scholarly journals Kepemimpinan Profetik dalam Pendidikan Islam

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-53
Lutfi Faishol

As a Muslim who has guidelines in the life, namely the Qur’an and Hadis , the Qur'an and Hadis should be used as an example in living this life. Included in the issue of leadership, So each leader shoud rest on the concept that is relevant to Islamic teachings. This thing that should be an example in leading is the leadership of the Prophet (prophetic). The success of leadership that has been proven by the Prophet Muhammad is as a leader, he is the most successful and influential person of all time. In Islam, leadership is believed to have a value that is typical of mere subordinate participation and achievement of organizational goals. There are transcendental values that are struggeled in prophetic leadership in any organization. The concept of leadership in Islam is not only horizontal-formal towards fellow humans, but also is vertical-moral that we have responsibility to the God on the last day. These values become the basis for conducting leadership activities. Where prophetic leadership is a leadership that bases the personality of the Prophet in carrying out his leadership. Because prophetic leadership in the Qur'an has been mentioned and has been exemplified by the Prophet. As a leader in carrying out prophetic leadership, they need to know and emulate the characteristics of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) that can lead themselves, giving an example, able to communicate well, close to the people that they lead, always consulting, and giving motivation and praise. Prophetic leadership is manifested as a position of leader who take the responsibility for achieving the goals and expectations of the agency / organization through its leadership activities.  Abstrak   Sebagai seorang muslim yang memiliki pedoman dalam hidupnya yakni al Quran dan Hadits, maka sepantasnya al Quran dan Hadits dijadikan sebagai teladan dalam menjalani hidup ini. Termasuk dalam masalah kepemimpinan, setiap pemimpin berpijak pada konsep kepemimpinan yang relevan dengan ajaran Islam. Hal ini yang sebaiknya menjadi teladan dalam memimpin adalah kepemimpinan Nabi (propetic). Keberhasilan kepemimpinan yang telah dibuktikan oleh Nabi Muhammad saw adalah selaku seorang pemimpin, Beliau adalah orang yang paling berhasil dan berpengaruh sepanjang masa. Dalam Islam, kepemimpinan diyakini mempunyai nilai yang khas dari sekedar kepengikutan bawahan dan pencapaian tujuan organisasi. Ada nilai-nilai transendental yang diperjuangkan dalam kepemimpinan profetik dalam organisasi apapun. Konsep kepemimpinan dalam Islam tidak hanya bersifat horizontal-formal  terhadap sesama manusia, akan tetapi bersifat vertical-moral yakni adanya sebuah tanggungjawab dihadapan Allah di hari ahir kelak. Nilai-nilai tersebut menjadi pijakan dalam melakukan aktifitas kepemimpinan. Dimana kepemimpinan profetik merupakan kepemimpinan yang melandaskan kepribadian dari Rasulullah saw dalam menjalankan kepemimpinannya. Karena kepemimpinan profetik dalam al quran telah disinggunng serta sudah dicontohkan oleh Rasulullah saw. Sebagai seorang pemimpin dalam menjalankan kepemimpinan profetik, mereka perlu mengetahui dan meneladani sifat-sifat Rasulullah saw yakni dapat memimpin diri sendiri, memberikan teladan, dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik, dekat dengan orang-orang yang dipimpinnya, selalu bermusyawarah, serta memberikan motivasi dan pujian. Kepemimpinan profetik diwujudkan sebagai posisi/jabatan leader yang memikul tanggung jawab untuk mencapai tujuan dan harapan dari instansi/organisasi melalui aktivitas-aktivitas kepemimpinannya.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 282-305
Iswanto Iswanto ◽  
Marsi Bombongan Rantesalu

