2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 108-124
Nur Amini ◽  
Naimah Naimah

Heredity is defined as the totality of individual characteristics inherited from parents to children, or all potential, both physical and psychological, that an individual has since the conception (fertilization of the ovum by sperm) as inheritance from parents through genes. The genes a child receives from its parents at conception will affect all the characteristics and appearance of the child in the future. As for what parents pass down to their children is structural characteristics, not behavior obtained as a result of learning or experiences such as talents, hereditary traits, intelligence and also personality. This heredity factor has a greater influence on the development of a child's intelligence than the other two factors, namely environmental factors and general factors. Therefore, the researcher wants to examine more deeply the heredity factor (heredity) in influencing the development of early childhood intelligence. This research is a qualitative descriptive field research. Where the type of research used is the type of library research (library research), which is a study conducted in the library room to find and analyze data sourced from the library, whether in the form of books, magazines, newspapers, and so on. The data collection technique used by researchers is the documentation method, namely the method of collecting data or information by reading books, letters, announcements, meeting summaries, written statements, and other similar materials. Abstrak Hereditas diartikan sebagai totalitas karakteristik individu yang diwariskan orangtua kepada anak, atau segala potensi, baik fisik maupun psikis yang dimiliki individu sejak masa konsepsi (pembuahan ovum oleh sperma) sebagai pewarisan dari orangtua melalui gen-gen. Gen yang diterima anak dari orang tuanya pada saat pembuahan akan mempengaruhi semua karakteristik dan penampilan anak kelak. Adapun yang diturunkan orangtua kepada anaknya adalah sifat strukturnya bukan tingkah laku yang diperoleh sebagai hasil belajar atau pengalaman seperti bakat, sifat-sifat keturunan, intelligensi dan juga kepribadiannya. Faktor hereditas ini memberikan pengaruh lebih besar terhadap perkembangan intelligensi seorang anak dibanding dua faktor lainnya yaitu faktor lingkungan dan faktor umum. Maka dari itu peneliti ingin mengkaji lebih dalam faktor hereditas (keturunan) tersebut dalam mempengaruhi perkembangan intelligensi anak usia dini. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan yang bersifat deskriptif kualitatif. Dimana jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah jenis penelitian kepustakaan (library research), yaitu suatu penelitian yang dilakukan di ruang perpustakaan untuk mencari dan menganalisis data yang bersumber dari perpustakaan, baik berupa buku, majalah, koran, dan lain sebagainya. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan peneliti adalah metode dokumentasi, yakni metode pengumpulan data atau informasi dengan cara membaca buku-buku, surat-surat, pengumuman, iktisar rapat, pernyataan tertulis, dan bahan-bahan sejenis lainnya. Kata Kunci : Faktor Hereditas, Perkembangan Intelligensi Anak Usia Dini

Gumilar Mulyana

Tourism activities are human activities driven by curiosity and enjoying tourist attractions and tourist attractions without knowing administrative boundaries. Therefore, the concept of integrated regional development can overcome and assist organizational differences between districts into a unity of regional planning and development with tourism activities in Sukabumi Regency. In this research, the method used is a qualitative descriptive approach. Sources of data in this study come from primary data and secondary data. The data collection technique used is field research, such as observation, interviews, and library research. The analysis used by the pen is descriptive-qualitative. The research results on tourism's role in developing tourism potential in the Sukabumi Regency are dominant as a facilitator compared to other parts. This role as a facilitator can be seen mainly in the provision of object infrastructure, which is still largely borne by the Tourism Office. Facilities for distributing stimulant fund assistance for people who want to develop a tourism object, promote tourism objects, and facilities provided to third parties such as investors and tourism entrepreneurs to develop their tourism businesses in Sukabumi Regency.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 114
Ni Luh Yuning Wirayanthi ◽  
Ida Ayu Suryasih

The museum is one of the cultural heritages that should be preserved. Museum Bali is one of the old museum is located in the city of Denpasar and became an icon of cultural tourism. The purpose of this study to determine the perceptions and motivations of tourists to Museum Bali as cultural tourist attractions in Denpasar. This study uses primary data and secondary. Data collection technique used observation, interview, questionnaire, and documentation. Sampling technique using the formula slovin by sampling using accidental sampling devoted to 96 respondents. To analyze data using qualitative descriptive. The results of this study indicate that the perception of tourists to Museum Bali shows a good response because from 17 indicators used as a measure of the response has been positive, there are two indicators  got  bad response. Advice can be given is the need for more interesting information and support so that tourists are more interested to know the collections of the Museum Bali.There needs to be a cultural attraction, the better promotion and attractive to increase the number of tourist visits.   Keywords: Tourist Perception, Museum, Cultural Tourist Attraction

