scholarly journals The Culture of Peace in Adult Education: Its Epistemological Bases from the Jesuit Philosophy

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. 95-108
Álvaro Luis López Limón ◽  
Elena Zhizhko ◽  
Laura Gemma Flores García

This work constitutes a historical-pedagogical reflection focusing on the philosophical foundations of Jesuit pedagogy or education for peace through the thought of Francisco Javier Clavijero, in particular, his works Ancient History of Mexico and Particular Physics. The authors studying Clavijero found that his thought included the following foundations of education for peace: eclectic attitude expressed in a search for the reconciliation of modernity with tradition; the use of verisimilitude as a criterion of knowledge in the process of adjustment to the truth within the philosophy of nature and history; and a belief in the knowledge of the different philosophical systems, in which the truth is found. According to Clavijero, education, at first, represents means or a pretext to refute the insults of European philosophers concerning the supposed inferiority of Mexicans, based on the reason. Education could be understood as the principle on which a political-social system is based, in this case of the society of ancient Mexicans. Education is the resource that enables the transmission of laws and customs, in short, a worldview of the world, which can be understood in terms more typical of culture.

2020 ◽  
Vol 110 ◽  
pp. 233-246
Alain Bresson

Kyle Harper's book The Fate of Rome marks the thunderous entry of Nature into the world of ancient history of the twenty-first century. This is not the first book devoted to questions of climate and diseases in the ancient world, but its publication nonetheless represents a turning point. From now on, whether they work on political, social, economic, or even religious history, ancient historians will no longer be able to ignore these factors in their own writings. That is not to say that all the theses of the book, especially its natural determinism, should be accepted uncritically.

2000 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 3-31 ◽  
Bradley Bryan

A critical knowledge of the evolution of the idea of property would embody, in some respects, the most remarkable portion of mental history of mankind.– L.H. MorganNow you try and say what is involved in seeing something as something. It is not easy.– Ludwig WittgensteinIn this paper I argue that a comparison of English and Aboriginal conceptions of property yields insight into the ontologically specific grounds that inform institutionalized socio-cultural practices like property. Where the foundations of English conceptions of property are highly rationalistic, Aboriginal conceptions eschew categorization and are indicative of a highly nuanced and different way of understanding the worldliness of a human being. As such, a comparison of such conceptions becomes not simply a comparison of ways of owning and possessing, but a cross-cultural comparison of ways of relating to the world at large for what are ostensibly economic purposes.To argue this is to assume that there is much more going on within culture that is determinative of ways of being than to simply assume that all cultures share universal cultural traits. In this paper I therefore discuss some of the philosophical foundations that underlie Western conceptions of the human’s relation to the world as embodied in principles of property law, as well as looking at the philosophical significance of that view. I also look at the way various Aboriginal peoples in Canada understand their own relationship to the world-at-large as it is expressed in what they understand as the property regimes of their society.

Pratibha Upadhyay ◽  
Saroj Pandey

Peace is described as an ‘elusive concept' having different connotations for the spheres in which peaceful processes are applied. There are several pedagogical approaches to education for peace. The Constructivist approach is considered the best strategy. Teacher preparation is at the core of the success and utilization of the pedagogical approaches meant for education for peace. Therefore, the teacher education programmes need to be redesigned to have wider implications for promoting peace through the preparation of teachers. The present paper suggests a hypothetical model depicting ‘Top Down' approach to teacher education for peace which compliments the ‘Bottom Up' model envisaged by UNESCO (1998). Whatever may be the model of teacher education, it should combine knowledge, experiences and skills pertaining to promoting culture of peace. At the same time all agencies of education should support and join hands with teacher education programmes to change the culture of war into culture of peace and non-violence in the world we live in.

Mualla Bilgin Aksu

Although peace is one of the foundations of prosperity, even in the 21st century, people in some countries still have to live in conflict. Is it possible to live individually in peace in such a world? This chapter focuses on drawing attention to the vital importance of living peacefully in the world and to discuss on the desire for peace. Firstly, the meaning of peace is reviewed in this chapter. Then, the difference between positive and negative peace is expressed, and the importance of having positive peace is emphasized. Secondly, the need of a peaceful life is discussed. Afterwards, the difference between “peace education” and “education for peace” is examined and integration of these two types of education is suggested. In the context of building a culture of peace, potential contributions of peace museums for world peace are mentioned, and peace-related metaphors of pre-service teachers are also specified. Finally, the author asserts that there is still hope for a peaceful world although there are no indications yet.

