pedagogical models
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2021 ◽  
Vol 59 (1) ◽  
pp. 125-136

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact, especially in terms of the many changes in regulatory and policy aspects, and in particular challenges in the accounting and education sectors. The 2020 academic year is considerably different from previous years and institutions, staff, and students are facing complex challenges. In terms of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on different countries’ education systems many differences exist. Online learning is an amalgamation of various pedagogical models instead of any one single model. The purpose of this article is to present the impact of the coronavirus on higher education in accounting, the challenges that students face in online learning and evaluating the impact of COVID-19 on the accounting profession.

Serhii Ilchenko ◽  
Oksana Solodka ◽  
Andrii Fedorishko ◽  
Shandor Kovach ◽  
Olena Kravchenko ◽  

According to the results of the analysis of scientific-methodical, special and reference literature (monitoring of Internet sources) it is established, that the issue of analytical and statistical review (comparative analysis) of technical and tactical training of judokas and highly qualified judokas is devoted to the insufficient number of scientific and methodological works, which requires further research and emphasizes the relevance and practical component of the chosen area of scientific research. The main purpose of the study is to conduct a comparative analysis of the technical and tactical arsenal of highly qualified male and female judokas (champions and winners of the XXXII Summer Olympic Games 2020, Tokyo, Japan). In the process of research and analytical work, the following methods of theoretical research were used: axiomatic, idealization, historical and logical, convergence from the specific, formalization (mathematical and statistical), and so on. As a result of the study, members of the research group conducted a comparative analysis of the technical and tactical arsenal of highly qualified male and female judokas (champions and winners of the XXXII Summer Olympic Games 2020, Tokyo, Japan). In order to increase the effectiveness of competitive activities of Ukrainian athletes (men and women) who specialize in judo at different stages of their long-term training, it is advisable to focus the attention of leading coaches on the development of appropriate training programs (pedagogical models) that provide: perfect mastering by Judoists of theoretical aspects of current rules of judo; increasing the number and variety of attacking and defensive techniques; increasing the coefficient of reliability of technical and tactical actions (combinations); development of tactile sensitivity and coordination; formation of high psychophysical readiness for long-term competitive activity (high training loads), etc.

Retos ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 44 ◽  
pp. 421-432
Sergio Diloy-Peña ◽  
Javier Sevil-Serrano ◽  
 Ángel Abós ◽  
María Sanz-Remacha ◽  
Luis García-González

  La implementación por parte del entrenador de modelos pedagógicos centrados en la comprensión se ha asociado a una mejora del proceso motivacional de los deportistas. Sin embargo, existe un limitado número de estudios que hayan comparado diferentes modelos pedagógicos en variables motivacionales en deportistas en formación. Bajo el sustento de la teoría de la autodeterminación, el objetivo del estudio fue examinar, al final de la temporada deportiva, las diferencias percibidas por jugadores en formación de dos equipos diferentes acerca de las conductas de apoyo y de amenaza de las necesidades psicológicas básicas (NPB; autonomía, competencia y relaciones sociales) por parte del entrenador, la satisfacción y frustración de las NPB, la motivación, el compromiso deportivo y la diversión. Durante la temporada, un entrenador diseñó sus entrenamientos con un modelo técnico-tradicional, mientras que el otro basó su intervención en un modelo comprensivo, también conocido como teaching games for understanding (TGfU). Un total de 23 jugadores (M=16.42±0.50; 100% chicos) de fútbol sala en formación pertenecientes a dos equipos de categoría juvenil participaron en este estudio transversal. Los jugadores del equipo que entrenaban a través de un modelo comprensivo percibieron valores significativamente superiores en el apoyo de la autonomía por parte del entrenador, en la satisfacción de las NPB y en la motivación autodeterminada, e inferiores en la frustración de las NPB, en comparación con aquellos que entrenaban con un modelo técnico-tradicional. Teniendo en cuenta estos hallazgos, parece importante promover la formación específica de los entrenadores en el modelo de enseñanza comprensiva para favorecer los procesos motivacionales de los jóvenes jugadores. Abstract. The implementation by the coach of pedagogical models focused on the understanding has been associated with an improvement in the motivational process of athletes. However, there is a limited number of studies that have compared different pedagogical models on motivational outcomes in young athletes. Therefore, guided by self-determination theory, this study aimed to examine, at the end of the season, the differences perceived by youth players from two different teams about need-supportive and need-thwarting, need-satisfaction and need-frustration, motivation, sport commitment, and enjoyment. During the season, one coach designed his trainings with a technical-traditional model, while the other coach based his trainings on a comprehensive model, also known as teaching games for understanding (TGfU). A total of 23 youth futsal players (M= 16.42±0.50; 100% boys), belonging to two different U-18 teams, participated in this cross-sectional study. Players who received a TGfU model during the season perceived significantly higher values in coach autonomy support, need satisfaction, and self-determined motivation, and lower values in need frustration, compared to those who received a technical-traditional model. Considering these findings, it seems important to develop coach TGfU training to enhance the motivation of young players.

