Mechanism of Fracture in Pre-Cracked Single-Edged Notched Bars With AI2O3-TiO2 and WC-CO Coatings

K. V. Arun ◽  
Manjula S.

Experimental analysis is made to investigate the most significant fracture characterizing parameters in plasma sprayed substrate-coating composite. The experiments were conducted on the single edge notched bars (SENB) made with 7075 series aluminum alloy, with plasma sprayed Al2O3-TiO2 and WC-Co top coats. The pre-cracked bars were fractured in computerized universal testing machine in controlled conditions. The material has been tested under age-hardened and coated conditions also. The results have revealed that the age hardening and type of coating have a much influence on strain energy release rate. The experimental results have shown that WC-Co coated normal materials possess higher strength whereas uncoated normal materials possess lower strength. It is also found that Al2O3-TiO2 coated material possess better coating bond strength and moderate load bearing capacity. The SEM fractographic analysis has been made to analyze the fracture behavior as a function of coating type and the material conditions.

2014 ◽  
Vol 875-877 ◽  
pp. 534-541 ◽  
Chawalit Thinvongpituk ◽  
Nirut Onsalung

In this paper, the experimental investigation of polyurethane (PU) foam-filled into circular aluminum tubes subjected to axial crushing was presented. The purpose of this study is to improve the energy absorption of aluminium tube under axial quasi-static load. The aluminium tube was made from the AA6063-T5 aluminium alloy tubes. Each tube was filled with polyurethane foam. The density of foam was varied from 100, 150 and 200 kg/mP3P including with empty tube. The range of diameter/thickness (D/t) ratio of tube was varied from 15-55. The specimen were tested by quasi-static axial load with crush speed of 50 mm/min using the 2,000 kN universal testing machine. The load-displacement curves while testing were recorded for calculation. The mode of collapse of each specimen was analyzed concerning on foam density and the influence of D/t ratio. The results revealed that the tube with foam-filled provided significantly increment of the energy absorption than that of the empty tube. While the density of foam and D/t ratios increase, the tendency of collapse mode is transformed from asymmetric mode to concertina mode.

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (5) ◽  
pp. 1303
Michael Seidenstuecker ◽  
Thomas Schmeichel ◽  
Lucas Ritschl ◽  
Johannes Vinke ◽  
Pia Schilling ◽  

This work aimed to determine the influence of two hydrogels (alginate, alginate-di-aldehyde (ADA)/gelatin) on the mechanical strength of microporous ceramics, which have been loaded with these hydrogels. For this purpose, the compressive strength was determined using a Zwick Z005 universal testing machine. In addition, the degradation behavior according to ISO EN 10993-14 in TRIS buffer pH 5.0 and pH 7.4 over 60 days was determined, and its effects on the compressive strength were investigated. The loading was carried out by means of a flow-chamber. The weight of the samples (manufacturer: Robert Mathys Foundation (RMS) and Curasan) in TRIS solutions pH 5 and pH 7 increased within 4 h (mean 48 ± 32 mg) and then remained constant over the experimental period of 60 days. The determination surface roughness showed a decrease in the value for the ceramics incubated in TRIS compared to the untreated ceramics. In addition, an increase in protein concentration in solution was determined for ADA gelatin-loaded ceramics. The macroporous Curasan ceramic exhibited a maximum failure load of 29 ± 9.0 N, whereas the value for the microporous RMS ceramic was 931 ± 223 N. Filling the RMS ceramic with ADA gelatin increased the maximum failure load to 1114 ± 300 N. The Curasan ceramics were too fragile for loading. The maximum failure load decreased for the RMS ceramics to 686.55 ± 170 N by incubation in TRIS pH 7.4 and 651 ± 287 N at pH 5.0.

