Pastoral Counseling in the Philippines: A Perspective from the West

Celine Parreñas Shimizu

Transnational films representing intimacy and inequality disrupt and disgust Western spectators. When wounded bodies within poverty entangle with healthy wealthy bodies in sex, romance and care, fear and hatred combine with desire and fetishism. Works from the Philippines, South Korea, and independents from the United States and France may not be made for the West and may not make use of Hollywood traditions. Rather, they demand recognition for the knowledge they produce beyond our existing frames. They challenge us to go beyond passive consumption, or introspection of ourselves as spectators, for they represent new ways of world-making we cannot unsee, unhear, or unfeel. The spectator is redirected to go beyond the rapture of consuming the other to the rupture that arises from witnessing pain and suffering. Self-displacement is what proximity to intimate inequality in cinema ultimately compels and demands so as to establish an ethical way of relating to others. In undoing the spectator, the voice of the transnational filmmaker emerges. Not only do we need to listen to filmmakers from outside Hollywood who unflinchingly engage the inexpressibility of difference, we need to make room for critics and theorists who prioritize the subjectivities of others. When the demographics of filmmakers and film scholars are not as diverse as its spectators, films narrow our worldviews. To recognize our culpability in the denigration of others unleashes the power of cinema. The unbearability of stories we don’t want to watch and don’t want to feel must be borne.

Nematology ◽  
1999 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 337-361 ◽  
David Hunt

AbstractFive new species of Rhigonema are described and illustrated from the gut of diplopods collected from the Philippines and Vietnam. R. flabellifer sp. n., R. golovatchi sp. n., R. rigonanae sp. n., R. spiridonovi sp. n. and R. voratum sp. n. are differentiated from one another and the remaining species in the genus by a combination of characters including form of the cephalic extremity, development and extent of the pilose region, female genital tract type, male and female tail shape, spicule form and number and disposition of the copulatory papillae. Two species, both from polydesmid diplopods, bear an unusual pedunculate, flap-like projection on each sector of the triangular oral aperture and have only thirteen copulatory papillae. Such projections have only previously been described from R. lanceacauda, a species from the West Indies that also shares a reduced and similarly arranged complement of thirteen male papillae. The morphology, bionomics and distribution of Rhigonema are discussed and evidence presented for the first time that nematophagy is practised by at least one species in the genus. Rhigonema leonilae (Sanchez-Velazquez, 1979) comb. n. is proposed for Ruizia leonilae Sanchez-Velazquez, 1979. Cinq nouvelles especes de Rhigonema Cobb, 1898 (Rhigonematida: Rhigonematidae) des Philippines et du Vietnam et observations sur la morphologie des formes indo-malaises et la nematophagie chez R. voratum sp. n. - Cinq nouvelles especes de Rhigonema provenant des intestins de diplopodes collectes aux Philippines et au Vietnam sont decrites et illustrees. R. flabellifer sp. n., R. golovatchi sp. n., R. rigonanae sp. n., R. spiridonovi sp. n. et R. voratum sp. n. sont differencies les uns des autres et des autres especes du genre par une combinaison de caracteres incluant la forme de l'extremite cephalique, le developpement et l'etendue de la pilosite, le type de tractus genital femelle, la forme de la queue du male et de la femelle, la forme des spicules et le nombre et la repartition des papilles copulatrices. Deux especes, provenant toutes deux de Diplopodes Polydesmides, portent une projection inhabituelle, pedonculee, en forme de languette, sur chacun des secteurs de l'ouverture buccale triangulaire et comptent seulement treize papilles copulatrices. De telles projections n'ont ete precedemment decrites que chez R.lanceacauda, une espece originaire des Antilles, qui exhibe egalement un cortege reduit de treize papilles chez le male avec la meme repartition. La morphologie, le comportement et la repartition des Rhigonema sont discutes et la preuve est apportee pour la premiere fois que la nematophagie est pratiquee par au moins une espece de ce genre. Rhigonema leonilae (Sanchez-Velazquez, 1979) comb. n. est propose pour Ruizia leonilae Sanchez-Velazquez, 1979.

