scholarly journals Incorporación de los códigos QR en la Educación Física en Secundaria (Incorporating QR codes in Physical Education in Secondary)

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2015 ◽  
pp. 114-119
Nuria Castro Lemus ◽  
Iván Gómez García

Una de las características principales de la sociedad actual, es el uso de las nuevas tecnologías desde edades muy tempranas, casi el 90% de los y las adolescentes tienen un móvil propio con conexión a Internet. Sin embargo, la incorporación de estas tecnologías en la cotidianidad del aula está resultando más complicada. Este trabajo pretende abordar estas dos cuestiones; por un lado dar a conocer entre el profesorado una experiencia que sirva de guía y motivación para el uso de las TIC en la Educación Física. Y por otro, dar a conocer entre el alumnado la orientación deportiva a través de las TIC. Concretamente, pretendemos incorporar el uso de los códigos QR en la Educación Física Secundaria. La experiencia llevada a cabo en tres grupos de 3º de la ESO mostró resultados muy positivos, tanto para el alumnado, como para el profesorado implicado en el desarrollo de la actividad, por lo que podemos asegurar, que se trata de una experiencia eficaz y reproducible en el ámbito escolar e incluso en otros contextos.Abstrac. One of the main features of modern society, is the use of new technologies from an early age, almost 90% of adolescents have a mobile Internet connection in their smartphones. However, the incorporation of these technologies into everyday lessons are proving more difficult. This work aims to address these two issues; on one hand to present an experience among teachers to guide and motivate for the use of ICT in Physical Education. Secondly, introduce students to Orienteering by means of ICT . Specifically, we intend to incorporate the use of QR codes in Secondary Physical Education. The experiment, carried out in three groups of 3rd ESO in Spain, showed very positive results for both the students and for the teachers involved in the development of the activity, so we can conclude that it is an effective and reproducible experience in the realm of school and also in other contexts.

Ángela Del Barrio Fernández ◽  
Isabel Ruiz Fernández

Abstract:This paper presents some results obtained from a wider research on critical issues related to “adolescents and new technologies”. Given the complexity of factors that surrounds the lives of our adolescents in modern society and the complexity of society itself, we considered it interesting to investigate ICTs and its influence on our adolescents. ICTs are supposed to contribute in an important way to improve our quality of living, both in the personal environment and in the professional environment, although in some cases we are seeing that this is not the case. For this reason, and in the context of Secondary Education, it is important part to know how pupils use ICTs and how ICTs are employed in education. Specifically, the data analyzed are related to the usage of social networks by students of ESO and 1º Bachelor in Cantabria.Resumen:En este trabajo se presentan algunos de los resultados obtenidos en una investigación más amplia sobre aspectos cruciales relativos a “los adolescentes y las nuevas tecnologías”. Dada la complejidad de factores que rodea la vida de nuestros jóvenes en la sociedad actual, igualmente compleja, que nos ha tocado vivir; nos pareció relevante investigar el tema de las TIC y su influencia en la vida de nuestros adolescentes. Se supone que las nuevas tecnologías contribuyen de manera importante a mejorar nuestra calidad de vida, tanto en lo personal como en lo profesional, aunque en algunos casos estamos viendo que no siempre es así. Por ello, cuando nos referimos a los alumnos de la Educación Secundaria entendemos que lo importante, es saber cómo las utilizan y cómo las TIC intervienen en la formación de la persona. En concreto, los datos que aquí se analizan, se refieren a algunos aspectos relacionados con el uso de las Redes Sociales de los alumnos de la ESO y 1º de Bachillerato de la Comunidad Autónoma de Cantabria.Palabras clave: Internet, Redes Sociales, TIC, Adolescencia

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2015 ◽  
pp. 39-45
Antonio Granero Gallegos

Las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación son una realidad que hay que afrontar, también desde la formación del profesorado de primaria y secundaria, pues representan un recurso cada día más imprescindible en nuestra vida y unas herramientas adecuadas para la preparación presente y futura del alumnado. Desde el Centro del Profesorado Cuevas-Olula (Almería) se ha realizado una actividad de teleformación dirigida al profesorado de Educación Física, trabajando distintos contenidos curriculares de actividades en el medio natural, y buscando poner de manifiesto que todas las áreas del conocimiento pueden y deben adaptarse a las nuevas tecnologías. Esta actividad de formación demuestra el gran interés e implicación de maestros y profesores de Educación Física en la propia actualización y utilización de los recursos TIC. La evaluación del curso, realizada por los propios participantes, evidencia la validez y el éxito del modelo de formación utilizado, con una parte teórico-práctica desarrollada on-line y con actividades prácticas presenciales al final, así como la valoración de las virtudes de la formación a distancia en comparación con la presencial y tradicional.Abstract: The new technologies of information and communication are a reality that must be confronted, from teacher training to primary and secondary schools, since they represent a resource increasingly indispensable in our lives and about proper tools for the preparation of the present and future students. From the Center Teacher Cuevas-Olula (Almeria) has been engaged in an activity distance to the faculty of Physical Education, working different curricula activities in the natural environment, and seeking to demonstrate that all areas of knowledge can and should adapt to new technologies. This training demonstrates the keen interest and involvement of teachers and professors of Physical Education at the updating and resource use ICT. The course evaluation, conducted by the participants themselves, will evidence the validity and success of the training model used, with a party line developed theoretical and practical sessions at the end, as well as the valuation of the virtues of distance learning compared with the personal and traditional one.

