Graciously handling a level of change in a complex specification

Charlie McCay ◽  
Michael Odling-Smee ◽  
Joseph Waller ◽  
Ann Wrightson

The concept of a flexible and yet also breakable interface is central to successful configuration and version management for a messaging specification. Changes which are made to a message or message definition should not affect systems or design teams that are not concerned with the subject of the change. However, changes causing unexpected behaviour or misinterpretation of a message should ‘break the interface’ thus making it impossible for systems to unknowingly use a changed message in a way which may hold clinical safety or other risks. Achieving these features in a complex specification with a diverse implementation community is not a simple matter. However, there are several measures that could be beneficial. Applying the kind of configuration management discipline that is well known for complex software artefacts to the development of a complex specification is likely to be cost-effective, even though the tools available are less mature. A combined strategy of representing key aspects of design configuration not only within the specification artefacts published to the implementation community, but also as a matrix documenting expected impacts, and within message instances in live operation, is also promising as a way to enable gracious handling of change.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Rachael Mooney ◽  
Wafa Abidi ◽  
Jennifer Batalla-Covello ◽  
Hoi Wa Ngai ◽  
Caitlyn Hyde ◽  

Abstract Background Immortalized, clonal HB1.F3.CD21 human neural stem/progenitor cells (NSCs), loaded with therapeutic cargo prior to intraperitoneal (IP) injection, have been shown to improve the delivery and efficacy of therapeutic agents in pre-clinical models of stage III ovarian cancer. In previous studies, the distribution and efficacy of the NSC-delivered cargo has been examined; however, the fate of the NSCs has not yet been explored. Methods To monitor NSC tropism, we used an unconventional method of quantifying endocytosed gold nanorods to overcome the weaknesses of existing cell-tracking technologies. Results Here, we report efficient tumor tropism of HB1.F3.CD21 NSCs, showing that they primarily distribute to the tumor stroma surrounding individual tumor foci within 3 h after injection, reaching up to 95% of IP metastases without localizing to healthy tissue. Furthermore, we demonstrate that these NSCs are non-tumorigenic and non-immunogenic within the peritoneal setting. Conclusions Their efficient tropism, combined with their promising clinical safety features and potential for cost-effective scale-up, positions this NSC line as a practical, off-the-shelf platform to improve the delivery of a myriad of peritoneal cancer therapeutics.

Alejandra Hernando-Garijo ◽  
David Hortigüela-Alcalá ◽  
Pedro Antonio Sánchez-Miguel ◽  
Sixto González-Víllora

The implementation of pedagogical models (PMs) in the subject of Physical Education (PE) is presented as a pedagogical approach that is based on the educational context as a means to overcome the serious limitations that arise from traditional approaches. The effective implementation of this approach has demonstrated benefits in terms of student motivation, student involvement and improved learning. Thus, its application and international relevance, the variability of content covered, the possibility of replicability in a variety of contexts and the fact that it favors a reflective framework and common action by teachers are some of the reasons that justify its use. In this sense, the need for teacher training, as well as the intention to generate more scientific evidence based on its application in the classroom, are some of the key aspects to be taken into account for its implementation and consequent consolidation in the educational field.

1998 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 79-84 ◽  
N Accornero ◽  
S Rinalduzzi ◽  
M Capozza ◽  
E Millefiorini ◽  
G C Filligoi ◽  

Color visual field analysis has proven highly sensitive for early visual impairments diagnosis in MS, yet it has never attained widespread popularity usually because the procedure is difficult to standardize, the devices are costly, and the test is fatiguing. We propose a computerized procedure running on standard PC, cost effective, clonable, and easy handled. Two hundred and sixty-four colored patches subtending 18 angle of vision, with selected hues and low saturation levels are sequentially and randomly displayed on gray equiluminous background of the PC screen subtending 2486408 angle of vision. The subject is requested to press a switch at the perception of the stimulus. The output provides colored maps with quantitative information. Comparison between normals and a selected population of MS patients with no actual luminance visual field defects, showed high statistical difference.

Magdalena Hinc-Wirkus

A human is a social being, instinctively aspiring to become fully involved with the society. According to the statistics, however, one in ten Polish people is forced to overcome various problems in order to be active in the society. What are the main problems for a person with intellectual disability and their career? One of the main barriers for persons with intellectual disability, are the difficulties with the perception of the time; comprehending the very idea of the time flow and learning to use the watch or the calendar. A simple and cost-effective way to develop these skills is the training in time comprehension (‘The Time Workshop’), which is the subject of this article.

2008 ◽  
Vol 1124 ◽  
Gerald Hans Nieder-Westermann ◽  
Robert H. Spencer ◽  
Robert W Andrews ◽  
Neil Brown

