scholarly journals Properties of Random Graphs via Boltzmann Samplers

2007 ◽  
Vol DMTCS Proceedings vol. AH,... (Proceedings) ◽  
Konstantinos Panagiotou ◽  
Andreas Weißl

International audience This work is devoted to the understanding of properties of random graphs from graph classes with structural constraints. We propose a method that is based on the analysis of the behaviour of Boltzmann sampler algorithms, and may be used to obtain precise estimates for the maximum degree and maximum size of a biconnected block of a "typical'' member of the class in question. We illustrate how our method works on several graph classes, namely dissections and triangulations of convex polygons, embedded trees, and block and cactus graphs.

2009 ◽  
Vol DMTCS Proceedings vol. AK,... (Proceedings) ◽  
Konstantinos Panagiotou

International audience This work is devoted to the study of typical properties of random graphs from classes with structural constraints, like for example planar graphs, with the additional restriction that the average degree is fixed. More precisely, within a general analytic framework, we provide sharp concentration results for the number of blocks (maximal biconnected subgraphs) in a random graph from the class in question. Among other results, we discover that essentially such a random graph belongs with high probability to only one of two possible types: it either has blocks of at most logarithmic size, or there is a \emphgiant block that contains linearly many vertices, and all other blocks are significantly smaller. This extends and generalizes the results in the previous work [K. Panagiotou and A. Steger. Proceedings of the 20th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA '09), pp. 432-440, 2009], where similar statements were shown without the restriction on the average degree.

2012 ◽  
Vol Vol. 14 no. 2 ◽  
Vera Koponen

General International audience For any fixed integer R≥2 we characterise the typical structure of undirected graphs with vertices 1,...,n and maximum degree R, as n tends to infinity. The information is used to prove that such graphs satisfy a labelled limit law for first-order logic. If R≥5 then also an unlabelled limit law holds.

2006 ◽  
Vol Vol. 8 ◽  
Alan Frieze ◽  
Juan Vera

International audience We consider the problem of generating a random q-colouring of a graph G=(V,E). We consider the simple Glauber Dynamics chain. We show that if for all v ∈ V the average degree of the subgraph H_v induced by the neighbours of v ∈ V is #x226a Δ where Δ is the maximum degree and Δ >c_1\ln n then for sufficiently large c_1, this chain mixes rapidly provided q/Δ >α , where α #x2248 1.763 is the root of α = e^\1/α \. For this class of graphs, which includes planar graphs, triangle free graphs and random graphs G_\n,p\ with p #x226a 1, this beats the 11Δ /6 bound of Vigoda for general graphs.

1999 ◽  
Vol Vol. 3 no. 4 ◽  
Andrzej Proskurowski ◽  
Jan Arne Telle

International audience We introduce q-proper interval graphs as interval graphs with interval models in which no interval is properly contained in more than q other intervals, and also provide a forbidden induced subgraph characterization of this class of graphs. We initiate a graph-theoretic study of subgraphs of q-proper interval graphs with maximum clique size k+1 and give an equivalent characterization of these graphs by restricted path-decomposition. By allowing the parameter q to vary from 0 to k, we obtain a nested hierarchy of graph families, from graphs of bandwidth at most k to graphs of pathwidth at most k. Allowing both parameters to vary, we have an infinite lattice of graph classes ordered by containment.

2006 ◽  
Vol DMTCS Proceedings vol. AG,... (Proceedings) ◽  
Michael Drmota

International audience The purpose of this survey is to present recent results concerning concentration properties of extremal parameters of random discrete structures. A main emphasis is placed on the height and maximum degree of several kinds of random trees. We also provide exponential tail estimates for the height distribution of scale-free trees.

2010 ◽  
Vol Vol. 12 no. 1 ◽  
Therese Biedl ◽  
Michal Stern

International audience Edge-intersection graphs of paths in grids are graphs that can be represented such that vertices are paths in a grid and edges between vertices of the graph exist whenever two grid paths share a grid edge. This type of graphs is motivated by applications in conflict resolution of paths in grid networks. In this paper, we continue the study of edge-intersection graphs of paths in a grid, which was initiated by Golumbic, Lipshteyn and Stern. We show that for any k, if the number of bends in each path is restricted to be at most k, then not all graphs can be represented. Then we study some graph classes that can be represented with k-bend paths, for small k. We show that every planar graph has a representation with 5-bend paths, every outerplanar graph has a representation with 3-bend paths, and every planar bipartite graph has a representation with 2-bend paths. We also study line graphs, graphs of bounded pathwidth, and graphs with -regular edge orientations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 29 (5) ◽  
pp. 757-779 ◽  
Patrick Bennett ◽  
Andrzej Dudek ◽  
Shira Zerbib

AbstractThe triangle packing number v(G) of a graph G is the maximum size of a set of edge-disjoint triangles in G. Tuza conjectured that in any graph G there exists a set of at most 2v(G) edges intersecting every triangle in G. We show that Tuza’s conjecture holds in the random graph G = G(n, m), when m ⩽ 0.2403n3/2 or m ⩾ 2.1243n3/2. This is done by analysing a greedy algorithm for finding large triangle packings in random graphs.

1999 ◽  
Vol Vol. 3 no. 4 ◽  
Hans L. Bodlaender

International audience In [DO95], Ding and Oporowski proved that for every k, and d, there exists a constant c_k,d, such that every graph with treewidth at most k and maximum degree at most d has domino treewidth at most c_k,d. This note gives a new simple proof of this fact, with a better bound for c_k,d, namely (9k+7)d(d+1) -1. It is also shown that a lower bound of Ω (kd) holds: there are graphs with domino treewidth at least 1/12 × kd-1, treewidth at most k, and maximum degree at most d, for many values k and d. The domino treewidth of a tree is at most its maximum degree.

Peter Allen ◽  
Julia Böttcher ◽  
Julia Ehrenmüller ◽  
Jakob Schnitzer ◽  
Anusch Taraz

Abstract The bandwidth theorem of Böttcher, Schacht and Taraz states that any n-vertex graph G with minimum degree $\big(\tfrac{k-1}{k}+o(1)\big)n$ contains all n-vertex k-colourable graphs H with bounded maximum degree and bandwidth o(n). Recently, a subset of the authors proved a random graph analogue of this statement: for $p\gg \big(\tfrac{\log n}{n}\big)^{1/\Delta}$ a.a.s. each spanning subgraph G of G(n,p) with minimum degree $\big(\tfrac{k-1}{k}+o(1)\big)pn$ contains all n-vertex k-colourable graphs H with maximum degree $\Delta$ , bandwidth o(n), and at least $C p^{-2}$ vertices not contained in any triangle. This restriction on vertices in triangles is necessary, but limiting. In this paper, we consider how it can be avoided. A special case of our main result is that, under the same conditions, if additionally all vertex neighbourhoods in G contain many copies of $K_\Delta$ then we can drop the restriction on H that $Cp^{-2}$ vertices should not be in triangles.

2013 ◽  
Vol Vol. 15 no. 3 (Graph Theory) ◽  
Delia Garijo ◽  
Antonio González ◽  
Alberto Márquez

Graph Theory International audience We study a graph parameter related to resolving sets and metric dimension, namely the resolving number, introduced by Chartrand, Poisson and Zhang. First, we establish an important difference between the two parameters: while computing the metric dimension of an arbitrary graph is known to be NP-hard, we show that the resolving number can be computed in polynomial time. We then relate the resolving number to classical graph parameters: diameter, girth, clique number, order and maximum degree. With these relations in hand, we characterize the graphs with resolving number 3 extending other studies that provide characterizations for smaller resolving number.

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