A New Capacitive Sensing System for Roundness Measurement

2013 ◽  
Vol 662 ◽  
pp. 754-757 ◽  
Yu Zhen Ma ◽  
Xin Hua Wang ◽  
Hong Min Li ◽  
Xiao Dong ◽  
Yan Hui Kang

A capacitive sensing system for measuring spindle roundness was proposed in this paper, it was different with the past method using inductive sensors and laser displacement sensors. Three capacitive displacement probes were installed circularly on the measured shaft, because of capacitive sensor with average effect in two electrode plates, it is able to overcome the affect of microscopic factors. while the shaft was rotating with a certain speed, the probes measured the shaft’s profile in non-contact mode simultaneously, then through linear combination for three output signals, the spindle error of the rotating shaft was eliminated, and the roundness error was effectively separated from the measurement results. The experiment results have verified the effectiveness of roundness error measuring system based on mutiple capacitive probes, this capacitive sensing system can be used for rotating shaft roundness measurement.

2011 ◽  
Vol 295-297 ◽  
pp. 427-431
Song Yong Liu ◽  
Chen Xu Luo

For the measurement of shearer shaft geometry signal contain the axis of rotation error and the measurement error, made of two separate programs from shearer shaft the geometric method of measuring signal acquisition and signal processing error. The program is based on the analysis of the shearer shaft Two-point method of roundness measurement method and error separation technique. Using two displacement sensors and a combination of programs to measure the angle sensor, and an equation using the Fourier transform of elimination and separated from the measurement signal roundness. Then, 53H, and wavelet signal Noise algorithm such as the error of roundness error signal separation. Simulation results show that the method has a higher real value and better convergence for coal mining shaft roundness error in the separation of signal processing.

2008 ◽  
Vol 381-382 ◽  
pp. 427-430 ◽  
Yu Zhen Ma ◽  
F.J. Duan ◽  
Yi Zhong Zheng ◽  
Chang Sheng Ai ◽  
S.H. Ye

It’s an important problem for power industry; energy industry, aviation and shipping to real-time measure the rotating blades’ tip clearance of engine. The conventional measurement techniques have different limitations. To achieve applied level for tip clearance measurement technique, according to the use request and application environment of tip clearance sensor, a new fiber-optic sensor was put forward to measure the blade tip radial clearance of engine in non-contact mode. The sensor was consist of single-bundle transmitting fiber in the center for laser beam delivery and three groups receiving fibers located in all around for collecting the scattered light. The sensor can not only eliminate the effect to measurement results of light source fluctuation and reflectivity variety of tip surface, but also reduce the effect of angle between the tip surface and sensor end face to measurement results. From the measurement results obtained from sensor on different clearance points, it proves that the sensor measuring system has well feasibility and reliability in blades tip clearance detection.

2013 ◽  
Vol 303-306 ◽  
pp. 390-393 ◽  
Yu Zhen Ma ◽  
Xin Hua Wang ◽  
Yan Hui Kang ◽  
Xiao Dong

A new three-point method for spindle roundness error measuring was introduced, three capacitive sensors were installed on the measured shaft circularly, and with a certain angle each other, while the spindle was rotating with a certain speed, the capacitive sensors had measurement on the circular profile simultaneously, then through linear combination for three-sensor output signals, the roundness error was effectively separated from the spindle error. There were no strict requirement to initial installation position by using capacitive sensors, as long as ensuring the change of measured rotor error within the linear range of sensors, we could realize effective measurement. The experiment results have verified the effectiveness of roundness error measuring system based on three capacitive sensors.

Jiao Bai ◽  
Yingzuo Wang ◽  
Xiaohao Wang ◽  
Qian Zhou ◽  
Kai Ni ◽  

AbstractIn this study, three-probe error separation was developed with three chromatic confocal displacement sensors for roundness measurement. Here, the harmonic suppression is discussed first to set suitable orientation angles among three sensors. Monte Carlo simulation is utilized to test the error separation and optimize the orientation angles and off-axial distance. The experimental setup is established using chromatic confocal sensors with a precise rotary platform. The experimental results show that the measured roundness with an orientation-angle combination of (0°, 90.1°, and 178.6°) is much better than that of another nonoptimal selection (0°, 90.4°, and 177.4°). The roundness error is only 0.7% between the proposed measurement system and an expensive ultraprecision roundness meter. Furthermore, it is proven that the eccentricity distance should be decreased as small as possible to improve the measurement accuracy. In sum, this paper proposes a feasible method for roundness measurement with reliable simulations, easily integrated sensors, and an ordinary precision rotary platform.