2021 ◽  
Vol 92 (9) ◽  
pp. 24-32
Carlos Evangelio ◽  
Javier Fernández-Rio ◽  
Carmen Peiró-Velert ◽  
Sixto González-Víllora

Rocío Jiménez-Cortés ◽  
Luisa Aires

AbstractHigher distance education models can be described from the theoretical and practical foundation of feminist pedagogy. The objective of this work is to know what feminist approaches are identified in the pedagogical models adopted by distance and hybrid education at the University and what curricular characteristics they have. The scoping review is carried out on a total of 126 journals bringing together 60 indexed, 30 specialized in gender and 6 in education. The final sample is made up of 10 papers that meet the established inclusion criteria. The review method is based on three phases of collection, description, and analysis with different tasks and the PRISMA-ScR (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews) protocol is followed. The results obtained from mixed methodology applied show three perspectives that set trends in distance and hybrid higher education models from feminist approaches: (a) feminist-pragmatist, (b) eco-dialogical feminist and (c) intersectional-technofeminist. These trends show the application of feminist principles to curriculum design and their implementation in distance and hybrid higher education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (3) ◽  
pp. 109-134
Manuel Morales Valero ◽  
Diana Amber Montes

La escuela, como institución, se encuentra en tela de juicio por parte de algunos sectores críticos de la sociedad que, desde el marco explicativo que ofrecen las denominadas teorías de la desescolarización, son capaces de organizarse y crear redes ciudadanas para proveer de forma privada la educación de sus hijos/as desde unos determinados modelos organizativos y pedagógicos. El propósito de este trabajo es el de identificar, mediante el análisis de un estudio de caso, el modelo organizativo (definido por su misión, visión y valores) utilizado en un proyecto de educación alternativa para la etapa de educación infantil con el objetivo de reflexionar sus implicaciones pedagógicas y organizativas. Concluimos señalando cómo se confía en exceso en el potencial educativo del contexto en base a los intereses y motivaciones de los educados, se minusvalora la capacidad de innovación pedagógica y organizativa del sistema estatal de educación, existe la necesidad de establecer mecanismos capaces de mejorar la participación y se constata la pretensión, quizás irreal, de mantener cierta neutralidad ideológica en el proyecto. Nowadays the institution of the School is being questioned by some critical sectors of society who, by drawing on the explanatory framework put forward by the so-called deschooling theories, are able to organize themselves and create citizen networks in order to provide privately for the education of their children within specific organizational and pedagogical models. The purpose of this case study is to identify the organizational model (defined by its mission, vision and values) used in an alternative education project for pre-primary school education with the aim of reflecting on its pedagogical and organizational implications. We conclude by pointing out that there exists an excessive amount of confidence in the context’s educational potential based on the interests and motivations of the learners. In addition, the capacity for pedagogical and organizational innovation of the State education system is underestimated. There is, furthermore, a need to establish mechanisms capable of improving participation. Finally, the claim, perhaps unrealistic, of maintaining a certain ideological neutrality in the project is also observed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 265
Elisa Nurul Laili ◽  
Sakhi Herwiana

Covid-19 significantly influences teaching and learning activities. Lecturers need to be more creative to optimize the available electronic tools for supporting the teaching and learning process. Many problems faced by both lecturers and students, especially in private university whose its students are from economically low society, when they are disrupted by this condition. Creative teaching and learning process is needed to make the class more effective and attractive. Besides, it also shapes the students’ minds to follow every sophisticated change and condition in the future by seeking the exact and creative problem-solving. This research aims to describe the implementation of the online creative pedagogical learning models in English Education Department students on Extensive Reading course. The research uses a descriptive qualitative method, which is designed as classroom action research. This research conducted in English Education Department of Hasyim Asy’ari University Tebuireng Jombang, with 25 participants. The result of this research shows that online creative pedagogical models can be used for solving students’ problems, such as Google Classroom, Youtube, and Instagram TV for a synchronous meeting, and Google Meet for an asynchronous meeting. The result shows that those media suitable for implementing creative onli also become alternatives for students who have limited access to the internet because they live in remote areas or have low budgets, but those media are practical and effective.

