The fitness values of individual fuzzy rules are obtained based on data distribution. In the consequence part of fuzzy rules of the network, the parameters of connection weights located between the hidden layer and the output layer of FRBFNN classifier are estimated by means of the least square estimation (LSE). Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is exploited for structural as well as parametric optimization in the FRBFNN classifier. The parameters to be optimized by PSO are related to six factors such as the determination of whether to use data preprocessing, the type of data preprocessing technique, the number of input variables reduced by the preprocessing technique, fuzzification coefficient (FC) and the number of fuzzy rules used in fuzzy c-means (FCM) clustering, and the type of connection weights. By using diverse benchmark dataset obtained from UCI repository, the classification performance of the reinforced FRBFNN classifier was evaluated. Through a variety of classification algorithms existed in the Weka data mining software (Weka), the classification performance of the reinforced FRBFNN classifier was compared as well. The superiority of the proposed classifier is demonstrated through Friedman test. Furthermore, we assessed the classification performance of the reinforced FRBFNN classifier applied to black plastic wastes spectral data acquired from Raman and Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) equipment for the practical application of the material sorting system of the black plastic wastes.

Rekayasa ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 431-442
Martinus W Djagolado ◽  
Amirullah Amirullah ◽  
Saidah Saidah

The use of electrical equipment on the customer side with low voltage absorbs unbalanced power. The load unbalances in each phase will result in an unbalanced current, resulting in a phase voltage shift in the secondary coil of the 20 kV/380 V medium voltage transformer. Shifting the voltage in the distribution transformer phase, then causes the flow of current in the transformer neutral wire causing losses. This paper proposes a fuzzy logic method with the Mamdani fuzzy inference system (FIS) to balance three-phase load currents at seven feeders of 20 kV medium voltage distribution at PLN Rayon Taman Jawa-Timur. The feeders are Ngelom, Tawang Sari, Geluran, Bringin, Masangan Kulon, Palm Residence, and Pasar Sepanjang. There are three input variables used, namely the load current in phase R, phase S, and phase T respectively. There are three output variables in one FIS block, namely changes in load current in phase R, phase S, and phase T respectively. With the number of fuzzy rules as many as 509 rules, the proposed method is able to produce the lowest load current unbalance value of 1.6% at Palm Residence Feeders. The development of a nominal (number) of fuzzy rules in the Fuzzy Logic Method with FIS Mamdani is able to reduce the value of unbalance load current at the 20 kV medium voltage distribution feeder better than the method proposed by previous researchers.

2021 ◽  
pp. 108164
Leonardo Jara ◽  
Rubén Ariza-Valderrama ◽  
Juan Fernández-Olivares ◽  
Antonio González ◽  
Raúl Pérez

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (11) ◽  
pp. 683-692
Sanjay Charaya ◽  
Kapil Mehta ◽  

The aim of this paper is to obtain a compact and optimal fuzzy rule-based model from observation data by utilizing the Genetic algorithm technique. The approach is optimized by applying Genetic Algorithms, owing to its capability of searching irregular and high dimensional solution spaces. Genetic Algorithms has been applied to learn consequent part of fuzzy rules and models with fixed number of rules. In the work we propose a Genetic algorithm approach to a non-linear air conditioning system for the construction of optimal fuzzy rules in two steps. First, fuzzy clustering is applied to obtain an initial rule based model having pre-calculated number of rules with antecedents only. In the second step, the regions of rule-consequents are obtained by a binary coded Genetic Algorithm which leads to the extraction of an optimal rule based model.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (12) ◽  
pp. 1321
Lifei Song ◽  
Xiaoqian Shi ◽  
Hao Sun ◽  
Kaikai Xu ◽  
Liang Huang

Dynamic collision avoidance between multiple vessels is a task full of challenges for unmanned surface vehicle (USV) movement, which has high requirements on real-time performance and safety. The difficulty of multi-obstacle collision avoidance is that it is hard to formulate the optimal obstacle avoidance strategy when encountering more than one obstacle threat at the same time; a good strategy to avoid one obstacle sometimes leads to threats from other obstacles. This paper presents a dynamic collision avoidance algorithm for USVs based on rolling obstacle classification and fuzzy rules. Firstly, potential collision probabilities between a USV and obstacles are calculated based on the time to the closest point of approach (TCPA). All obstacles are given different priorities based on potential collision probability, and the most urgent and secondary urgent ones will then be dynamically determined. Based on the velocity obstacle algorithm, four possible actions are defined to determine the basic domain in the collision avoidance strategy. After that, the Safety of Avoidance Strategy and Feasibility of Strategy Adjustment are calculated to determine the additional domain based on fuzzy rules. Fuzzy rules are used here to comprehensively consider the situation composed of multiple motion obstacles and the USV. Within the limited range of the basic domain and the additional domain, the optimal collision avoidance parameters of the USV can be calculated by the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm. The PSO algorithm utilizes both the characteristic of pursuance for the population optimal and the characteristic of exploration for the individual optimal to avoid falling into the local optimal solution. Finally, numerical simulations are performed to certify the validity of the proposed method in complex traffic scenarios. The results illustrated that the proposed method could provide efficient collision avoidance actions.

F1000Research ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 1045
Tian Soon Lee ◽  
Esmail Ali Alandoli ◽  
V Vijayakumar

Background Due to the high demand of robots to perform several industrial tasks, such as welding, machining, pick and place, position control in robotics has attracted high attention recently. Controllers’ improvement is also continuous specifically in terms of design simplicity and performance accuracy. This research plans to obtain the SimMechanics model of a two-degree of freedom (DOF) robot and to propose an integrated controller of a proportional–derivative (PD) controller and a fuzzy logic (FL) controller. Methodology The SimMechanics model of the 2-DOF robot is obtained using MATLAB SimMechanics toolbox from a CAD assembly design of the 2-DOF robot. Then, the proposed PD-FL integrated controller is designed and simulated in MATLAB Simulink. The PD controller is widely used for its simplicity, but it doesn’t have a satisfactory performance in difficult tasks. Furthermore, the FL controller is also easy for design and implementation even by non-experts in control theory, but it has the disadvantage of long computational time for multi-input systems due to the increased fuzzy rules. Results The FL controller is integrated with the PD controller for enhanced performance of the 2-DOF robot. The PD-FL integrated controller is developed and tested to control the 2-DOF robot for point-to-point position control and also tip trajectory tracking (TTT) such as triangular TTT and rhombic TTT. Conclusion The PD-FL integrated controller demonstrates enhanced performance compared to the conventional PD controller in both point-to-point position control and TTT. Furthermore, the PD-FL integrated controller has the advantage of less fuzzy rules which helps to overcome the computational time issue of the FL controller.

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