2021 ◽  
pp. 235-246
James F. Hancock

Abstract The chapter summarizes the Spanish conquests and navigation. It also provides a brief summary of how Ferdinand Magellan found another route to the Pacific and the Moluccas, which led to the signing of Treaty of Tordesillas. This divided any newly discovered lands between Spain and Portugal along a Meridian west of the Cape Verde Islands, but no line of demarcation had been set on the other side of the world. This meant that both countries could lay claim to the Spice Islands, as long as Portugal travelled there from the east and Spain from the west. After Magellan's conquest, the Spanish explore the Pacific, which gave them control over the Pacific countries including the Philippines. The chapter also discusses how the charting of 'Urdaneta's Route' made possible a trans-Pacific galleon trade and the profitable colonization of the Philippines and other Latin American countries. Soon ships were travelling regularly from Manila to New Spain. A complex trade network evolved that was truly global in nature. Into Manila would flow spices from the Moluccas and silk and porcelain from China. These would be shipped across the Pacific by the Spanish to Acapulco, a journey of four to six months. The silver came from Potosí, Bolivia where hundreds of thousands of enslaved Incan lives were sacrificed by the Spanish to extract that silver from the bowels of the earth. The mines became the centre of Spanish wealth and were the reason Spain remained powerful during the colonial period. From 1556 to 1783, they extracted some 45,000 tons of silver from these mines. Aside from these, is the silk production as New Spain had a native mulberry tree called the Morera criolla. The Spanish finished their conquest by 1521 and by 1523, the first silkworm eggs had been exported to Mexico. Finally, the chapter closes how England, by means of American privateers, fought off Portugal and Spain.

1974 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 21 ◽  
R. M. Bell ◽  
R. G. C. Jessop

The West Sulu Basin lies in the western portion of the Sulu Sea. Republic of the Philippines. It occupies an area in excess of 26,000 square miles (67,000 km2) and is bounded to the west and south by the cordilleran arc extending from the island of Palawan through Sabah and along the Sulu Archipelago to the island of Mindanao. To the north-east, the basin probably extends beyond the edge of the continental shelf in Philippine territorial waters.The basin may be broadly divided into a western platform and an eastern deep: the latter is subdivided by northeast-trending basement ridges into three sub-basins. Sediments deposited in these sub-basins are of Tertiary to Recent age and have been affected by several orogenies and by contemporaneous movements of fault-controlled blocks. This has resulted in truncation and the development of marked erosion surfaces and onlap within the Upper Tertiary section. Many anticlinal features mapped within the basin have resulted from drape over basement highs or from penecontemporaneous growth of these highs.Major unconformities associated with Upper Tertiary tectonic events have been recognized onshore. Extrapolation to offshore areas where these events can be seismically mapped has enabled an interpretative geologic model to be built up. Provisional identification of stratigraphic units and their nature have been made using this model.The Upper Tertiary section within the eastern deep is expected to consist of deltaic and paralic reservoir sands interbedded with, grading into and transgressed by deeper water shale and mudstone with good hydrocarbon source potential. Some limestone lenses may be present.The presence of Lower to Middle Miocene diapiric shale and Plio-Pleistocene intrusives coupled with data of variable quality makes seismic interpretation difficult in some areas. However, several large anticlinal features and a number of stratigraphic and combination traps have been located.A non-commercial discovery of oil and gas has been made in the basin.

Zootaxa ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 3195 (1) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  

Natural deposits of sunken wood provide an important habitat for deep-sea invertebrates. Deep-sea chitons in the primitiveorder Lepidopleurida are typically collected rarely and as single specimens. However, these animals have been recoveredin large densities associated with sunken wood in the tropical West Pacific, in groups of up to 50 individuals. Four deep-sea expeditions in the West Pacific, to the Philippines, Solomon Islands, and Vanuatu, recovered a large number of poly-placophorans. We have examined the morphology as well as the range and distribution of these species, based on the larg-est collection ever examined (more than 1300 individuals). These species show potentially adapted characters associatedwith exploitation of sunken wood as habitat, such as protruding caps on sensory shell pores (aesthetes) and large interseg-mental bristles with potential sensory function. In this study we investigated the twenty-two species recovered, includingseven newly described here (Leptochiton consimilis n. sp., L. angustidens n. sp., L. dykei n. sp., L. samadiae n. sp., L.longisetosus n. sp., L. clarki n. sp., L. schwabei n. sp.), and provide the first identification key to the 34 lepidopleuran chitons known from sunken wood worldwide.

2004 ◽  
Vol 1 (6) ◽  
pp. 8-11 ◽  
Udgardo Juan L. Tolentino

The Philippines, known as the Pearl of the Orient, is an archipelago of 7107 islands, bounded on the west by the South China Sea, on the east by the Pacific Ocean, on the south by the Sulu and Celebes Sea, and on the north by the Bashi Channel. The northernmost islands are about 240 km south of Taiwan and the southernmost islands approximately 24 km from Borneo. The country has a total land area of some 300 000 km2. It is divided into three geographical areas: Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. It has 17 regions, 79 provinces, 115 cities, 1495 municipalities and 41 956 barangays (the smallest geographic and political unit). It has over 100 ethnic groups and a myriad of foreign influences (including Malay, Chinese, Spanish and American).