This volume provides a forum for some of the best new philosophical work on law, by both senior and junior scholars from around the world. The chapters range widely over issues in general jurisprudence (the nature of law, adjudication, and legal reasoning); the philosophical foundations of specific areas of law (from criminal law to evidence to international law); the history of legal philosophy; and related philosophical topics that illuminate the problems of legal theory.

2008 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-48

Nationalistic projects and bloody conflicts around the world testify to the nation's determination to fight the forces that threaten its sovereignty. The present discussion reads Cantre'r Gwaelod (1996) – a Welsh book from the European Picture Book Collection – as an attempt to defend the idea of national identity. The colonial and postcolonial cultural battles that have been taking place in Wales, and elsewhere, for the duration of centuries have not left children, or children's literature, unaffected. When the Welsh picture book is situated in its local environment, it becomes apparent that it advocates resistance to `foreign invasion'. The waves that drown the glorious ancient history of Wales are the waves of English colonialism. Younger generations are expected to amend this historical discontinuity and reclaim their nation's glory. The subjective positioning of both child-protagonist and child-reader is designed to facilitate national regeneration. I find resistance to colonialism important and legitimate, but I also find it problematical when it takes the form of monolithic nationalism. While children may prove capable of resisting nationalistic appropriation of their minds and bodies, the powerful institutions that support it often leave little space for resistance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 52-76
Dmitry Ye. Kulikov

This is a commented translation into Russian of three inscriptions on the ancient Chinese bronze vessels from the late Shang-Yin period (end of the 2nd millennium BC). The inscriptions found on bronze vessels constitute a special kind of sources for the ancient history of China. These epigraphic documents provide important, otherwise unrecorded data on life in the archaic society. Contrary to the texts of classical works, the nature of the ancient Chinese bronze inscriptions is ritualistic. They were not intended to be “read” but served as a tool of sacred communication with the world of dead ancestors. In fact, their “readers” were otherworldly forces. The correct understanding of these bronze inscriptions requires a specialist commentary. The publisher includes the inscriptions on the late Shang-Yin ritual vessels into a wide historical and cultural context. It is hoped this context will facilitate the understanding of the inherent meaning of the inscriptions. The comments will outline the range of problems associated with the interpretation of this type of sources from the late Shang-Yin period.

Boele de Raad ◽  
Boris Mlačić

A dictionary is the tangible repository of the common stock of words, although dictionaries comprise at best 10% of the full lexicon. Part of the lexicon is made up of the words used to describe what people do and what people are like. The psycholexical approach to personality focuses on this subset of words and on its exploitation, or what can be said to be the glossary of personality. This chapter is concerned with the history of the psycholexical approach to personality description, from ancient history to the more recent efforts, albeit focusing in particular on its modern history. Psycholexical taxonomies from around the world will be considered, as well as taxonomies based on nouns, verbs, adverbs, and their combinations. Ongoing controversies, difficulties, and disputes regarding alternative psycholexical personality structures will be considered, as well as recommendations for future research.

Kavkaz-forum ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 23-31
Э.С. Парастаева