Abstract: Tolerance as a value is manifested in the life behavior of a group of people. The aim of this study is to analyze and describe tolerance studies based on the folklore of the people of Rote in East Nusa Tenggara. As research conducted by Rantesalu and Iswanto (2018), defines tolerance values based on the stories of the people of the Toraja community, namely the value of acceptability and understanding combined with togetherness and complementary. Another empirical paradigm was obtained from Hofner (2018) which explains the tolerance is influenced by social and political contexts. This research is focused on the specificity of the perception of tolerance that is formed from values based on folklore data. The method used is descriptive qualitative method and enriched with Ricour hermeneutic method in text analysis. The data obtained in the form of a folklore titled Landu, which tells the history of the formation of the Landu community on the island of Rote. The Landu Kingdom is one of the 19 kingdoms on Rote Island in the 14th century. Based on the data obtained the results of research on tolerance values contained in CRMR Landu are (1) This acceptability and understanding as a base the basis of tolerance is explained by the verb diadik loke // hule 'beri // kasih' and (2) the value of brotherhood based on the form of diadik dalek // teik 'rasa // inner', inak // touk 'father // mother '.Keywords: Tolerance, Text, Value Abstrak: Toleransi sebagai sebuah nilai diwujudkan dalam perilaku kehidupan suatu kelompok masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah meganalisa dan mendeskripsikan kajian toleransi berdasarkan cerita rakyat masyarakat Rote di Nusa Tenggara Timur. Sebagaimana penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Rantesalu dan Iswanto (2018), mendefinisikan nilai toleransi berdasarkan ceritera rakyat masyarakat Toraja yang di dalamnya terdapat internalisasi nilai keberterimaan dan kesepahaman (acceptability and understanding). Selanjutnya, nilai-nilai tersebut disejajarkan dengan kebersamaan (togetherness) dan saling melengkapi (complementary). Paradigma empiris lainnya diperoleh dari Hofner (2018) yang menjelaskan toleransi yang ditimbulkan dari konteks politik di Indonesia. Penelitian ini lebih difukuskan pada kekhasan persepsi toleransi yang terbentuk dari nilai berdasarkan data cerita rakyat. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif yang diperkaya dengan metode hermeneutik Ricour dalam analisa teks. Data yang diperoleh berupa cerita rakyat berjudul Landu, yang menceritakan sejarah terbentuknya masyarakat Landu di pulau Rote. Kerajaan Landu adalah salah satu kerajaan dari 19 kerajaan di Pulau Rote pada abad ke-14. Berdasarkan data diperoleh hasil penelitian nilai toleransi yang terdapat dalam CRMR Landu adalah (1) Nilai keberterimaan dan kesepahaman (acceptability and understanding) ini sebagai alas dasar toleransi dijelaskan berdasarkan verba diadik loke//hule ‘beri//kasih’ dan (2) nilai persaudaraan (brotherhood) yang berdasarkan pada bentuk diadik dalek//teik ‘rasa//batin’, inak//touk ‘ayah//ibu’. Kata Kunci: Toleransi, Teks, Landu

2019 ◽  
Nazmi Septiani

Abstract-- Leadership or activities lead an effort by someone with all the ability they have to influence, encourage, direct and mobilize the people who led them to set to work with enthusiasm and confidence in achieving its goals. Educational leadership is a readiness, the ability of a person in the process of influencing, encouraging, guiding, directing and mobilizing others to do with the implementation and development of education and teaching so that all activities can be run effectively and efficiently in achieving educational goals. Leadership is an important part of management, namely planning and organizing, but the main role of leadership is to influence other people to achieve their intended goals. This is evidence that leaders may be weak managers if the planning is bad which causes the group to go in the wrong direction. As a result, although they can move the work team, they do not go towards achieving organizational goals. To address the challenges of globalization which is characterized by the presence of very tight and sharp global competition.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 46-63
Khabibur Rohman ◽  
Moh. Irsyad Fahmi Malik Rahma ◽  
Nailul Wirdah

This article aims to draw a comprehensive overview of some values which exist in Kupatan tradition on Plosokandang society, Tulungagung. The current research implements descriptive analysis, meanwhile the data collection method are interview, observation, and documentation. Kupatan is one tradition which happens by the reason of as a celebration that occurs after Eid al-Fitr. On Plosokandang-Tulungagung, Kupatan is held on the seventh day of Shawwal or 7 days after Eid. The result of the study shows that there is a value of harmony among society while applying kupatan. During kupatan, the people of Plosokandang distributed some kupat and various traditional foods to everyone who came to visit at this event who they didn't even know before. Moreover, the value of social harmony contained in the activity of Kupatan not only in according to Islam, but is also needed for a multicultural country like Indonesia.

In recent decades, modern scholars who interpret the meaning of the concept «res publica» proceed from Cicero’s statement that est ... res publica res populi, that is, «the affair or property of the people». Most of them notes that the famous orator only expressed a common opinion shared by all the citizens of Rome. Moreover, in their opinion, res publica should not be considered as a «state», which is characteristic of previous generations of scientists, but as a value concept associated with a direct expression of the sovereignty of the Roman people, which characterizes the system, the cornerstone of which is law and order. The opposite of res publica is tyrannical rule. At first glance, such an interpretation of res publica seems to bring us closer to Roman realities and makes it possible to abandon the use of modern concepts, which often distort the essence of events and phenomena of the classical period. However, this interpretation raises questions when we are faced with how Cicero’s contemporaries, and he himself, practiced this term. As a result, the author of the article believes that the expression «res publica res populi est» is Cicero’s invention, who intentionally translated the Greek term πόλις by the Latin term res publica, which had a polysemantic character and vague definitions. His interpretation deliberately obscured the meaning of the slogan res publica in the political struggle (the «optimates» spoke only about res publica, while the «populares» used the construction res publica = res populi (plebi)), and on the other hand, such an interpretation was needed in order to with its help, imagine the ideal state system, which is at risk if the tyrant captures power. Actually, according to Cicero, the main characteristic feature of res publica is its opposition to the tyrant’s power, because the latter threatens the existence of the Senate and, accordingly, the prominent position of the «best» people.