Retos ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 43 ◽  
pp. 1037-1048
Rafael García-Merino ◽  
Jorge Lizandra

El presente estudio adopta un enfoque cualitativo para profundizar en la mejora de la convivencia y la gestión de conflictos desde el área de Educación Física y la tutoría. A partir de una evaluación diagnóstica, se diseñó una Unidad Didáctica innovadora en la que se hibridaron los modelos pedagógicos de Educación aventura y Aprendizaje cooperativo, introduciendo el contenido de educación emocional en una clase de 1º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria. De forma paralela, se realizó un proceso de investigación basada en un estudio de caso en el que se recogieron las percepciones y valoraciones de la experiencia de innovación del alumnado, del docente especialista de la asignatura y se triangularon con el registro anecdótico observacional del investigador. Los resultados obtenidos evidencian una contribución positiva en la formación de un alumnado que mostraba carencias en la convivencia y la resolución de conflictos, observándose mejoras en su educación emocional. Además, la hibridación de modelos pedagógicos se ha mostrado como una buena contribución a la didáctica de la Educación Física, en la medida en la que permite la integración de contenidos transversales y propios de la asignatura de Educación Física.  Abstract. The present study adopts a qualitative approach to deepen the enhance of coexistence and conflict management from the area of Physical Education and tutoring. Based on a diagnostic evaluation, an innovative Didactic Unit was designed in which the pedagogical models of Adventure Education and Cooperative Learning were hybridized, introducing the content of social and emotional learning in a 1st Obligatory Secondary Education curse. In parallel, a research process based on as a case study was carried out in which the perceptions and appreciations of the innovation experience of the students, the specialist teacher of the subject were collected and triangulated with the observational anecdotal record of the researcher. The results show a positive contribution in the behavioural training of a student body that showed deficiencies in coexistence and conflict resolution, observing improvements in their emotional education. In addition, the hybridization of pedagogical models has been shown as a good contribution to the didactics of Physical Education, insofar as it allows the integration of both, cross-sectional and own contents of the Physical Education subject.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (5) ◽  
pp. 6724-6738
Bazán Linares Magda Verónica ◽  
Gaona Portal Milagros del Pilar ◽  
Luis Grados Carlos Alberto ◽  
Luna Acuña Maleyne Lisseth ◽  
Peralta Roncal Liliana Ethel ◽  

La globalización es el fenómeno económico que impacta en diversas esferas de una sociedad, en las cuales genera numerosos cambios, siendo una de ellas el campo educativo. La educación, especialmente la universitaria ha tenido que adaptarse a estos cambios con el propósito de continuar brindando un servicio de acorde a las necesidades del mundo globalizado manteniendo su visión humanista, científica y tecnológica. Las universidades peruanas sumándose a estos cambios asumieron el reto de la virtualización de sus sistemas de enseñanza aprendizaje, adaptando modelos pedagógicos, estrategias metodológicas y uso de recursos tecnológicos a las nuevas necesidades de una educación no presencial, en donde los docentes y estudiantes fortalecieron sus competencias digitales haciendo uso de diversos recursos tecnológicos disponibles en la web. La UNAS al igual que las diferentes universidades nacionales e internacionales asumió el reto de una educación no presencial durante la emergencia sanitaria, este paso significó un cambio de su modelo pedagógico, adaptando la currícula académica al desarrollo de competencias digitales, al uso de estrategias, recursos y herramientas disponibles on line; todo ello a partir del análisis de sus procesos institucionales, administrativos, académicos y de investigación. Convirtiéndose así en ese ente dinamizador y de cambio que exige la globalización.   Globalization is economic phenomenon that impacts diversity spheres of a society, in which it generates numerous changes, one of them being educational field. Education, especially university education, has been adapted to these changes in order to continue providing a service in accordance with needs globalized world, maintaining humanistic, scientific and technological vision. Peruvian universities, joining these changes, took on the challenge of virtualizing their teaching learning systems, adapting pedagogical models, methodological strategies and use of technological resources to new needs of virtual education, where teachers and students strengthened their skills making use various technological resources available on web. UNAS like different national and international universities, has assumed the challenge of virtual education during health emergency, this step has been meant a change in its pedagogical model, adapting academic curriculum to development of digital skills, the use of strategies, resources and tools available online; all this from the analysis of its institutional, administrative, academic and research processes. Thus, becoming that dynamic and changing entity that globalization requires.

2021 ◽  
Vol 84 (2) ◽  
pp. 374-396
Jessica Quagliaroli ◽  
Pamela Casey

ABSTRACT Architectural archival collections contain a wide variety of documents and materials that are effective teaching tools for primary source instruction. Sketches, design and construction drawings, material samples, models, and photographs are just some of the collection materials one may find in an architecture archives. However, architecture archivists are not formally trained to teach with these collections. The authors examine the gap in professional and scholarly literature on teaching with these specific materials and consider this in comparison to the rich literature on teaching with primary sources more broadly. They discuss the pedagogical models they have applied in their instruction work and how these support the information-seeking habits and research needs of architecture faculty and design students. By contributing to the growing body of literature on teaching with special collections in this specific subject area, the authors hope to elevate the skills and expertise that architecture archivists bring to the field.

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