sunday school
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2021 ◽  
Cristanti Rahayu

The study in this journal aims to provide entertainment and support in the form of psychic so that it can reduce the traumatic feeling experienced after the banjir bandang disaster. This trauma healing activity is very much needed and has a very important meaning for the Toraja Church Sunday School (SMGT) Children in the Rama Radda Congregation. For this reason, it is necessary for the Church's efforts to provide assistance in repairing infrastructure that has been damaged by flash floods, especially in handling the trauma experienced by Sunday school children, especially in their spiritual growth, because after all Sunday school children are the next generation of the church. , these children must be able to rise again from the trauma they experienced and be able to resume their lives with faith, hope and make their loved ones proud who died as a result of the flash flood.


This article traces the history of twentieth-century Ethiopian Orthodox student movements formed in response to modernity, especially the influential Maḫbärä Qəddusan, ‘Association of Saints’, established in 1991 when Ethiopia's Communist regime fell. It explores parallels in Egyptian and Indian miaphysite Churches; balances the prevailing narrative of explosive Pentecostal growth which has obscured the influence of such movements; provides insight into networks that have stimulated renewal and responses to contemporary challenges through strong engagement with traditional literary and intellectual heritage; and explores training and publications promoting contemporary reflection on this heritage, the revival of important religious practices and the targeting of influential ecclesiastical and public positions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 191-202
Lidia Susanti ◽  
Kiki Pawestri Ayuningtyas

During the pandemic, Sunday School activities have challenges: Sunday school teachers are not familiar with technology, children are not used to technology and online meetings. This research was conducted by simple random sampling in several churches in East Java in the Middle class. The total population is 60 children, and the sample taken is 52 children. Data analysis measures the relationship between variables using a correlation test and the magnitude of the influence between variables. This study shows that a teacher can start the Sunday school activities with asynchronous learning during the pandemic using YouTube and WhatsApp media combined with engaged learning strategies that can make children feel involved.

2021 ◽  
Vol 35 (2) ◽  
pp. 125-129
Wina Dhamayanti ◽  
Dendang Sutikno

Penelitian ini dilakukanberdasarkan nilai hasil belajar SMB Vihara Dhammapala tergolong rendah. Rendahnya hasil belajar dikarenakan beberapa faktor salah satunya model pembelajaran yang kurang efektif maka dari itu dengan adanya model pembelajaran Student Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD) merupakan salah satu model pembelajaran kooperatif yang di dalamnya terdapat beberapa kelompok peserta didik dengan level kemampuan akademik berbeda-beda yang kemudian bekerjasama untuk merealisasikan tujuan pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk dapat mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD terhadap hasil belajar peserta didik Sekolah Minggu Vihara Dhammaphala. Desain yang digunakan dalam penelitian berbentukeksperimen dengan pendekatan kuantitaif. Instrument yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah angket, dokumen dan wawancara. Angket disebarkan kepada 20 peserta didik. Data yang telah diperoleh dari penyebaran angket dianalisis menggunakan skala likert dan hasil belajar pretest posttest dianalisii menggunakan uji t berpasangan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa model pembelajaran STAD berpengaruh sangat kuat terhadap hasil belajar agama Buddha, jika ditinjau dari persen capaian sebesar 91,75% kemudian dari jawaban evaluasi respon dengan skor total 1468 dan persen capaian 91,81%.  Selanjutnya berdasarkan uji t berpasangan nilai before dan after Sekolah Minggu Vihara Dhammaphala dengan skor 14,82 ternyata berpengaruh sangat nyata dengan selisih rata-rata 17,55. Maka model pembelajaran STAD sangat meningkatkan nilai hasi belajar SMB Vihara Dhammaphala.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 129-143
Talizaro Tafonao ◽  
Wiwiet Arie Shanty ◽  
Desetina Harefa

This paper is a study of the Sunday school curriculum in the church, especially the middle class. Sunday School cannot be separated from the church as a forum for evangelism and teaching about Christian Religious Education. So far, there are still many churches that have not given serious attention to preparing the Sunday School curriculum. Therefore, the purpose of writing this article is to encourage churches and teachers to prepare a curriculum that is in accordance with the characteristics of middle graders. The method used is a library research method, which examines a contextual Christian religious education curriculum for middle class Sunday schools. The analysis process carried out by the author is to use a variety of trusted electronic and library sources to support the author's analysis. The results obtained in this study are the importance of understanding the nature of Sunday school, the characteristics of middle school children, the appropriate Sunday school curriculum and the involvement of Sunday school teachers. Seeing this, the Christian religious education curriculum in middle class is very urgent to be prepared and paid attention to by the church today based on the needs of Sunday school children. Tulisan ini merupakan kajian terhadap kurikulum sekolah minggu di gereja terutama kelas madya. Sekolah Minggu tidak bisa lepas dari gereja sebagai wadah penginjilan dan pengajaran tentang Pendidikan Agama Kristen. Selama ini masih banyak gereja yang belum memberi perhatian serius dalam mempersiapakan kurikulum anak Sekolah Minggu. Oleh karena itu, tujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah mendorong gereja dan guru untuk mempersiapkan kurikulum yang sesuai dengan karakteristik anak kelas madya. Metode digunakan adalah metode penelitian pustaka, yang mengkaji kurikulum  pendidikan agama Kristen yang kontekstual bagi sekolah minggu kelas madya. Proses analisis yang dilakukan oleh penulis adalah menggunakan berbagai sumber pustaka maupun elektronik yang terpercaya untuk mendukung analisis. Hasil yang didapatkan dalam kajian ini adalah pentingnya memahami hakikat sekolah minggu, karakteristik anak madya, kurikulum sekolah minggu yang sesuai dan keterlibatan guru sekolah minggu. Dengan melihat hal tersebut maka kurikulum pendidikan agama Kristen di kelas madya merupakan hal yang sangat urgen untuk dipersiapkan dan perhatikan oleh gereja   saat ini berdasarkan kebutuhan anak-anak sekolah minggu.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
Krystal Strong ◽  
R. Nanre Nafziger

