Rozanov, Vasilii Vasil’evich (1856–1919)

Bernice Glatzer Rosenthal

Vasilii Rozanov, a prominent spokesman of the Russian Religious-Philosophical Renaissance, is known for his writings on sex, marriage and the family, his attacks on Christian asceticism, and his love–hate attitude to Judaism. He termed Judaism a religion of life because it sanctified sex and the family, and Christianity a religion of death because it exalted celibacy. But Rozanov also charged that Judaism mandated ritual murder and that Jews were feeding off Russians. In Apokalypsis nashego vremeni (The Apocalypse of Our Time) (1917–18), he apologized for his anti-Semitic pronouncements and blamed the Bolshevik Revolution on Christian otherworldliness and sexlessness. In private life, Rozanov was a pillar of the Church, which he regarded as a haven of beauty, warmth, and spiritual succour. Rozanov’s writings contain brilliant insights, contradictions, distortions and outright lies. ‘Falsehood never tormented me’, he wrote, ‘and for a strange reason. What business is it of yours precisely what I think?’ He championed conservative policies in articles published under his own name and radical policies under a pseudonym. It is clear, however, that Rozanov was deeply religious and that he associated sex and the family with God. ’Dirty diapers and a naked wife: this is the truth of Bethlehem around you.’ Rozanov’s interpretations of Dostoevskii, Gogol’ and other Russian authors were original and perceptive. His collections of aphorisms Solitaria (1912) and Opavshie list’ia (Fallen Leaves, 2 vols) (1913b, 1915), are considered masterpieces of Russian style.

1947 ◽  
Vol 93 (393) ◽  
pp. 740-747
Duncan Whittaker

This year marks the seven hundredth anniversary of the foundling of the House of Bethlem. Seven hundred years! It takes us back to the very beginnings of English culture. Much in our constitution that we hold dear dates from this thirteenth century, which saw the foundation of Bethlem. In 1215 King John signed the Magna Carta, and in 1265 Simon de Montfort summoned not only the knights of the shire, but for the first time two representatives from each of the chartered boroughs, the precursor of the House of Commons. It was between these two dates on the Wednesday after the Feast of St. Luke the Evangelist, which in the year 1247 fell on 23 October, that Simon FitzMary, a citizen of London, signed the deed-poll which founded this hospital. He had given and granted to God and the church of St. Mary of Bethlem all that land of his which he had in the parish of St. Botolph without Bishopsgate London, to wit, all that he had or might have there, in houses, gardens, orchards, fish-ponds, ditches, marshes and all other things appertaining thereto as defined by their boundaries. These extended in length from the king's highway on the east to that ditch on the west which was called Depeditch, and in breadth to the land which belonged to Ralph Dunning on the north and to the land of St. Botolph's church on the south. The gift was for the formation of a priory under the rule and order of the church of Bethlem, the brothers and sisters to wear publicly upon their copes and mantles the badge of a star. He further declared in the deed poll that: “For the greater security of this gift I have placed myself and mine outside the said property, and I have solemnly put in actual possession of it, and have handed over the possession of all things aforesaid to the lord Godfrey of the family of the Prefetti of the city of Rome, at this time bishop-elect of Bethlem (as by our lord the pope confirmed) and at this time actually in England, in his own name, and in that of his successors, and in the name of the chapter of the church of Bethlem. And he has received possession of the said property, and has entered upon it in the form prescribed.”

Nicola Clark

Throughout the sixteenth century and beyond, the Howards are usually described as religiously ‘conservative’, resisting the reformist impulse of the Reformation while conforming to the royal supremacy over the Church. The women of the family have played little part in this characterization, yet they too lived through the earliest stages of the Reformation. This chapter shows that what we see is not a family following the lead of its patriarch in religious matters at this early stage of the Reformation, but that this did not stop them maintaining strong kinship relations across the shifting religious spectrum.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (7) ◽  
pp. 264
Clara Ramirez

This is a study of the trajectory of a Jewish converso who had a brilliant career at the University of Mexico in the 16th century: he received degrees from the faculties of arts, theology and law and was a professor for more than 28 years. He gained prestige and earned the respect of his fellow citizens, participated in monarchical politics and was an active member of his society, becoming the elected bishop of Guatemala. However, when he tried to become a judge of the Inquisition, a thorough investigation revealed his Jewish ancestry back in the Iberian Peninsula, causing his career to come to a halt. Further inquiry revealed that his grandmother had been burned by the Inquisition and accused of being a Judaizer around 1481; his nephews and nieces managed, in 1625, to obtain a letter from the Inquisition vouching for the “cleanliness of blood” of the family. Furthermore, the nephews founded an entailed estate in Oaxaca and forbade the heir of the entail to marry into the Jewish community. The university was a factor that facilitated their integration, but the Inquisition reminded them of its limits. The nephews denied their ancestors and became part of the society of New Spain. We have here a well-documented case that represents the possible existence of many others.