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2019 ◽  
pp. 572-578
Daniel Bores García ◽  
Antonio Luis Marín Rojas ◽  
César Méndez Domínguez ◽  
Juan José Mijarra Murillo ◽  
José Manuel Delfa De La Morena

El presente artículo trata de ofrecer la visión consensuada y compartida desde el Área de Educación Física y Deportiva de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos acerca de cuáles deben ser los elementos esenciales del abordaje del proceso formativo de los futuros maestros de Educación Física. Entre ellos se exponen las claves sobre la importancia de la motricidad, el rol del alumno en las clases teóricas y prácticas, que debe ser activo y reflexivo en todo momento, la comunicación docente-discente, el trabajo en grupos como herramienta de interacción social y co-aprendizaje, las tareas individuales desde una perspectiva crítica y los aspectos más relevantes sobre el proceso de programación de los contenidos de Educación Física, tales como la secuenciación, el abordaje global de los contenidos y el uso de las nuevas tecnologías. Por último, se expone el consenso de los docentes del área sobre los objetivos, contenidos y procedimientos evaluativos de las asignaturas del área, tomando como referencia la materia de Didáctica de la Educación Física del Grado de Maestro en Educación Primaria con Mención en Educación Física. Abstract. The present article aims at offering a consensual and shared vision from the Area of Physical Education and Sports at Rey Juan Carlos University about what the essential elements of the approach to the training process of future Physical Education teachers should be. Among others, we explain the key factors on the importance of motor skills, the role of students in theoretical and practical classes, which must be active and reflective at all times, teacher-student communication, work in groups as a tool for social interaction and co-learning, individual tasks from a critical perspective, as well as the most relevant aspects of the process of planning Physical Education contents, such as sequencing, global approach to content, and the use of new technologies. Finally, the consensus of teachers from this area on objectives, contents, and subject evaluation procedures is described, taking the subject of Physical Education Didactics from the Degree of Primary Education with Mention in Physical Education as a reference.

Remigio Pérez Rabadán

Se trata de una propuesta de innovación que pretende ser realizada en el contexto de las actividades en el medio natural en relación con las tecnologías de la información y comunicación a través de la materia de Educación Física en un centro educativo de Educación Secundaria. Se pretende poder innovar en nuestro contexto educativo con la incorporación de las nuevas tecnologías y poder comprobar los resultados, siendo así el centro de nuestro trabajo el diseño y evaluación de una aplicación que creemos mejora la experiencia de aprendizaje de los estudiantes. La intervención ha consistido, por tanto, en el desarrollo e implementación de una aplicación móvil (Orienta Educación Deportiva) basándonos para ello en el análisis de los criterios de diseño y usabilidad de varias aplicaciones relacionadas con la materia, que propone caminos interactivos y actualizados en el proceso educativo, con el fin de mejorar y enriquecer el proceso de Enseñanza-Aprendizaje del alumnado mediante el uso de dispositivos digitales.En consecuencia, cien alumnos han usado y evaluado esta aplicación durante el curso escolar 2019-2020. Para la evaluación, han cumplimentado un cuestionario sobre su usabilidad y experiencia en el proceso de Enseñanza-Aprendizaje, así como expresado su opinión en relación al uso de la aplicación en orientación deportiva. Tras el análisis de los resultados obtenidos se puede observar que los alumnos valoran la aplicación de forma muy positiva en referencia a las características de la misma con valores de conformidad por encima del 85%, mostrando también un grado de adquisición de nuevos contenidos en su experiencia de aprendizaje con valores del 87%. La Educación Física está llamada a seguir procesos de inmersión digital, asociados al uso de tecnología, especialmente la móvil (Díaz,2019). Por lo que con la implantación de esta propuesta de innovación se intenta fomentar el uso de las nuevas tecnologías. This is an innovation proposal that aims to be carried out in the context of activities in the natural environment in relation to information and communication technologies through the subject of Physical Education in a Secondary High School. The aim is to be able to innovate in our educational context with the incorporation of new technologies and to be able to verify the results, thus being the center of our work the design and evaluation of an application that we believe improves the learning experience of students. The intervention has consisted, therefore, of the development and implementation of a mobile application (Orienta Educación Deportiva) based on the analysis of the design criteria and usability of various applications related to the subject, which proposes interactive and updated paths in the educational process, in order to improve and enrich the teaching-learning process of the students through the use of digital devices.Consequently, one hundred students have used and evaluated this application during the 2019-2020 school year. For the evaluation, they have completed a questionnaire about their usability and experience in the teaching-learning process, as well as expressed their opinion in relation to the use of the application in orientation. After analyzing the results obtained, it can be seen that the students value the application in a very positive way in reference to its characteristics, with conformity values above 85%, also demonstrating a degree of acquisition of new contents in their learning experience with values of 87%. The Physical Education is called to follow processes of digital immersion, associated with the use of technology, especially mobile (Díaz, 2019). Therefore, with the implementation of this innovation proposal, an attempt is made to promote the use of new technologies.  

