fiber optic sensor
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Sensors ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 508
Vincenzo Romano Marrazzo ◽  
Armando Laudati ◽  
Michele Vitale ◽  
Francesco Fienga ◽  
Gianni Iagulli ◽  

In the proposed work, a fiber-optic-based sensor network was employed for the monitoring of the liquid resin infusion process. The item under test was a panel composed by a skin and four stringers, sensorized in such a way that both the temperature and the resin arrival could be monitored. The network was arranged with 18 Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBGs) working as temperature sensors and 22 fiber optic probes with a modified front-end in order to detect the resin presence. After an in-depth study to find a better solution to install the sensors without affecting the measurements, the system was investigated using a commercial Micron Optics at 0.5 Hz, with a passive split-box connected in order to be able to sense all the sensors simultaneously. The obtained results in terms of resin arrival detection at different locations and the relative temperature trend allowed us to validate an infusion process numerical model, giving us better understanding of what the actual resin flow was and the time needed to dry preform filling during the infusion process.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-11
Maowen Hou ◽  
Weiyun Wang

Sensors are an important tool to quantify the changes and an important part of the information acquisition system; the performance and accuracy of sensors are more strictly desired. In this paper, a highly sensitive fiber optic sensor for measuring temperature and refractive index is prepared by using femtosecond laser micromachining technology and fiber fusion technology. The multimode fiber is first spliced together with single-mode fiber in a positive pair, and then, the multimode fiber is perforated using a femtosecond laser. The incorporation of data model sensors has led to a rapid increase in the development and application of sensors as well. Based on the design concept and technical approach of the wireless sensor network system, a general development plan of the indoor environmental monitoring system is proposed, including the system architecture and functional definition, wireless communication protocols, and design methods of node applications. The sensor has obvious advantages over traditional electrical sensors; the sensor is resistant to electromagnetic interference, electrical insulation, corrosion resistance, low loss, small size, high accuracy, and other advantages. The upper computer program of the indoor environment monitoring system was developed in a Visual Studio development environment using C# language to implement the monitoring, display, and alarm functions of the indoor environment monitoring system network. The sensor-data model interfusion with each other for mutual integration performs the demonstration of the application.

2022 ◽  
Vol 145 ◽  
pp. 107453
Gengsong Li ◽  
Zhen Liu ◽  
Jianxun Feng ◽  
Guiyao Zhou ◽  
Xuguang Huang

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 81-91
Andrey I. Ipatov ◽  
Mikhail I. Kremenetsky ◽  
Ilja S. Kaeshkov ◽  
Mikhail V. Kolesnikov ◽  
Alexander  A. Rydel ◽  

The main goal of the paper is demonstration of permanent downhole long-term monitoring capabilities for oil and gas production profile along horizontal wellbore in case of natural flow. The informational basis of the results obtained is the data of long-term temperature and acoustic monitoring in the borehole using a distributed fiber-optic sensor (DTS + DAS). Materials and methods. At the same time, flowing bottom-hole pressure and surface rates were monitored at the well for rate transient analysis, as well as acoustic cross-well interference testing [1], based on the results of which “well-reservoir” system properties were evaluated, the cross-well reservoir properties of the were estimated, and the possibility of cross-well testing using downhole DTS-DAS equipment was justified. The research results made it possible to assess reliability of DTS-DAS long-term monitoring analysis results in case of multiphase inflow and multiphase wellbore content. In particular, DTS-DAS results was strongly affected by the phase segregation in the near-wellbore zone of the formation. Conclusions. In the process of study, the tasks of inflow profile for each fluid phase evaluation, as well as its changes during the well production, were solved. The reservoir intervals with dominantly gas production have been reliably revealed, and the distribution of production along the wellbore has been quantified for time periods at the start of production and after production stabilization.

2021 ◽  
Vol 128 (1) ◽  
Mahmoud Gomaa ◽  
Abeer Salah ◽  
Gamal Abdel Fattah

Vyacheslav Yugay ◽  
Ali Mekhtiyev ◽  
Yelena Neshina ◽  
Bakhytkul Aubakirova ◽  
Raushan Aimagambetova ◽  

