scholarly journals Urgensi Pendidikan Kristen Berdasarkan Alkitab

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 95-104
Yosia Belo

Abstract: This study was conducted to determine the urgency of Bible-based Christian education. By using qualitative research methods, researchers find the urgency of Bible-based Christian Education so that Christian Education becomes a means for every student to understand salvation in Christ and know Him and even live out that salvation in their practical life. In addition, so that Christian Education can make students aware of their sinful lives; can change the character of each student so that it is always in harmony with the Bible and always guides students to walk in God's will.  Abstrak: Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui urgensi pendidikan Kristen berdasarkan Alkitab. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif, peneliti menemukan urgensi Pendidikan Kristen berdasarkan Alkitab supaya Pendidikan Kristen menjadi sarana bagi setiap peserta didik untuk mengerti keselamatan di dalam Kristus dan mengenal-Nya bahkan menghidupi keselamatan itu dalam kehidupan praktisnya. Selain itu, supaya Pendidikan Kristen dapat menyadarkan peserta didik dari kehidupannya yang berdosa; dapat mengubah karakter setiap peserta didik agar senantiasa selaras dengan Alkitab serta senantiasa menuntun peserta didik untuk berjalan dalam kehendak Allah. Kata Kunci: Pendidikan Kristen, Alkitab, Urgensi

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-75
Tio Pilus Arisandie

The Pesaguan Dayak tribe is a tribe in West Kalimantan Province. Most of the people of this tribe are Catholic and Protestant. In the initial observation (pre-research), it seems that their understanding of the Bible and its position in the practice of life needs attention. However, in everyday life, the Pesaguan Dayak community is still robust with the customs, ethics, and moral norms of the tribal religion. To obtain a Christian portrait of the Pasaguan Dayak tribe, the researchers used qualitative research methods, emphasizing surveys or observations and interviews. From the results of research and interviews conducted, it was found that in the daily life of the Pesaguan Dayak people, the Bible is not the primary basis for the Pesaguan Dayak tribe. Another portrait of Christianity found in the field is the absence of awareness from the Pesaguan Dayak community to reach out to Malays to believe in Jesus, even though they live next door.   Suku Dayak Pesaguan adalah suku yang berada di Provinsi Kalimantan Barat. Sebagian besar orang-orang dari suku ini beragama Katolik dan Protestan. Pada obersevasi awal (prapenelitian), tampaknya pemahaman mereka tentang Alkitab dan posisinya dalam praktik kehidupan, perlu mendapat perhatian. Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, masyarakat suku Dayak Pesaguan masih sangat kuat dengan adat istiadat, etika dan norma-norma moral agama suku.  Untuk memperoleh potret kekristenan suku Dayak Pasaguan, maka peneliti memanfaatkan metode penelitian kualitatif, dengan menekankan pada survei atau observasi dan wawancara. Dari hasil penelitian dan wawancara yang dilakukan, ditemukan bahwa dalam kehidupan sehari-hari masyarakat suku Dayak Pesaguan, Alkitab bukanlah landasan dasar utama yang dimiliki suku Dayak Pesaguan. Potret kekristenan lainya yang ditemukan di lapangan yaitu belum adanya kesadaran dari masyarakat suku Dayak Pesaguan untuk menjangkau orang Melayu untuk percaya pada Yesus, meskipun mereka hidup bertetangga.

Kurios ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Setrianto Tarrapa

Reality of pluralism in the contexs of Indonesia on the one hand, is a challenge towards the implementation of Christian Religious Education. However, on the other hand, Christian Religious Education is becoming very essential for Christians to demonstrate the love of God in the midst of society. Christians are always in touch with adherents of other religions, even that kind of relation feels so strong in various areas of life. This problem triggers how the idea of implementing the Christian Education is relevant in the pluralistic context in Indonesia. This study was analyzed using qualitative research methods through library research techniques. Findings showed that, in the pluralistic context, the implementation of Christian Religious Education in Indonesia as an integral part of the mission can be carried out through three aspects, namely: revitalizing the thinking paradigm about pluralism; interpreting the implementation strategy of Christian Religious Education in a pluralistic society; and mainstreaming and buliding the vision and mission of multicultural based Christian Religious Education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 54-65
Yosua Sibarani

AbstractA reader of the Bible should know that ancient copies of the Old and New Testaments sometimes use different or inexact wordings regarding certain texts. This fact shows that the Bible needs to be interpreted based on the principle of correct interpretation so that today's readers understand the meaning of the text that is being read. The text of the Gospel of Matthew 11:28 is one of the many biblical texts that Christians have misunderstood as a result of the preacher's error in presenting it. This study aims to describe the concept of "tired and heavy laden" in Matthew 11:28 based on the interpretive principle that places Matthew specifically as one of the Gospels in the New Testament canon using qualitative research methods. As a result of this research, the phrase “weary and laden with weight” refers to Jews who are exhausted from carrying out the demands of the law for salvation, not to people who experience problems or problems of daily life of a physical nature. AbstrakSeorang pembaca Alkitab perlu mengetahui bahwa salinan kuno dari Perjanjian Lama dan Perjanjian Baru kadang-kadang menggunakan susunan kata yang berbeda atau tidak sama persis mengenai teks tertentu. Fakta tersebut menunjukkan bahwa Alkitab perlu ditafsirkan berdasarkan prinsip penafsiran yang benar agar pembaca masa kini memahami makna teks yang sedang dibaca. Teks Injil Matius 11:28 adalah salah satu dari sekian banyak teks Alkitab yang disalahpahami oleh orang Kristen sebagai akibat dari kekeliruan pengkhotbah menyampaikannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan konsep “letih lesu dan berbeban berat” dalam Matius 11:28 berdasarkan prinsip penafsiran yang menempatkan Matius secara khusus sebagai salah satu dari Injil dalam kanon Perjanjian Baru menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Sebagai hasil dari penelitian ini, frase “letih lesu dan berbeban berat” merujuk kepada orang-orang Yahudi yang mengalami kelelahan karena melakukan tuntutan hukum Taurat untuk mendapatkan keselamatan, bukan orang-orang yang mengalami masalah atau persoalan hidup sehari-hari yang bersifat jasmani.

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