Janik Schaude ◽  
Maxim Fimushkin ◽  
Tino Hausotte

AbstractThe article presents a redesigned sensor holder for an atomic force microscope (AFM) with an adjustable probe direction, which is integrated into a nano measuring machine (NMM-1). The AFM, consisting of a commercial piezoresistive cantilever operated in closed-loop intermitted contact-mode, is based on two rotational axes, which enable the adjustment of the probe direction to cover a complete hemisphere. The axes greatly enlarge the metrology frame of the measuring system by materials with a comparatively high coefficient of thermal expansion. The AFM is therefore operated within a thermostating housing with a long-term temperature stability of 17 mK. The sensor holder, connecting the rotational axes and the cantilever, inserted one adhesive bond, a soldered connection and a geometrically undefined clamping into the metrology circle, which might also be a source of measurement error. It has therefore been redesigned to a clamped senor holder, which is presented, evaluated and compared to the previous glued sensor holder within this paper. As will be shown, there are no significant differences between the two sensor holders. This leads to the conclusion, that the three aforementioned connections do not deteriorate the measurement precision, significantly. As only a minor portion of the positioning range of the piezoelectric actuator is needed to stimulate the cantilever near its resonance frequency, a high-speed closed-loop control that keeps the cantilever within its operating range using this piezoelectric actuator further on as actuator was implemented and is presented within this article.

2012 ◽  
Vol 588-589 ◽  
pp. 1103-1107
Yu Hai Gu ◽  
Qiu Shi Han ◽  
Xiao Li Xu ◽  
Hai Tao Zhang

In order to improve accuracy of measuring motor speed in precision motor control systems, a method of precise measurement of speed with CPLD is proposed, which measures the truncated parts of the measured pulse on the basis of measuring raster count pulse within the equal period, and takes them as compensation, thus improving accuracy of measuring the raster pulse. In this paper, a speed measuring formula is given. Measuring system is provided with parallel and serial communication interfaces for output of measurement results.

2012 ◽  
Vol 184-185 ◽  
pp. 1613-1617
Jin Fang Zhu

This article studies the embedded SPC and its application in roundness measuring system by analyzing the current roundness measurement principle and technology. With analyzing the process of data collection, date treatment and various kinds of tool graphic construction, we study the feasibility of integrating SPC into roundness measurement and finally apply the embedded SPC as pure software into roundness measuring system. We design the roundness measuring system based on embedded SPC and develop the roundness measuring system of low power consumption, high accuracy and easy application, which is suitable for industry field usage.

2016 ◽  
pp. 224-236 ◽  
Yuriy Kondratenko ◽  
Oleksandr Gerasin ◽  
Andriy Topalov

This paper deals with a simulation model of slip displacement sensors for the object slip signals’ registration in the adaptive robot’s gripper. The study presents the analysis of different methods for slip displacement signals detection, as well as authors’ solutions. Special attention is paid to the investigations of the developed sensor with the resistive registration element in rod type structure of sensitive elements, which is able to operate in harsh and corrosive environments. A sensing system for the object slip signals’ registration in the adaptive robot’s gripper with a clamping force correction is developed for proposed slip displacement sensor with multi-component resistive registration elements. The hardware implementation of the sensing system for slip signals’ registration and obtained results are considered in details. The simulation model of the proposed slip displacement sensor based on polytypic conductive rubber is modeled by Proteus software. The intelligent approaches with the use of a field programmable gate array (FPGA) and VHDL-model to the sensing system designing allow to define the slippage direction in slip displacement sensor based on resistive registration elements. Thus, this expands the functionality of the developed sensor.

Dodi Sofyan Arief ◽  
Eko Jadmiko ◽  
Adhy Prayitno ◽  
Muftil Badri ◽  

Dial indicator is a comparison device usually used in industrial activities, especially in production. To make measurements at this time must be supported by technology that can facilitate operators when using it and when analyzing measurement results. Involving the programme and microcontroller are a solution to developing in roundness measurement, and then the results can be more accurate or thorough between the readable values read from the measuring instrument with the actual value of varying the amount of data. Roundness application is a program that can input measurement data automatically and can do calculations directly. Then, it can display a reference circle, a table that calculates the values of X, Y, R, X’, Y’, R’, Roundness Deviation, Run out Concentricity or a shift in the center point and also the center point shift or Theta. In measuring roundness, the test object is used the Standard Mandrel which has been certified by PT. Global Quality Indonesia, by determining three points or positions, namely in the first position the amount of data is 180, in the second position the amount of data is 90 and in the third position, the amount of data is 60 with a rotating speed of 15 mm/s. The results of the reference circle can be seen in each calculation in each position, in the second position the roundness deviation values are approaching of the Mandrel.

2020 ◽  
Vol 143 (4) ◽  
Xiangyu Guo ◽  
ChaBum Lee

Abstract This paper presents a novel thickness profile measuring system that measures double-sided thin pipe wall surfaces in a non-contact, continuous, cosine error-free, and fast manner. The surface metrology tool path was developed to align the displacement sensors always normal to the double-sided surfaces to remove cosine error. A pair of capacitive-type sensors that were placed on the rotary and linear axes simultaneously scans the inner and outer surfaces of thin walls. Because the rotational error of the rotary axis can severely affect the accuracy in thickness profile measurement, such error was initially characterized by a reversal method. It was compensated for along the rotational direction while measuring the measurement target. Two measurement targets (circular and elliptical metal pipe-type thin walls) were prepared to validate the developed measurement method and system. Not only inner and outer surface profiles but also thin-wall thickness profiles were measured simultaneously. Based on the output data, the circularity and wall thickness variation were calculated. The thickness profile results showed a good agreement with those obtained by a contact-type micrometer (1-µm resolution) at every 6-deg interval. The uncertainty budget for this measuring system with metrology tool path planning was estimated at approximately 1.4 µm.

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