This paper reports a study into designing an information-measuring system that could be used in coal mines that are dangerous in terms of the explosion of coal dust and methane gas. The results of reviewing technical advancements in the field of fiber-optic system development are given. To solve the set task, prototypes of a fiber-optic sensor of a new type and a hardware-software complex were constructed. The research aims to improve the safety of workers at coal enterprises. The result of the theoretical research has established that additional losses related to a micro bending should be taken into consideration while accounting for the effect of photoelasticity. The fundamental difference between the idea reported here and existing analogs is the development of a hardware-software complex capable of working with a single-mode optical fiber of great length with a significant noise level. The data processing unit is equipped with a television matrix and can analyze changes in the pixels of a light spot. The proposed system is quasi-distributed; it controls individual points within a rock massif. The designed hardware-software system provides high noise immunity of measuring channels when the external temperature changes. The research results helped develop an information-measuring system for monitoring the deformation and displacement of rock massif layers based on fiber-optic sensors, capable of operating in an explosive environment. The system makes it possible to control several layers located in the roof of the workings, while the fiber-optic sensor may contain two or three sensitive elements that are connected to different channels. With a sharp fluctuation in pressure and an increase in the displacement parameter, the system triggers a warning signal about the danger.

2021 ◽  
Vol 60 (12) ◽  
Chalasani Subba Rao ◽  
Thotta S. Geetha ◽  
Chellaiah Chellaswamy ◽  
Srinivasan Arul

2021 ◽  
Pankaj Kumar Tiwari ◽  
Zoann Low ◽  
Parimal Arjun Patil ◽  
Debasis Priyadarshan Das ◽  
Prasanna Chidambaram ◽  

Abstract Monitoring of CO2 plume migration in a depleted carbonate reservoir is challenging and demand comprehensive and trailblazing monitoring technologies. 4D time-lapse seismic exhibits the migration of CO2 plume within geological storage but in the area affected by gas chimney due to poor signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), uncertainty in identifying and interpretation of CO2 plume gets exaggerated. High resolution 3D vertical seismic profile (VSP) survey using distributed acoustic sensor (DAS) technology fulfil the objective of obtaining the detailed subsurface image which include CO2 plume migration, reservoir architecture, sub-seismic faults and fracture networks as well as the caprock. Integration of quantitative geophysics and dynamic simulation with illumination modelling dignify the capabilities of 3D DAS-VSP for CO2 plume migration monitoring. The storage site has been studied in detailed and an integrated coupled dynamic simulation were performed and results were integrated with seismic forward modeling to demonstrate the CO2 plume migration with in reservoir and its impact on seismic amplitude. 3D VSP illumination modelling was carried out by integrating reservoir and overburden interpretations, acoustic logs and seismic velocity to illustrate the subsurface coverage area at top of reservoir. Several acquisition survey geometries were simulated based on different source carpet size for effective surface source contribution for subsurface illumination and results were analyzed to design the 3D VSP survey for early CO2 plume migration monitoring. The illumination simulation was integrated with dynamic simulation for fullfield CO2 plume migration monitoring with 3D DAS-VSP by incorporating Pseudo wells illumination analysis. Results of integrated coupled dynamic simulation and 4D seismic feasibility were analyzed for selection of best well location to deploy the multi fiber optic sensor system (M-FOSS) technology. Amplitude response of synthetic AVO (amplitude vs offsets) gathers at the top of carbonate reservoir were analyzed for near, mid and far angle stacks with respect to pre-production as well as pre-injection reservoir conditions. Observed promising results of distinguishable 25-30% of CO2 saturation in depleted reservoir from 4D time-lapse seismic envisage the application of 3D DAS-VSP acquisition. The source patch analysis of 3D VSP illumination modelling results indicate that a source carpet of 6km×6km would be cos-effectively sufficient to produce a maximum of approximately 2km in diameter subsurface illumination at the top of the reservoir. The Pseudo wells illumination analysis results show that current planned injection wells would probably able to monitor early CO2 injection but for the fullfield monitoring additional monitoring wells or a hybrid survey of VSP and surface seismic would be required. The integrated modeling approach ensures that 4D Seismic in subsurface CO2 plume monitoring is robust. Monitoring pressure build-ups from 3D DAS-VSP will reduce the associated risks.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2086 (1) ◽  
pp. 012136
D S Dmitrieva ◽  
V V Davydov ◽  
V Y Rud

Abstract The necessity of improving the metrological characteristics and functional capabilities of the fiber-optic sensor for measurements at the large distances (more than 10 km) is substantiated. The new method for constructing a communication line with the fiber-optic sensor for controlling exposure dose in a large range of its variation (several orders of magnitude) in a remote mode is proposed. The functional capabilities of the sensor are determined; its connection setup and measurement limits are developed. The experimental results are presented.

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