AbstractThe Yucca Mountain repository combines multiple barriers, both natural and engineered, which work both individually and collectively to limit the movement of water and the potential release and movement of radionuclides to the accessible environment. Engineered structures, systems and components (SSCs) are designed to function in the natural environment utilizing materials chosen to perform their intended functions in order to meet the postclosure performance objectives. Similarly, the features of the natural environment are expected to respond to the presence of the repository through geomechanical, hydrogeologic and geochemical changes. At Yucca Mountain, specific features, both engineered and natural have been identified as requiring design control during repository construction and operations. The integration between design and postclosure safety analysis is facilitated using design control parameters. The term “design control parameters” includes functions and performance requirements allocated to SSCs through the design process, as well as the attributes of SSCs that are developed during design (e.g., dimensions; weights; materials; fabrication and quality-control processes; and operating conditions). These control parameters provide an interface between the design and the analyzed postclosure safety bases, which needs to be maintained through the licensing process. Maintenance of the design is controlled through configuration management and procedural safety controls. The design control parameters serve three key purposes. First, they identify key aspects of the design that serve as the design bases for the designers of the SSCs of the facility. Second, they provide a useful input to the analyses of relevant postclosure features, events and processes (FEPs) and are used to either exclude FEPs from the postclosure safety analysis or as an input to models of included FEPs in the safety analysis. Finally, they provide important controlled interface constraints between the design and safety analyses organizations that are amenable to configuration management. Several examples of such design controls will be presented in this briefing. The first type of design controls relates to the location of the underground facility, including standoffs from faults and the ground surface. The second type of design controls relates to the configuration of the engineered features including the spacing of emplacement driftsand drip shield dimensions and characteristics. A third type of design controls relates to constraints on handling, loading and emplacing waste forms in canisters and waste packages in the emplacement drifts.

Moses Waiganjo ◽  
Danijela Godinic ◽  
Obrenovic Bojan

The COVID-19 crisis posed an opportunity for entering new avenues and market segments for large and financially viable enterprises, whilst SMEs lacking resources for such maneuver required cost-effective and quick-fix solutions. In this literature review, we reflect on the drivers of sustainable development of SMEs compared to their larger counterparts during major disasters. We have analyzed prior studies drawing from the concept of “sustainability“ during COVID-19, published between 2020-2021, as well as relevant studies from the domains of crisis management, sustainability, enterprise sustainability, digitisation effects on sustainability, sustainable business practices. Each research was screened to check for the content relevance to the subject matter. The paper suggests that radical sustaining innovation in service delivery combined with diversification could be fostered to mitigate risks and ensure SMEs survival in times of economic downturn. The paper adds to the existing body of organizational knowledge on entrepreneurial sustainability deriving from multiple perspectives on the subject. The conceptual framework developed in this article was designed to provide pragmatic recommendations for SME owners, entrepreneurs, managers and academicians. We find that there are grounds for SMEs to concentrate on innovating in the context of products and services that are considered revenue-generating for same-industry large enterprises, considering this strategy allows SMEs to align their interests and engage in cooperation with competition.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (8) ◽  
pp. 459-465
Nader Henry ◽  
Ishan Radotra ◽  
Sheirin Khalil

Burn injuries are extremely common injuries for both adults and children, and yet knowledge of their management is often lacking in society and the subject is not routinely taught to clinicians. In this article, we aim to provide an overview of the pertinent points of the history, classification of burns, and rapid assessment methods for determining body surface area within primary care. This is followed by key aspects of management, referral criteria for transfer to a burns service, and important safeguarding issues surrounding burns.

Rick Gibson

With software an increasingly significant component of most products, it is vital that teams of software and systems engineers collaborate effectively to build cost effective, reliable products. This article will identify the key aspects of software engineering and systems engineering in an effort to highlight areas of consensus and conflict to support current efforts by practitioners and academics in the both disciplines in redefining and integrating their professions and bodies of knowledge.

Forests ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (8) ◽  
pp. 675
Andrés Flores ◽  
Javier López-Upton ◽  
Cristobal D. Rullán-Silva ◽  
Adriana E. Olthoff ◽  
Ricardo Alía ◽  

The strategies for the conservation and sustainable use of forest genetic resources, which are essential for the future adaptation of forest species to changing environments, are also a source of valuable genetic resources for breeding and restoration activities. The first step to define and implement cost-effective strategies is to identify specific priority populations. Mexico, in spite of being characterized by high levels of tree species diversity, mostly lacks a combined strategy for the genetic conservation and use of forest genetic resources. The aims of this work are: (i) to identify areas for gene conservation, and (ii) to propose measures for the conservation and sustainable use of forest genetic resources of four pine species: Pinus greggii Engelm. ex Parl., Pinus oocarpa Schiede ex Schltdl., Pinus patula Schiede ex Schltdl. & Cham. and Pinus pseudostrobus Lindl. To do that, we use the existing information on the distribution, genetic variation and conservation and breeding efforts in Mexico. Overall, 51 areas for establishing genetic conservation units were prioritized and 6 genetic zones for the use of forest genetic resources in breeding and selection of forest reproductive material were identified. The current conservation efforts for the four priority Mexican pines should be improved to satisfy the needs of a national breeding and conservation network.

1955 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-40
J. G. Porter

Most people know something about space ships nowadays, and probably think that navigation in space is quite a simple matter; at any rate, it is a subject that is glossed over very briefly in most books on the subject. In my view, space navigation is not a simple matter, and it has certainly not received the attention it deserves. Navigation on the Earth is easy, because of the one important fact that you are on the surface of the Earth. A couple of sights, measuring the angles from two stars down to the horizon, together with the azimuths of the stars and the distance from the centre of the Earth, will give an exact statement of position. But out in space there is no Earth, no horizon—in fact nothing whatever to use as a basis of measurement. Clearly then, two angles are not enough; a third one is needed, to give a sort of tripod of sights—two of the legs being anchored to two planets (or the Sun and a planet) because their positions in space at any time are known, and the distance between them can be used as a base-line. The solution of all the triangles involved is indeed a difficult problem, but there is also the impossibility of making three simultaneous observations. It might be thought that one could do as at sea and take one sight followed later by others, making allowance for the motion of the ship in the intervals. However, this involves the idea of dead reckoning, which, although a useful concept at sea, is quite impossible to apply in space, as the following example shows.

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