2015 ◽  
Vol 41 (3) ◽  
pp. 258-263 ◽  
Angélica Castro Pimentel ◽  
Marcello Roberto Manzi ◽  
Cristiane Ibanhês Polo ◽  
Claudio Luiz Sendyk ◽  
Maria da Graça Naclério-Homem ◽  

The aim of this study was to evaluate the stress distribution of different retention systems (screwed, cemented, and mixed) in 5-unit implant-supported fixed partial dentures through the photoelasticity method. Twenty standardized titanium suprastructures were manufactured, of which 5 were screw retained, 5 were cement retained, and 10 were mixed (with an alternating sequence of abutments), each supported by 5 external hexagon (4.0 mm × 11.5 mm) implants. A circular polariscope was used, and an axial compressive load of 100 N was applied on a universal testing machine. The results were photographed and qualitatively analyzed. We observed the formation of isochromatic fringes as a result of the stresses generated around the implant after installation of the different suprastructures and after the application of a compressive axial load of 100 N. We conclude that a lack of passive adaptation was observed in all suprastructures with the formation of low-magnitude stress in some implants. When cemented and mixed suprastructures were subjected to a compressive load, they displayed lower levels of stress distribution and lower intensity fringes compared to the screwed prosthesis.

2013 ◽  
Vol 438-439 ◽  
pp. 220-223 ◽  
Ling Zhang ◽  
Chun Ling Yan

Cube concrete (150×150×150mm) of five ages (7, 14, 21, 28 and 35 days) under different stress conducted the ultrasound examination by non-metallic detector and universal testing machine. The results show that the relationship curve of the stress and the ultrasonic velocity can be divided into three stages, the smooth straight stage, the linear deceleration stage and the attenuation destruction stage from the load beginning to the ultimate strength for the same age. There is a growing trend about the ultrasonic velocity with the increase of the age to concrete samples of C10 and C20 in the same loading; however, the overall growth trend of the velocity is not obvious to concrete samples of C30, C35, C40 and C45. It also shows that the relationship curve of strength level and the velocity can be divided into two distinct stages, the sharply increasing stage (C10-C30) and the fluctuating stage (C30-C45). Simultaneously, the paper further illustrates and explains the reasons to appear these stages and the phenomena.

2015 ◽  
Vol 819 ◽  
pp. 411-416
S.N. Fitriah ◽  
M.S. Abdul Majid ◽  
R. Daud ◽  
M. Afendi ◽  
Z.S. Nazirah

The paper discusses the crushing behavior of glass fibre reinforced epoxy (GRE) pipes under hydrothermal ageing condition. This study determines the behavior of the GRE pipes when subjected to different ageing periods and temperatures. Hydrothermal ageing has been found to cause degradation between resin and fibre interface thus causing the reduction in the strength of composite laminates. The pipes were subjected to hydrothermal condition to simulate and precipitate ageing by immersing the pipe samples in water at 80°C for 250, 500, and 1000 hours. Compression tests were carried out using Universal Testing Machine (UTM) for virgin condition and aged samples in accordance with ASTM D695 standard. The maximum force at the initial failure region is observed for each of the conditioned pipes. The results show that the strength of the matrix systems was considerably degraded due to the plasticization of the matrix system.

2011 ◽  
Vol 217-218 ◽  
pp. 181-186
Shao Peng Wu ◽  
Jun Han ◽  
Xing Liu

Bitumen is widely used in road construction. Due to heavy traffic loads and environmental factors, bitumen properties will change during service life. Bitumen will age due to diffusion of oxygen and UV radiation. Repeated loading will result in decreasing strength because of fatigue. In this paper, one layer clay powder was used to modify base bitumen with different mass contents. Then the influences of ultraviolet radiation (UV) aging on the dynamic fatigue properties of the layered clay powder were evaluated by Dynamic Shear Rheomoter (DSR) and Universal Testing Machine (UTM). The ageing evaluation shows that the ageing resistance of bitumen is improved and this improvement is more notable in bitumen fatigue than mixture.