Вопрос изучения имени личного представляет очень большой интерес как для науки, так и для общества в целом. Вся совокупность имен личных (и шире – собственных) относится, как известно, к той части лексической системы языка, исследования которой представляют огромную ценность. В научном языкознании для изучения имени определена отдельная отрасль – ономастика. Деэтимологизация ономастических единиц является важнымне только для языкознания, но и для различных отраслей знания, в частности, для исторической науки в деле изучения древнейшей истории народов (реконструкции архаичных социальных систем, верований, религий, быта), мест их расселения в различные периоды. В настоящей статье нами рассмотрены имена людей – антропонимы в социально-историческом аспекте нового и новейшего времени, времени тотальной глобализации и демократизации. Исторически сложившаяся система наименования людей уходит в глубокую древность, но она не была консервативна и с течением времени, со сменой эпох, постепенно менялась. Когда-то закрытые национальные именные системы (именники), под влиянием все более усиливающихся социальных и культурных взаимодействий народов мира, медленно, но верно «сдавали свои позиции». Началось активное взаимозаимствование личных имен среди различных по этнической принадлежности групп. В современных национальных именных системах вполне мирно уживаются исконные и заимствованные (чужестранные) имена. В то же время между ними наблюдается некий антагонизм, вызванный к жизни понятием исконности/неисконности, который, в свою очередь, основан на значении слова (апеллятива), из которого произошло имя. Есть имена пришлые (заимствованные), которые на чужой почве принимающего языка получают облик, соответствующий нормам последнего. Транснациональными именами, по нашему мнению, следует считать ономастические единицы, не знающие этнических и государственных преград, легко преодолевающие географические барьеры. Именно они служат одним из действенных инструментов глобализации. The question of studying the personal name is of very great interest both for the researchers and for the society as a whole. The entire set of personal (and more broadly - proper) names refers to that part of the lexical system of any language, the research of which is of great value. In linguistics a separate branch is defined for the study of a name - onomastics. De-etymologization of onomastic units is important not only for linguistics, but also for various branches of knowledge, in particular, for historical science in the study of the ancient history of peoples (reconstruction of archaic social systems, beliefs, religions, everyday life), places of their settlement in different periods. In this article, we examined the names of persons - anthroponyms in the socio-historical aspect of the new and modern times, the time of total globalization and democratization. The historically established system of naming people goes back to antiquity, but it was not conservative and gradually changed over time, with the change of eras. Once closed national nominal systems (names), under the influence of ever-increasing social and cultural interactions of the peoples of the world, slowly but surely "gave up their positions." An active inter-borrowing of personal names began among groups of different ethnicity. In modern national naming systems, primordial and borrowed (foreign) names coexist quite peacefully. At the same time, there is a certain antagonism between them, brought to life by the concept of originality / non-originality, which, in turn, is based on the meaning of the word (appellative) from which the name originated. There are new names (borrowed), which, on the basis of the foreign soil of the receiving language, acquire an appearance that corresponds to the norms of the latter. In our opinion, transnational names should be considered onomastic units that do not know ethnic and state barriers, easily overcome geographic barriers. They serve as one of the most effective tools for globalization.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 110-153
Mohammad Arif

Humans as subjects and objects of law cannot live and carry out lawsuits. But instead humans are bound by a rule that applies in the midst of their lives as citizens in their environment. For this reason, awareness is needed in understanding and obeying the rules that apply. But social and cultural changes that occur continuously sometimes bring hope as well as concern. Hope, because change will bring better conditions, and fears will come if the future is worse than the present. The development of science and technology that should have raised hopes and reduced concerns is now also marked by the confrontation of scientists and scholars, namely the separation between the world and the hereafter, making it difficult to control human attitudes as the excesses of the emptiness of the soul.To help the general public, it requires the ability to wage jihad in the field of da'wah. The insistent pressure in the Prophet's preaching in Mecca, then inspired the Prophet to emigrate and temporarily exit from Mecca to Medina. The original name of the city was Yastrib. This Prophet's strategy turned out to be very telling and presents a golden journey in the history of da'wah and the formation of society.With all the intelligence and attitudes of the Prophet Muhammad, when in Medina not only can spread in the sense of tabli, but more than that the Prophet Together the community can build a model of a modern social system even too modern in its time. To help the general public, it requires the ability to wage jihad in the field of da'wah. The insistent pressure in the Prophet's preaching in Mecca, then inspired the Prophet to emigrate and temporarily exit from Mecca to Medina. The original name of the city was Yastrib. This Prophet's strategy turned out to be very telling and presents a golden journey in the history of da'wah and the formation of society. With all the intelligence and attitudes of the Prophet Muhammad, when in Medina not only can spread in the sense of tabli, but more than that the Prophet Together the community can build a model of a modern social system even too modern in its time.

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