scholarly journals Solute transport and solutional denu-dation rate of carbonate karst in the semi-arid Zagros region (southwes-tern Iran)

2021 ◽  
Vol 83 (3) ◽  
pp. 93-108
Alireza Sepahvand ◽  
Mitja Prelovsek ◽  
Ali Akbar Nazari Samani ◽  
Robert Wasson

We conducted a one-year-long study of solute load measured three times per month in three neighboring subwatersheds (Alashtar, Khorram Abad, and Biranshahr) located in the Karkheh River basin in the Zagros region of southwestern Iran. Research was focused on the chemical composition of water (solute load), karst denudation rate, spatial and temporal variability, as well as comparison of solute load with suspended load. Results show that Ca-Mg-HCO3 is the dominant water type that reflects the lithological characteristics of the catchment areas. Lack of seasonal fluctuation of solute load and absence of dilution during high water levels but evident seasonal course of discharge defines the highest solute flux during the annual maximum of discharge in spring months. The highest solute flux is related to flood events. High annual variation of Na1 concentration compared to conservative Cl2 as well as Chloro-Alkali indexes (CAI and CAI2) suggests that Na1 adsorption and desorption during ion-exchange reactions occur in the regolith. This Na+ variability, to some extent, explains weak Ca21 and Mg21 dilution effect during high water levels. During the measurement period (2014-2015), solute flux calculated per catchment area amounted to 49-69 t km-2 a-1 (tons per km per year). The chemical composition of water and discharge shows by far the highest chemical denudation of limestones and dolomites (87−89 %), while dissolution of gypsum is of minor importance (11−13 %). As a result, the carbonate karst solutional denudation rate is between 0.010 and 0.040 mm a21 , where the higher values are more probable for longer periods due to the relatively low discharge during the spring of 2015. Comparison of dissolved and suspended loads indicates that the transport of suspended load is an order of magnitude less than transport of the dissolved load; the only exception is one flash flood event when suspended load exceeded the dissolved load. Besides a small decrease in solute flux as well as carbonate karst dissolution rates from NW to SE, no large hydrochemical differences between the three subwatersheds were detected.

2007 ◽  
Vol 158 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 14-21
Vasyl Sabadosh ◽  
Oleg Suprunenko

The upper Theresian Valley lies along the southwest-facing ridge of the Ukrainian Carpathians. Despite expansive forestation high water levels are frequent. The forest belongs to the state and is centrally administrated. Felling is sometimes outsourced to private companies and private companies have also been founded to process the timber. Job opportunities have become fewer and illegal work is increasing. A new democratic awareness has emerged since the «Orange Revolution» in 2004. With foreign investors, however, new risks emerge. The authors recommend giving monies from forest management to the communities, the founding of new wood processing enterprises and more transparent information.

2021 ◽  
Vol 129 (23) ◽  
pp. 233301
M. Wartel ◽  
F. Faubert ◽  
I. D. Dirlau ◽  
S. Rudz ◽  
N. Pellerin ◽  

The Holocene ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 095968362098168
Christian Stolz ◽  
Magdalena Suchora ◽  
Irena A Pidek ◽  
Alexander Fülling

The specific aim of the study was to investigate how four adjacent geomorphological systems – a lake, a dune field, a small alluvial fan and a slope system – responded to the same impacts. Lake Tresssee is a shallow lake in the North of Germany (Schleswig-Holstein). During the Holocene, the lake’s water surface declined drastically, predominately as a consequence of human impact. The adjacent inland dune field shows several traces of former sand drift events. Using 30 new radiocarbon ages and the results of 16 OSL samples, this study aims to create a new timeline tracing the interaction between lake and dunes, as well, as how both the lake and the dunes reacted to environmental changes. The water level of the lake is presumed to have peaked during the period before the Younger Dryas (YD; start at 10.73 ka BC). After the Boreal period (OSL age 8050 ± 690 BC) the level must have undergone fluctuations triggered by climatic events and the first human influences. The last demonstrable high water level was during the Late Bronze Age (1003–844 cal. BC). The first to the 9th century AD saw slightly shrinking water levels, and more significant ones thereafter. In the 19th century, the lake area was artificially reduced to a minimum by the human population. In the dunes, a total of seven different phases of sand drift were demonstrated for the last 13,000 years. It is one of the most precisely dated inland-dune chronologies of Central Europe. The small alluvial fan took shape mainly between the 13th and 17th centuries AD. After 1700 cal. BC (Middle Bronze Age), and again during the sixth and seventh centuries AD, we find enhanced slope activity with the formation of Holocene colluvia.

1975 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 381-391 ◽  
J. W. Kamphuis

A number of lightweight coastal protection structures, built on the Lake Erie shore are discussed in this paper. There were two constraints on the design; limited funds and a very precarious downdrift beach. Thus the structures were inexpensive and the protection was low-key to prevent damage downdrift. In 1972–1974 these structures were subjected to a combination of large waves and high water levels and thus they were tested well beyond their design limits.The paper discusses the structures, their performance under normal conditions, and their performance during and after the abnormally high water levels. It is found that inexpensive, low-key structures are sufficiently strong to survive normal conditions, but fail by overtopping and flanking under conditions beyond their low design limits.