2013 ◽  
Vol 554-557 ◽  
pp. 630-637 ◽  
Martin Grüner ◽  
Marion Merklein

Aluminium alloys show a great potential for lightweight constructions due to their high strength and low density but the production of this material is very energy consuming. Also the recycling of aluminium alloys, e.g. chips from the milling process, shows different challenges. Beside contamination by cooling lubricant and oxidation of the surface of the chips the melting and rolling process for new semi finish products needs a high amount of energy. TEKKAYA shows a new approach for recycling of aluminium alloy chips by an extrusion process at elevated temperatures producing different kinds of profiles. A new idea is the production of components directly out of chips using severe plastic deformation for joining of the chips similar to the accumulative roll bonding process in sheet metal forming. In a first approach aluminium alloy chips out of a milling process were uniaxial compressed with different loads inside an axisymmetric tool installed in a universal testing machine. The compressed chip disks subsequently were tested with two experiments to gain information on their stability. First experiment is a disk compression test with the disk standing on its cylindrical surface, giving information on the stability perpendicular to the compression direction. Second experiment is a stacked disk compression test with three disks to investigate the stability parallel to compression direction. During all three tests force and displacement values are recorded by the universal testing machine. These data are also processed to calculate or identify input parameters for the numerical investigations. For numerical simulation ABAQUS in conjunction with the Drucker-Prager-Cap material model, which is often used for sintering processes, seems to be a good choice. By numerical simulation of the experiments and comparison with the experiments input parameters for the material model can be identified showing good accordance. This material model will be used in future numerical investigations of an extrusion process to identify tool geometries leading to high strains inside the material and by this to an increased stability of the parts.

2014 ◽  
Vol 566 ◽  
pp. 158-163 ◽  
A. Yosimoto ◽  
Hidetoshi Kobayashi ◽  
Keitaro Horikawa ◽  
Keiko Watanabe ◽  
Kinya Ogawa

In order to clarify the effect of strain rate and test temperature on the compressive strength and energy absorption of polyimide foam, a series of compression tests for the polyimide foam with two different densities were carried out. By using three testing devices, i.e. universal testing machine, dropping weight machine and sprit Hopkinson pressure bar apparatus, we performed a series of compression tests at various strain rates (10-3~103s-1) and at several test temperatures in the range of room temperature to 280 ̊C. At over 100 s-1, the remarkable increase of flow stress was observed. The negative temperature dependence of strength was also observed.

2022 ◽  
Vol 1048 ◽  
pp. 3-8
J. Allen Jeffrey ◽  
S. Suresh Kumar ◽  
V. Anusha Roseline ◽  
A. Lazar Mary ◽  
D. Santhosh

In modern engineering low-density composites plays a vital role of which magnesium alloys are very effective due to its high strength with better corrosion resistance and neat cast ability. In this work a micron sized Boron carbide ceramic (B4C) of about 100 microns is diffused as a reinforcement with AZ91 for preparing a magnesium metal matrix composite (MMMC) through stir casting route. A modified pit furnace setup is used for doing stir casting with varying volume fractions of 0% and 3% of boron carbide for doing the composites. Furthermore mechanical and metallurgical properties like Tensile test is made through universal testing machine, Micro-hardness through Vickers hardness tester and Micro structure through Optical Microscopy is done for investigation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 904 ◽  
pp. 441-446
Nuchnapa Tangboriboon ◽  
Sarun Muntongkaw ◽  
Sompratthana Pianklang

Adding 0, 20, and 50 wt% natural-rubber latex compound into the plaster ceiling matrix affected to increase the physical-mechanical-thermal performance properties of plaster ceiling composites. Adding 50 wt% natural rubber latex compound into plaster composites can increase the superior adhesion of the nail-tensile resistance equal to 57.54 N and decrease thermal conductivity equal to 0.0634 W/m.K. In addition, adding natural rubber latex compounds into plaster composites can reduce water solubility, brittleness, impact, and cost of energy consumption due to the exterior temperature. Adequate thermal insulation for roofing, ceiling, and wall systems also reduces radiative losses that chill occupants in cold weather, and reduce interior surface temperatures in the summer, thereby optimizing the comfort of building occupants. The mechanical and thermal properties of plaster composites were investigated by using a Universal Testing Machine (UTM) and heat flow meter, respectively, measured according to TIS 1211-50, TIS 219-2522, and ASTM C518.

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