1994 ◽  
Vol 37 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 3-17
Jan Dyduch

The Catholic Church observes the year 1994 as International Year of the Family in accordance to the announcement made by the United Nations. For this reason it is proper to talk over the obligations and the rights which a family exercises in a secular society and in the Curch. These rights and obligations are contained and treated in the following postconciliar documents of the Church: 1. The Encyclical Humanae Vitae, 1968; 2. The Adhortation Familiaris Consortio, 1981; 3. The Codex of Canon Law, 1983; 4. The Charter of the Family Right, 1983; 5. The Adhortation Christifideles Laici, 1988. Propagating of the family rights and obligations is necessary in view of the situation of the contemporary family, encountered by a multiple crisis. Calling in question of the sense of the family, the mentality adverse to life, and divorces are the most severe indications of that crisis. The basic right and obligation of a family is its service to the life itself, expressed in the procreating and upbringing of children. Doing this, a family needs protection and support from a civil authority which ought to maintain the appropriate policy favourable for the family and its development. A Christian family, sacramentally incorporated into the organism of the Universal Church, constitutes a „Home Church” and participates in Christ’s triple mission: prophetic-evangelizing, priestly-santifying and royal-apostolic. The family is a subject of the Church’s constant pastoral care.

Artifex Novus ◽  
2019 ◽  
pp. 58-75
Anna Sylwia Czyż

ABSTRAKT Sprowadzone do Wilna między 1616 a 1618 r. benedyktynki utworzyły niewielką i skromnie uposażoną wspólnotę. Ich sytuacja zmieniła się w 1692 r., kiedy to dzięki bogatym zapisom Feliksa Jana Paca mogły wystawić murowany kościół konsekrowany w 1703 r. Hojność podkomorzego litewskiego nie była przypadkowa, bowiem do wileńskich benedyktynek wstąpiły jego córki Sybilla i Anna, jedyne potomstwo jakie po sobiepozostawił. Z nich szczególne znaczenie dla dziejów klasztoru miała Sybilla (Magdalena) Pacówna, która w 1704 r. została wybrana ksienią. Nie tylko odnowiła ona życie wspólnoty, ale stała się również jedną z najważniejszych postaci ówczesnego Wilna. Po pożarze w 1737 r. Sybilla Pacówna energicznie przystąpiła do odbudowy klasztoru i kościoła, którą kończyła już jej następczyni Joanna Rejtanówna. Wzniesioną wówczas według projektu Jana Krzysztofa Glaubitza fasadę ozdobiono stiukowo-metalową dekoracją o indywidualnie zaplanowanym programie ideowym odwołującym się i do tradycji zakonnej i rodowej – pacowskiej. W fasadzie wyeksponowano ideały związane z życiem benedyktyńskim sytuując je wśród aluzji o konieczności walki na płaszczyźnie ducha i ciała, włączając w militarną symbolikę także konieczność walki z wrogami Kościoła i ojczyzny oraz charakterystyczną dla duchowości benedyktyńskiej pobożność związaną z krzyżem w typie karawaka oraz zOpatrznością Bożą. Jednocześnie przypominano o bogactwie powołań w klasztorze benedyktynek wileńskich przyrównując mniszki do lilii. Porównanie to dzięki obecności w fasadzie herbu Gozdawa (podwójna lilia) oraz powszechnego w XVII i XVIII w. zwyczaju określania Paców „Liliatami” można było odnosić także do ich rodu, w tym do zasłużonej dla klasztoru ksieni Sybilli. Tak mocne wyeksponowanie fundatorów było nie tylko chęciąupamiętnia darczyńców, ale wraz z całym architektonicznym i plastycznym wystrojem świątyni wiązało się z koniecznością stworzenia przeciwwagi dla nowego i prężnie rozwijającego się pod patronatem elity litewskiej klasztoru Wwizytek w Wilnie. Przy tym charakter dekoracji fasady kościoła pw. św. Katarzyny wpisuje się w inne fundacje Paców: kościół pw. św. Teresy i kościół pw. śś. Piotra i Pawła będąc ostatnią ważną inicjatywą artystyczną rodu w stolicy Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego. SUMMARY The Benedictines, who had been brought to Vilnius between 1616 and 1618, formed a small and modest community. Thanks to the generous legacy of Feliks Jan Pac, in 1692 their situation changed as they could erect a brick church, which was then consecrated in 1703. The generosity of the Lithuanian chamberlain was not a coincidence; his two daughters, Sybilla and Anna, the only offspring he left, had joined the Benedictine Sisters in Vilnius. Sybilla (Magdalena) Pac, who became an abbess in 1704, was particularly important for the history of the monastery. Not only did she renew the community life, but she also became one of the most important personalities of the then Vilnius. After the fire in 1737 Sybilla Pac vigorously started rebuilding the monastery and the church, which was completed by her successor, Joanna Rejtan. The facade which was then erected after Johann Christoph Glaubitz’s design was adorned with stucco and metal decorations with a perfectly devised ideological programme which referred to the tradition of the order and to the one of the Pac family. The facade presented ideals connected with the Benedictine life, which placed them among the hints of having to fight at the level of spirit and body, incorporating among the military symbols also the need to fight the enemies of the Church and the state, and the typical for the Benedictine spirituality piety connected with the Caravaca cross and the Divine Providence. At the same time, it reminded of the Benedictine vocations comparing nuns to lilies. This comparison, due to the presence of the Gozdawa coat-of-arms (double lilie) and the common nickname of the Pac family in the 17th and 18th cc. “the Liliats”, could also apply to their lineage, including the abbess Sybilla and her services to the monastery. Exposing founders in such an emphatic way was not only the will to immortalise them, but was also, together with the entire architectural and artistic decor of the church, connected with the need to counterbalance the new and dynamicallydeveloping Visitation Monastery in Vilnius. At the same time, the nature of the facade decoration of the Church of St. Catherine is in line with other foundations of the Pac family: St Theresa’s Church and the St Peter and St Paul Church, and was the last significant artistic initiative of the family in thecapital of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania

2002 ◽  
Vol 62 (248) ◽  
pp. 823
José Trasferetti
De Se ◽  

Tendo como pano de fundo a divulgação de informações sobre a AIDS feita pela Pastoral Familiar em três paróquias de Campinas, o A. avalia o desempenho desta atividade na Igreja e realça a importância de se responder a este desafio neste novo século.Abstract: Having as a background the divulgation of information about AIDS done by the Family Pastoral in three parishes in Campinas, the Author evaluates the fulfillment of this activity in the Church and enhances the importance of answering to this challenge in this new century.

Zograf ◽  
2006 ◽  
pp. 59-77 ◽  
Branislav Todic

King Uros (1243-1276) erected the Church of the Holy Trinity in the Sopocani monastery in about 1270 and, in it, he prepared tombs for the first hegoumenos of Sopocani, his mother Queen Ana, for himself and the then archbishop, Joanikije (Fig. 1). Over each tomb there is a marble sarcophagus surrounded by appropriate wall paintings. The tombs of Uros and Joanikije were located in the western bay of the naos. Thus, the recently announced hypothesis, that the endowed did not intend to be buried in Sopocani, is unfounded. The intention of King Uros was only brought into question in 1276 when he was driven from the throne by his older son, Dragutin. The overthrow caused a major drama in the family, the state and the Church. King Uros retired to the southern part of the state (Hum), where he became a monk and subsequently died (perhaps in 1277). His wife Jelena received vast territories from her son, the new king, which she practically ruled independently, while Archbishop Joanikije, after having denied Dragutin his blessing, retired with the former king and died in the region of Pilot in 1279. King Dragutin (1276-1282) made a great effort to mitigate the negative effects of the overthrow: he continued his father's foreign policy established good relations with neighboring Dubrovnik, took pains to appease his mother, Queen Jelena, by granting her vast territories, and to win the support of the Church by erecting, repairing or presenting gifts to several churches and monasteries. He certainly obtained the Sopocani monastery through hereditary ktetorial rights.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 210
Miklos Hadas

Pierre Bourdieu’s Masculine Domination was published in English in 2001, three years after the appearance of the French version. In order to deconstruct in vivo the working of sociological paradigm-alchemy, a close reading of the Bourdieusian argument is offered. After summing up the main thesis of the book, Bourdieu’s statements will be intended to be questioned, according to which the school, the family, the state and the church would reproduce, in the long run, masculine domination. The paper will also seek to identify the methodological trick of the Bourdieusian vision on history, namely that, metaphorically speaking, he compares the streaming river to the riverside cliffs. It will be argued that when Bourdieu discusses ‘the constancy of habitus’, the ‘permanence in and through change’, or the ‘strength of the structure’, he extends his paradigm about the displacement of the social structure to the displacement of the men/women relationship. Hence, it will be suggested that, in opposition to Bourdieu’s thesis, masculine domination is not of universal validity but its structural weight and character have fundamentally changed in the long run, i.e. the masculine habitual centre gradually shifted from a social practice governed by the drives of physical violence to symbolic violence.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 116-129
Waharman Waharman

The role of parents for their children in spiritual growth is very important, and starting from an early age, teaching for children's spiritual growth is not only given to the church, or during Sunday school services but the most important and most important is the role of parents in the family for her children. If noted, there are still many parents who do not realize the importance of their role as parents to educate the spiritual growth of their children. Therefore through this paper, we try to remind the important role of parents in the growth of children.

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