A.-L. Montreuil ◽  
M. Chen ◽  
A. Esquerré ◽  
R. Houthuys ◽  
R. Moelans ◽  

<p><strong>Abstract.</strong> Sustainable management of the coastal resources requires a better understanding of the processes that drive coastline change. The coastline is a highly dynamic sea-terrestrial interface. It is affected by forcing factors such as water levels, waves, winds, and the highest and most severe changes occur during storm surges. Extreme storms are drivers responsible for rapid and sometimes dramatic changes of the coastline. The consequences of the impacts from these events entail a broad range of social, economic and natural resource considerations from threats to humans, infrastructure and habitats. This study investigates the impact of a severe storm on coastline response on a sandy multi-barred beach at the Belgian coast. Airborne LiDAR surveys acquired pre- and post-storm covering an area larger than 1 km<sup>2</sup> were analyzed and reproducible monitoring solutions adapted to assess beach morphological changes were applied. Results indicated that the coast retreated by a maximum of 14.7 m where the embryo dunes in front of the fixed dunes were vanished and the foredune undercut. Storm surge and wave attacks were probably the most energetic there. However, the response of the coastline proxies associated with the mean high water line (MHW) and dunetoe (DuneT) was spatially variable. Based on the extracted beach features, good correlations (r>0.73) were found between coastline, berm and inner intertidal bar morphology, while it was weak with the most seaward bars covered in the surveys. This highlights the role of the upper features on the beach to protect the coastline from storm erosion by reducing wave energy. The findings are of critical importance in improving our knowledge and forecasting of coastline response to storms, and also in its translation into management practices.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (10) ◽  
pp. e4479108555
Josué Ribeiro da Silva Nunes ◽  
Carolina Joana da Silva ◽  
Solange Kimie Ikeda-Castrillon ◽  
Nilo Leal Sander

The Pantanal wetland Mato Grosso, Brazil is among the largest floodplains in the world, with a mosaic of different habitats and rich aquatic and terrestrial biota. The habitat mosaics are found in the Chacororé and Sinhá Mariana lake System. These parental lakes of the Cuiabá River, a left tributary of the Upper Paraguay River, are known for their aquatic productivity and scenic beauty. The characteristics of these lakes and their floodplains are showed through the difference between their waters, the diversity of the aquatic macrophytes communities, fish communities and aquatic birds. Our study looked at changes in limnological variables as well as diversity of aquatic birds, during high water or flooded phase; medium water or receding phase; and the low water or dry phase. We used a temporary small lagoon in the floodplain of this system as our study area. The flood pulse is the main ecological factor affecting the Pantanal; it modifies ecological process and species composition. The water depth decreases during the season, decreasing electrical conductivity, dissolved phosphate and nitrate, water transparency, dissolved oxygen and biomass of aquatic macrophyte; and increasing calcium, total phosphorus and total nitrogen. We also observed increase in species richness and abundance of aquatic birds during the receding phase. Results show that the number of species (density) of aquatic birds increased from 10 to 30 species and the numbers of individuals from 40 to 936. The maximum richness and abundance of aquatic birds was registered during the receding phase.

1973 ◽  
Vol 27 ◽  
pp. 2997-3002 ◽  
Jens K. Wold ◽  
Tore Midtvedt ◽  
Randi Winsnes ◽  
Petri Pajunen ◽  
Jouko Koskikallio ◽  

2013 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 9355-9399 ◽  
F. Mei ◽  
A. Setyan ◽  
Q. Zhang ◽  
J. Wang

Abstract. During the Carbonaceous Aerosols and Radiative Effects Study (CARES), activation fraction of size-resolved aerosol particles and aerosol chemical composition were characterized at the T1 site (~60 km downwind of Sacramento, California) from 10 June to 28 June 2010. The hygroscopicity of CCN-active particles (κCCN) with diameter from 100 to 171 nm, derived from the size-resolved activated fraction, varied from 0.10 to 0.21, with an average of 0.15, which was substantially lower than that proposed for continental sites in earlier studies. The low κCCN value was due to the high organic volume fraction, averaged over 80% at the T1 site. The derived κCCN exhibited little diurnal variation, consistent with the relatively constant organic volume fraction observed. At any time, over 90% of the size selected particles with diameter between 100 and 171 nm were CCN active, suggesting most particles within this size range were aged background particles. Due to the large organic volume fraction, organic hygroscopicity (κorg) strongly impacted particle hygroscopicity and therefore calculated CCN concentration. For vast majority of the cases, an increase of κorg from 0.03 to 0.18, which are within the typical range, doubled the calculated CCN concentration. Organic hygroscopicity was derived from κCCN and aerosol chemical composition, and its variations with the fraction of total organic mass spectral signal at m/z 44 (f44) and O : C were compared to results from previous studies. Overall, the relationships between κorg and f44 are quite consistent for organic aerosol (OA) observed during field studies and those formed in smog chamber. Compared to the relationship between κorg and f44, the relationship between κorg and O : C exhibits more significant differences among different studies, suggesting κorg may be better parameterized using f44. A least squares fit yielded κorg = 2.04 (± 0.07) × f44 − 0.11 (± 0.01) with the Pearson R2 value of 0.71. One possible explanation for the stronger correlation between κorg and f44 is that the m/z 44 signal (mostly contributed by the CO2+ ion) is more closely related to organic acids, which may dominate the overall κorg due to their relatively high water solubility and hygroscopicity.

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