Tamaddun ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 51-58
Andi Rukayah ◽  
Burhanuddin Burhanuddin ◽  
Rezki Fadilah

The purpose of this study is to know the local culture in Sinjai. As we see today is the technology and foreign cultures that keep us from the life and culture of our ancestors gradually been worn. The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive method that given images or facts. The writer needed library research, field research, observation, interview, and documentation to support the data. Marimpa Salo is dispels activities from upstream to the mouth of the fish is done in two villages namely Sanjai Village and Bua Village, both of which are mediated by Appareng River. This tradition has been carried out in the time of Bulo Bulo kingdom are still preserved Sinjai district until now. The results of this study are expected to be fruitful thought "let 's preserve our culture for posterity and for Indonesia”.

Ernawati Ernawati

Forming an ideal household requires spiritual mental, intellectual, and physical preparation to go through the life in order to achieve harmony of the family which aresakinah, mawaddah, warrahmah. Therefore, Islamic education in the household is very necessary, as it is stated in the works of Cahyadi Takariawan about applicative household. Problem of this research is, How is Islamic education concept in the household? How is household educational concept in the perspective of Cahyadi Takariawan?  Is there any relevance between Islamic education in the household and Cahyadi persepectives in the modern era?  This is a library research. The approach used is qualitative descriptive analysis. Primary data of this research is some works of Cahyadi Takariawan which have something to do with household. Secondary data is some other books which are relevant to the main problem. Data collection technique was done by using documentation. Meanwhile, data analysis was done by using descriptive analysis, content analysis, and symmetric association analysis.This research reveals three conclusions: Firstly, Islamic education concept in the household is dealing with meaning and scope of education, urgency of education, foundation of education, goal of education, and target of education. Secondly, household educational concept in the perspective of Cahyadi Takariawan  related to meaning and scope of education, urgency of education, foundation of education, goal of education, and target of education. Thirdly, relevance between Islamic education in the household  and Cahyadi perspectives in the modern era, they are pre marriage, marriage, and post marriage, harmonic couple, and samara family (sakinah mawaddah wa rahmah).

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 119
Muhammad Chaizir

Taboo is something forbidden to do which is still believed and practiced within the community even though people already live in the modern world and face globalization. Belief on taboo has long since existed from one generation to another. This study aimed to describe taboos in the community life of the people in Ingin Jaya Sub-district, Aceh Besar District. The study used field research approach with the qualitative method. The primary source of data came from interview, observation, and documentation. Library research was also carried out to support the data. The findings showed that the people of Ingin Jaya still believe various types of taboos. There are taboos involving hard and sharp objects such as prohibition in buying nails, needles, any hard/metal objects, and salt at night, prohibition in sitting under the stairs or at the door, and prohibition in sleeping under the open sky or no roof. The belief on taboos occurs due to two factors. The internal factors include family, education, and religious knowledge, while the external factor includes the socio-culture of the community which exists over generations. The community’s belief on taboos affects the people’ religious experiences in which the people tend to feel comfortable, safe, and secure whenever they follow the social rules by not violating those taboos.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 158-165
Roberto Tambunan ◽  
Suhatrizal Suhatrizal ◽  
Taufik Siregar

Smuggling is a problem that often occurs in Indonesia, so the smuggling problem must receive the full attention of the government to be immediately addressed. As a national legal product based on the Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution, the form of the Proactive and Anticipatory Customs Law is still very simple, on the other hand it must reach a broader aspect to anticipate the development of trade. The method of this research is Library Research and Field Research. The negative impact of smuggling used clothing is very detrimental to the domestic industry and detrimental to the country's income and economy, but on the other hand there are also positive impacts on the poor that benefit from being able to buy ex-foreign goods from smuggling at low prices and higher quality high. As one of the Government Agencies participating in the effort to eradicate the smuggling of used clothing and the public should not be easily tempted by the import price of used clothing which is cheaper than local clothing, because the level of health is not necessarily guaranteed.