Boris I. Sirenko ◽  
Hiroshi Saito

Two new species of the family Leptochitonidae, Leptochiton pumilus sp. nov. and Terenochiton nomurai sp. nov. are described from the tropical and subtropical shallow waters of the West Pacific. L. pumilus from the Philippines and Papua New Guinea has a net-like sculpture on the shell which is rather rare feature in the genus. In this genus, so far only three species have hitherto been known in the tropical shallow waters, in contrast to more than 130 other extant species which are living in the deep cold waters and high latitudes. T. nomurai from Ryukyu Islands is the second representative of the genus Terenochiton Iredale, 1914 which was recently reinstated for Leptochiton norfolcensis (Hedley et Hull, 1912), and is characterized by having rudiments of the insertion plates in all valves. T. nomurai closely resembles the type species, but differs in the arrangement of the aesthete pores on the granules of the tegmentum, and less developed rudiments of the insertion plates. Key words: chitons, Leptochiton, Terenochiton, new species, the Philippines, Japan, Papua New Guinea. Описаны два новых вида семейства Leptochitonidae, Leptochiton pumilus sp. nov. и Terenochiton nomurai sp. nov. из тропических и субтропических мелководий западной Пацифики. L. pumilus c Филиппин и Папуа – Новой Гвинеи имеет сетчатовидную скульптуру на раковине, что является довольно редким признаком в этом роде. В этом роде только три вида известны до настоящего времени в тропических мелководьях, в противоположность более чем 130 другим современным видам, которые живут в глубоких холодных водах и в высоких широтах. T. nomurai из островов Рюкю является вторым представителем рода Terenochiton Iredale, 1914, который был недавно восстановлен для Leptochiton norfolcensis (Hedley et Hull, 1912) и характеризуется наличием рудиментов инсерционных пластинок на всех щитках. T. nomurai сходен с типовым видом рода, но отличается расположением пор эстетов на зернах тегментума и менее развитыми рудиментами инсерционных пластинок. Ключевые слова: хитоны, Leptochiton, Terenochiton, новые виды, Филиппины, Япония, Папуа Новая Гвинея.

2022 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Jue Alef A. Lalas ◽  
Romina Therese S. Lim ◽  
Joey P. Cabasan ◽  
Christine S. Segumalian ◽  
Rhea Mae A. Luciano ◽  

Octocorals are relatively understudied than other coral reef organisms despite their ecological and economic values. The Philippines is known to have high marine biodiversity, but information on octocorals is lacking. This study investigated spatial and temporal variations in the assemblage of octocorals in selected reef sites in the West Philippine Sea (WPS)- the Kalayaan Island Group (i.e., Pag-asa, Sabina, Lawak, and Northeast Investigator) and Ulugan in 2017 and 2019. Results showed high octocoral taxonomic richness (at least 10 families) in the study sites. Mean percent octocoral cover in WPS was 5.35% SE ± 0.55, with Sabina having the highest octocoral cover in both years. Significant differences in octocoral cover were observed among sites in both years, but among-station differences were only observed in 2017. Octocoral assemblage also differed among sites in both years (ANOSIM: R > 0.5, p < 0.05), wherein different octocoral taxa dominated in different sites. In particular, variations were driven by high cover of holaxonians, nephtheids, and coelogorgiids in Sabina, and clavulariids, tubiporiids, and xeniids in Northeast Investigator in 2017. In 2019, significant variations were driven by high cover of helioporiids in Pag-asa, while Sabina had higher abundance of holaxonians, nephtheids, alcyoniids, and xeniids. Short-term temporal variation on octocoral cover in monitoring stations in Pag-asa was not observed (Kruskal-Wallis, p > 0.05), although the overall mean octocoral cover increased from 1.23% ± SE 0.47 in 2017 to 2.09% SE ± 0.37 in 2019. Further, there was no significant change in the octocoral assemblage in Pag-asa between years (ANOSIM, R = 0.11, p = 0.07). This study highlights high octocoral taxonomic richness in the WPS relative to other sites in the Indo-Pacific Region and provides baseline information on the octocoral assemblages, which can be useful for future ecological studies and marine biodiversity conservation efforts.

Vincent Pacheco ◽  

The ongoing pandemic has undeniably propagated an atmosphere of paranoia and discontent in both the West and the East, and it is in this context where Giorgio Agamben wrote a brief but controversial article where he argues that this pandemic enables governments to opportunistically decree a state of exception that will lead to tyranny. Critics have generally responded negatively to Agamben’s views, given that this is not the case in the West. It is becoming apparent, however, that the very thing Agamben feared is happening in post-colonial states. In this paper, I look at how the current pandemic enables a postcolonial state like the Philippines to define (or redefine) the notion of life through authoritarian measures as it claims a strong democratic mandate. My reflections on Agamben takes off from Rodrigo Duterte’s national speeches during the pandemic. I aim to show that his manifestly militarized response is a manifestation of the sovereign exception that politicizes and separates zo? (which is mere biological life) from bios (which is livable life that can participate politically), as Agamben might put it. Finally, I offer reflections on how the postcolonial legacy of the Philippines could potentially complicate how we might think about the notion of bare life—a figure that is neither zo? nor bios.

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