N. Rodigina ◽  
S. Moleva ◽  
M. Logina ◽  
V. Musikhin

This article is devoted to digitalization as a challenge of the modern world economy. The digital revolution has changed our lives and societies with unprecedented speed and scale, providing huge opportunities as well as daunting challenges. New technologies can make a significant contribution to achieving sustainable development goals, but positive results should not be taken for granted.

2019 ◽  
pp. 63-70
Elena Moldovan ◽  
Veronica Mindrescu

Projecting the educational and didactical work presumes using certain strict techniques, supported by methods and means of intellectual work. The high demand of education, permanent education, obliges students to revalue their principles, objectives, structure, methodology and work style, to adequately respond to the ever increasing requirements that society brings forward. The main purpose of this paper is identifying the influence of intellectual work techniques on the process of training by scientifically understanding the domain of physical education and sport, the transfer ability of skills in terms of situations and modalities of work within the physical education and sports domain. In this context, the positive results of evaluating distributive attention and psychological fatigue through the Prague Test, the Toulouse Pierron Test and the test for determining self-esteem, all have proven that the methods and techniques of intellectual work used here have been efficient confirming the hypothesis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 75 (3) ◽  
pp. 76-82
G.T. Balakayeva ◽  
D.K. Darkenbayev ◽  
M. Turdaliyev ◽  

The growth rate of these enterprises has increased significantly in the last decade. Research has shown that over the past two decades, the amount of data has increased approximately tenfold every two years - this exceeded Moore's Law, which doubles the power of processors. About thirty thousand gigabytes of data are accumulated every second, and their processing requires an increase in the efficiency of data processing. Uploading videos, photos and letters from users on social networks leads to the accumulation of a large amount of data, including unstructured ones. This leads to the need for enterprises to work with big data of different formats, which must be prepared in a certain way for further work in order to obtain the results of modeling and calculations. In connection with the above, the research carried out in the article on processing and storing large data of an enterprise, developing a model and algorithms, as well as using new technologies is relevant. Undoubtedly, every year the information flows of enterprises will increase and in this regard, it is important to solve the issues of storing and processing large amounts of data. The relevance of the article is due to the growing digitalization, the increasing transition to professional activities online in many areas of modern society. The article provides a detailed analysis and research of these new technologies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 248-262
Wahyu Eko Widiyanto ◽  
Andi Fepriyanto ◽  
Albi Dwi Prasetyo

The study aimed at exploring the implementation of physical education (PE) teaching during the Covid 19 Pandemic at elementary schools of sub-district of Balung, Jember, Indonesia. This descriptive research which follows the quantitative approach implemented the survey method using one shot case study. The samples participating in the study are 12 SE teachers. In order to gather the data, a questionnaire was distributed to the participants online through Google Form, containing 10 items. The data obtained were analyzed in descriptive quantitative  through percentage. The findings indicate that all participants (100%) conduct the teaching and learning, where 50% of them delivered the teaching in online learning and 58% confirmed that the learning adheres to the lesson plans. Moreover, 67% of the participants informed that the learning materials are in the same order as stated in the lesson plans, 67% used WhatsApp groups as their teaching media, 67% of the participants informed that their students were enthusiastic and participated actively in the class, 50% have cooperated with their students’ parents for supporting learning, 67% of them stated the assessment was based on submitted exams and tasks, 58% stated that the assessment was less effective. Meanwhile, the analysis of learning indicators reveal that generally 41% of the participants claim difficulties in accessing good Internet connection, and 42% of the participants’ students could not afford smartphones for their learning and thus could not submit their tasks. Briefly the Covid 19 pandemic does not hamper the conduct of teaching and learning though it is now delivered online, however, in general the study found that the teaching and learning is less effective; therefore,  more attention needs to be paid to students especially with their obstacles in using the learning media and accessing proper Internet connection.

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