Prologia ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 332
Edwin Notowijoyo ◽  
Riris Loisa

Promotion was a product of marketing communication, marketing activity which try to spreading an information, influance or persuade and reminding the targeting market so the product can be acceptable, bought, and loyal with the product. GO-PAY was one of a product of Fintech from GO-JEK, which is an inovation in a finance where money doesnt exist physicly but in a form of digital or electronic so the transaction could be easier. The purpose of this research was to know is cashback 20% was a strategy of marketing communication for GO-PAY or not. The research using the metode of qualitative descriptive with data collection technique from case study. The instrument was interview and documentation wih sr.Merchant Aquisition Executive from Consument Relation team and Owner of Indio Koffie. The result from the research was cashback was a promotion which GO-JEK use for promoting GO-PAY. The researcher suggesting so the next research with communication marketing basist could have the other metode to find a better product of communication marketing.Promosi adalah suatu bentuk komunikasi pemasaran, sebuah aktivitas pemasaran yang berusaha menyebarkan informasi, mempengaruhi atau membujuk, dan mengingatkan pasar sasaran atas produknya agar diterima, dibeli dan loyal pada produknya. GO-PAY adalah sebuah produk Fintech dari GO-JEK, yaitu sebuah inovasi di dalam bidang jasa keuangan yang di mana uang secara fisik dijadikan bentuk digital atau elektronik dengan tujuan untuk memudahkan kegiatan transaksi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk engetahui apakah cashback 20% adalah strategi komunikasi pemasaran dalam memasarkan GO-PAY. Metode penelitian mengunakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan data dari studi kasus. Instrumen yang digunakan yaitu wawancara dan dokumentasi dengan narasumber yaitu sr.Merchant Acquisition Executive di tim  Consument Relation dan Owner dari Indio Koffie. Hasil penelitian didapati bahwa cashback merupakan promosi yang digunakan oleh GO-JEK dalam memasarkan GO-PAY. Peneliti menyarankan agar kedepannya penelitian berbasis komunikasi pemasaran memiliki penerapan lain untuk menemukan produk komunikasi pemasaran yang lebih baik.

Abdalla Abdalla

Library research is a data collection technique through the library in the form of literature books, and lecture materials that are relevant to the problem under study. In this study, the authors used the following data collection methods Research library (library research) It is a data collection technique through the library in the form of literature books, and lecture materials that are relevant to the problem under study. Field research (field research) is direct retrieval of the object under study by taking the following steps Observation, namely data collection through direct observation of the object under study, Interviews, namely conducting interviews with leaders and parties interested in the object of research.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 673-691
Khaerul Aqbar ◽  
Aswar Aswar ◽  
Muh. Sepriadi

This study aims to determine the practice of product contracts and a review of Islamic law on gold savings products in Sharia pawnshops. The research method used a field research approach (filed reaserch) which was qualitative descriptive, and data collection was obtained through observation, interviews and library research (library reaserch), and the research locus was carried out at the Pinrang Syariah Pegadaian Branch. The research results found that; First, regarding the practice, the Pinrang Branch of the Sharia Pegadaian provides many facilities for customers who want to start investing in gold. In addition, Pegadaian Syariah also offers products in the form of Gold Savings, which is a gold buying and selling service with deposit facilities. As for the process of liquidating (selling) gold, it is carried out in two ways, namely by reselling it if the customer wants cash and printing if the customer wants it in the form of gold bullion. Second, the Gold Savings scheme in Sharia Pawnshops is a problematic contract because one of the contracts has an element of usury, to be precise in the murabahah contract, where scholars have different opinions about its abilities. Jumhur ulama agree on the prohibition (because some scholars from syafi'iyyah and malikiyyah argue that gold is included as ṡaman (price, means of payment, money) which cannot be exchanged in installments, because it causes usury and must be done in cash at the time of the contract. Third, DSN MUI and other contemporary scholars consider that the sale and purchase of gold / murabahah gold is permissible both in cash and credit as long as they are not intended as security (price) but sil'ah (goods).

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-90
Mursid Mursid

This research used qualitative descriptive approach which lead into a field research. BCCT learning in RA Ngalian was regarded as an effective data obtained. It was 73 percent stated agree and the other of 27 percent stated very agree. Constitutionally, supporting factor in applying BCCT method appears in some aspects, such as the location, the headmaster’s competence, and teachers’ competence. As for the implementation in RA (PAUD) of Ngalian District, most of 67 percent of respondents stated agree and the other of 18 percent of respondents stated disagree. The role of teacher as inspiration for their students and as center of learning was not applied yet holistically. The data obtained, it was almost 45 percent of respondents stated agree and 10 percent stated very agree. It means the role of teacher as inspiration was not applied. Meanwhile the weaknesses factor of BCCT learning in RA (PAUD) of Ngalian district was the lack of time management in implementing BCCT method. This took effect in the learning process. The obtained data showed 45 percent stated agree and 9 percent stated very agree. It means that the time management was most recommended in order the BCCT learning could run well. Because of seeing the allotted time was limited, it made students were forced to accomplish some steps being passed. So that, the time management was required. Key words: the application of BCCT, the supporting factor, the weaknesses factor.  

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