Popular education has played a central role in Pan-African liberation struggles historically and in the present moment. In the period following African independence, social movements that emerged around and through education in Africa were informed by and in dialogue with related decolonial movements of the Global South. However, the specific contributions of Pan-Africanist revolutionaries to the broader philosophy and praxis of education for liberation is often under-appreciated. This paper explores this impact through Paulo Freire’s political and intellectual engagement with Pan-Africanist popular education movements, radical intellectuals, and broader revolutionary struggles. In considering Freire’s work in dialogue and practice with African revolutionary thinkers, this paper shows that, while Freire shaped elements of liberation education in Africa, he was also deeply shaped and influenced by the historical conditions of the time and key African revolutionaries who were struggling towards similar objectives. Additionally, we explore the continued salience of Freirean educational praxis in contemporary Pan-Africanist social movements, through the example of a present day online pedagogical experiment, the Pan-African Activist Sunday School and Solidarity Collective.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (9) ◽  
pp. 192-202
Charles Rop ◽  
John Ngige ◽  
Julius Kithinji

Sunday-school is an important component of the church because it helps the church to produce healthy individuals that become active members. The objective of the study was to examine the influence on teachers’ competence on the success of Sunday-school as a mission field at A.I.C Bondeni in Nakuru County, Kenya. Specifically, the study examined how budgetary allocation, competence of Sunday-school teachers and also how administrative support influence Sunday-school as a mission field in the aforementioned church. The population of 548 Sunday-school instructors, youth, parents of Sunday-school children, pastors, and administrators at the AIC Bondeni Local Church was studied using a descriptive survey design. Stratified random sampling was used to select 85 respondents from the research population.  To obtain data, a detailed self-administered semi-structured questionnaire was used. The questionnaire was pilot tested before being used to collect data for the main study, in order to determine its validity and reliability. Prior to data collection, all necessary permits and consents were obtained. The collected data was analysed qualitatively and quantitatively with the aid of the Statistical Packages for Social Sciences software. Results revealed that teachers’ competence have a positive and statistically significant influence on the success of Sunday-school as a mission field. From the discoveries, the study recommends that AIC Bondeni and other churches should create budgetary allocation for teachers’ stipends, assess the theological understanding of Sunday-school teachers, and create continual teachers’ training and development programmes

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 98
Bayu Pratama Nugroho ◽  
Susi Hendartie ◽  
Rosalia Dwinanti

Sunday School is a mentoring child's faith that is usually held on Sunday, this activity is to teach the basic Christian religion to the children of Sunday School with the delivery of material about Christianity according to the content of The Bible includes the introduction of Christian songs that are packed simple so it is easy to understand. But in the teaching and learning activities of Sunday School, the way teachers convey a message in the Bible is to tell. The conventional learning process and the limitations of props and take a long time to delivery the material. In conducting this thesis research there are two methods used by the authors, which include methods of data collection and methods of system development. The data collection methods are observations, interviews, references, documentation, and questionnaires while the method of developing the author system is the development method of MDLC (Multimedia Development Life Cycle), and to design using UML (Uniefied Modelling Language). The final result of this thesis study is the interactive learning media for the Sunday school children that can be used by children for Christian religious activities. Based on user's response to the interactive learning Media for Sunday school children is 80,4%.

Mark Twain ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 15-32
Gary Scott Smith

Twain was reared in Hannibal, a very religious small town in Missouri by a Presbyterian mother and a freethinking father. The “Presbyterian conscience” he developed as a youth deeply affected him throughout his life. Twain’s experiences in Sunday school and church and difficult childhood that included the loss of his father and two older siblings, fear of dying, and observations of drownings, murder, and mayhem are featured in many of his writings. Both Twain and many scholars have misrepresented the Calvinism that was preached and taught in antebellum Hannibal by portraying it as denying human free agency, preaching a prosperity gospel, damning the vast majority of people to perdition, and focusing on hell. Twain was especially affected by the death of his younger brother Henry as a result of a steamboat explosion when Twain was 22.

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