Alan L. Mittleman

This chapter reconstructs the meanings of holiness from representative texts of the Jewish tradition. The discussion is anchored on two claims. First, biblical thought does not divide the world into a neat dualism of sacred and profane. Second, the Bible and subsequent Judaism conceive of holiness in three different ways: holiness sometimes refers to a property, holiness indicates a status, and holiness is a value or project. These three characteristics of holiness are examined in detail using the Bible. The chapter is primarily concerned with the ideas of the holiness of the people of Israel and the holiness of the Land of Israel. It considers the sacred/profane dichotomy by focusing on the views of twentieth-century scholars such as Emile Durkheim, Rudolf Otto, and Mircea Eliade. It also explores holiness and purity as they relate to God before concluding with an analysis of holiness in ancient and medieval rabbinic Judaism.

Amir Manzoor

In contemporary Knowledge Management, communication and collaboration play very significant role. Knowledge exists within the stakeholders of an organization. Such knowledge, when extracted and harnessed effectively, can become an extremely valuable asset to achieve organizational goals and objectives. This knowledge, embedded in the people, must be properly released through an appropriate channel to make it usable. Through dialogue and discussions, using online tools, this release and reuses of knowledge can be made possible. The Community of Practice (CoP) is a useful organizing concept for enhancing collaboration, sharing knowledge, and disseminating best practices among researchers and practitioners. This chapter explores the concept of Communities of Practice and how Web 2.0 technologies can facilitate the transformation from a conventional community of practice to online community of practice for better and effective online communities of practices.

2009 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-23
Gary Fitsimmons

PurposeThe purpose of this article is to discuss the part that gaining buy‐in plays in practicing the leadership performance standard of managing people effectively.Design/methodology/approachThe approach is to show how people are stakeholders and how to appeal to that connection with the organization to gain buy‐in for projects and programs.FindingsThe findings are that the effective leader can secure buy‐in for projects and programs by appealing to the connection of organizational stakeholders.Originality/valueThe value is in learning how to advance organizational goals through projects and programs by securing cooperation from all of the people involved.

2017 ◽  
Vol 28 (01) ◽  
pp. 1750003 ◽  
Qiuhui Pan ◽  
Yao Qin ◽  
Yiqun Xu ◽  
Mengfei Tong ◽  
Mingfeng He

We consider a dynamic group composed with a constant number of people and the people will change periodically. Every member in the community owns a value of confidence — a mechanism that measures the agent’s coherence to his or her own attitude. Based on Cellular Automata, the opinions of all agents are synchronously updated. As long as the updating frequency and updating proportion are appropriate, the open system can reach a democracy-like steady state. The majority of agents in the community will hold the same opinion.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (11) ◽  
pp. 1149-1157
Kyoung-Sae Na ◽  
Seon-Cheol Park ◽  
Sun-Jung Kwon ◽  
Minjae Kim ◽  
Hyoung-Jun Kim ◽  

Objective Suicide is a huge nationwide problem that incurs a lot of socio-economic costs. Suicide also inflicts severe distress on the people left behind. The government of the Republic of Korea has been making many policy efforts to reduce suicide rate. The gatekeeper program, ‘Suicide CARE’, is one of the meaningful modalities for preventing suicide.Methods Multidisciplinary research team collaborated to update the ‘Suicide CARE’ to version 2.0.Results In the ‘Introductory part’, the authors have the time to think about the necessity and significance of the program before conducting full-scale gatekeeper training. In the ‘Careful observation’ part, trainees learn how to understand and recognize the various linguistic, behavioral, and situational signals that a person shows before committing suicide. In the ‘Active listening’ part, trainees learn how to ask suicide with a value-neutral attitude as well listening empathetically. In the ‘Risk evaluation and Expert referral’ part, trainees learn intervening strategies to identify a person’s suicidal intention, plan, and past suicide attempts, and connect the person to appropriate institutes or services.Conclusion Subsequent studies should be conducted to verify the efficacy of the gatekeeper program.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 13
Taufik Hidayat

Wealth according to the Qur'an: Distribution of current income is a very important thing. If the income distribution is not appropriate to do, then most of the income and resources would be controlled by the capitalist monopolies, resulting in many people remain in poverty despite the country having abundant resources. On these basic considerations can be affirmed that the welfare and prosperity of the people depend on the way how it should be equitable distribution system could be implemented. Islam as a source of value to combine economic development with the religious sector. The activities of distribution of goods and services and income, shall use a value judgment mechanistic determinism of Islam and not the other economic systems such as capitalism and socialism. Separation of positive and normative values lead to human economic activity economic destructive animal. The economic crisis that hit the Indonesian economy is the impact of the application of the system of political, legal, social system, education and the economy are not in accordance with value, impact on damage to ecosystems, forests, water pollution and the environment, and the process of structural poverty.

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